#!/usr/bin/perl5 # # simple script that executes JavaScript tests. you have to build the # stand-alone, js shell executable (which is not the same as the dll that gets # built for mozilla). see the readme at # http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/js/src/README.html for instructions on # how to build the jsshell. # # this is just a quick-n-dirty script. for full reporting, you need to run # the test driver, which requires java and is currently not available on # mozilla.org. # # this test looks for an executable JavaScript shell in # %MOZ_SRC/mozilla/js/src/[platform]-[platform-version]-OPT.OBJ/js, # which is the default build location when you build using the instructions # at http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/js/src/README.html # # # christine@netscape.com # &parse_args; &setup_env; &main_test_loop; &cleanup_env; # # given a main directory, assume that there is a file called 'shell.js' # in it. then, open all the subdirectories, and look for js files. # for each test.js that is found, execute the shell, and pass shell.js # and the test.js as file arguments. redirect all process output to a # file. # sub main_test_loop { foreach $suite ( &get_subdirs( $test_dir )) { foreach $subdir (&get_subdirs( $suite, $test_dir )) { @jsfiles = &get_js_files($subdir); execute_js_tests(@jsfiles); } } } # # given a directory, return an array of all subdirectories # sub get_subdirs{ local ($dir, $path) = @_; local @subdirs; local $dir_path = $path . $dir; chdir $dir_path; opendir ( DIR, ${dir_path} ); local @testdir_contents = readdir( DIR ); closedir( DIR ); foreach (@testdir_contents) { if ( (-d $_) && ($_ !~ 'CVS') && ( $_ ne '.') && ($_ ne '..')) { @subdirs[$#subdirs+1] = $_; } } chdir $path; return @subdirs; } # # given a directory, return an array of all the js files that are in it. # sub get_js_files { ( $test_subdir ) = @_; local @js_file_array; $current_test_dir = $test_dir ."/". $suite . "/" .$test_subdir; chdir $current_test_dir; opendir ( TEST_SUBDIR, ${current_test_dir} ); @subdir_files = readdir( TEST_SUBDIR ); closedir( TOP_LEVEL_BUILD_DIR ); foreach ( @subdir_files ) { if ( $_ =~ /\.js$/ ) { $js_file_array[$#js_file_array+1] = $_; } } return @js_file_array; } # # given an array of test.js files, execute the shell command and pass # the shell.js and test.js files as file arguments. redirect process # output to a file. if $js_verbose is set (not recommended), write all # testcase output to the output file. if $js_quiet is set, only write # failed test case information to the output file. the default setting # is to write a line for each test file, and whether each file passed # or failed. # sub execute_js_tests { (@js_file_array) = @_; $js_printed_suitename = 0; if ( !$js_quiet ) { &js_print_suitename; } foreach $js_test (@js_file_array) { $js_printed_filename = 0; $js_test_bugnumber = 0; $runtime_error = ""; local $passed = -1; # create the test command $test_command = $shell_command . " -f $test_dir/$suite/shell.js " . " -f $test_dir/$suite/$subdir/$js_test"; if ( !$js_quiet ) { &js_print_filename; } else { print '.'; } $test_path = $test_dir ."/" . $suite ."/". $test_subdir ."/". $js_test; if ( !-e $test_path ) { &js_print( " FAILED! file not found\n", "", "
\n"); } else { open( RUNNING_TEST, "$test_command" . ' 2>&1 |'); # this is where we want the tests to provide a lot more information # that this script must parse so that we can while( ){ if ( $js_verbose && !$js_quiet ) { &js_print ($_ ."\n", "", "
\n"); } if ( $_ =~ /BUGNUMBER/ ) { $js_test_bugnumber = $_; } if ( $_ =~ /PASSED/ && $passed == -1 ) { $passed = 1; } if ( $_ =~ /FAILED/ && $_ =~ /expected/) { &js_print_suitename; &js_print_filename; &js_print_bugnumber; local @msg = split ( "FAILED", $_ ); &js_print ( $passed ? "\n" : "" ); &js_print( " " . $msg[0], "  " ); &js_print( "FAILED", "", ""); &js_print( $msg[1], "", "
