#! /usr/local/bin/perl5 use File::Path; # The development branch is where primary development and checkins # are done on a day-to-day basis. $development_branch_prefix = "SpiderMonkey140"; # Space-separated list of CVS-controlled directories to tag/merge $merge_dirs = "mozilla/js/src " . "mozilla/js/src/macbuild " . "mozilla/js/src/config " . "mozilla/js/src/fdlibm"; # Don't recurse into subdirs $recurse_flag = '-l'; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The merge branch is itself a branch off of the development branch # at a point where the development branch is thought to be stable. # (A branch is used rather than a static tag because, inevitably, # the development branch is not quite as stable/buildable as was # thought.) The contents of the merge branch will be copied to # the trunk when merging takes place. # # JS_STABLE_DROP # # A static tag on the development branch (or a branch off the # development branch) that indicates the code that should be merged # into the trunk. This is a "variable" tag in the sense that it is # redefined after each merge. # # JS_LAST_STABLE_DROP # # A static tag that is a copy of what the JS_STABLE_DROP tag was in # the previous merge cycle. This is a "variable" tag that is # redefined after each merge. Changes in the branch can be merged # to the trunk by using: # # cvs up -jJS_LAST_STABLE_DROP -jJS_STABLE_DROP # # JS_LANDING # # A static tag that identifies the code on the trunk after the merge # from the branch to the trunk takes place. This is a "variable" # tag that is redefined after each merge. Changes on the trunk # since the last branch landing can be seen by using: # # cvs diff -rJS_LANDING -rHEAD # # JS_LANDING_mmddyyyy # # This is a tag on the trunk which may be used for archaeological # purposes. This tag is made from the JS_LANDING tag. $development_branch = $development_branch_prefix . "_BRANCH"; $development_base = $development_branch_prefix . "_BASE"; sub help { print <<"END"; $0: A tool for merging stable snapshots of JavaScript from a CVS development branch onto the trunk Landing a snapshot of the development branch consists of the following steps: 1) Tag all/some files on the branch to identify files to be merged. 2) Merge files from the branch into the trunk using a temporary working directory. 3) Resolve any conflicts that arise as a result of the merge. 4) Commit merged changes to the trunk. 5) Make changes to resolve (build) difficulties and re-commit. Repeat as necessary. 6) Backpropagate changes on the trunk to the development branch. This script will assist with steps #2, #4 and #6: $0 -merge JS_STABLE_10131998 $0 -commit $0 -backpatch END } sub log { local($msg) = @_; print LOGFILE $msg if $logfile; } # Similar to die built-in sub die { local($msg) = @_; &log($msg); chomp($msg); if ($logfile) { $msg .= "\nSee $logfile for details."; } die "$msg\n"; } # Similar to system() built-in sub system { local(@args) = @_; local($cmd) = join(" ", @args); &log("Executing: $cmd\n"); if ($logfile) { $cmd .= " >> $logfile 2>&1"; close(LOGFILE); } local($result) = 0xffff & system($cmd); if ($logfile) { open(LOGFILE, ">>$logfile"); } return unless ($result); $msg = "Died while executing $cmd"; if ($result == 0xff00) { &die("$msg\nWhile executExecution failed due to perl error: $!. "); } else { $result >>= 8; &die("$msg\nExecution failed; exit status: $result. "); } } chomp($root_dir = `pwd`); # Default log file $logfile = $root_dir . "/log"; while ($#ARGV >=0) { $_ = shift; if (/-merge/) { $do_tag = 1; $do_checkout = 1; $do_merge = 1; $tag = shift; } elsif (/-commit/ || /-ci/) { $do_commit = 1; } elsif (/-backpatch/) { $do_backpatch = 1; } elsif (/-log/) { $logfile = shift; } elsif (/-tag/) { # Debugging option $do_tag = 1; $tag = shift; } elsif (/-co/) { # Debugging option $do_checkout = 1; } else { print STDERR "Illegal option: $_\n" unless (/-h/); &help(); exit(1); } } die "You must set your CVSROOT environment variable" if !$ENV{"CVSROOT"}; if ($logfile) { open(LOGFILE, ">$logfile") || die "Couldn't open log file \"$logfile\""; print("Logging to file \"$logfile\".\n"); } $trunk_dir = $root_dir . "/trunk"; if ($do_tag) { if (!$tag) { &die("Must specify tag on command-line\n"); } print("Tagging tree with tag JS_STABLE_DROP.\n"); &system("cvs rtag $recurse_flag -F -r $tag JS_STABLE_DROP $merge_dirs"); } if ($do_checkout) { # Delete trunk subdir if it already exists if (-d $trunk_dir) { &log("Deleting directory $trunk_dir\n"); rmtree ($trunk_dir, 0, 1); } &log("Creating directory $trunk_dir\n"); mkdir($trunk_dir, 0777) || die "Couldn't create directory $trunk_dir"; # Check out on trunk print("Checking out $merge_dirs.\n"); chdir $trunk_dir; &system("cvs co $recurse_flag -A $merge_dirs"); } if ($do_merge) { chdir $trunk_dir; print("Merging from JS_STABLE_DROP into trunk\n"); &system("cvs up -jJS_LAST_STABLE_DROP -jJS_STABLE_DROP"); } if ($do_commit) { &die("No merged tree found. Wrong directory ?") if (!chdir $trunk_dir); ($_,$_,$_,$day,$mon,$year,$_,$_) = localtime(time()); if ($year < 30) { $year = "20" . $year; } else { $year = "19" . $year; } $mmddyyyy = sprintf("%02d%02d%s", $mon, $day, $year); print("Checking in code on trunk"); &system("cvs ci -m 'Stable drop of JavaScript interpreter code from " . "$development_branch'"); # Tag merged result &system("cvs tag -F JS_LANDING"); &system("cvs tag -F JS_LANDING_$mmddyyyy"); # Move JS_LAST_STABLE_DROP tag forward &system("cvs tag -F -rJS_STABLE_DROP JS_LAST_STABLE_DROP"); }