echo off REM Check out, build and deliever the CCK stuff REM 3/16/99 Frank Petitta Netscape Communications Corp. REM REM Basic operation outline: REM _MSC_VER and MOZ_DEBUG are the only System Vars used(currently) REM IF _MSC_VER doesnt equal 1200 then VC+ is not version 6.0, REM 6.0 is the standard so the build will not happen if _MSC_VER is REM any value other than 1200! REM System var MOZ_DEBUG is used to detemine Debug or Non-Debug builds REM REM * I hate this Batch CRAP, I going to use this as a temp and write this again in PERL!!!* REM REM echo on :SetUp REM Set all of environ vars for the build process set BuildGood=0 call C:\"Program Files"\"Microsoft Visual Studio"\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat REM Set/get Sys vars to make sure you are doing the right thing. REM Make sure we are building with the right version of VC+ (6.0) if not "%_MSC_VER%"=="1200" set ErrorType=1 if not "%_MSC_VER%"=="1200" goto Errors REM Set the BuildType if "%MOZ_DEBUG%"=="1" set BuildType=debug if "%MOZ_DEBUG%"=="0" set BuildType=release D: cd\builds REM remove the mozilla directory echo y | rd /s mozilla REM check out mozilla/cck cvs co mozilla/cck REM Copy the build files to the build directory C: cd\cckscripts copy WizardMachine.dep D:\builds\mozilla\cck\driver copy WizardMachine.mak D:\builds\mozilla\cck\driver D: cd\builds\mozilla\cck\driver REM Send Pull completion notification echo.CCK source pull complete. >> tempfile.txt blat tempfile.txt -t -s "CCK Pull Notification" -i Undertaker if exist tempfile.txt del tempfile.txt REM build the damn thing, then send notification if the exe is there. if "%MOZ_DEBUG%"=="1" NMAKE /f "WizardMachine.mak" CFG="WizardMachine - Win32 Debug" if "%MOZ_DEBUG%"=="0" NMAKE /f "WizardMachine.mak" CFG="WizardMachine - Win32 Release" REM See if the target is there if exist D:\builds\mozilla\cck\driver\"%BuildType%"\wizardmachine.exe set BuildGood=1 REM If the target is there then do the right thing, Mail notification then upload it. echo.CCK build complete and verified. >> tempfile.txt if "%BuildGood%"=="1" blat tempfile.txt -t -s "CCK Build Notification" -i Undertaker if exist tempfile.txt del tempfile.txt REM Houston we have a problem, abort, abort!!!!! if "%BuildGood%" =="0" echo.CCK build died, casualty assesment. >> tempfile.txt if "%BuildGood%" =="0" blat tempfile.txt -t -s "CCK Build Notification" -i Undertaker if exist tempfile.txt del tempfile.txt if "%BuildGood%" =="0" set ErrorType=2 if "%BuildGood%" =="0" goto Errors :BuildNumber REM Get the build date to label the folder we create on upload. C: Perl C:\CCKScripts\ call C:\CCKScripts\bdate.bat if "%BuildID%" == "" goto set ErrorType = 3 if "%BuildID%" == "" goto EndOfScript REM Make the Main repository Folder using the BuildID var O: md \products\client\cck\cck50\"%BuildType%"\"%BuildID%" REM Put it where we all can get it. :UpLoad REM Make the folder for the INI's then copy/move all of them. O: md \products\client\cck\cck50\"%BuildType%"\"%BuildID%"\iniFiles D: cd\builds\mozilla\cck\cckwiz\inifiles copy *.ini O:\products\client\cck\cck50\"%BuildType%"\"%BuildID%"\iniFiles REM Copy the wizardmachine.exe to sweetlou D: cd\builds\mozilla\cck\driver\"%BuildType%" copy *.exe O:\products\client\cck\cck50\"%BuildType%"\"%BuildID%" goto EndOfScript REM Capture the errors, do something smart with them. :Errors if "%ErrorType%"=="1" echo. Incorrect version of VC+, not 6.0! Script halted!! if "%ErrorType%"=="2" echo. The build blew up in your face, get to work laughing boy!! if "%ErrorType%"=="3" echo. BuildNumber Generation Failed if "%ErrorType%"=="4" echo. Busted4 if "%ErrorType%"=="5" echo. Busted5 REM Like , duh. Oh my gosh and all that stuff! :EndOfScript echo. This is the end, my friend. My only friend, the end......