#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman use diagnostics; use strict; require "CGI.pl"; my $serverpush = 1; if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /MSIE/) { # Internet explorer doesn't seem to understand server push. What fun. $serverpush = 0; } if ($serverpush) { print "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=thisrandomstring\n"; print "\n"; print "--thisrandomstring\n"; } # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once": use vars @::legal_platform, @::versions, @::legal_product, @::legal_component, %::MFORM, @::components, @::legal_severity, @::legal_priority, @::default_column_list, @::legal_resolution_no_dup; ConnectToDatabase(); if (!defined $::FORM{'cmdtype'}) { # This can happen if there's an old bookmark to a query... $::FORM{'cmdtype'} = 'doit'; } CMD: for ($::FORM{'cmdtype'}) { /^runnamed$/ && do { $::buffer = $::COOKIE{"QUERY_" . $::FORM{"namedcmd"}}; ProcessFormFields($::buffer); last CMD; }; /^editnamed$/ && do { my $url = "query.cgi?" . $::COOKIE{"QUERY_" . $::FORM{"namedcmd"}}; print "Content-type: text/html Refresh: 0; URL=$url What a hack. Loading your query named $::FORM{'namedcmd'}..."; exit; }; /^forgetnamed$/ && do { print "Set-Cookie: QUERY_" . $::FORM{'namedcmd'} . "= ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-2029 00:00:00 GMT Content-type: text/html Forget what? OK, the $::FORM{'namedcmd'} query is gone.

Go back to the query page."; exit; }; /^asnamed$/ && do { if ($::FORM{'newqueryname'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+$/) { print "Set-Cookie: QUERY_" . $::FORM{'newqueryname'} . "=$::buffer ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-2029 00:00:00 GMT Content-type: text/html OK, done. OK, you now have a new query named $::FORM{'newqueryname'}.

Go back to the query page."; } else { print "Content-type: text/html Picky, picky. Query names can only have letters, digits, spaces, or underbars. You entered \"$::FORM{'newqueryname'}\", which doesn't cut it.

Click the Back button and type in a valid name for this query."; } exit; }; /^asdefault$/ && do { print "Set-Cookie: DEFAULTQUERY=$::buffer ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-2029 00:00:00 GMT Content-type: text/html OK, default is set. OK, you now have a new default query.

