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{if $results}

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{$page.resultCount} Addons found. Showing records {$page.leftDisplay}-{$page.right}. Too many results? Try narrowing your search.

{section name=r loop=$results}
Rating: {$results[r]->Rating}

{$results[r]->Name} {$results[r]->Version}

{if $results[r]->PreviewURI}

{$results[r]->Name} screenshot More Previews »


By {foreach key=key item=item from=$results[r]->Authors} {$item.UserName|escape}{if $item != end($results[r]->Authors)},{/if} {/foreach}


Last Update: {$results[r]->DateUpdated|date_format} | Downloads Last 7 Days: {$results[r]->downloadcount} | Total Downloads: {$results[r]->TotalDownloads}

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