/* $Id: qtbind.cpp,v 1.3 1998/10/20 02:40:44 cls%seawood.org Exp $ * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. Portions * created by Warwick Allison, Kalle Dalheimer, Eirik Eng, Matthias * Ettrich, Arnt Gulbrandsen, Haavard Nord and Paul Olav Tvete are * Copyright (C) 1998 Warwick Allison, Kalle Dalheimer, Eirik Eng, * Matthias Ettrich, Arnt Gulbrandsen, Haavard Nord and Paul Olav * Tvete. All Rights Reserved. */ #include #include "structs.h" #include "ntypes.h" #if 0 #include "bkmks.h" #endif #include "QtContext.h" #include "QtBookmarksContext.h" static void useArgs( const char *fn, ... ) { if (0&&fn) printf( "%s\n", fn ); } /* From ./xfe.c: */ extern "C" MWContext * FE_GetInitContext(void) { // context->funcs = fe_BuildDisplayFunctionTable(); useArgs("Ooops... FE_GetInitContext not yet implemented....\n"); return 0; } extern "C" void QTFE_HandleClippingView(MWContext *pContext, struct LJAppletData *appletD, int x, int y, int width, int height) { useArgs( "QTFE_HandleClippingView", pContext, appletD, x, y, width, height); } /* From ./xfe.c: */ /* Return the copy of the current state of the cipher preference item. * Caller is expected to free the returned string. */ extern "C" char * FE_GetCipherPrefs(void) { useArgs("FE_GetCipherPrefs()"); return "from FE_GetCipherPrefs"; } extern "C" PUBLIC Bool QTFE_PromptUsernameAndPassword (MWContext * window_id, const char * message, char ** username, char ** password) { useArgs("QTFE_PromptUsernameAndPassword (%p,%s,...,...)", window_id, message); *username = 0; *password = 0; return FALSE; } /* From ./icons.c: */ /* * Return builtin strings for about: displaying */ extern "C" void * FE_AboutData(const char *which, char **data_ret, int32 *length_ret, char **content_type_ret) { static QString about = "" "QtMozilla" "" "


" "QtMozilla is based on Mozilla!" ; *data_ret = about.data(); *length_ret = about.length(); *content_type_ret = "text/html"; return 0; } /* From ./icons.c: */ extern "C" void FE_FreeAboutData(void *fe_data, const char *which) { // It's static. } // This one actually needs to be extern - it's used in qtmoz.cpp extern "C" Bool QTFE_Confirm(MWContext * context, const char * Msg) { return QtContext::confirm( context ? QtContext::qt(context) : 0, Msg ); } extern "C" Bool QTFE_UseFancyFTP (MWContext * window_id){ useArgs( "QTFE_UseFancyFTP ", window_id); return 0; } extern "C" Bool QTFE_UseFancyNewsgroupListing(MWContext *window_id){ useArgs( "QTFE_UseFancyNewsgroupListing", window_id); return 0; } extern "C" XP_Bool QTFE_ShowAllNewsArticles(MWContext *window_id){ useArgs( "QTFE_ShowAllNewsArticles", window_id); return 0; } /* From somewhere... */ extern "C" MWContext * QTFE_CreateNewDocWindow(MWContext * calling_context,URL_Struct * URL){ useArgs( "QTFE_CreateNewDocWindow %p, %p \n", calling_context, URL ); return 0; } extern "C" Bool FE_SecurityDialog(MWContext* context, int state, XP_Bool *prefs_toggle) { return QtContext::qt(context)->securityDialog(state, 0 /* prefs_toggle */); } extern "C" void FE_SetPasswordEnabled(MWContext* context, PRBool usePW) { QtContext::qt(context)->setPasswordEnabled(usePW); } extern "C" void FE_SetPasswordAskPrefs(MWContext* context, int askPW, int timeout) { QtContext::qt(context)->setPasswordAskPrefs(askPW, timeout); } extern "C" void FE_SetCipherPrefs(MWContext* context, char *cipher) { QtContext::qt(context)->setCipherPrefs(cipher); } extern "C" void FE_Alert(MWContext* context, const char *message) { if ( context ) QtContext::qt(context)->alert(message); } extern "C" void QTFE_Alert(MWContext* context, const char *message) { QtContext::qt(context)->alert(message); } #if !defined(XP_WIN) /* FE_Message is same as FE_Alert */ extern "C" void FE_Message(MWContext* context, const char* message) { QtContext::qt(context)->message(message); } #endif extern "C" char * FE_PromptMessageSubject(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->promptMessageSubject(); } extern "C" void FE_RememberPopPassword(MWContext* context, const char *password) { QtContext::qt(context)->rememberPopPassword(password); } extern "C" int FE_PromptForFileName(MWContext* context, const char *prompt_string, const char *default_path, XP_Bool file_must_exist_p, XP_Bool directories_allowed_p, ReadFileNameCallbackFunction fn, void *closure) { return QtContext::qt(context)->promptForFileName(prompt_string, default_path, file_must_exist_p, directories_allowed_p, fn, closure); } extern "C" char * QTFE_Prompt(MWContext* context, const char *message, const char *deflt) { return QtContext::qt(context)->prompt(message, deflt); } extern "C" char * QTFE_PromptWithCaption(MWContext* context, const char *caption, const char *message, const char *deflt) { return QtContext::qt(context)->promptWithCaption(caption, message, deflt); } extern "C" char * QTFE_PromptPassword(MWContext* context, const char *message) { return QtContext::qt(context)->promptPassword(message); } extern "C" MWContext * FE_MakeNewWindow(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, char *window_name, Chrome *chrome) { return QtContext::makeNewWindow(url, window_name, chrome, context); } extern "C" MWContext * FE_MakeBlankWindow(MWContext *old_context, URL_Struct *url, char *window_name) { return QtContext::makeNewWindow(url, window_name, 0, old_context); } extern "C" void FE_SetRefreshURLTimer(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url) { QtContext::qt(context)->setRefreshURLTimer(url->refresh, url->address); } extern "C" void FE_ConnectToRemoteHost(MWContext* context, int url_type, char *hostname, char *port, char *username) { QtContext::qt(context)->connectToRemoteHost(url_type, hostname, port, username); } extern "C" int32 FE_GetContextID(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->getContextID(); } extern "C" void QTFE_CreateEmbedWindow(MWContext* context, NPEmbeddedApp *app) { QtContext::qt(context)->createEmbedWindow(app); } extern "C" void QTFE_SaveEmbedWindow(MWContext* context, NPEmbeddedApp *app) { QtContext::qt(context)->saveEmbedWindow(app); } extern "C" void QTFE_RestoreEmbedWindow(MWContext* context, NPEmbeddedApp *app) { QtContext::qt(context)->restoreEmbedWindow(app); } extern "C" void QTFE_DestroyEmbedWindow(MWContext* context, NPEmbeddedApp *app) { QtContext::qt(context)->destroyEmbedWindow(app); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetDrawable(MWContext* context, CL_Drawable *drawable) { QtContext::qt(context)->setDrawable(drawable); } extern "C" void QTFE_Progress(MWContext* context, const char * message) { QtContext::qt(context)->progress(message); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetCallNetlibAllTheTime(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->setCallNetlibAllTheTime(); } extern "C" void QTFE_ClearCallNetlibAllTheTime(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearCallNetlibAllTheTime(); } extern "C" void QTFE_GraphProgressInit(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, int32 content_length) { QtContext::qt(context)->graphProgressInit(url, content_length); } extern "C" void QTFE_GraphProgressDestroy(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, int32 content_length, int32 total_bytes_read) { QtContext::qt(context)->graphProgressDestroy(url, content_length, total_bytes_read); } extern "C" void QTFE_GraphProgress(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, int32 p2, int32 bytes_since_last_time, int32 p4) { QtContext::qt(context)->graphProgress(url, p2 , bytes_since_last_time, p4 ); } extern "C" int QTFE_FileSortMethod(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->fileSortMethod(); } extern "C" void QTFE_LayoutNewDocument(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, int32 *iWidth, int32 *iHeight, int32 *mWidth, int32 *mHeight) { QtContext::qt(context)->layoutNewDocument(url, iWidth, iHeight, mWidth, mHeight); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetDocTitle(MWContext* context, char *title) { QtContext::qt(context)->setDocTitle(title); } extern "C" void QTFE_FinishedLayout(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->finishedLayout(); } extern "C" void QTFE_BeginPreSection(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->beginPreSection(); } extern "C" void QTFE_EndPreSection(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->endPreSection(); } extern "C" char * QTFE_TranslateISOText(MWContext* context, int charset, char *ISO_Text) { return QtContext::qt(context)->translateISOText(charset, ISO_Text); } extern "C" int QTFE_GetTextInfo(MWContext* context, LO_TextStruct *text, LO_TextInfo *text_info) { QtContext::qt(context)->getTextInfo(text, text_info); return 1; // Netscape expects a return value, so fake one. } extern "C" void QTFE_GetTextFrame(MWContext* context, LO_TextStruct *text, int32 start, int32 end, XP_Rect *frame) { QtContext::qt(context)->getTextFrame(text, start, end, frame); } extern "C" void QTFE_GetEmbedSize(MWContext* context, LO_EmbedStruct *embed_struct, NET_ReloadMethod force_reload) { QtContext::qt(context)->getEmbedSize(embed_struct, force_reload); } extern "C" void QTFE_GetJavaAppSize(MWContext* context, LO_JavaAppStruct *java_struct, NET_ReloadMethod reloadMethod) { QtContext::qt(context)->getJavaAppSize(java_struct, reloadMethod); } extern "C" void QTFE_GetFormElementInfo(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementStruct *form) { QtContext::qt(context)->getFormElementInfo(form); } extern "C" void QTFE_GetFormElementValue(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementStruct *form, XP_Bool delete_p, XP_Bool submit_p) { QtContext::qt(context)->getFormElementValue(form, delete_p, submit_p); } extern "C" void QTFE_ResetFormElement(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementStruct *form) { QtContext::qt(context)->resetFormElement(form); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetFormElementToggle(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementStruct *form, XP_Bool state) { QtContext::qt(context)->setFormElementToggle(form, state); } extern "C" void QTFE_FreeEmbedElement(MWContext* context, LO_EmbedStruct *embed_struct) { QtContext::qt(context)->freeEmbedElement(embed_struct); } extern "C" void QTFE_FreeJavaAppElement(MWContext* context, struct LJAppletData *appletData) { QtContext::qt(context)->freeJavaAppElement(appletData); } extern "C" void QTFE_HideJavaAppElement(MWContext* context, struct LJAppletData *appletData) { QtContext::qt(context)->hideJavaAppElement(appletData); } extern "C" void QTFE_FreeEdgeElement(MWContext* context, LO_EdgeStruct *edge) { QtContext::qt(context)->freeEdgeElement(edge); } extern "C" void QTFE_FormTextIsSubmit(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementStruct *form) { QtContext::qt(context)->formTextIsSubmit(form); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetProgressBarPercent(MWContext* context, int32 percent) { QtContext::qt(context)->setProgressBarPercent(percent); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetBackgroundColor(MWContext* context, uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue) { QtContext::qt(context)->setBackgroundColor(red, green, blue); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplaySubtext(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_TextStruct *text, int32 start_pos, int32 end_pos, XP_Bool need_bg) { QtContext::qt(context)->displaySubtext(iLocation, text, start_pos, end_pos, need_bg); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayText(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_TextStruct *text, XP_Bool need_bg) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayText(iLocation, text, need_bg); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayEmbed(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_EmbedStruct *embed_struct) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayEmbed(iLocation, embed_struct); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayJavaApp(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_JavaAppStruct *java_struct) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayJavaApp(iLocation, java_struct); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayEdge(MWContext* context, int loc, LO_EdgeStruct *edge) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayEdge(loc, edge); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayTable(MWContext* context, int loc, LO_TableStruct *ts) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayTable(loc, ts); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayCell(MWContext* context, int loc, LO_CellStruct *cell) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayCell(loc, cell); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplaySubDoc(MWContext* context, int loc, LO_SubDocStruct *sd) { QtContext::qt(context)->displaySubDoc(loc, sd); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayLineFeed(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_LinefeedStruct *line_feed, XP_Bool need_bg) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayLineFeed(iLocation, line_feed, need_bg); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayHR(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_HorizRuleStruct *hr) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayHR(iLocation, hr); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayBullet(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_BulletStruct *bullet) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayBullet(iLocation, bullet); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayFormElement(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_FormElementStruct *form) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayFormElement(iLocation, form); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayBorder(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int x, int y, int width, int height, int bw, LO_Color *color, LO_LineStyle style) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayBorder(iLocation, x, y, width, height, bw, color, style); } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayFeedback(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayFeedback(iLocation, element); } extern "C" void QTFE_EraseBackground(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 x, int32 y, uint32 width, uint32 height, LO_Color *bg) { QtContext::qt(context)->eraseBackground(iLocation, x, y, width, height, bg); } extern "C" void QTFE_ClearView(MWContext* context, int which) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearView(which); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetDocDimension(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 iWidth, int32 iLength) { QtContext::qt(context)->setDocDimension(iLocation, iWidth, iLength); } extern "C" void QTFE_SetDocPosition(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 x, int32 y) { QtContext::qt(context)->setDocPosition(iLocation, x, y); } extern "C" void QTFE_GetDocPosition(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 *iX, int32 *iY) { QtContext::qt(context)->getDocPosition(iLocation, iX, iY); } extern "C" void QTFE_EnableClicking(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->enableClicking(); } extern "C" void QTFE_DrawJavaApp(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_JavaAppStruct *java_struct) { QtContext::qt(context)->drawJavaApp(iLocation, java_struct); } extern "C" void QTFE_AllConnectionsComplete(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->allConnectionsComplete(); } extern "C" void QTFE_FreeBuiltinElement(MWContext *, LO_BuiltinStruct *) { } extern "C" void QTFE_DisplayBuiltin(MWContext *, int ,LO_BuiltinStruct *) { } extern "C" void FE_ReleaseTextAttrFeData(MWContext* context, LO_TextAttr *attr) { QtContext::qt(context)->releaseTextAttrFeData(attr); } extern "C" void FE_FreeFormElement(MWContext* context, LO_FormElementData *form_data) { QtContext::qt(context)->freeFormElement(form_data); } extern "C" int FE_EnableBackButton(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->enableBackButton(); } extern "C" int FE_EnableForwardButton(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->enableForwardButton(); } extern "C" int FE_DisableBackButton(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->disableBackButton(); } extern "C" int FE_DisableForwardButton(MWContext* context) { return QtContext::qt(context)->disableForwardButton(); } extern "C" void FE_UpdateStopState(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->updateStopState(); } extern "C" void * FE_FreeGridWindow(MWContext* context, XP_Bool save_history) { return QtContext::qt(context)->freeGridWindow(save_history); } extern "C" void FE_RestructureGridWindow(MWContext* context, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height) { QtContext::qt(context)->restructureGridWindow(x, y, width, height); } extern "C" void FE_GetFullWindowSize(MWContext* context, int32 *width, int32 *height) { QtContext::qt(context)->getFullWindowSize(width, height); } #if defined(XP_UNIX) extern "C" void FE_GetEdgeMinSize(MWContext* context, int32 *size_p) { QtContext::qt(context)->getEdgeMinSize(size_p); } #endif #if defined(XP_WIN) extern "C" void FE_GetEdgeMinSize(MWContext *context, int32 *size_p, Bool /* no_edge */ ) { QtContext::qt(context)->getEdgeMinSize(size_p); } #endif extern "C" void FE_LoadGridCellFromHistory(MWContext* context, void *hist, NET_ReloadMethod force_reload) { QtContext::qt(context)->loadGridCellFromHistory(hist, force_reload); } extern "C" void FE_ShiftImage(MWContext* context, LO_ImageStruct *lo_image) { QtContext::qt(context)->shiftImage(lo_image); } extern "C" void FE_ScrollDocTo(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 x, int32 y) { QtContext::qt(context)->scrollDocTo(iLocation, x, y); } extern "C" void FE_ScrollDocBy(MWContext* context, int iLocation, int32 deltax, int32 deltay) { QtContext::qt(context)->scrollDocBy(iLocation, deltax, deltay); } extern "C" void FE_BackCommand(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->backCommand(); } extern "C" void FE_ForwardCommand(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->forwardCommand(); } extern "C" void FE_HomeCommand(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->homeCommand(); } extern "C" void FE_PrintCommand(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->printCommand(); } extern "C" void FE_GetWindowOffset(MWContext* context, int32 *sx, int32 *sy) { QtContext::qt(context)->getWindowOffset(sx, sy); } extern "C" void FE_GetScreenSize(MWContext* context, int32 *sx, int32 *sy) { QtContext::qt(context)->getScreenSize(sx, sy); } extern "C" void FE_GetAvailScreenRect (MWContext *context, int32 *sx, int32 *sy, int32 *left, int32 *top) { QtContext::qt(context)->getAvailScreenRect(sx, sy,left,top); } extern "C" void FE_GetPixelAndColorDepth(MWContext* context, int32 *pixelDepth, int32 *colorDepth) { QtContext::qt(context)->getPixelAndColorDepth(pixelDepth, colorDepth); } extern "C" void FE_SetWindowLoading(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url, Net_GetUrlExitFunc **exit_func_p) { QtContext::qt(context)->setWindowLoading(url, exit_func_p); } extern "C" void FE_RaiseWindow(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->raiseWindow(); } extern "C" void FE_DestroyWindow(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->destroyWindow(); } extern "C" void FE_GetDocAndWindowPosition(MWContext* context, int32 *pX, int32 *pY, int32 *pWidth, int32 *pHeight ) { QtContext::qt(context)->getDocAndWindowPosition(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight); } extern "C" PUBLIC void FE_DisplayTextCaret(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_TextStruct* text, int char_offset) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayTextCaret(iLocation, text, char_offset); } extern "C" void FE_DisplayImageCaret(MWContext* context, LO_ImageStruct* image, ED_CaretObjectPosition caretPos) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayImageCaret(image, caretPos); } extern "C" void FE_DisplayGenericCaret(MWContext* context, LO_Any * image, ED_CaretObjectPosition caretPos ) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayGenericCaret(image, caretPos ); } extern "C" Bool FE_GetCaretPosition(MWContext* context, LO_Position* where, int32* caretX, int32* caretYLow, int32* caretYHigh ) { return QtContext::qt(context)->getCaretPosition(where, caretX, caretYLow, caretYHigh); } extern "C" PUBLIC void FE_DestroyCaret(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->destroyCaret(); } extern "C" PUBLIC void FE_ShowCaret(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->showCaret(); } extern "C" PUBLIC void FE_DocumentChanged(MWContext* context, int32 p_y, int32 p_height) { QtContext::qt(context)->documentChanged(p_y, p_height); } extern "C" void FE_SetNewDocumentProperties(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->setNewDocumentProperties(); } extern "C" void FE_ImageLoadDialog(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->imageLoadDialog(); } extern "C" void FE_ImageLoadDialogDestroy(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->imageLoadDialogDestroy(); } extern "C" void FE_SaveDialogCreate(MWContext* context, int nfiles, ED_SaveDialogType saveType) { QtContext::qt(context)->saveDialogCreate(nfiles, saveType); } extern "C" void FE_SaveDialogSetFilename(MWContext* context, char* filename) { QtContext::qt(context)->saveDialogSetFilename(filename); } extern "C" void FE_FinishedSave(MWContext* context, int status, char *pDestURL, int iFileNumber) { QtContext::qt(context)->finishedSave(status, pDestURL, iFileNumber); } extern "C" void FE_SaveDialogDestroy(MWContext* context, int status, char* file_url) { QtContext::qt(context)->saveDialogDestroy(status, file_url); } extern "C" Bool FE_SaveErrorContinueDialog(MWContext* context, char* filename, ED_FileError error) { return QtContext::qt(context)->saveErrorContinueDialog(filename, error); } extern "C" void FE_ClearBackgroundImage(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearBackgroundImage(); } extern "C" void