/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ // netsvw.cpp : implementation of the CNetscapeView class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "cntritem.h" #include "cxsave.h" #include "cxprint.h" #include "netsprnt.h" #include "edt.h" #include "netsvw.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "prefapi.h" #ifdef EDITOR #include "shcut.h" #include "edframe.h" #include "pa_tags.h" // Needed for P_MAX #endif #include "libevent.h" #ifdef XP_WIN32 #include "shlobj.h" // For clipboard formats #endif #include "np.h" #include "intl_csi.h" #include "libi18n.h" #ifdef MOZ_MAIL_NEWS // For hiding/restoring Mail Composer toolbars // during Print Preview // TODO: This should be changed to go through chrome mechanism; // CNetscapeView shouldn't know about CComposeFrame #include "compfrm.h" #include "compbar.h" #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef EDITOR #define GET_MWCONTEXT (GetContext() == NULL ? NULL : GetContext()->GetContext()) // Used to suppress interaction during URL loading, editor setup, layout, etc. #define CAN_INTERACT (GetContext() != NULL && GetContext()->GetContext() != NULL \ && !GetContext()->GetContext()->waitingMode ) extern char *EDT_NEW_DOC_URL; extern char *EDT_NEW_DOC_NAME; #endif // CNetscapeView #ifndef _AFXDLL #undef new #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CNetscapeView, CGenericView) #ifndef _AFXDLL #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CNetscapeView, CGenericView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CNetscapeView) ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_NAVIGATE_REPAINT, OnUpdateNavigateRepaint) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_COMMAND(ID_NAVIGATE_REPAINT, OnNavigateRepaint) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_LOADLINK, OnPopupLoadLink) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_ADDLINK2BOOKMARKS, OnPopupAddLinkToBookmarks) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_LOADLINKNEWWINDOW, OnPopupLoadLinkNewWindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_LOADFRAMENEWWINDOW, OnPopupLoadFrameNewWindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_SAVELINKCONTENTS, OnPopupSaveLinkContentsAs) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_COPYLINKCLIPBOARD, OnPopupCopyLinkToClipboard) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_LOADIMAGE, OnPopupLoadImage) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_SAVEIMAGEAS, OnPopupSaveImageAs) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_COPYIMGLOC2CLIPBOARD, OnPopupCopyImageLocationToClipboard) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_LOADIMAGEINLINE, OnPopupLoadImageInline) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_ACTIVATEEMBED, OnPopupActivateEmbed) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_SAVEEMBEDAS, OnPopupSaveEmbedAs) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_COPYEMBEDLOC, OnPopupCopyEmbedLocationToClipboard) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_SETASWALLPAPER, OnPopupSetAsWallpaper) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_COPYEMBEDDATA, OnPopupCopyEmbedToClipboard) ON_COMMAND(ID_CANCEL_EDIT, OnDeactivateEmbed) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_INTERNETSHORTCUT, OnPopupInternetShortcut) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_MAILTO, OnPopupMailTo) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP // Standard printing commands ON_WM_SIZE() ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW, OnFilePrintPreview) ON_WM_KEYDOWN() ON_WM_KEYUP() ON_COMMAND(ID_DRAG_THIS_URL, OnCopyCurrentURL) #ifdef EDITOR ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_DRAG_THIS_URL, OnCanInteract) ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_EDIT_IMAGE, OnPopupEditImage ) //Implemented in popup.cpp ON_COMMAND(ID_POPUP_EDIT_LINK, OnPopupLoadLinkInEditor ) // " // Shift-F10 is same as right mouse button down ON_COMMAND( ID_LOCAL_POPUP, OnLocalPopup ) #endif //EDITOR END_MESSAGE_MAP() #ifndef _AFXDLL #define