/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Henri Sivonen * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Mozilla Foundation * Portions of comments Copyright 2004-2008 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla * Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT. * Please edit TreeBuilder.java instead and regenerate. */ #ifndef nsHtml5TreeBuilder_h #define nsHtml5TreeBuilder_h #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsAtom.h" #include "nsHtml5AtomTable.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsHtml5String.h" #include "nsNameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsTraceRefcnt.h" #include "jArray.h" #include "nsHtml5DocumentMode.h" #include "nsHtml5ArrayCopy.h" #include "nsHtml5Parser.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsHtml5TreeOperation.h" #include "nsHtml5StateSnapshot.h" #include "nsHtml5StackNode.h" #include "nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor.h" #include "nsHtml5StreamParser.h" #include "nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState.h" #include "nsHtml5Highlighter.h" #include "nsHtml5PlainTextUtils.h" #include "nsHtml5ViewSourceUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ImportScanner.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "nsIContentHandle.h" #include "nsHtml5OplessBuilder.h" class nsHtml5StreamParser; class nsHtml5AttributeName; class nsHtml5ElementName; class nsHtml5Tokenizer; class nsHtml5MetaScanner; class nsHtml5UTF16Buffer; class nsHtml5StateSnapshot; class nsHtml5Portability; class nsHtml5TreeBuilder : public nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState { private: static char16_t REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER[]; public: static const int32_t OTHER = 0; static const int32_t A = 1; static const int32_t BASE = 2; static const int32_t BODY = 3; static const int32_t BR = 4; static const int32_t BUTTON = 5; static const int32_t CAPTION = 6; static const int32_t COL = 7; static const int32_t COLGROUP = 8; static const int32_t FORM = 9; static const int32_t FRAME = 10; static const int32_t FRAMESET = 11; static const int32_t IMAGE = 12; static const int32_t INPUT = 13; static const int32_t RT_OR_RP = 14; static const int32_t LI = 15; static const int32_t LINK_OR_BASEFONT_OR_BGSOUND = 16; static const int32_t MATH = 17; static const int32_t META = 18; static const int32_t SVG = 19; static const int32_t HEAD = 20; static const int32_t HR = 22; static const int32_t HTML = 23; static const int32_t NOBR = 24; static const int32_t NOFRAMES = 25; static const int32_t NOSCRIPT = 26; static const int32_t OPTGROUP = 27; static const int32_t OPTION = 28; static const int32_t P = 29; static const int32_t PLAINTEXT = 30; static const int32_t SCRIPT = 31; static const int32_t SELECT = 32; static const int32_t STYLE = 33; static const int32_t TABLE = 34; static const int32_t TEXTAREA = 35; static const int32_t TITLE = 36; static const int32_t TR = 37; static const int32_t XMP = 38; static const int32_t TBODY_OR_THEAD_OR_TFOOT = 39; static const int32_t TD_OR_TH = 40; static const int32_t DD_OR_DT = 41; static const int32_t H1_OR_H2_OR_H3_OR_H4_OR_H5_OR_H6 = 42; static const int32_t MARQUEE_OR_APPLET = 43; static const int32_t PRE_OR_LISTING = 44; static const int32_t B_OR_BIG_OR_CODE_OR_EM_OR_I_OR_S_OR_SMALL_OR_STRIKE_OR_STRONG_OR_TT_OR_U = 45; static const int32_t UL_OR_OL_OR_DL = 46; static const int32_t IFRAME = 47; static const int32_t EMBED = 48; static const int32_t AREA_OR_WBR = 49; static const int32_t DIV_OR_BLOCKQUOTE_OR_CENTER_OR_MENU = 50; static const int32_t ADDRESS_OR_ARTICLE_OR_ASIDE_OR_DETAILS_OR_DIALOG_OR_DIR_OR_FIGCAPTION_OR_FIGURE_OR_FOOTER_OR_HEADER_OR_HGROUP_OR_MAIN_OR_NAV_OR_SECTION_OR_SUMMARY = 51; static const int32_t RUBY_OR_SPAN_OR_SUB_OR_SUP_OR_VAR = 52; static const int32_t RB_OR_RTC = 53; static const int32_t PARAM_OR_SOURCE_OR_TRACK = 55; static const int32_t MGLYPH_OR_MALIGNMARK = 56; static const int32_t MI_MO_MN_MS_MTEXT = 57; static const int32_t ANNOTATION_XML = 58; static const int32_t FOREIGNOBJECT_OR_DESC = 59; static const int32_t NOEMBED = 60; static const int32_t FIELDSET = 61; static const int32_t OUTPUT = 62; static const int32_t OBJECT = 63; static const int32_t FONT = 64; static const int32_t KEYGEN = 65; static const int32_t MENUITEM = 66; static const int32_t TEMPLATE = 67; static const int32_t IMG = 68; private: static const int32_t IN_ROW = 0; static const int32_t IN_TABLE_BODY = 1; static const int32_t IN_TABLE = 2; static const int32_t IN_CAPTION = 3; static const int32_t IN_CELL = 4; static const int32_t FRAMESET_OK = 5; static const int32_t IN_BODY = 6; static const int32_t IN_HEAD = 7; static const int32_t IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT = 8; static const int32_t IN_COLUMN_GROUP = 9; static const int32_t IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE = 10; static const int32_t IN_SELECT = 11; static const int32_t AFTER_BODY = 12; static const int32_t IN_FRAMESET = 13; static const int32_t AFTER_FRAMESET = 14; static const int32_t INITIAL = 15; static const int32_t BEFORE_HTML = 16; static const int32_t BEFORE_HEAD = 17; static const int32_t AFTER_HEAD = 18; static const int32_t AFTER_AFTER_BODY = 19; static const int32_t AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET = 20; static const int32_t TEXT = 21; static const int32_t IN_TEMPLATE = 22; static const int32_t CHARSET_INITIAL = 0; static const int32_t CHARSET_C = 1; static const int32_t CHARSET_H = 2; static const int32_t CHARSET_A = 3; static const int32_t CHARSET_R = 4; static const int32_t CHARSET_S = 5; static const int32_t CHARSET_E = 6; static const int32_t CHARSET_T = 7; static const int32_t CHARSET_EQUALS = 8; static const int32_t CHARSET_SINGLE_QUOTED = 9; static const int32_t CHARSET_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 10; static const int32_t CHARSET_UNQUOTED = 11; static staticJArray QUIRKY_PUBLIC_IDS; static const int32_t NOT_FOUND_ON_STACK = INT32_MAX; int32_t mode; int32_t originalMode; bool framesetOk; protected: nsHtml5Tokenizer* tokenizer; private: bool scriptingEnabled; bool needToDropLF; bool fragment; RefPtr contextName; int32_t contextNamespace; nsIContentHandle* contextNode; autoJArray templateModeStack; int32_t templateModePtr; autoJArray stackNodes; int32_t stackNodesIdx; int32_t numStackNodes; autoJArray stack; int32_t currentPtr; autoJArray listOfActiveFormattingElements; int32_t listPtr; nsIContentHandle* formPointer; nsIContentHandle* headPointer; protected: autoJArray charBuffer; int32_t charBufferLen; private: bool quirks; bool isSrcdocDocument; inline nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction htmlCreator( mozilla::dom::HTMLContentCreatorFunction htmlCreator) { nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator; creator.html = htmlCreator; return creator; } inline nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction svgCreator( mozilla::dom::SVGContentCreatorFunction svgCreator) { nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator; creator.svg = svgCreator; return creator; } public: void startTokenization(nsHtml5Tokenizer* self); void doctype(nsAtom* name, nsHtml5String publicIdentifier, nsHtml5String systemIdentifier, bool forceQuirks); void comment(char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void characters(const char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void zeroOriginatingReplacementCharacter(); void eof(); void endTokenization(); void startTag(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, bool selfClosing); private: void startTagTitleInHead(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void startTagGenericRawText(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void startTagScriptInHead(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void startTagTemplateInHead(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); bool isTemplateContents(); bool isTemplateModeStackEmpty(); bool isSpecialParentInForeign(nsHtml5StackNode* stackNode); public: static nsHtml5String extractCharsetFromContent(nsHtml5String attributeValue, nsHtml5TreeBuilder* tb); private: void checkMetaCharset(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); public: void endTag(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName); private: void endTagTemplateInHead(); int32_t findLastInTableScopeOrRootTemplateTbodyTheadTfoot(); int32_t findLast(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastInTableScope(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastInButtonScope(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastInScope(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastInListScope(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastInScopeHn(); void