/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "navfram.h" #include "feimage.h" #include "net.h" #include "cxsave.h" #include "cxicon.h" #include "fegui.h" #include "rdfliner.h" #include "mmsystem.h" #include "winproto.h" #include "xp_ncent.h" #include "pain.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #ifndef _AFXDLL #undef new #endif #ifndef _AFXDLL #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #include "dropmenu.h" ////////////////////////// // RDF Event Handlers // The Main Event Handler for the NavCenter. Handles events on the selector bar AND within the tree // views. void notifyProcedure (HT_Notification ns, HT_Resource n, HT_Event whatHappened, void *token, uint32 tokenType) { CSelector* theSelector = (CSelector*)ns->data; if (theSelector == NULL) return; HT_View theView = HT_GetView(n); // The pane has to handle some events. These will go here. if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_VIEW_SELECTED) { CSelectorButton* pButton = theSelector->GetCurrentButton(); // If the new selected view is NULL, then we need to make sure our pane is closed. if (theView == NULL && pButton != NULL) { // We're open. Close the pane. ((CNSNavFrame*)theSelector->GetParentFrame())->CollapseWindow(); } else if (theView != NULL) { // We have a view. Select it. CSelectorButton* pNewButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(theView); theSelector->SetCurrentButton(pNewButton); if (pButton == NULL) { // Need to open the pane. ((CNSNavFrame*)theSelector->GetParentFrame())->ExpandWindow(); } } return; } if (theView == NULL) return; if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_VIEW_ADDED) { theSelector->AddButton(theView); theSelector->RearrangeIcons(); } else if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_VIEW_DELETED) { // Delete the content view CSelectorButton* pButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(theView); if (pButton) { // Delete the button delete pButton; // Remove our FE data HT_SetViewFEData(theView, NULL); } } else if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_NODE_VPROP_CHANGED && HT_TopNode(theView) == n) { // Top level node changed its name/icon. Need to change the button text, window title bar, and // embedded nav menu bar. Also need to update the current tree view and the column headers. (Whew!) CSelectorButton* pButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(theView); if (pButton && pButton->m_hWnd) { // Invalidate the button. pButton->Invalidate(); // The remaining invalidation only happens if the selected view is the one that was just // changed. if (theSelector->GetCurrentButton() != pButton) return; // Invalidate the title bar. CFrameWnd* pFrame = pButton->GetParentFrame(); if (pFrame->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CNSNavFrame))) { CNSNavFrame* pNavFrame = (CNSNavFrame*)pFrame; if (pNavFrame) { // Invalidate the title bar. CNavTitleBar* pBar = pNavFrame->GetNavTitleBar(); if (pBar) pBar->Invalidate(); // Invalidate the tree view. CRDFContentView* theOutlinerView = theSelector->GetContentView(); if (theOutlinerView) { CRDFOutlinerParent* pParent = (CRDFOutlinerParent*)(theOutlinerView->GetOutlinerParent()); if (pParent) { pParent->Invalidate(); COutliner* pOutliner = pParent->GetOutliner(); if (pOutliner) pOutliner->Invalidate(); } } } } } } else if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_NODE_EDIT && HT_TopNode(theView) == n) { // Edit being performed on a selector bar item. (STILL TO DO) } else if (whatHappened == HT_EVENT_VIEW_WORKSPACE_REFRESH) theSelector->RearrangeIcons(); // Redraw the selector. // If the pane doesn't handle the event, then the tree view does, but only if this button is the current // selected button on the selector bar. else { // View needs to exist in order for us to send this event to it. CSelectorButton* pButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(theView); if (pButton && (pButton == theSelector->GetCurrentButton())) { CRDFContentView* theOutlinerView = theSelector->GetContentView(); if (theOutlinerView) { CRDFOutliner* theOutliner = (CRDFOutliner*)(theOutlinerView->GetOutlinerParent()->GetOutliner()); if (theOutliner) theOutliner->HandleEvent(ns, n, whatHappened); } } else if (pButton && whatHappened == HT_EVENT_NODE_OPENCLOSE_CHANGED && (pButton->GetDropMenu() != NULL)) { // We opened or closed a node in the popup menu. PRBool openState; HT_GetOpenState(n, &openState); if (openState) pButton->FillInMenu(n); } } } // SelectorButton CSelectorButton::~CSelectorButton() { m_Node = NULL; } int CSelectorButton::Create(CWnd *pParent, int nToolbarStyle, CSize noviceButtonSize, CSize advancedButtonSize, LPCTSTR pButtonText, LPCTSTR pToolTipText, LPCTSTR pStatusText, CSize bitmapSize, int nMaxTextChars, int nMinTextChars, HT_Resource pNode, DWORD dwButtonStyle) { BOOKMARKITEM bookmark; // For now, create with the pictures style. No text ever. BOOL bResult = CRDFToolbarButton::Create(pParent, TB_PICTURES, noviceButtonSize, advancedButtonSize, pButtonText, pToolTipText, pStatusText, bitmapSize, nMaxTextChars, nMinTextChars, bookmark, pNode, dwButtonStyle); return bResult; } CRDFContentView* CSelectorButton::GetContentView() { return m_pSelector->GetContentView(); } void CSelectorButton::OnAction() { if (m_pDropMenu == NULL || !m_pDropMenu->IsOpen()) { HT_Pane pane = HT_GetPane(m_HTView); if (m_pSelector->GetCurrentButton() == this) { // View is already selected. We are now closing the pane. HT_SetSelectedView(pane, NULL); } else HT_SetSelectedView(pane, m_HTView); } } CSize CSelectorButton::GetButtonSizeFromChars(CString s, int c) { if (m_nToolbarStyle == TB_PICTURES) return GetBitmapOnlySize(); else if(m_nToolbarStyle == TB_TEXT) return(GetTextOnlySize(s, c)); else return(GetBitmapOnTopSize(s, c)); } void CSelectorButton::DrawPicturesMode(HDC hDC, CRect rect) { DrawButtonBitmap(hDC, rect); } void CSelectorButton::DrawPicturesAndTextMode(HDC hDC, CRect rect) { //DrawBitmapOnTop(hDC, rect); DrawButtonBitmap(hDC, rect); } void CSelectorButton::GetPicturesAndTextModeTextRect(CRect &rect) { //GetBitmapOnTopTextRect(rect); GetPicturesModeTextRect(rect); } void CSelectorButton::GetPicturesModeTextRect(CRect &rect) { //GetBitmapOnTopTextRect(rect); CToolbarButton::GetPicturesModeTextRect(rect); } void CSelectorButton::DisplayMenuOnDrag() { CPoint point = RequestMenuPlacement(); if(m_pDropMenu == NULL || !m_pDropMenu->IsOpen()) { int nCount; if(m_pDropMenu != NULL) { nCount = m_pDropMenu->GetMenuItemCount(); // clean out the menu before adding to it for(int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m_pDropMenu->DeleteMenu(i, MF_BYPOSITION); } m_pDropMenu->DestroyDropMenu(); delete m_pDropMenu; } m_pDropMenu = new CDropMenu; SendMessage(NSDRAGMENUOPEN, (WPARAM)GetButtonCommand(), (LPARAM)m_pDropMenu); nCount = m_pDropMenu->GetMenuItemCount(); if(nCount > 0) { CDropMenuDropTarget *dropTarget = new CDropMenuDropTarget(m_pDropMenu); m_pDropMenu->TrackDropMenu(this, point.x, point.y, TRUE, dropTarget, TRUE); } else { CDropMenu* theLastMenu = CDropMenu::GetLastDropMenu(); if(theLastMenu !=NULL) { //we only want one drop menu open at a time, so close the last one if one is //still open. theLastMenu->Deactivate(); CDropMenu::SetLastDropMenu(NULL); } } } } BOOL CSelectorButton::CreateRightMouseMenu() { // Selector buttons should be selected if the tree is visible. if (m_pSelector->IsTreeVisible()) { // Actually switch to this view. if (!m_bDepressed) { // Depress. OnAction(); } } // Build the actual menu. m_MenuCommandMap.Clear(); // Set the selected view, but do a mask if we're closed so we don't end up opening the pane. HT_SetSelectedView(HT_GetPane(m_HTView), m_HTView); HT_SetSelection(HT_TopNode(m_HTView)); HT_Cursor theCursor = HT_NewContextualMenuCursor(m_HTView, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE); if (theCursor != NULL) { // We have a cursor. Attempt to iterate HT_MenuCmd theCommand; while (HT_NextContextMenuItem(theCursor, &theCommand)) { char* menuName = HT_GetMenuCmdName(theCommand); if (theCommand == HT_CMD_SEPARATOR) m_menu.