\n" ); $passed = 0; } if ( $_ =~ /$js_test/ ) { $runtime_error .= $_; } } close( RUNNING_TEST ); # # figure out whether the test passed or failed. print out an # appropriate level of output based on the value of $js_quiet # if ( $js_test =~ /-n\.js$/ ) { if ( $runtime_error ) { if ( !$js_quiet ) { &js_print( " PASSED!\n ", "  ", "
" ); if ( $js_errors ) { &js_print( $runtime_error, "
", "
"); } } } else { &js_print_suitename; &js_print_filename; &js_print_bugnumber; &js_print( " FAILED! ", "  ", ""); &js_print( " Should have resulted in an error\n", "","
" ); } } else { if ( $passed == 1 && !$js_quiet) { &js_print( " PASSED!\n " , "  ", "
" ); } else { if ($passed == -1) { &js_print_suitename; &js_print_filename; &js_print_bugnumber; &js_print( " FAILED!\n " , "  ", "
" ); &js_print( " Missing 'PASSED' in output\n", "","
" ); &js_print( $log, "output:
", "
" ); } } } } } } # # figure out what os we're on, the default name of the object directory # sub setup_env { # MOZ_SRC must be set, so we can figure out where the # JavaScript executable is $moz_src = $ENV{"MOZ_SRC"} || die( "You need to set your MOZ_SRC environment variable.\n" ); $src_dir = $moz_src . '/mozilla/js/src/'; # JS_TEST_DIR must be set so we can figure out where the tests are. $test_dir = $ENV{"JS_TEST_DIR"}; # if it's not set, look for it relative to $moz_src if ( !$test_dir ) { $test_dir = $moz_src . '/mozilla/js/tests/'; } # make sure that the test dir exists if ( ! -e $test_dir ) { die "The JavaScript Test Library could not be found at $test_dir.\n" . "Check the tests out from /mozilla/js/tests or\n" . "Set the value of your JS_TEST_DIR environment variable\n " . "to the location of the test library.\n"; } # make sure that the test dir ends with a trailing slash $test_dir .= '/'; chdir $src_dir; # figure out which platform we're on, and figure out where the object # directory is $machine_os = `uname -s`; if ( $machine_os =~ /WIN/ ) { $machine_os = 'WIN'; $object_dir = ($js_debug) ? 'Debug' : 'Release'; $js_exe = 'jsshell.exe'; } else { chop $machine_os; $js_exe = 'js'; # figure out what the object directory is. on all platforms, # it's the directory that ends in OBJ. if $js_debug is set, # look the directory that ends with or DBG.OBJ; otherwise # look for the directory that ends with OPT.OBJ opendir ( SRC_DIR_FILES, $src_dir ); @src_dir_files = readdir( SRC_DIR_FILES ); closedir ( SRC_DIR_FILES ); $object_pattern = $js_debug ? 'DBG.OBJ' : 'OPT.OBJ'; foreach (@src_dir_files) { if ( $_ =~ /$object_pattern/ && $_ =~ $machine_os) { $object_dir = $_; } } } if ( ! $object_dir ) { die( "Couldn't find an object directory in $src_dir.\n" ); } # figure out what the name of the javascript executable should be, and # make sure it's there. if it's not there, give a helpful message so # the user can figure out what they need to do next. if ( ! $js_exe_full_path ) { $shell_command = $src_dir . $object_dir .'/'. $js_exe; } else { $shell_command = $js_exe_full_path; } if ( !-e $shell_command ) { die ("Could not find JavaScript shell executable $shell_command.\n" . "Check the value of your MOZ_SRC environment variable.\n" . "Currently, MOZ_SRC is set to $ENV{\"MOZ_SRC\"}\n". "See the readme at http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/src/js/src/ " . "for instructions on building the JavaScript shell.\n" ); } # set the output file name. let's base its name on the date and platform, # and give it a sequence number. if ( $get_output ) { $js_output = &get_output; } if ($js_output) { print( "Writing results to $js_output\n" ); chdir $test_dir; open( JS_OUTPUT, "> ${js_output}" ) || die "Can't open log file $js_output\n"; close JS_OUTPUT; } # get the start time $start_time = time; # print out some nice stuff $start_date = &get_date; &js_print( "JavaScript tests started: " . $start_date, "

", "