new DEBUG_NEW // MSVC Debugging new...goes to regular new in release mode #endif CNetscapeView::CNetscapeView() { m_pChild = NULL; // Initialize some members. m_pDropTarget = NULL; m_pPreviewContext = NULL; // We have no context yet. m_pContext = NULL; m_pSaveFileDlg = NULL; #ifdef EDITOR // This is set to TRUE by derived class CEditView // if we are actually an editor m_bIsEditor = FALSE; // Register our HTML-preserving clipboard format m_cfEditorFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(NETSCAPE_EDIT_FORMAT); // Be sure BookmarkName clipboard format was registered also m_cfBookmarkFormat = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(NETSCAPE_BOOKMARK_FORMAT); // Used to drag image reference from browser window to insert into editor m_cfImageFormat = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(NETSCAPE_IMAGE_FORMAT); // Construct our list of supported clipboard formats // Be sure size is same as number of formats! // *** This should be done at some centralized app-data! m_pClipboardFormats = new UINT[MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS]; ASSERT(m_pClipboardFormats); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS; i++ ){ m_pClipboardFormats[i] = 0; } // This is stupid! Clipboard format array must be UINT, // but CLIPFORMAT type is an unsigned short! // Editor's own format for HTML text m_pClipboardFormats[0] = (UINT)m_cfEditorFormat; // Bookmark format m_pClipboardFormats[1] = (UINT)m_cfBookmarkFormat; // Used to drag m_pClipboardFormats[2] = (UINT)m_cfImageFormat; // These are from shlobj.h Not all used right now #ifdef XP_WIN32 m_pClipboardFormats[3] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST); m_pClipboardFormats[4] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_NETRESOURCES); m_pClipboardFormats[5] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR); m_pClipboardFormats[6] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILECONTENTS); m_pClipboardFormats[7] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_FILENAME); m_pClipboardFormats[8] = (UINT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP); m_pClipboardFormats[9] = (UINT)CF_UNICODETEXT; #endif // Built-in Windows formats: m_pClipboardFormats[10] = (UINT)CF_TEXT; #ifdef _IMAGE_CONVERT m_pClipboardFormats[11] = (UINT)CF_DIB; ASSERT( MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS == 12 ); #else ASSERT( MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS == 11 ); #endif //_IMAGE_CONVERT // m_pClipboardFormats[10] = CF_BITMAP; // m_pClipboardFormats[11] = CF_DIB; // m_pClipboardFormats[12] = CF_METAFILEPICT; // ARE YOU ADDING A CLIPBOARD FORMAT??? // don't forget to update MAX_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS in NETSVW.H #endif // EDITOR } // No longer accept drop events as we are going away // CNetscapeView::~CNetscapeView() { if(m_pDropTarget) { m_pDropTarget->Revoke(); delete m_pDropTarget; m_pDropTarget = NULL; } #ifdef EDITOR if ( m_pClipboardFormats ) delete [] m_pClipboardFormats; #endif } BOOL CNetscapeView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT & cs) { cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW | CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | // Although a private DC is convenient to use, it is expensive // in terms of system resources, requiring 800 or more bytes // to store. Private DCs are recommended when performance // considerations outweigh storage costs. // - MSDN // 800 / (64 * 1024) = 1.2% of GDI per window. // Win16 can do without? We'll see. CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS); // Do not add scroll bars anymore. cs.style = cs.style | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS| WS_CHILD; return (CGenericView::PreCreateWindow(cs)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNetscapeView drawing void CNetscapeView::OnPrepareDC(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo * pInfo /* = NULL */) { // Color is now set in OnEraseBkgnd #ifdef ONLY_GRAY_BACKGROUND if (!pInfo) pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(192, 