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); else { // Add the command to our command map CRDFMenuCommand* rdfCommand = new CRDFMenuCommand(menuName, theCommand); int index = m_MenuCommandMap.AddCommand(rdfCommand); m_menu.AppendMenu(MF_ENABLED, index+FIRST_HT_MENU_ID, menuName); } } HT_DeleteCursor(theCursor); } return TRUE; } void CSelectorButton::DisplayAndTrackMenu() { CRDFToolbarButton::DisplayAndTrackMenu(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNavCenterFrame //IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CSelector, CScrollView) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CSelector, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSelector, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code ! ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() ON_WM_PARENTNOTIFY() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_TIMER() ON_MESSAGE(NSBUTTONDRAGGING, OnButtonDrag) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() CSelector::CSelector(CRDFContentView* pContent) { m_pContentView = pContent; m_xpos = ICONXPOS; m_ypos = ICONYPOS; m_pDropTarget = NULL; m_Pane = NULL; m_Notification = NULL; m_scrollPos = 0; m_pCurButton = NULL; m_boundingBox.SetRectEmpty(); m_hScrollBmp = ::LoadBitmap( AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDB_VFLIPPY )); BITMAP bm; ::GetObject( m_hScrollBmp, sizeof( bm ), &bm ); m_hScrollBmpSize.cx = bm.bmWidth / 4; m_hScrollBmpSize.cy = bm.bmHeight; m_scrollUp = new CNavSelScrollButton(m_hScrollBmp, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, 0, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDown = new CNavSelScrollButton(m_hScrollBmp, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, 2, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDirection = NOSCROLL; m_hPaneSwitchTimer = 0; } CSelector::~CSelector() { if (m_hScrollBmp) { VERIFY( ::DeleteObject( m_hScrollBmp )); } if (m_Pane != NULL) { int count = HT_GetViewListCount(m_Pane); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HT_View view = HT_GetNthView(m_Pane, i); if (view && HT_GetViewFEData(view)) { CSelectorButton* theButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(view); delete theButton; HT_SetViewFEData(view, NULL); } } XP_UnregisterNavCenter(m_Pane); HT_DeletePane(m_Pane); } if (m_scrollUp) delete m_scrollUp; if (m_scrollDown) delete m_scrollDown; delete m_Notification; if(m_pDropTarget) { m_pDropTarget->Revoke(); delete m_pDropTarget; m_pDropTarget = NULL; } } void CSelector::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { } int CSelector::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if(!m_pDropTarget) { m_pDropTarget = new CSelectorDropTarget(this); m_pDropTarget->Register(this); } CRect tempRect(0, 0, 1, 1); m_scrollUp->Create("", BS_OWNERDRAW | BS_PUSHBUTTON , tempRect, this, SCROLLID); m_scrollDown->Create("", BS_OWNERDRAW | BS_PUSHBUTTON , tempRect, this, SCROLLID+1); m_scrollUp->SetWindowPos( &wndTopMost, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0); m_scrollDown->SetWindowPos( &wndTopMost, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0); #ifdef XP_WIN32 ::SetClassLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, (COLOR_BTNFACE + 1)); #else ::SetClassWord(GetSafeHwnd(), GCW_HBRBACKGROUND, (COLOR_BTNFACE + 1)); #endif return 0; } void CSelector::SelectNthView(int i) { HT_View theView = HT_GetNthView(m_Pane, i); if (theView && HT_GetViewFEData(theView)) { CSelectorButton* pButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(theView); pButton->OnAction(); } } BOOL CSelector::IsTreeVisible() { return m_pCurButton != NULL; } void CSelector::SetCurrentButton(CSelectorButton* pButton) { // Deselect the old button. if (m_pCurButton) { m_pCurButton->SetDepressed(FALSE); } // Selecting the button. m_pCurButton = pButton; m_pCurButton->SetDepressed(TRUE); // adjust the window. here. m_pContentView->SwitchHTViews(m_pCurButton->GetHTView()); m_pContentView->SetFocus(); } void CSelector::UnSelectAll() { if (m_pCurButton) m_pCurButton->SetDepressed(FALSE); m_pCurButton = NULL; } CRDFContentView* CSelector::GetContentView() { return