generateImpliedEndTagsExceptFor(nsAtom* name); void generateImpliedEndTags(); bool isSecondOnStackBody(); void documentModeInternal(nsHtml5DocumentMode m, nsHtml5String publicIdentifier, nsHtml5String systemIdentifier, bool html4SpecificAdditionalErrorChecks); bool isAlmostStandards(nsHtml5String publicIdentifier, nsHtml5String systemIdentifier); bool isQuirky(nsAtom* name, nsHtml5String publicIdentifier, nsHtml5String systemIdentifier, bool forceQuirks); void closeTheCell(int32_t eltPos); int32_t findLastInTableScopeTdTh(); void clearStackBackTo(int32_t eltPos); void resetTheInsertionMode(); void implicitlyCloseP(); bool debugOnlyClearLastStackSlot(); bool debugOnlyClearLastListSlot(); void pushTemplateMode(int32_t mode); void push(nsHtml5StackNode* node); void silentPush(nsHtml5StackNode* node); void append(nsHtml5StackNode* node); inline void insertMarker() { append(nullptr); } void clearTheListOfActiveFormattingElementsUpToTheLastMarker(); inline bool isCurrent(nsAtom* name) { return stack[currentPtr]->ns == kNameSpaceID_XHTML && name == stack[currentPtr]->name; } void removeFromStack(int32_t pos); void removeFromStack(nsHtml5StackNode* node); void removeFromListOfActiveFormattingElements(int32_t pos); bool adoptionAgencyEndTag(nsAtom* name); void insertIntoStack(nsHtml5StackNode* node, int32_t position); void insertIntoListOfActiveFormattingElements( nsHtml5StackNode* formattingClone, int32_t bookmark); int32_t findInListOfActiveFormattingElements(nsHtml5StackNode* node); int32_t findInListOfActiveFormattingElementsContainsBetweenEndAndLastMarker( nsAtom* name); void maybeForgetEarlierDuplicateFormattingElement( nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); int32_t findLastOrRoot(nsAtom* name); int32_t findLastOrRoot(int32_t group); bool addAttributesToBody(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void addAttributesToHtml(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void pushHeadPointerOntoStack(); void reconstructTheActiveFormattingElements(); public: void notifyUnusedStackNode(int32_t idxInStackNodes); private: nsHtml5StackNode* getUnusedStackNode(); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode( int32_t flags, int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsIContentHandle* node, nsAtom* popName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, mozilla::dom::HTMLContentCreatorFunction htmlCreator); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsIContentHandle* node); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsIContentHandle* node, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsIContentHandle* node, nsAtom* popName); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsAtom* popName, nsIContentHandle* node); nsHtml5StackNode* createStackNode(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsIContentHandle* node, nsAtom* popName, bool markAsIntegrationPoint); void insertIntoFosterParent(nsIContentHandle* child); nsIContentHandle* createAndInsertFosterParentedElement( int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator); nsIContentHandle* createAndInsertFosterParentedElement( int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator); bool isInStack(nsHtml5StackNode* node); void popTemplateMode(); void pop(); void popForeign(int32_t origPos, int32_t eltPos); void silentPop(); void popOnEof(); void appendHtmlElementToDocumentAndPush(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendHtmlElementToDocumentAndPush(); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushHeadElement(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushBodyElement(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushBodyElement(); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushFormElementMayFoster( nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushFormattingElementMayFoster( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushElement(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushElementMayFoster( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushElementMayFosterMathML( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); bool