Go back to the query page, using the new default."; exit; }; } sub DefCol { my ($name, $k, $t, $s, $q) = (@_); $::key{$name} = $k; $::title{$name} = $t; if (defined $s && $s ne "") { $::sortkey{$name} = $s; } if (!defined $q || $q eq "") { $q = 0; } $::needquote{$name} = $q; } DefCol("opendate", "date_format(bugs.creation_ts,'Y-m-d')", "Opened", "bugs.creation_ts"); DefCol("changeddate", "date_format(bugs.delta_ts,'Y-m-d')", "Changed", "bugs.delta_ts"); DefCol("severity", "substring(bugs.bug_severity, 1, 3)", "Sev", "bugs.bug_severity"); DefCol("priority", "substring(bugs.priority, 1, 3)", "Pri", "bugs.priority"); DefCol("platform", "substring(bugs.rep_platform, 1, 3)", "Plt", "bugs.rep_platform"); DefCol("owner", "assign.login_name", "Owner", "assign.login_name"); DefCol("reporter", "report.login_name", "Reporter", "report.login_name"); DefCol("status", "substring(bugs.bug_status,1,4)", "State", "bugs.bug_status"); DefCol("resolution", "substring(bugs.resolution,1,4)", "Result", "bugs.resolution"); DefCol("summary", "substring(bugs.short_desc, 1, 60)", "Summary", "", 1); DefCol("summaryfull", "bugs.short_desc", "Summary", "", 1); DefCol("component", "substring(bugs.component, 1, 8)", "Comp", "bugs.component"); DefCol("product", "substring(bugs.product, 1, 8)", "Product", "bugs.product"); DefCol("version", "substring(bugs.version, 1, 5)", "Vers", "bugs.version"); DefCol("os", "substring(bugs.op_sys, 1, 4)", "OS", "bugs.op_sys"); my @collist; if (defined $::COOKIE{'COLUMNLIST'}) { @collist = split(/ /, $::COOKIE{'COLUMNLIST'}); } else { @collist = @::default_column_list; } my $dotweak = defined $::FORM{'tweak'}; if ($dotweak) { confirm_login(); } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $query = "select bugs.bug_id"; foreach my $c (@collist) { if (exists $::needquote{$c}) { $query .= ", \t$::key{$c}"; } } if ($dotweak) { $query .= ", bugs.product, bugs.bug_status"; } $query .= " from bugs, profiles assign, profiles report, versions projector where bugs.assigned_to = assign.userid and bugs.reporter = report.userid and bugs.product = projector.program and bugs.version = projector.value "; if ((defined $::FORM{'emailcc1'} && $::FORM{'emailcc1'}) || (defined $::FORM{'emailcc2'} && $::FORM{'emailcc2'})) { # We need to poke into the CC table. Do weird SQL left join stuff so that # we can look in the CC table, but won't reject any bugs that don't have # any CC fields. $query =~ s/bugs,/bugs left join cc using (bug_id) left join profiles ccname on cc.who = ccname.userid,/; } if (defined $::FORM{'sql'}) { $query .= "and (\n$::FORM('sql')\n)" } else { my @legal_fields = ("bug_id", "product", "version", "rep_platform", "op_sys", "bug_status", "resolution", "priority", "bug_severity", "assigned_to", "reporter", "component"); foreach my $field (keys %::FORM) { my $or = ""; if (lsearch(\@legal_fields, $field) != -1 && $::FORM{$field} ne "") { $query .= "\tand (\n"; if ($field eq "assigned_to" || $field eq "reporter") { foreach my $p (split(/,/, $::FORM{$field})) { my $whoid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($p); $query .= "\t\t${or}bugs.$field = $whoid\n"; $or = "or "; } } else { my $ref = $::MFORM{$field}; foreach my $v (@$ref) { if ($v eq "(empty)") { $query .= "\t\t${or}bugs.$field is null\n"; } else { if ($v eq "---") { $query .= "\t\t${or}bugs.$field = ''\n"; } else { $query .= "\t\t${or}bugs.$field = " . SqlQuote($v) . "\n"; } } $or = "or "; } } $query .= "\t)\n"; } } } foreach my $id ("1", "2") { my $email = trim($::FORM{"email$id"}); if ($email eq "") { next; } my $qemail = SqlQuote($email); my $type = $::FORM{"emailtype$id"}; my $emailid; if ($type eq "exact") { $emailid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($email); } my $foundone = 0; my $lead= "and (\n"; foreach my $field ("assigned_to", "reporter", "cc") { my $doit = $::FORM{"email$field$id"}; if (!$doit) { next; } $foundone = 1; my $table; if ($field eq "assigned_to") { $table = "assign"; } elsif ($field eq "reporter") { $table = "report"; } else { $table = "ccname"; } if ($type eq "exact") { if ($field eq "cc") { $query .= "\t$lead cc.who = $emailid\n"; } else { $query .= "\t$lead $field = $emailid\n"; } } elsif ($type eq "regexp") { $query .= "\t$lead $table.login_name regexp $qemail\n"; } elsif ($type eq "notregexp") { $query .= "\t$lead $table.login_name not regexp $qemail\n"; } else { $query .= "\t$lead instr($table.login_name, $qemail)\n"; } $lead = " or "; } if (!$foundone) { print "You must specify one or more fields in which to search for $email.\n"; exit; } if ($lead eq " or ") { $query .= ")\n"; } } if (defined $::FORM{'changedin'}) { my $c = trim($::FORM{'changedin'}); if ($c ne "") { if ($c !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { print " The 'changed in last ___ days' field must be a simple number. You entered \"$c\", which doesn't cut it.

Click the Back button and try again."; exit; } $query .= "and to_days(now()) - to_days(bugs.delta_ts) <= $c "; } } foreach my $f ("short_desc", "long_desc", "bug_file_loc") { if (defined $::FORM{$f}) { my $s = trim($::FORM{$f}); if ($s ne "") { $s = SqlQuote($s); if ($::FORM{$f . "_type"} eq "regexp") { $query .= "and $f regexp $s\n"; } else { $query .= "and instr($f, $s)\n"; } } } } if (defined $::FORM{'order'} && $::FORM{'order'} ne "") { $query .= "order by "; ORDER: for ($::FORM{'order'}) { /\./ && do { # This (hopefully) already has fieldnames in it, so we're done. last ORDER; }; /Number/ && do { $::FORM{'order'} = "bugs.bug_id"; last ORDER; }; /Import/ && do { $::FORM{'order'} = "bugs.priority, bugs.bug_severity"; last ORDER; }; /Assign/ && do { $::FORM{'order'} = "assign.login_name, bugs.bug_status, priority, bugs.bug_id"; last ORDER; }; # DEFAULT $::FORM{'order'} = "bugs.bug_status, priorities.rank, assign.login_name, bugs.bug_id"; } $query .= $::FORM{'order'}; } if ($serverpush) { print "Please stand by ...