m_pContentView; } CSelectorButton* CSelector::GetCurrentButton() { return m_pCurButton; } void CSelector::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy ) { if (cy > m_boundingBox.Height() && m_scrollPos > 0) { // resize bigger need to scroll down. ScrollWindowEx( 0, SCROLLSTEP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE); m_scrollPos -= SCROLLSTEP; } int32 dockStyle = ((CNSNavFrame*)GetParent())->GetDockStyle(); if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZTOP || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZBOTTOM) { int left = cx-m_hScrollBmpSize.cx; m_scrollUp->MoveWindow(0, 0, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollUp->setBoundingBox(0, 0, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDown->MoveWindow(left, 0, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx , m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDown->setBoundingBox(left, 0, left + m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); } else { int top = cy - m_hScrollBmpSize.cy; int left = cx-m_hScrollBmpSize.cx; m_scrollUp->MoveWindow(left, 0, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollUp->setBoundingBox(left, 0, left + m_hScrollBmpSize.cx , m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDown->MoveWindow(left, top, m_hScrollBmpSize.cx , m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); m_scrollDown->setBoundingBox(left, top, left + m_hScrollBmpSize.cx, top + m_hScrollBmpSize.cy); } ShowScrollButton(NULL); GetClientRect(&m_boundingBox); RearrangeIcons(); } void CSelector::ShowScrollButton(CSelectorButton* button) { CRect tempRect; CNSNavFrame* pParent = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParent(); int32 dockstyle = pParent->GetDockStyle(); GetClientRect(&tempRect); // checked if we need to display the scroll button if (dockstyle == DOCKSTYLE_FLOATING || dockstyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTLEFT || dockstyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTRIGHT) { if ((m_ypos - m_hScrollBmpSize.cy) > (tempRect.Height() - ICONYPOS)) { m_scrollUp->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_scrollDown->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_scrollUp->Invalidate(); m_scrollDown->Invalidate(); } else { m_scrollUp->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_scrollDown->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } else { if ((m_xpos - m_hScrollBmpSize.cx) > (tempRect.Width() - ICONXPOS)) { m_scrollUp->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_scrollDown->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_scrollUp->Invalidate(); m_scrollDown->Invalidate(); } else { m_scrollUp->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_scrollDown->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } } void CSelector::AddButton(HT_View theView) { // Create the selector button. CSelectorButton* theNSViewButton = new CSelectorButton(this); // Set the HT view for the button. theNSViewButton->SetHTView(theView); HT_SetViewFEData(theView, theNSViewButton); HT_Resource node = HT_TopNode(theView); char* pNodeURL = HT_GetNodeURL(node); char* pTitle = HT_GetNodeName(node); theNSViewButton->Create(this, theApp.m_pToolbarStyle, CSize(60,42), CSize(85, 25), pTitle, pTitle, pNodeURL, CSize(23,23), 10, 5, node, TB_HAS_DRAGABLE_MENU | TB_HAS_TIMED_MENU); CRect rect; rect.left = (long)m_xpos; rect.top = (long)m_ypos; CSize buttonSize = theNSViewButton->GetRequiredButtonSize(); rect.right = rect.left + buttonSize.cx; rect.bottom = rect.top + buttonSize.cy; CNSNavFrame* pFrame = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParentFrame(); int32 dockStyle = pFrame->GetDockStyle(); if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZTOP || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZBOTTOM) { m_xpos += BUTTON_WIDTH + 2; rect.bottom = rect.top + BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else { m_ypos += buttonSize.cy + 2; rect.right = rect.left + BUTTON_WIDTH; } ShowScrollButton(theNSViewButton); } void CSelector::PopulatePane() { // Construct the notification struct used by HT HT_Notification ns = new HT_NotificationStruct; XP_BZERO(ns, sizeof(HT_NotificationStruct)); ns->notifyProc = notifyProcedure; ns->data = this; m_Notification = ns; // Construct the pane and give it our notification struct m_Pane = HT_NewPane(ns); HT_SetPaneFEData(m_Pane, this); // Inform our XP layer of the new nav center. MWContext *pDockedCX = NULL; CNSNavFrame *pParentFrame = GetParentFrame()->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CNSNavFrame)) ? (CNSNavFrame*)GetParentFrame() : NULL; // Since the XP layer isn't set up yet, we can't use // XP_IsNavCenterDocked in order to tell // if the window is docked. Use instead wether or // not the frame has a parent. if(pParentFrame && pParentFrame->GetParent()) { CFrameGlue *pGlue = CFrameGlue::GetFrameGlue(pParentFrame->GetTopLevelFrame()); if(pGlue && pGlue->GetMainContext()) { pDockedCX = pGlue->GetMainContext()->GetContext(); } ASSERT(pDockedCX); } XP_RegisterNavCenter(m_Pane, pDockedCX); // Place any icons that were immediately available. (The remote ones will trickle in later, and we'll // rearrange the selector bar when we get those VIEW_ADDED events.) RearrangeIcons(); } void CSelector::DestroyViews() { int viewCount = HT_GetViewListCount(m_Pane); for (int i = 0; i < viewCount; i++) { HT_View v = HT_GetNthView(m_Pane, i); if (v != NULL) { CRDFContentView* theView = (CRDFContentView*)(HT_GetViewFEData(v)); delete theView; } } } BOOL CSelector::OnEraseBkgnd( CDC* pDC ) { int i = 0; return CWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC); } void CSelector::ScrollSelector() { if (m_scrollDirection == SCROLLUP || m_scrollDirection == SCROLLLEFT) { if (m_scrollPos > 0) { if (m_scrollDirection == SCROLLUP) ScrollWindowEx( 0, SCROLLSTEP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE); else ScrollWindowEx( SCROLLSTEP, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE); m_scrollPos -= SCROLLSTEP; } } else { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); if (m_scrollDirection == SCROLLDOWN) { if (m_scrollPos + (rect.bottom - rect.top) < m_ypos) { ScrollWindowEx( 0, -SCROLLSTEP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE); m_scrollPos += SCROLLSTEP; } else if (m_scrollPos + (rect.right - rect.left) < m_xpos) { ScrollWindowEx( -SCROLLSTEP, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE); m_scrollPos += SCROLLSTEP; } } } ShowScrollButton(NULL); m_scrollUp->AdjustPos(); m_scrollDown->AdjustPos(); } void CSelector::OnParentNotify( UINT message, LPARAM lParam ) { if (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { POINT pt; pt.x = LOWORD(lParam); // horizontal position of cursor pt.y = HIWORD(lParam); // vertical position of cursor CNSNavFrame* pParent = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParent(); int32 dockStyle = pParent->GetDockStyle(); if (m_scrollUp->IsPtInRect(pt)) { if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZTOP) m_scrollDirection = SCROLLLEFT; else m_scrollDirection = SCROLLUP; } else if (m_scrollDown->IsPtInRect(pt)){ // scroll down. if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZBOTTOM) m_scrollDirection = SCROLLRIGHT; else m_scrollDirection = SCROLLDOWN; } ScrollSelector(); } CWnd::OnParentNotify( message, lParam ); } void CSelector::RearrangeIcons() { if (m_Pane == NULL) return; CNSNavFrame* pFrame = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParentFrame(); int32 dockStyle = pFrame->GetDockStyle(); CRect tempRect; if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZTOP || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_HORZBOTTOM) { m_xpos = ICONXPOS; m_ypos = 1; } else { m_xpos = 1; m_ypos = ICONYPOS; } CRect parentRect; CSelectorButton* theButton = NULL; GetClientRect(&parentRect); int count = HT_GetViewListCount(m_Pane); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HT_View view = HT_GetNthView(m_Pane, i); if (view && HT_GetViewFEData(view)) { theButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(view); CSize buttonSize = theButton->GetRequiredButtonSize(); if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_FLOATING || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTLEFT || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTRIGHT) { // draw icon from top to bottom theButton->MoveWindow((int)m_xpos, (int)m_ypos, BUTTON_WIDTH, buttonSize.cy, TRUE); m_ypos += buttonSize.cy + 2; } else { // draw icon from left to right. theButton->MoveWindow((int)m_xpos, (int)m_ypos, BUTTON_WIDTH, buttonSize.cy, TRUE); m_xpos += BUTTON_WIDTH + 2; } } } } CSelectorButton* CSelector::GetButtonFromPoint(CPoint point, int& dragFraction) { CRect buttonRect; CNSNavFrame* pFrame = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParentFrame(); int32 dockStyle = pFrame->GetDockStyle(); CSelectorButton* pButton = NULL; int count = HT_GetViewListCount(m_Pane); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HT_View view = HT_GetNthView(m_Pane, i); if (view && HT_GetViewFEData(view)) { pButton = (CSelectorButton*)HT_GetViewFEData(view); pButton->GetClientRect(&buttonRect); pButton->MapWindowPoints(this, &buttonRect); if (buttonRect.PtInRect(point)) { int hitY = point.y; if (point.y >= buttonRect.top && point.y <= buttonRect.top + buttonRect.Height()/4.0) dragFraction = 1; else if (point.y >= buttonRect.bottom - buttonRect.Height()/4.0) dragFraction = 3; else dragFraction = 2; return pButton; } if (dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_FLOATING || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTLEFT || dockStyle == DOCKSTYLE_VERTRIGHT) { if (point.y <= buttonRect.bottom) { dragFraction = 1; return pButton; } } else { if (point.x <= buttonRect.right) { dragFraction = 1; return pButton; } } } } dragFraction = 3; return pButton; } void CSelector::OnTimer(UINT nID) { CWnd::OnTimer(nID); if (nID == IDT_PANESWITCH) { if (m_hPaneSwitchTimer != 0) { KillSwitchTimer(); } // Do the pane switch if (m_pCurButton != GetDragButton()) { // There's actually something that needs to be done. if (m_pCurButton) // Something is depressed GetDragButton()->OnAction(); else // Nothing is depressed. Use popup menus instead. GetDragButton()->DisplayMenuOnDrag(); } } } void CSelector::OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point ) { // Called when the user clicks on the menu bar. Start a drag or collapse the view. if (m_pCurButton) { if (m_pContentView) m_pContentView->SetFocus(); } m_PointHit = point; SetCapture(); } void CSelector::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (GetCapture() == this) { CNSNavFrame* navFrameParent = (CNSNavFrame*)GetParentFrame(); if (abs(point.x - m_PointHit.x) > 3 || abs(point.y - m_PointHit.y) > 3) { ReleaseCapture(); // Start a drag MapWindowPoints(navFrameParent, &point, 1); navFrameParent->StartDrag(point); } } } void CSelector::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (GetCapture() == this) { ReleaseCapture(); } } void CSelector::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { m_MenuCommandMap.Clear(); HT_Cursor theCursor = HT_NewContextualMenuCursor(NULL, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); CMenu menu; ClientToScreen(&point); if (menu.CreatePopupMenu() != 0 && theCursor != NULL) { // We have a cursor. Attempt to iterate HT_MenuCmd theCommand; while (HT_NextContextMenuItem(theCursor, &theCommand)) { char* menuName = HT_GetMenuCmdName(theCommand); if (theCommand == HT_CMD_SEPARATOR) menu.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); else { // Add the command to our command map CRDFMenuCommand* rdfCommand = new CRDFMenuCommand(menuName, theCommand); int index = m_MenuCommandMap.AddCommand(rdfCommand); menu.AppendMenu(MF_ENABLED, index+FIRST_HT_MENU_ID, menuName); } } HT_DeleteCursor(theCursor); menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this, NULL); menu.DestroyMenu(); } } BOOL CSelector::OnCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (wParam >= FIRST_HT_MENU_ID && wParam <= LAST_HT_MENU_ID) { // A selection was made from the context menu. // Use the menu map to get the HT command value CRDFMenuCommand* theCommand = (CRDFMenuCommand*)(m_MenuCommandMap.GetCommand((int)wParam-FIRST_HT_MENU_ID)); if (theCommand) { HT_MenuCmd htCommand = theCommand->GetHTCommand(); HT_DoMenuCmd(m_Pane, htCommand); } } return TRUE; } CSelectorDropTarget::CSelectorDropTarget(CSelector* pParent) { fd = 0; m_pParent = pParent; } CSelectorDropTarget::~CSelectorDropTarget() { delete fd; } BOOL CSelectorDropTarget::OnDrop(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point) { CSelector* pSelector = (CSelector*)pWnd; HT_View theView = pSelector->GetDragButton()->GetHTView(); pSelector->SetDragButton(NULL); if (pSelector->GetSwitchTimer() != 0) pSelector->KillSwitchTimer(); if (theView) { // Do a drop. RDFGLOBAL_PerformDrop(pDataObject, HT_TopNode(theView), pSelector->GetDragFraction()); } /* if(!pDataObject || !pWnd) return(FALSE); #ifdef XP_WIN32 // we only handle text at the moment if(! (pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT) || pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT))) return(FALSE); #else // we only handle text at the moment if(!pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return(FALSE); #endif CSelector * cView = (CSelector *) pWnd; BOOL bUseUnicodeData = FALSE; // get the data HGLOBAL hString = pDataObject->GetGlobalData(CF_TEXT); if(hString == NULL) return(FALSE); // get a pointer to the actual bytes char * pString = (char *) GlobalLock(hString); if(!pString) return(FALSE); m_url = pString; GlobalUnlock(hString); if (strnicmp(m_url, "mailto:", 7) == 0) { // drag from mail and new // Generic brain dead interface to GetUrl. pSaveContext = new CSaveCX(NULL, "MCF Viewer", pWnd); // Create the stream which will do the actual work. #ifndef XP_WIN16 pSaveContext->Create(CSaveCX::IDD, m_pParent); #elif defined(DEBUG_hyatt) || defined(DEBUG_mhwang) || defined(DEBUG_rjc) || defined(DEBUG_guha) // TODO -WIND16 Fix the saving of MCF correctly, and stop using static strings #endif fd = 0; NET_StreamClass *pStream = NET_NewStream("Saving MCF file", MCFSaveWrite, MCFSaveComplete, MCFSaveAbort, MCFSaveReady, this, pSaveContext->GetContext()); pSaveContext->SetSecondaryStream(pStream); // Load it. URL_Struct *pUrlStruct = NET_CreateURLStruct(m_url, NET_DONT_RELOAD); pSaveContext->GetUrl(pUrlStruct, FO_CACHE_AND_SAVE_AS, TRUE, FALSE); } else { CWnd* pWindowHit = m_pParent->ChildWindowFromPoint( point ); if (pWindowHit) { CSelectorButton* theButton = (CSelectorButton*)pWindowHit; CPoint point(-1, -1); return theButton->GetView()->OnDrop(pDataObject, dropEffect, point); } else { // create a new work space. HT_NewWorkspace(m_url.GetBuffer(m_url.GetLength()), m_pParent, m_pParent->GetHTPane()); } } */ return(TRUE); } LRESULT CSelector::OnButtonDrag(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hWnd = (HWND) lParam; CWnd *pButton = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); COleDataSource * pDataSource = new COleDataSource; CSelectorButton* pSelButton = (CSelectorButton*)pButton; pSelButton->FillInOleDataSource(pDataSource); // Need to clear the selection, since I use that for dropping stuff. HT_SetSelection(HT_TopNode(pSelButton->GetHTView())); // Don't start drag until outside this rect RECT rectDragStart; pButton->GetClientRect(&rectDragStart); pButton->MapWindowPoints(this, &rectDragStart); DROPEFFECT effect; CToolbarDropSource * pDropSource = new CToolbarDropSource; effect=pDataSource->DoDragDrop(DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_LINK | DROPEFFECT_MOVE | DROPEFFECT_SCROLL | DROPEFFECT_NONE, &rectDragStart, pDropSource); delete pDropSource; delete pDataSource; return 1; } DROPEFFECT CSelectorDropTarget::OnDragEnter(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point ) { return OnDragOver(pWnd, pDataObject, dwKeyState, point); } DROPEFFECT CSelectorDropTarget::OnDragOver(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point ) { CSelector* pSelector = (CSelector*)pWnd; int dragFraction; CSelectorButton* pButton = pSelector->GetButtonFromPoint(point, dragFraction); HT_Resource theNode = pButton ? pButton->GetNode() : NULL; // Give some drag feedback. DROPEFFECT answer = RDFGLOBAL_TranslateDropAction(theNode, pDataObject, dragFraction); if (pButton != pSelector->GetDragButton() || dragFraction != pSelector->GetDragFraction()) { // User is over a different button or different part of the same button if (pSelector->GetSwitchTimer() != 0) pSelector->KillSwitchTimer(); // Kill the existing pane switch timer. pSelector->SetDragButton(pButton); pSelector->SetDragFraction(dragFraction); if (answer != DROPEFFECT_NONE && dragFraction == 2) // Set the pane switching timer if the user can drop here. pSelector->SetSwitchTimer(); else { // Kill any menus that are up. CDropMenu* theLastMenu = CDropMenu::GetLastDropMenu(); if(theLastMenu !=NULL) { //we only want one drop menu open at a time, so close the last one if one is //still open. theLastMenu->Deactivate(); CDropMenu::SetLastDropMenu(NULL); } } } return answer; } void CSelectorDropTarget::OnDragLeave(CWnd* pWnd) { CSelector* pSelector = (CSelector*)pWnd; pSelector->SetDragButton(NULL); if (pSelector->GetSwitchTimer() != 0) { pSelector->KillSwitchTimer(); } } IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CNavSelScrollButton, CButton) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CNavSelScrollButton, CButton) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame) // ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code ! //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() CNavSelScrollButton::CNavSelScrollButton(HBITMAP hBmp, int width, int index, int height) { m_hbmp = hBmp; m_width = width; m_index = index; m_height = height; m_selected = FALSE; } void CNavSelScrollButton::DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct ) { if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction == ODA_FOCUS ) return; if ( m_hbmp ) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int index = m_index; // normal state bitmap. HDC hdcBitmap = ::CreateCompatibleDC( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC ); HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject( hdcBitmap, m_hbmp ); if ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction == ODA_SELECT) && ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) == ODS_SELECTED)) { if (m_selected) { m_selected = FALSE; } else { m_selected = TRUE; index = m_index + 1; // selected state bitmap. } } FEU_TransBlt( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.right - m_width, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.top, m_width, m_height, hdcBitmap, index * m_width, 0 ,WFE_GetUIPalette(GetParentFrame()) ); ::SelectObject( hdcBitmap, hbmOld ); ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); VERIFY( ::DeleteDC( hdcBitmap )); CRgn pRgn; pRgn.CreateRectRgn( m_boundBox.left, m_boundBox.top, m_boundBox.right, m_boundBox.bottom ); GetParent()->ValidateRgn( &pRgn ); pRgn.DeleteObject(); } } unsigned int MCFSaveReady(NET_StreamClass *stream) { // Get our save context out of the data object. CSelectorDropTarget* pDropTarget = (CSelectorDropTarget*)stream->data_object; if (!pDropTarget->fd) { strcpy(pDropTarget->fileName, WH_TempFileName(xpTemporary, "mcf", ".mcf")); pDropTarget->fd = new CFile(pDropTarget->fileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); } return (MAX_WRITE_READY); } int MCFSaveWrite(NET_StreamClass *stream, const char *pWriteData, int32 iDataLength) { CSelectorDropTarget* pDropTarget = (CSelectorDropTarget*)stream->data_object; if (!pDropTarget->fd) { strcpy(pDropTarget->fileName, WH_TempFileName(xpTemporary, "mcf", ".mcf")); pDropTarget->fd = new CFile(pDropTarget->fileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); } pDropTarget->fd->Write( pWriteData, (UINT)iDataLength ); // Return the amount written, or error. return((UINT)iDataLength); } void MCFSaveComplete(NET_StreamClass *stream) { CSelectorDropTarget* pDropTarget = (CSelectorDropTarget*)stream->data_object; pDropTarget->fd->Close( ); /* HT_NewWorkspace(pDropTarget->fileName, pDropTarget->m_pParent, pDropTarget->m_pParent->GetHTPane()); */ } void MCFSaveAbort(NET_StreamClass *stream, int iStatus) { }