annotationXmlEncodingPermitsHtml(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushElementMayFosterSVG( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendToCurrentNodeAndPushElementMayFoster( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form); void appendVoidElementToCurrentMayFoster(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form); void appendVoidElementToCurrentMayFoster(nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendVoidElementToCurrentMayFosterSVG( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendVoidElementToCurrentMayFosterMathML( nsHtml5ElementName* elementName, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void appendVoidInputToCurrent(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form); void appendVoidFormToCurrent(nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); protected: void accumulateCharacters(const char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void requestSuspension(); nsIContentHandle* createElement(int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* intendedParent, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator); nsIContentHandle* createElement(int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form, nsIContentHandle* intendedParent, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator); nsIContentHandle* createHtmlElementSetAsRoot( nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void detachFromParent(nsIContentHandle* element); bool hasChildren(nsIContentHandle* element); void appendElement(nsIContentHandle* child, nsIContentHandle* newParent); void appendChildrenToNewParent(nsIContentHandle* oldParent, nsIContentHandle* newParent); void insertFosterParentedChild(nsIContentHandle* child, nsIContentHandle* table, nsIContentHandle* stackParent); nsIContentHandle* createAndInsertFosterParentedElement( int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes, nsIContentHandle* form, nsIContentHandle* table, nsIContentHandle* stackParent, nsHtml5ContentCreatorFunction creator); ; void insertFosterParentedCharacters(char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length, nsIContentHandle* table, nsIContentHandle* stackParent); void appendCharacters(nsIContentHandle* parent, char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void appendComment(nsIContentHandle* parent, char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void appendCommentToDocument(char16_t* buf, int32_t start, int32_t length); void addAttributesToElement(nsIContentHandle* element, nsHtml5HtmlAttributes* attributes); void markMalformedIfScript(nsIContentHandle* elt); void start(bool fragmentMode); void end(); void appendDoctypeToDocument(nsAtom* name, nsHtml5String publicIdentifier, nsHtml5String systemIdentifier); void elementPushed(int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsIContentHandle* node); void elementPopped(int32_t ns, nsAtom* name, nsIContentHandle* node); public: inline bool cdataSectionAllowed() { return isInForeign(); } private: bool isInForeign(); bool isInForeignButNotHtmlOrMathTextIntegrationPoint(); public: void setFragmentContext(nsAtom* context, int32_t ns, nsIContentHandle* node, bool quirks); protected: nsIContentHandle* currentNode(); public: bool isScriptingEnabled(); void setScriptingEnabled(bool scriptingEnabled); void setIsSrcdocDocument(bool isSrcdocDocument); void flushCharacters(); private: bool charBufferContainsNonWhitespace(); public: nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState* newSnapshot(); bool snapshotMatches(nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState* snapshot); void loadState(nsAHtml5TreeBuilderState* snapshot); private: int32_t findInArray(nsHtml5StackNode* node, jArray arr); nsIContentHandle* nodeFromStackWithBlinkCompat(int32_t stackPos); public: nsIContentHandle* getFormPointer() override; nsIContentHandle* getHeadPointer() override; jArray getListOfActiveFormattingElements() override; jArray getStack() override; jArray getTemplateModeStack() override; int32_t getMode() override; int32_t getOriginalMode() override; bool isFramesetOk() override; bool isNeedToDropLF() override; bool isQuirks() override; int32_t getListOfActiveFormattingElementsLength() override; int32_t getStackLength() override; int32_t getTemplateModeStackLength() override; static void initializeStatics(); static void releaseStatics(); #include "nsHtml5TreeBuilderHSupplement.h" }; #endif