192, 192)); #else pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNetscapeView printing void CNetscapeView::OnFilePrintPreview() { if(GetContext() == NULL || GetFrame()->GetMainWinContext() == NULL || GetFrame()->GetMainWinContext()->GetPane() == NULL || GetFrame()->GetActiveWinContext() == NULL || GetFrame()->GetActiveWinContext()->GetPane() == NULL) { return; } // Note: We used to force saving an editor page here, // but we don't need to with new tempfile mechanism // If we're a grid cell, then we have to have the frame's main view // handle this, or MFC gets confused... if(GetContext()->IsGridCell() == TRUE) { // After beta 2, however. ((CNetscapeView *)GetFrame()->GetMainWinContext()->GetView())->OnFilePrintPreview(); return; } // However, if we're a grid parent, we can't allow this unless we are // not the active context of the frame, and the active context is // not a grid cell. if(GetContext()->IsGridParent() == TRUE) { // Must not be active. if(GetContext()->GetFrame()->GetActiveContext() == GetContext()) { return; } // Active must not be Grid Parent. if(GetFrame()->GetActiveContext()->IsGridParent() == TRUE) { return; } } // Remember that we've started print preview. // Do this first. m_bInPrintPreview = TRUE; // Get rid of the URL bar for print preview. LPCHROME pChrome = GetFrame()->GetChrome(); if(pChrome) { pChrome->ViewCustToolbar(FALSE); } // this is not necessary now, but if we ever save things not // related to the customizable toolbar it will be GetFrame()->SaveBarState(); #ifdef MOZ_MAIL_NEWS #ifdef EDITOR // Deal with Message Composer toolbars as well MWContext *pMWContext = GetContext()->GetContext(); if( pMWContext && pMWContext->bIsComposeWindow ) { // Get the Address widget and hide it if its visible // Note: For minimum change here, we will always restore it when done previewing CComposeBar *pAddressBar = ((CComposeFrame*)GetFrame())->GetComposeBar(); if( pAddressBar && pAddressBar->IsVisible() ) { pAddressBar->OnToggleShow(); } // Hide the Composer's formatting toolbar, // and remember state so we restore only if currently visible m_bRestoreComposerToolbar = FALSE; CEditToolBarController * pController = (CEditToolBarController *)GetParentFrame()->SendMessage(WM_TOOLCONTROLLER); if( pController ) { CComboToolBar * pToolBar = pController->GetCharacterBar(); if( pToolBar ) { m_bRestoreComposerToolbar = pToolBar->IsVisible(); if( m_bRestoreComposerToolbar ) pController->ShowToolBar( FALSE, pToolBar ); } } } #endif #endif //MOZ_MAIL_NEWS // Must outlive this function. CPrintPreviewState *pState = new CPrintPreviewState; if(!DoPrintPreview(AFX_IDD_PREVIEW_TOOLBAR, this, RUNTIME_CLASS(CNetscapePreviewView), pState)) { AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_COMMAND_FAILURE); delete pState; if(pChrome) { pChrome->ViewCustToolbar(TRUE); } GetFrame()->RestoreBarState(); // Do this last. m_bInPrintPreview = FALSE; } } void CNetscapeView::OnEndPrintPreview(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo, POINT pXY, CPreviewView *pPreView) { CNetscapePreviewView *pView = (CNetscapePreviewView *)pPreView; if (pView->m_pPrintView != NULL) ((CNetscapeView *)pView->m_pPrintView)->OnEndPrinting(pDC, pInfo); CFrameWnd* pParent = (CFrameWnd*)GetFrame()->GetFrameWnd(); //AfxGetThread()->m_pMainWnd; ASSERT_VALID(pParent); ASSERT(pParent->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFrameWnd))); // restore the old main window pParent->OnSetPreviewMode(FALSE, pView->m_pPreviewState); // Force active view back to old one pParent->SetActiveView(pView->m_pPreviewState->pViewActiveOld); if (pParent != GetParentFrame()) OnActivateView(TRUE, this, this); // re-activate view in real frame //CLM: This fixes the print preview crash OnClose // Some MFC weirdness, but we have to delete this // and not let pPreView try to do it delete pView->m_pPreviewState; pView->m_pPreviewState = NULL; pView->DestroyWindow(); // destroy preview view // C++ object will be deleted in PostNcDestroy // restore main frame layout and idle message