\n"; if (defined $::FORM{'debug'}) { print "

\n"; } } SendSQL($query); my $count = 0; $::bugl = ""; sub pnl { my ($str) = (@_); $::bugl .= $str; } my $fields = $::buffer; $fields =~ s/[&?]order=[^&]*//g; $fields =~ s/[&?]cmdtype=[^&]*//g; my $oldorder; if (defined $::FORM{'order'}) { $oldorder = url_quote(", $::FORM{'order'}"); } else { $oldorder = ""; } if ($dotweak) { pnl "
"; } my $tablestart = "
ID"; foreach my $c (@collist) { if (exists $::needquote{$c}) { if ($::needquote{$c}) { $tablestart .= ""; } else { $tablestart .= ""; } if (defined $::sortkey{$c}) { $tablestart .= "$::title{$c}"; } else { $tablestart .= $::title{$c}; } } } $tablestart .= "\n"; my @row; my %seen; my @bugarray; my %prodhash; my %statushash; while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my $bug_id = shift @row; if (!defined $seen{$bug_id}) { $seen{$bug_id} = 1; $count++; if ($count % 200 == 0) { # Too big tables take too much browser memory... pnl "
$tablestart"; } push @bugarray, $bug_id; pnl ""; if ($dotweak) { pnl ""; } pnl ""; pnl "$bug_id "; foreach my $c (@collist) { if (!exists $::needquote{$c}) { next; } my $value = shift @row; my $nowrap = ""; if ($::needquote{$c}) { $value = html_quote($value); } else { $value = "$value"; } pnl "$value"; } if ($dotweak) { my $value = shift @row; $prodhash{$value} = 1; $value = shift @row; $statushash{$value} = 1; } pnl "\n"; } } my $buglist = join(":", @bugarray); if ($serverpush) { print "\n"; print "--thisrandomstring\n"; } my $toolong = 0; print "Content-type: text/html\n"; if (length($buglist) < 4000) { print "Set-Cookie: BUGLIST=$buglist\n"; } else { print "Set-Cookie: BUGLIST=\n"; $toolong = 1; } print "\n"; PutHeader("Bug List"); print "
" . time2str("%a %b %e %T %Z %Y", time()) . ""; if (defined $::FORM{'debug'}) { print "
\n"; } if ($toolong) { print "

This list is too long for bugzilla's little mind; the\n"; print "Next/Prev/First/Last buttons won't appear.

\n"; } # This is stupid. We really really need to move the quip list into the DB! my $quip; if (open (COMMENTS, ") { push @cdata, $_; } close COMMENTS; $quip = $cdata[int(rand($#cdata + 1))]; } else { $quip = "Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but nobody has entered any."; } print "
$quip\n"; print "
\n"; print "
$tablestart\n"; print $::bugl; print "\n"; if ($count == 0) { print "Zarro Boogs found.\n"; } elsif ($count == 1) { print "One bug found.\n"; } else { print "$count bugs found.\n"; } if ($dotweak) { GetVersionTable(); print " "; my $resolution_popup = make_options(\@::legal_resolution_no_dup, "FIXED"); my @prod_list = keys %prodhash; my @list = @prod_list; my @legal_versions; my @legal_component; if ($#prod_list == 1) { @legal_versions = @{$::versions{$prod_list[0]}}; @legal_component = @{$::components{$prod_list[0]}}; } my $version_popup = make_options(\@legal_versions, $::dontchange); my $platform_popup = make_options(\@::legal_platform, $::dontchange); my $priority_popup = make_options(\@::legal_priority, $::dontchange); my $sev_popup = make_options(\@::legal_severity, $::dontchange); my $component_popup = make_options(\@::legal_component, $::dontchange); my $product_popup = make_options(\@::legal_product, $::dontchange); print "
Product: Version:
Platform: Priority:
Component: Severity:
Additional Comments:

"; # knum is which knob number we're generating, in javascript terms. my $knum = 0; print " Do nothing else
"; $knum++; print " Accept bugs (change status to ASSIGNED)
"; $knum++; if (!defined $statushash{'CLOSED'} && !defined $statushash{'VERIFIED'} && !defined $statushash{'RESOLVED'}) { print " Clear the resolution
"; $knum++; print " Resolve bugs, changing resolution to
"; $knum++; } if (!defined $statushash{'NEW'} && !defined $statushash{'ASSIGNED'} && !defined $statushash{'REOPENED'}) { print " Reopen bugs
"; $knum++; } my @statuskeys = keys %statushash; if ($#statuskeys == 1) { if (defined $statushash{'RESOLVED'}) { print " Mark bugs as VERIFIED
"; $knum++; } if (defined $statushash{'VERIFIED'}) { print " Mark bugs as CLOSED
"; $knum++; } } print " Reassign bugs to
"; $knum++; print " Reassign bugs to owner of selected component
"; $knum++; print "

To make changes to a bunch of bugs at once:

  1. Put check boxes next to the bugs you want to change.
  2. Adjust above form elements. (It's always a good idea to add some comment explaining what you're doing.)
  3. Click the below \"Commit\" button.

\n"; } if ($count > 0) { print "
Query Page Change columns
"; if (!$dotweak && $count > 1) { print "Make changes to several of these bugs at once.\n"; } } if ($serverpush) { print "\n--thisrandomstring--\n"; }