/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsRDFPropertyTestNode.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsXULContentUtils.h" #include "prlog.h" #ifdef PR_LOGGING extern PRLogModuleInfo* gXULTemplateLog; #include "nsIRDFLiteral.h" #endif nsRDFPropertyTestNode::nsRDFPropertyTestNode(TestNode* aParent, nsXULTemplateQueryProcessorRDF* aProcessor, nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, nsIRDFResource* aProperty, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable) : nsRDFTestNode(aParent), mProcessor(aProcessor), mSourceVariable(aSourceVariable), mSource(nullptr), mProperty(aProperty), mTargetVariable(aTargetVariable), mTarget(nullptr) { #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* prop = "(null)"; if (aProperty) aProperty->GetValueConst(&prop); nsAutoString svar(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(none)")); if (mSourceVariable) mSourceVariable->ToString(svar); nsAutoString tvar(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(none)")); if (mTargetVariable) mTargetVariable->ToString(tvar); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: parent=%p source=%s property=%s target=%s", this, aParent, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(svar).get(), prop, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(tvar).get())); } #endif } nsRDFPropertyTestNode::nsRDFPropertyTestNode(TestNode* aParent, nsXULTemplateQueryProcessorRDF* aProcessor, nsIRDFResource* aSource, nsIRDFResource* aProperty, nsIAtom* aTargetVariable) : nsRDFTestNode(aParent), mProcessor(aProcessor), mSourceVariable(0), mSource(aSource), mProperty(aProperty), mTargetVariable(aTargetVariable), mTarget(nullptr) { #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* source = "(null)"; if (aSource) aSource->GetValueConst(&source); const char* prop = "(null)"; if (aProperty) aProperty->GetValueConst(&prop); nsAutoString tvar(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(none)")); if (mTargetVariable) mTargetVariable->ToString(tvar); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: parent=%p source=%s property=%s target=%s", this, aParent, source, prop, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(tvar).get())); } #endif } nsRDFPropertyTestNode::nsRDFPropertyTestNode(TestNode* aParent, nsXULTemplateQueryProcessorRDF* aProcessor, nsIAtom* aSourceVariable, nsIRDFResource* aProperty, nsIRDFNode* aTarget) : nsRDFTestNode(aParent), mProcessor(aProcessor), mSourceVariable(aSourceVariable), mSource(nullptr), mProperty(aProperty), mTargetVariable(0), mTarget(aTarget) { #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { nsAutoString svar(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(none)")); if (mSourceVariable) mSourceVariable->ToString(svar); const char* prop = "(null)"; if (aProperty) aProperty->GetValueConst(&prop); nsAutoString target; nsXULContentUtils::GetTextForNode(aTarget, target); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: parent=%p source=%s property=%s target=%s", this, aParent, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(svar).get(), prop, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(target).get())); } #endif } nsresult nsRDFPropertyTestNode::FilterInstantiations(InstantiationSet& aInstantiations, bool* aCantHandleYet) const { nsresult rv; if (aCantHandleYet) *aCantHandleYet = false; nsIRDFDataSource* ds = mProcessor->GetDataSource(); InstantiationSet::Iterator last = aInstantiations.Last(); for (InstantiationSet::Iterator inst = aInstantiations.First(); inst != last; ++inst) { bool hasSourceBinding; nsCOMPtr sourceRes; if (mSource) { hasSourceBinding = true; sourceRes = mSource; } else { nsCOMPtr sourceValue; hasSourceBinding = inst->mAssignments.GetAssignmentFor(mSourceVariable, getter_AddRefs(sourceValue)); sourceRes = do_QueryInterface(sourceValue); } bool hasTargetBinding; nsCOMPtr targetValue; if (mTarget) { hasTargetBinding = true; targetValue = mTarget; } else { hasTargetBinding = inst->mAssignments.GetAssignmentFor(mTargetVariable, getter_AddRefs(targetValue)); } #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* source = "(unbound)"; if (hasSourceBinding) sourceRes->GetValueConst(&source); nsAutoString target(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(unbound)")); if (hasTargetBinding) nsXULContentUtils::GetTextForNode(targetValue, target); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: FilterInstantiations() source=[%s] target=[%s]", this, source, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(target).get())); } #endif if (hasSourceBinding && hasTargetBinding) { // it's a consistency check. see if we have a assignment that is consistent bool hasAssertion; rv = ds->HasAssertion(sourceRes, mProperty, targetValue, true, &hasAssertion); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; #ifdef PR_LOGGING PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" consistency check => %s", hasAssertion ? "passed" : "failed")); #endif if (hasAssertion) { // it's consistent. Element* element = new nsRDFPropertyTestNode::Element(sourceRes, mProperty, targetValue); if (! element) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; inst->AddSupportingElement(element); } else { // it's inconsistent. remove it. aInstantiations.Erase(inst--); } } else if ((hasSourceBinding && ! hasTargetBinding) || (! hasSourceBinding && hasTargetBinding)) { // it's an open ended query on the source or // target. figure out what matches and add as a // cross-product. nsCOMPtr results; if (hasSourceBinding) { rv = ds->GetTargets(sourceRes, mProperty, true, getter_AddRefs(results)); } else { rv = ds->GetSources(mProperty, targetValue, true, getter_AddRefs(results)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } while (1) { bool hasMore; rv = results->HasMoreElements(&hasMore); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (! hasMore) break; nsCOMPtr isupports; rv = results->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(isupports)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsIAtom* variable; nsCOMPtr value; if (hasSourceBinding) { variable = mTargetVariable; value = do_QueryInterface(isupports); NS_ASSERTION(value != nullptr, "target is not an nsIRDFNode"); #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { nsAutoString s(NS_LITERAL_STRING("(none found)")); if (value) nsXULContentUtils::GetTextForNode(value, s); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" target => %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(s).get())); } #endif if (! value) continue; targetValue = value; } else { variable = mSourceVariable; nsCOMPtr source = do_QueryInterface(isupports); NS_ASSERTION(source != nullptr, "source is not an nsIRDFResource"); #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* s = "(none found)"; if (source) source->GetValueConst(&s); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" source => %s", s)); } #endif if (! source) continue; value = sourceRes = source; } // Copy the original instantiation, and add it to the // instantiation set with the new assignment that we've // introduced. Ownership will be transferred to the Instantiation newinst = *inst; newinst.AddAssignment(variable, value); Element* element = new nsRDFPropertyTestNode::Element(sourceRes, mProperty, targetValue); if (! element) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; newinst.AddSupportingElement(element); aInstantiations.Insert(inst, newinst); } // finally, remove the "under specified" instantiation. aInstantiations.Erase(inst--); } else { if (!aCantHandleYet) { nsXULContentUtils::LogTemplateError(ERROR_TEMPLATE_TRIPLE_UNBOUND); // Neither source nor target assignment! return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } *aCantHandleYet = true; return NS_OK; } } return NS_OK; } bool nsRDFPropertyTestNode::CanPropagate(nsIRDFResource* aSource, nsIRDFResource* aProperty, nsIRDFNode* aTarget, Instantiation& aInitialBindings) const { bool result; if ((mProperty.get() != aProperty) || (mSource && mSource.get() != aSource) || (mTarget && mTarget.get() != aTarget)) { result = false; } else { if (mSourceVariable) aInitialBindings.AddAssignment(mSourceVariable, aSource); if (mTargetVariable) aInitialBindings.AddAssignment(mTargetVariable, aTarget); result = true; } #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* source; aSource->GetValueConst(&source); const char* property; aProperty->GetValueConst(&property); nsAutoString target; nsXULContentUtils::GetTextForNode(aTarget, target); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: CanPropagate([%s]==[%s]=>[%s]) => %s", this, source, property, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(target).get(), result ? "true" : "false")); } #endif return result; } void nsRDFPropertyTestNode::Retract(nsIRDFResource* aSource, nsIRDFResource* aProperty, nsIRDFNode* aTarget) const { if (aProperty == mProperty.get()) { #ifdef PR_LOGGING if (PR_LOG_TEST(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG)) { const char* source; aSource->GetValueConst(&source); const char* property; aProperty->GetValueConst(&property); nsAutoString target; nsXULContentUtils::GetTextForNode(aTarget, target); PR_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsRDFPropertyTestNode[%p]: Retract([%s]==[%s]=>[%s])", this, source, property, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(target).get())); } #endif mProcessor->RetractElement(Element(aSource, aProperty, aTarget)); } }