/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionsUI"]; ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/EventEmitter.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", AddonManagerPrivate: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", AMTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", AppMenuNotifications: "resource://gre/modules/AppMenuNotifications.jsm", ExtensionData: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm", Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "WEBEXT_PERMISSION_PROMPTS", "extensions.webextPermissionPrompts", false); const DEFAULT_EXTENSION_ICON = "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/extensionGeneric.svg"; const BROWSER_PROPERTIES = "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"; const BRAND_PROPERTIES = "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"; const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; function getTabBrowser(browser) { while (browser.ownerGlobal.docShell.itemType !== Ci.nsIDocShell.typeChrome) { browser = browser.ownerGlobal.docShell.chromeEventHandler; } return {browser, window: browser.ownerGlobal}; } var ExtensionsUI = { sideloaded: new Set(), updates: new Set(), sideloadListener: null, histogram: null, pendingNotifications: new WeakMap(), async init() { this.histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("EXTENSION_INSTALL_PROMPT_RESULT"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webextension-permission-prompt"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webextension-update-permissions"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webextension-install-notify"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webextension-optional-permission-prompt"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webextension-defaultsearch-prompt"); await Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser").delayedStartupPromise; this._checkForSideloaded(); }, async _checkForSideloaded() { let sideloaded = await AddonManagerPrivate.getNewSideloads(); if (!sideloaded.length) { // No new side-loads. We're done. return; } // The ordering shouldn't matter, but tests depend on notifications // happening in a specific order. sideloaded.sort((a, b) => a.id.localeCompare(b.id)); if (WEBEXT_PERMISSION_PROMPTS) { if (!this.sideloadListener) { this.sideloadListener = { onEnabled: addon => { if (!this.sideloaded.has(addon)) { return; } this.sideloaded.delete(addon); this._updateNotifications(); if (this.sideloaded.size == 0) { AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this.sideloadListener); this.sideloadListener = null; } }, }; AddonManager.addAddonListener(this.sideloadListener); } for (let addon of sideloaded) { this.sideloaded.add(addon); } this._updateNotifications(); } }, _updateNotifications() { if (this.sideloaded.size + this.updates.size == 0) { AppMenuNotifications.removeNotification("addon-alert"); } else { AppMenuNotifications.showBadgeOnlyNotification("addon-alert"); } this.emit("change"); }, showAddonsManager(browser, strings, icon, histkey) { let global = browser.selectedBrowser.ownerGlobal; return global.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://list/extension").then(aomWin => { let aomBrowser = aomWin.docShell.chromeEventHandler; return this.showPermissionsPrompt(aomBrowser, strings, icon, histkey); }); }, showSideloaded(browser, addon) { addon.markAsSeen(); this.sideloaded.delete(addon); this._updateNotifications(); let strings = this._buildStrings({ addon, permissions: addon.userPermissions, type: "sideload", }); AMTelemetry.recordManageEvent(addon, "sideload_prompt", { num_perms: addon.userPermissions && addon.userPermissions.permissions ? addon.userPermissions.permissions.length : 0, num_origins: addon.userPermissions && addon.userPermissions.origins ? addon.userPermissions.origins.length : 0, }); this.showAddonsManager(browser, strings, addon.iconURL, "sideload") .then(async answer => { if (answer) { await addon.enable(); } this.emit("sideload-response"); }); }, showUpdate(browser, info) { this.showAddonsManager(browser, info.strings, info.addon.iconURL, "update") .then(answer => { if (answer) { info.resolve(); } else { info.reject(); } // At the moment, this prompt will re-appear next time we do an update // check. See bug 1332360 for proposal to avoid this. this.updates.delete(info); this._updateNotifications(); }); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "webextension-permission-prompt") { let {target, info} = subject.wrappedJSObject; let {browser, window} = getTabBrowser(target); // Dismiss the progress notification. Note that this is bad if // there are multiple simultaneous installs happening, see // bug 1329884 for a longer explanation. let progressNotification = window.PopupNotifications.getNotification("addon-progress", browser); if (progressNotification) { progressNotification.remove(); } info.unsigned = info.addon.signedState <= AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING; if (info.unsigned && Cu.isInAutomation && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.ui.ignoreUnsigned", false)) { info.unsigned = false; } let strings = this._buildStrings(info); // If this is an update with no promptable permissions, just apply it if (info.type == "update" && strings.msgs.length == 0) { info.resolve(); return; } let icon = info.unsigned ? "chrome://browser/skin/warning.svg" : info.icon; let histkey; if (info.type == "sideload") { histkey = "sideload"; } else if (info.type == "update") { histkey = "update"; } else if (info.source == "AMO") { histkey = "installAmo"; } else if (info.source == "local") { histkey = "installLocal"; } else { histkey = "installWeb"; } this.showPermissionsPrompt(browser, strings, icon, histkey) .then(answer => { if (answer) { info.resolve(); } else { info.reject(); } }); } else if (topic == "webextension-update-permissions") { let info = subject.wrappedJSObject; info.type = "update"; let strings = this._buildStrings(info); // If we don't prompt for any new permissions, just apply it if (strings.msgs.length == 0) { info.resolve(); return; } let update = { strings, addon: info.addon, resolve: info.resolve, reject: info.reject, }; this.updates.add(update); this._updateNotifications(); } else if (topic == "webextension-install-notify") { let {target, addon, callback} = subject.wrappedJSObject; this.showInstallNotification(target, addon).then(() => { if (callback) { callback(); } }); } else if (topic == "webextension-optional-permission-prompt") { let {browser, name, icon, permissions, resolve} = subject.wrappedJSObject; let strings = this._buildStrings({ type: "optional", addon: {name}, permissions, }); // If we don't have any promptable permissions, just proceed if (strings.msgs.length == 0) { resolve(true); return; } resolve(this.showPermissionsPrompt(browser, strings, icon)); } else if (topic == "webextension-defaultsearch-prompt") { let {browser, name, icon, resolve, currentEngine, newEngine} = subject.wrappedJSObject; let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(BROWSER_PROPERTIES); let strings = {}; strings.acceptText = bundle.GetStringFromName("webext.defaultSearchYes.label"); strings.acceptKey = bundle.GetStringFromName("webext.defaultSearchYes.accessKey"); strings.cancelText = bundle.GetStringFromName("webext.defaultSearchNo.label"); strings.cancelKey = bundle.GetStringFromName("webext.defaultSearchNo.accessKey"); strings.addonName = name; strings.text = bundle.formatStringFromName("webext.defaultSearch.description", ["<>", currentEngine, newEngine], 3); resolve(this.showDefaultSearchPrompt(browser, strings, icon)); } }, // Create a set of formatted strings for a permission prompt _buildStrings(info) { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(BROWSER_PROPERTIES); let brandBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(BRAND_PROPERTIES); let appName = brandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); let info2 = Object.assign({appName}, info); let strings = ExtensionData.formatPermissionStrings(info2, bundle); strings.addonName = info.addon.name; return strings; }, async showPermissionsPrompt(target, strings, icon, histkey) { let {browser, window} = getTabBrowser(target); // Wait for any pending prompts in this window to complete before // showing the next one. let pending; while ((pending = this.pendingNotifications.get(window))) { await pending; } let promise = new Promise(resolve => { function eventCallback(topic) { let doc = this.browser.ownerDocument; if (topic == "showing") { let textEl = doc.getElementById("addon-webext-perm-text"); textEl.textContent = strings.text; textEl.hidden = !strings.text; let listIntroEl = doc.getElementById("addon-webext-perm-intro"); listIntroEl.textContent = strings.listIntro; listIntroEl.hidden = (strings.msgs.length == 0); let list = doc.getElementById("addon-webext-perm-list"); while (list.firstChild) { list.firstChild.remove(); } for (let msg of strings.msgs) { let item = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li"); item.textContent = msg; list.appendChild(item); } } else if (topic == "swapping") { return true; } if (topic == "removed") { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => { resolve(false); }); } return false; } let popupOptions = { hideClose: true, popupIconURL: icon || DEFAULT_EXTENSION_ICON, persistent: true, eventCallback, name: strings.addonName, removeOnDismissal: true, }; let action = { label: strings.acceptText, accessKey: strings.acceptKey, callback: () => { if (histkey) { this.histogram.add(histkey + "Accepted"); } resolve(true); }, }; let secondaryActions = [ { label: strings.cancelText, accessKey: strings.cancelKey, callback: () => { if (histkey) { this.histogram.add(histkey + "Rejected"); } resolve(false); }, }, ]; window.PopupNotifications.show(browser, "addon-webext-permissions", strings.header, "addons-notification-icon", action, secondaryActions, popupOptions); }); this.pendingNotifications.set(window, promise); promise.finally(() => this.pendingNotifications.delete(window)); return promise; }, showDefaultSearchPrompt(target, strings, icon) { return new Promise(resolve => { let popupOptions = { hideClose: true, popupIconURL: icon || DEFAULT_EXTENSION_ICON, persistent: false, removeOnDismissal: true, eventCallback(topic) { if (topic == "removed") { resolve(false); } }, name: strings.addonName, }; let action = { label: strings.acceptText, accessKey: strings.acceptKey, disableHighlight: true, callback: () => { resolve(true); }, }; let secondaryActions = [ { label: strings.cancelText, accessKey: strings.cancelKey, callback: () => { resolve(false); }, }, ]; let {browser, window} = getTabBrowser(target); window.PopupNotifications.show(browser, "addon-webext-defaultsearch", strings.text, "addons-notification-icon", action, secondaryActions, popupOptions); }); }, showInstallNotification(target, addon) { let {browser, window} = getTabBrowser(target); let popups = window.PopupNotifications; let brandBundle = window.document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); let appName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); let bundle = window.gNavigatorBundle; let message = bundle.getFormattedString("addonPostInstall.message1", ["<>", appName]); return new Promise(resolve => { let action = { label: bundle.getString("addonPostInstall.okay.label"), accessKey: bundle.getString("addonPostInstall.okay.key"), callback: resolve, }; let icon = addon.isWebExtension ? AddonManager.getPreferredIconURL(addon, 32, window) || DEFAULT_EXTENSION_ICON : "chrome://browser/skin/addons/addon-install-installed.svg"; let options = { hideClose: true, timeout: Date.now() + 30000, popupIconURL: icon, eventCallback(topic) { if (topic == "dismissed") { resolve(); } }, name: addon.name, }; popups.show(browser, "addon-installed", message, "addons-notification-icon", action, null, options); }); }, }; EventEmitter.decorate(ExtensionsUI);