Show Example - CD Autorun Screen Background Bitmap File

If you plan to create Mozilla installers for CD distribution, you can provide a CD Autorun screen that automatically appears when the user inserts your customized Mozilla CD into their CD-ROM drive.

The CD Autorun screen makes it easy for your users to install Mozilla or to read installation instructions before they begin the installation process.

The CCK tool provides a standard CD Autorun screen that’s ready to use. To include the standard CD Autorun screen, you must check the "Include CD Autorun Screen" check box in the CCK tool's "Gathering Information" page.

Customizing the standard CD Autorun screen is optional.

You might want to customize the CD Autorun screen's background if you want to add your company logo or add other images that promote your company's identity.

The standard background image for the CD Autorun screen consists of a 640 pixel by 480 pixel bitmap (.BMP) file.

The easiest way to customize the background image is to edit the existing background image, called install.bmp, as described under Editing the Standard Background Image. If you prefer, you can substitute your own custom file as described under Creating Your Own Custom Background Image.

Editing the Standard Background Image

To edit the standard background image:

1. Locate the standard background bitmap file (install.bmp) in the

C:\Program Files
\Mozilla\CCK\CCKTool\Configs\ configname \Workspace\Autorun\Shell\bmps

directory, where configname is the directory name that corresponds to the configuration you are working with.

2. Using a graphics editing program, open the install.bmp file and make your changes to it. For example, you might want to add your company's logo and name.


Do not add text or graphics within the black border area at the bottom of the CD Autorun screen. This area is reserved for the CD Autorun screen's Browse CD, Back, and Exit buttons.

3. Save your changes, making sure to save the file in .BMP format. If you want, you can save the file using another name.

4. In the CCK tool, go to the screen titled "Customize the CD Autorun Screen."

5. Under Background Bitmap, click Choose File and browse to the location of your custom background image to include it.

Creating Your Own Custom Background Image

To create your own custom background image for the CD Autorun screen:

1. Using a graphics editing program, create a bitmap image that's 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high.


Keep the size of the file as small as possible (325 Kbytes or less) by reducing the number of colors in the file, or by removing or flattening the layers (if you created the image in PhotoShop). If your file size is too large, it may not appear in the CD Autorun screen.

2. At the bottom of the background image, create a rectangular border at least 40 pixels high and 640 pixels wide. The CD Autorun screen will use this area to display the CD control buttons (Browse CD, Back, and Exit).

3. Save the image as a .BMP (bitmap) format file in the

C:\Program Files\Mozilla\CCK\CCKTool\Configs\ configname \Workspace\Autorun\Shell\bmps

directory, where configname is the directory name that corresponds to the configuration you are working with.

4. In the CCK Tool, go to the screen titled "Customize the CD Autorun Screen."

5. Under Background Bitmap, click Choose File… and browse to the location of your custom background image to include it.
