/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SharedStringMap.h" #include "MemMapSnapshot.h" #include "ScriptPreloader-inl.h" #include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/FileDescriptor.h" using namespace mozilla::loader; namespace mozilla { using namespace ipc; namespace dom { namespace ipc { static inline size_t GetAlignmentOffset(size_t aOffset, size_t aAlign) { auto mod = aOffset % aAlign; return mod ? aAlign - mod : 0; } SharedStringMap::SharedStringMap(const FileDescriptor& aMapFile, size_t aMapSize) { auto result = mMap.initWithHandle(aMapFile, aMapSize); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result.isOk()); // We return literal nsStrings and nsCStrings pointing to the mapped data, // which means that we may still have references to the mapped data even // after this instance is destroyed. That means that we need to keep the // mapping alive until process shutdown, in order to be safe. mMap.setPersistent(); } SharedStringMap::SharedStringMap(SharedStringMapBuilder&& aBuilder) { auto result = aBuilder.Finalize(mMap); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(result.isOk()); mMap.setPersistent(); } mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor SharedStringMap::CloneFileDescriptor() const { return mMap.cloneHandle(); } bool SharedStringMap::Has(const nsCString& aKey) { size_t index; return Find(aKey, &index); } bool SharedStringMap::Get(const nsCString& aKey, nsAString& aValue) { const auto& entries = Entries(); size_t index; if (!Find(aKey, &index)) { return false; } aValue.Assign(ValueTable().Get(entries[index].mValue)); return true; } bool SharedStringMap::Find(const nsCString& aKey, size_t* aIndex) { const auto& keys = KeyTable(); return BinarySearchIf(Entries(), 0, EntryCount(), [&](const Entry& aEntry) { return aKey.Compare(keys.GetBare(aEntry.mKey)); }, aIndex); } void SharedStringMapBuilder::Add(const nsCString& aKey, const nsString& aValue) { mEntries.Put(aKey, {mKeyTable.Add(aKey), mValueTable.Add(aValue)}); } Result SharedStringMapBuilder::Finalize( loader::AutoMemMap& aMap) { using Header = SharedStringMap::Header; MOZ_ASSERT(mEntries.Count() == mKeyTable.Count()); nsTArray keys(mEntries.Count()); for (auto iter = mEntries.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { keys.AppendElement(iter.Key()); } keys.Sort(); Header header = {uint32_t(keys.Length())}; size_t offset = sizeof(header); offset += GetAlignmentOffset(offset, alignof(Header)); offset += keys.Length() * sizeof(SharedStringMap::Entry); header.mKeyStringsOffset = offset; header.mKeyStringsSize = mKeyTable.Size(); offset += header.mKeyStringsSize; offset += GetAlignmentOffset(offset, alignof(decltype(mValueTable)::ElemType)); header.mValueStringsOffset = offset; header.mValueStringsSize = mValueTable.Size(); offset += header.mValueStringsSize; MemMapSnapshot mem; MOZ_TRY(mem.Init(offset)); auto headerPtr = mem.Get
(); headerPtr[0] = header; auto* entry = reinterpret_cast(&headerPtr[1]); for (auto& key : keys) { *entry++ = mEntries.Get(key); } auto ptr = mem.Get(); mKeyTable.Write({&ptr[header.mKeyStringsOffset], header.mKeyStringsSize}); mValueTable.Write( {&ptr[header.mValueStringsOffset], header.mValueStringsSize}); mKeyTable.Clear(); mValueTable.Clear(); mEntries.Clear(); return mem.Finalize(aMap); } } // namespace ipc } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla