Customize the CD Autorun Screen

If you selected "Include CD Autorun Screen" in the second CCK screen (called Gathering Information), the default CA autorun screen will be included in your custom installer unless you use this CCK screen to customize it. If you didn't select "Include CD Autorun Screen" in the Gathering Information screen, your custom installer will not install any CD autorun screen.

If you decide to customize the CD autorun screen, you should prepare the bitmap and text filees required before using CCK to specify their location. For detailed information on preparing these files, see the Guide to Customizing and Distributing Mozilla 1.4.1.

Click the Show Example buttons to see examples of the corresponding customizations. If you want to customize the CD autorun screen in ways that aren't shown here, such as adding more screens or files, see the Guide to Customizing and Distributing Mozilla 1.4.1.

Background Bitmap

Path to your Background Image. If you've stored your background bitmap image somewhere other than the location shown, click Choose File, browse to the location of the file, and click Open. To check the file that's currently specified, click the View File button. 

Title Bar Text

Mozilla by. Enter the text you want to appear in the title bar of the CD Autorun Screen. For example, if you enter "Mach Networks" the title bar text will read "Mozilla by Mach Networks".

Display This Text Below the Title Bar. Enter the text you want to appear just below the title bar. For example: "Welcome to the Mach Networks Installer for Mozilla 1.4.1." 

Custom Installation Text File

The CD Autorun screen includes a button that, when clicked, opens a text document containing instructions for installing Mozilla. You might want to include additional information in this document that you want your users to know before they install Mozilla 1.4.1.

Path to Installation Text File (install.txt). If you've stored your installation text file somewhere other than the location shown, click Choose File, browse to the location of the file, and click Open. To check the file that's currently specified, click the View File button. 

Feedback. Click this button to go to a web page where you can provide feedback about the CCK Tool.

Next. Each time you click Next in a CCK screen, the information you entered or changed on that screen gets automatically saved with the selected configuration.

Exit. Click this button to exit the CCK Tool. The tool saves customizations you have specified in any preceding screens, but doesn't save any information you have specified on the current screen. 


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