/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ #include "xp.h" #include "net.h" #include "pa_parse.h" #include "layout.h" #include "laylayer.h" #include "np.h" #include "laystyle.h" #include "layers.h" #include "libevent.h" #include "libmocha.h" #define BUILTIN_DEF_DIM 50 #define BUILTIN_DEF_BORDER 0 #define BUILTIN_DEF_VERTICAL_SPACE 0 #define BUILTIN_DEF_HORIZONTAL_SPACE 0 void lo_FinishBuiltin(MWContext *, lo_DocState *, LO_BuiltinStruct *); static void lo_FormatBuiltinInternal(MWContext *, lo_DocState *, PA_Tag *, LO_BuiltinStruct *, Bool, Bool); void lo_FillInBuiltinGeometry(lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, Bool relayout); void lo_UpdateStateAfterBuiltinLayout (lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, int32 line_inc, int32 baseline_inc); uint LO_EnumerateBuiltins(MWContext *context, int32 layer_id) { lo_TopState *top_state; int count, index; LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin; lo_DocLists *doc_lists; top_state = lo_GetMochaTopState(context); if (top_state == NULL) return 0; doc_lists = lo_GetDocListsById(top_state->doc_state, layer_id); if (!doc_lists) return 0; /* count 'em */ count = 0; builtin = doc_lists->builtin_list; while (builtin) { builtin = builtin->nextBuiltin; count++; } /* reflect all builtins in reverse order */ builtin = doc_lists->builtin_list; for (index = count-1; index >= 0; index--) { if (builtin->mocha_object == NULL) LM_ReflectBuiltin(context, (void *) builtin, NULL, layer_id, index); builtin = builtin->nextBuiltin; } return count; } void lo_FormatBuiltin (MWContext *context, lo_DocState *state, PA_Tag *tag) { LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin; PA_Block buff; char *str; #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("lo_FormatBuiltin\n"); #endif /* get SRC */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_SRC); PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("FormatBuiltin: str = %s\n", str); #endif builtin = (LO_BuiltinStruct *) lo_NewElement (context, state, LO_BUILTIN, NULL, 0); if (builtin == NULL) { return; } builtin->type = LO_BUILTIN; builtin->ele_id = NEXT_ELEMENT; builtin->x = state->x; builtin->x_offset = 0; builtin->y = state->y; builtin->y_offset = 0; builtin->width = 0; builtin->height = 0; builtin->next = NULL; builtin->prev = NULL; LO_NVList_Init(&builtin->attributes); builtin->attributes.n = PA_FetchAllNameValues (tag, &builtin->attributes.names, &builtin->attributes.values, CS_FE_ASCII); lo_FormatBuiltinInternal (context, state, tag, builtin, FALSE, FALSE); } void lo_appendParams (LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, uint32 param_count, char **param_names, char **param_values) { lo_NVList* attributes = &builtin->attributes; int32 newcount = attributes->n + param_count; int32 n = attributes->n; attributes->names = (char**)XP_REALLOC(attributes->names, newcount * sizeof(char*)); attributes->values = (char**)XP_REALLOC(attributes->values, newcount * sizeof(char*)); while (n < newcount) { *(attributes->names + n) = XP_STRDUP(*(param_names + n - attributes->n)); *(attributes->values + n) = XP_STRDUP(*(param_values + n - attributes->n)); n++; } attributes->n = newcount; } void lo_FormatBuiltinObject (MWContext *context, lo_DocState* state, PA_Tag* tag , LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, Bool streamStarted, uint32 param_count, char **param_names, char **param_values) { #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("lo_FormatBuiltinObject\n"); #endif LO_NVList_Init(&builtin->attributes); builtin->attributes.n = PA_FetchAllNameValues (tag, &builtin->attributes.names, &builtin->attributes.values, CS_FE_ASCII); if (param_count > 0) lo_appendParams(builtin, param_count, param_names, param_values); lo_FormatBuiltinInternal (context, state, tag, builtin, TRUE, streamStarted); } void lo_FillInBuiltinGeometry(lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, Bool relayout) { int32 doc_width; if (relayout == TRUE) { builtin->ele_id = NEXT_ELEMENT; } builtin->x = state->x; builtin->y = state->y; doc_width = state->right_margin - state->left_margin; /* * Get the width parameter, in absolute or percentage. * If percentage, make it absolute. */ if (builtin->percent_width > 0) { int32 val = builtin->percent_width; if (state->allow_percent_width == FALSE) { val = 0; } else { val = doc_width * val / 100; } builtin->width = val; } /* Set builtin->height if builtn has a % height specified */ if (builtin->percent_height > 0) { int32 val = builtin->percent_height; if (state->allow_percent_height == FALSE) { val = 0; } else { val = state->win_height * val / 100; } builtin->height = val; } } static void lo_FormatBuiltinInternal (MWContext *context, lo_DocState *state, PA_Tag *tag, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, Bool isObject, Bool streamStarted) { PA_Block buff; char *str; int32 val; int32 doc_width; XP_Bool widthSpecified = FALSE; XP_Bool