" ); &js_print ("Executing all the tests under $test_dir\n against " . "$shell_command\n", "

", "

" ); } # # parse arguments. see usage for what arguments are expected. # sub parse_args { $i = 0; while( $i < @ARGV ){ if ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--threaded' ) { $js_threaded = 1; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--d' ) { $js_debug = 1; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--14' ) { $js_version = '14'; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--v' ) { $js_verbose = 1; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-f' ) { $js_output = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--o' ) { $get_output = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--e' ) { $js_errors = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--q' ) { $js_quiet = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--h' ) { die &usage; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-E' ) { $js_exe_full_path = $ARGV[$i+1]; $i++; } else { die &usage; } $i++; } # # if no output options are provided, show some output and write to file # if ( !$js_verbose && !$js_output && !$get_output ) { $get_output = 1; } } # # print the arguments that this script expects # sub usage { die ("usage: $0\n" . "--q Quiet mode -- only show information for tests that failed\n". "--e Show runtime error messages for negative tests\n" . "--v Verbose output -- show all test cases (not recommended)\n" . "--o Send output to file whose generated name is based on date\n". "--d Look for a debug JavaScript executable (default is optimized)\n" . "-f Redirect output to file named \n" ); } # # if $js_output is set, print to file as well as stdout # sub js_print { ($string, $start_tag, $end_tag) = @_; if ($js_output) { open( JS_OUTPUT, ">> ${js_output}" ) || die "Can't open log file $js_output\n"; print JS_OUTPUT "$start_tag $string $end_tag"; close JS_OUTPUT; } print $string; } # # close open files # sub cleanup_env { # print out some nice stuff $end_date = &get_date; &js_print( "\nTests complete at $end_date", "
", "" ); # print out how long it took to complete $end_time = time; $test_seconds = ( $end_time - $start_time ); &js_print( "Start Date: $start_date\n", "
" ); &js_print( "End Date: $end_date\n", "
" ); &js_print( "Test Time: $test_seconds seconds\n", "
" ); if ($js_output ) { if ( !$js_verbose) { &js_print( "Results were written to " . $js_output ."\n", "
", "
" ); } close JS_OUTPUT; } } # # get the current date and time # sub get_date { &get_localtime; $now = $year ."/". $mon ."/". $mday ." ". $hour .":". $min .":". $sec ."\n"; return $now; } sub get_localtime { ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime; $mon++; $mon = &zero_pad($mon); $year= ($year < 2000) ? "19" . $year : $year; $mday= &zero_pad($mday); $sec = &zero_pad($sec); $min = &zero_pad($min); $hour = &zero_pad($hour); } sub zero_pad { local ($string) = @_; $string = ($string < 10) ? "0" . $string : $string; return $string; } # # generate an output file name based on the date # sub get_output { &get_localtime; chdir $test_dir; $js_output = $test_dir ."/". $year .'-'. $mon .'-'. $mday ."\.1.html"; $output_file_found = 0; while ( !$output_file_found ) { if ( -e $js_output ) { # get the last sequence number - everything after the dot @seq_no = split( /\./, $js_output, 2 ); $js_output = $seq_no[0] .".". (++$seq_no[1]) . "\.html"; } else { $output_file_found = 1; } } return $js_output; } sub js_print_suitename { if ( !$js_printed_suitename ) { &js_print( "$suite\\$subdir\n", "
", "
" ); } $js_printed_suitename = 1; } sub js_print_filename { if ( !$js_printed_filename ) { &js_print( "$js_test\n", "", "
" ); $js_printed_filename = 1; } } sub js_print_bugnumber { if ( !$js_printed_bugnumber ) { if ( $js_bugnumber =~ /^http/ ) { &js_print( "$js_bugnumber", "", "" ); } else { &js_print( "$js_bugnumber", "", "" ); } $js_printed_bugnumber = 1; } }