FE_EditorDocumentLoaded(MWContext* context) { QtContext::qt(context)->editorDocumentLoaded(); } extern "C" void FE_DisplayAddRowOrColBorder(MWContext* context, XP_Rect *pRect, XP_Bool bErase) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayAddRowOrColBorder(pRect, bErase); } extern "C" void FE_DisplayEntireTableOrCell(MWContext* context, LO_Element* pLoElement) { QtContext::qt(context)->displayEntireTableOrCell(pLoElement); } extern "C" int FE_GetURL(MWContext* context, URL_Struct *url) { return QtContext::qt(context)->getURL(url); } extern "C" void FE_FocusInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->focusInputElement(element); } extern "C" void FE_BlurInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->blurInputElement(element); } extern "C" void FE_SelectInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->selectInputElement(element); } extern "C" void FE_ChangeInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->changeInputElement(element); } extern "C" void FE_SubmitInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *element) { QtContext::qt(context)->submitInputElement(element); } extern "C" void FE_ClickInputElement(MWContext* context, LO_Element *xref) { QtContext::qt(context)->clickInputElement(xref); } extern "C" PRBool FE_HandleLayerEvent(MWContext* context, CL_Layer *layer, CL_Event *layer_event) { return (PRBool)QtContext::qt(context)->handleLayerEvent(layer, layer_event); } extern "C" PRBool FE_HandleEmbedEvent(MWContext* context, LO_EmbedStruct *embed, CL_Event *event) { return (PRBool)QtContext::qt(context)->handleEmbedEvent(embed, event); } extern "C" void FE_UpdateChrome(MWContext* context, Chrome *chrome) { QtContext::qt(context)->updateChrome(chrome); } extern "C" void FE_QueryChrome(MWContext* context, Chrome * chrome) { QtContext::qt(context)->queryChrome(chrome); } extern "C" MWContext * FE_MakeGridWindow(MWContext* context, void *hist_list, void *history, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 height, char *url_str, char *window_name, int8 scrolling, NET_ReloadMethod force_reload, Bool no_edge) { //debug("makeGridWindow"); return QtContext::qt(context)->makeGridWindow(hist_list, history, x, y, width, height, url_str, window_name, scrolling, force_reload, no_edge); } extern "C" void FE_ClearDNSSelect(MWContext* context, int socket) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearDNSSelect(socket); } extern "C" void FE_SetReadSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->setReadSelect(fd); } extern "C" void FE_ClearReadSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearReadSelect(fd); } extern "C" void FE_SetConnectSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->setConnectSelect(fd); } extern "C" void FE_ClearConnectSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearConnectSelect(fd); } extern "C" void FE_SetFileReadSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->setFileReadSelect(fd); } extern "C" void FE_ClearFileReadSelect(MWContext* context, int fd) { QtContext::qt(context)->clearFileReadSelect(fd); } extern "C" char* FE_GetTempFileFor(MWContext* /*context*/, const char* fname, XP_FileType ftype, XP_FileType* rettype) { char* actual = WH_FileName(fname, ftype); int len; char* result; if (!actual) return NULL; len = strlen(actual) + 10; result = (char*)XP_ALLOC(len); if (!result) return NULL; PR_snprintf(result, len, "%s-XXXXXX", actual); XP_FREE(actual); mktemp(result); *rettype = xpMailFolder; /* Ought to be harmless enough. */ return result; } extern "C" XP_Bool QTFE_CheckConfirm (MWContext *pContext, const char *pConfirmMessage, const char *pCheckMessage, const char *pOKMessage, const char *pCancel, XP_Bool *pChecked) { XP_Bool userHasAccepted = QTFE_Confirm (pContext, pConfirmMessage); *pChecked = QTFE_Confirm (pContext, pCheckMessage); return userHasAccepted; } extern "C" XP_Bool QTFE_SelectDialog (MWContext *pContext, const char *pMessage, const char **pList, int16 *pCount) { int i; char *message = 0; for (i = 0; i < *pCount; i++) { StrAllocCopy(message, pMessage); StrAllocCat(message, " = "); StrAllocCat(message, pList[i]); if (QTFE_Confirm(pContext, message)) { /* user selected this one */ XP_FREE(message); *pCount = i; return TRUE; } } /* user rejected all */ XP_FREE(message); return FALSE; } ContextFuncs qtbind= { #define FE_DEFINE(func, returns, args) QTFE##_##func, #include "mk_cx_fn.h" }; /* Binding of BMFE (bookmark functions) starts here. */ extern "C" void BMFE_RefreshCells (MWContext* context, int32 first, int32 last, XP_Bool now) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->refreshCells( first,last, now ); } extern "C" void BMFE_SyncDisplay (MWContext* context) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->syncDisplay(); } extern "C" void BMFE_MeasureEntry (MWContext* context, BM_Entry* entry, uint32* width, uint32* height) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->measureEntry( entry, width, height ); } extern "C" void BMFE_SetClipContents (MWContext* context, void* buffer, int32 length) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->setClipContents( buffer, length ); } extern "C" void* BMFE_GetClipContents (MWContext* context, int32* length) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); return bm ? bm->getClipContents( length ) : 0; } extern "C" void BMFE_OpenBookmarksWindow (MWContext* context) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->openBookmarksWindow(); } extern "C" void BMFE_EditItem (MWContext* context, BM_Entry* entry) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->editItem( entry ); } extern "C" void BMFE_EntryGoingAway (MWContext* context, BM_Entry* entry) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->entryGoingAway( entry ); } extern "C" void BMFE_GotoBookmark (MWContext* context, const char* url, const char* target) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->gotoBookmark( url, target ); } extern "C" void* BMFE_OpenFindWindow (MWContext* context, BM_FindInfo* findInfo) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); return bm ? bm->openFindWindow( findInfo ) : 0; } extern "C" void BMFE_ScrollIntoView (MWContext* context, BM_Entry* entry) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->scrollIntoView( entry ); } extern "C" void BMFE_BookmarkMenuInvalid (MWContext* context) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->bookmarkMenuInvalid(); } extern "C" void BMFE_UpdateWhatsChanged (MWContext* context, const char* url, /* If NULL, just display "Checking..." */ int32 done, int32 total, const char* totaltime) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->updateWhatsChanged( url, done, total, totaltime ); } extern "C" void BMFE_FinishedWhatsChanged (MWContext* context, int32 totalchecked, int32 numreached, int32 numchanged) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->finishedWhatsChanged( totalchecked, numreached, numchanged ); } extern "C" void BMFE_StartBatch (MWContext* context) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->startBatch(); } extern "C" void BMFE_EndBatch (MWContext* context) { QtBookmarksContext *bm = QtBookmarksContext::qt(context); if ( bm ) bm->endBatch(); } extern "C" ED_CharsetEncode FE_EncodingDialog(MWContext* context, char* newCharset) { ED_CharsetEncode retval = ED_ENCODE_CANCEL; /* Write me */ assert( 0 ); return retval; } // Mail specific FE functions // Included because of compilation problems #include extern "C" MSG_Pane* FE_CreateCompositionPane(MWContext* old_context, MSG_CompositionFields* fields, const char* initialText, MSG_EditorType editorType) { return 0; } extern "C" void FE_UpdateCompToolbar(MSG_Pane* comppane) { } extern "C" const char * FE_UsersOrganization() { return 0; } extern "C" void FE_DestroyMailCompositionContext(MWContext* context) { } extern "C" void FE_MsgShowHeaders(MSG_Pane *pPane, MSG_HEADER_SET mhsHeaders) { } extern "C" const char * FE_UsersRealMailAddress() { return 0; } #ifdef XP_UNIX extern "C" void XFE_InitializePrintSetup (PrintSetup *p) { } #endif /* XP_UNIX */ /* If we're set up to deliver mail/news by running a program rather than by talking to SMTP/NNTP, this does it. Returns positive if delivery via program was successful; Returns negative if delivery failed; Returns 0 if delivery was not attempted (in which case we should use SMTP/NNTP instead.) $NS_MSG_DELIVERY_HOOK names a program which is invoked with one argument, a tmp file containing a message. (Lines are terminated with CRLF.) This program is expected to parse the To, CC, BCC, and Newsgroups headers, and effect delivery to mail and/or news. It should exit with status 0 iff successful. #### This really wants to be defined in libmsg, but it wants to be able to use fe_perror, so... */ extern "C" int msg_DeliverMessageExternally(MWContext *context, const char *msg_file) { }