heightSpecified = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("lo_FormatBuiltinInternal\n"); #endif builtin->nextBuiltin = NULL; builtin->mocha_object = NULL; builtin->FE_Data = NULL; builtin->session_data = NULL; builtin->line_height = state->line_height; builtin->builtin_src = NULL; builtin->alignment = LO_ALIGN_BASELINE; builtin->border_width = BUILTIN_DEF_BORDER; builtin->border_vert_space = BUILTIN_DEF_VERTICAL_SPACE; builtin->border_horiz_space = BUILTIN_DEF_HORIZONTAL_SPACE; builtin->tag = tag; builtin->ele_attrmask = 0; if (streamStarted) builtin->ele_attrmask |= LO_ELE_STREAM_STARTED; /* Convert any js in the values */ lo_ConvertAllValues (context, builtin->attributes.values, builtin->attributes.n, tag->newline_count); /* double-counting builtins? XXX */ #if 0 /* Assign a unique index and inc the master index */ builtin->builtin_index = state->top_state->builtin_count++; #endif /* * Check for an align parameter */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_ALIGN); if (buff != NULL) { Bool floating; floating = FALSE; PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); builtin->alignment = lo_EvalAlignParam(str, &floating); if (floating != FALSE) { builtin->ele_attrmask |= LO_ELE_FLOATING; } PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); } /* * Get the optional src parameter. */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_SRC); if (buff != NULL) { PA_Block new_buff; char *new_str; int32 len; len = 1; PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); if (str != NULL) { len = lo_StripTextWhitespace(str, XP_STRLEN(str)); } if (str != NULL) { /* bing: make sure this deals with "data:" URLs */ new_str = NET_MakeAbsoluteURL( state->top_state->base_url, str); } else { new_str = NULL; } if ((new_str == NULL)||(len == 0)) { new_buff = NULL; } else { char *object_src; new_buff = PA_ALLOC(XP_STRLEN(new_str) + 1); if (new_buff != NULL) { PA_LOCK(object_src, char *, new_buff); XP_STRCPY(object_src, new_str); PA_UNLOCK(new_buff); } else { state->top_state->out_of_memory = TRUE; } XP_FREE(new_str); } PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); buff = new_buff; } builtin->builtin_src = buff; doc_width = state->right_margin - state->left_margin; /* * Get the width parameter, in absolute or percentage. * If percentage, make it absolute. If the height is * zero, make the builtin hidden so the FE knows that the * size really is zero (zero size normally means that * we're blocking). */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_WIDTH); if (buff != NULL) { Bool is_percent; PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); val = lo_ValueOrPercent(str, &is_percent); if (is_percent != FALSE) { builtin->percent_width = val; } else { builtin->percent_width = 0; builtin->width = val; val = FEUNITS_X(val, context); } PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); widthSpecified = TRUE; } val = LO_GetWidthFromStyleSheet(context, state); if(val) { builtin->width = val; builtin->percent_width = 0; widthSpecified = TRUE; } /* * Get the height parameter, in absolute or percentage. * If percentage, make it absolute. If the height is * zero, make the builtin hidden so the FE knows that the * size really is zero (zero size normally means that * we're blocking). */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_HEIGHT); if (buff != NULL) { Bool is_percent; PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); val = lo_ValueOrPercent(str, &is_percent); if (is_percent != FALSE) { builtin->percent_height = val; } else { builtin->percent_height = 0; val = FEUNITS_Y(val, context); } builtin->height = val; PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); heightSpecified = TRUE; } val = LO_GetHeightFromStyleSheet(context, state); if(val) { builtin->height = val; builtin->percent_height = 0; heightSpecified = TRUE; } /* * If they forgot to specify a width or height, make one up. */ if (!widthSpecified) { if (heightSpecified) builtin->width = builtin->height; else builtin->width = BUILTIN_DEF_DIM; } if (!heightSpecified) { if (widthSpecified) builtin->height = builtin->width; else builtin->height = BUILTIN_DEF_DIM; } lo_FillInBuiltinGeometry(state, builtin, FALSE); /* * Get the extra vertical space parameter. */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_VSPACE); if (buff != NULL) { PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); val = XP_ATOI(str); if (val < 0) { val = 0; } builtin->border_vert_space = val; PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); } builtin->border_vert_space = FEUNITS_Y(builtin->border_vert_space, context); /* * Get the extra horizontal space parameter. */ buff = lo_FetchParamValue(context, tag, PARAM_HSPACE); if (buff != NULL) { PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); val = XP_ATOI(str); if (val < 0) { val = 0; } builtin->border_horiz_space = val; PA_UNLOCK(buff); PA_FREE(buff); } builtin->border_horiz_space = FEUNITS_X(builtin->border_horiz_space, context); /* Create a layer for this builtin */ builtin->layer = lo_CreateEmbeddedObjectLayer(context, state, (LO_Element*)builtin); /* builtin_list for reflection? XXX */ lo_FinishBuiltin (context, state, builtin); } void lo_FinishBuiltin (MWContext *context, lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin) { int32 baseline_inc; int32 line_inc; #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("lo_FinishBuiltin\n"); #endif /* * Figure out how to align this builtin. * baseline_inc is how much to increase the baseline * of previous element of this line. line_inc is how * much to increase the line height below the baseline. */ baseline_inc = 0; line_inc = 0; /* * If we are at the beginning of a line, with no baseline, * we first set baseline and line_height based on the current * font, then place the builtin. */ if (state->baseline == 0) { state->baseline = 0; } builtin->x_offset += (int16)builtin->border_horiz_space; builtin->y_offset += (int32)builtin->border_vert_space; lo_LayoutInflowBuiltin(context, state, builtin, FALSE, &line_inc, &baseline_inc); lo_AppendToLineList(context, state, (LO_Element *)builtin, baseline_inc); lo_UpdateStateAfterBuiltinLayout(state, builtin, line_inc, baseline_inc); } void lo_UpdateStateAfterBuiltinLayout (lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, int32 line_inc, int32 baseline_inc) { int32 builtin_width; int32 x, y; lo_DocLists *doc_lists; #ifdef DEBUG_SPENCE printf ("lo_UpdateStateAfterBuiltinLayout\n"); #endif builtin_width = builtin->width + (2 * builtin->border_width) + (2 * builtin->border_horiz_space); state->baseline += (intn) baseline_inc; state->line_height += (intn) (baseline_inc + line_inc); /* * Clean up state */ state->x = state->x + builtin->x_offset + builtin_width - builtin->border_horiz_space; state->linefeed_state = 0; state->at_begin_line = FALSE; state->trailing_space = FALSE; state->cur_ele_type = LO_BUILTIN; /* Determine the new position of the layer. */ x = builtin->x + builtin->x_offset + builtin->border_width; y = builtin->y + builtin->y_offset + builtin->border_width; /* Move layer to new position */ if (builtin->layer != NULL) CL_MoveLayer(builtin->layer, x, y); doc_lists = lo_GetCurrentDocLists(state); builtin->nextBuiltin = (LO_BuiltinStruct *)doc_lists->builtin_list; doc_lists->builtin_list = builtin; doc_lists->builtin_list_count++; } void lo_LayoutInflowBuiltin(MWContext *context, lo_DocState *state, LO_BuiltinStruct *builtin, Bool inRelayout, int32 *line_inc, int32 *baseline_inc) { int32 builtin_width, builtin_height; Bool line_break; PA_Block buff; char *str; LO_TextStruct tmp_text; LO_TextInfo text_info; lo_TopState *top_state; top_state = state->top_state; /* * All this work is to get the text_info filled in for the current * font in the font stack. Yuck, there must be a better way. */ memset (&tmp_text, 0, sizeof (tmp_text)); buff = PA_ALLOC(1); if (buff == NULL) { top_state->out_of_memory = TRUE; return; } PA_LOCK(str, char *, buff); str[0] = ' '; PA_UNLOCK(buff); tmp_text.text = buff; tmp_text.text_len = 1; /* TEXTATTR HERE */ tmp_text.text_attr = state->font_stack->text_attr; FE_GetTextInfo(context, &tmp_text, &text_info); PA_FREE(buff); builtin_width = builtin->width + (2 * builtin->border_width) + (2 * builtin->border_horiz_space); builtin_height = builtin->height + (2 * builtin->border_width) + (2 * builtin->border_vert_space); /* * Will this builtin make the line too wide. */ if ((state->x + builtin_width) > state->right_margin) { line_break = TRUE; } else { line_break = FALSE; } /* * if we are at the beginning of the line. There is * no point in breaking, we are just too wide. * Also don't break in unwrapped preformatted text. * Also can't break inside a NOBR section. */ if ((state->at_begin_line != FALSE)|| (state->preformatted == PRE_TEXT_YES)|| (state->breakable == FALSE)) { line_break = FALSE; } /* * break on the builtin if we have * a break. */ if (line_break != FALSE) { /* * We need to make the elements sequential, linefeed * before builtin. */ top_state->element_id = builtin->ele_id; if (!inRelayout) { lo_SoftLineBreak(context, state, TRUE); } else { lo_rl_AddSoftBreakAndFlushLine(context, state); } builtin->x = state->x; builtin->y = state->y; builtin->ele_id = NEXT_ELEMENT; } lo_CalcAlignOffsets(state, &text_info, (intn)builtin->alignment, builtin_width, builtin_height, &builtin->x_offset, &builtin->y_offset, line_inc, baseline_inc); } /* Utility function for hunting LO_Builtin_struct for stuff. */ char* LO_GetBuiltInAttribute (LO_BuiltinStruct *pBuiltin_struct, char* att) { int n = 0; if (!pBuiltin_struct || !att) return NULL; while (n < pBuiltin_struct->attributes.n) { char* attName = *(pBuiltin_struct->attributes.names + n); char* attValue = *(pBuiltin_struct->attributes.values + n); if (attName && (XP_FILENAMECMP(attName, att) == 0)) { return attValue; } n++; } return NULL; }