pParent->RecalcLayout(); pParent->SendMessage(WM_SETMESSAGESTRING, (WPARAM)AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE, 0L); pParent->UpdateWindow(); // If we have a print context, get rid of it here. if(m_pPreviewContext != NULL) { // If it's still loading, just have it cancel. // It will delete itself. if(m_pPreviewContext->GetDisplayMode() == BLOCK_DISPLAY) { m_pPreviewContext->CancelPrintJob(); } else { // We can get rid of it right now. m_pPreviewContext->DestroyContext(); } m_pPreviewContext = NULL; } LPCHROME pChrome = GetFrame()->GetChrome(); if(pChrome) { pChrome->ViewCustToolbar(TRUE); } // this is not necessary now, but if we ever save things not // related to the customizable toolbar it will be GetFrame()->RestoreBarState(); #ifdef MOZ_MAIL_NEWS #ifdef EDITOR // Restore Message Composer toolbars as well MWContext *pMWContext = GetContext()->GetContext(); if( pMWContext && pMWContext->bIsComposeWindow ) { // Note: We always restore Address widget when done previewing CComposeBar *pAddressBar = ((CComposeFrame*)GetFrame())->GetComposeBar(); if( pAddressBar && !pAddressBar->IsVisible() ) { pAddressBar->OnToggleShow(); } // Restore Composer format/character toolbar only if it was visible before if( m_bRestoreComposerToolbar ) { CEditToolBarController * pController = (CEditToolBarController *)GetParentFrame()->SendMessage(WM_TOOLCONTROLLER); if( pController ) { CComboToolBar * pToolBar = pController->GetCharacterBar(); if( pToolBar ) pController->ShowToolBar( TRUE, pToolBar ); } } m_bRestoreComposerToolbar = FALSE; } #endif // EDITOR #endif // MOZ_MAIL_NEWS // Do this last. m_bInPrintPreview = FALSE; } BOOL CNetscapeView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo *pInfo) { // This only gets called in print preview mode. // Never in print only mode. return(DoPreparePrinting(pInfo)); } void CNetscapeView::OnPrint(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) { // This only gets called in print preview mode. // Never in print only mode. if(m_pPreviewContext == NULL) { CAbstractCX *pContext = GetFrame()->GetActiveContext(); // Since we have no preview context, this means we're // starting to preview a page. // We need to load it. // We must call on behalf of the active context, or MFC get's confused. if( !pContext || pContext->CanCreateUrlFromHist() == FALSE) { return; } // This also sets m_pPreviewContext once called to non NULL. // Always pass the WYSIWYG attribute for printing URLs (javascript). SHIST_SavedData SavedData; URL_Struct *pUrl = pContext->CreateUrlFromHist(TRUE, &SavedData, TRUE); pUrl->position_tag = 0; char *pDisplayUrl = NULL; #ifdef EDITOR // Save actual address we want to show in header or footer // to pass on to print context if( pUrl->address ) pDisplayUrl = XP_STRDUP(pUrl->address); // If necessary (Mail Compose Window, new page, or changes in current page), // copy current page to a temp file and switch // to that URL address in URL_Struct if( !FE_PrepareTempFileUrl(pContext->GetContext(), pUrl) ) { XP_FREEIF(pDisplayUrl); // Failed to save to the temp file - abort return; } #endif // Copy the necessary information into the URL's saved data so that we don't // make a copy of the plug-ins when printing NPL_PreparePrint(pContext->GetContext(), &pUrl->savedData); CPrintCX::PreviewAnchorObject(m_pPreviewContext, pUrl, this, pDC, pInfo, &SavedData, pDisplayUrl); XP_FREEIF(pDisplayUrl); } // Either the page is loading in the print context, or it's done loading. // In any event, attempt to have it print the page. m_pPreviewContext->PrintPage(pInfo->m_nCurPage, pDC->GetSafeHdc(), pInfo); } BOOL CNetscapeView::DoPrintPreview(UINT nIDResource, CView* pPrintView, CRuntimeClass* pPreviewViewClass, CPrintPreviewState* pState) { ASSERT_VALID_IDR(nIDResource); ASSERT_VALID(pPrintView); ASSERT(pPreviewViewClass != NULL); #ifdef XP_WIN32 ASSERT(pPreviewViewClass->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPreviewView))); #endif ASSERT(pState != NULL); CFrameWnd* pParent = (CFrameWnd*)GetFrame()->GetFrameWnd(); // AfxGetThread()->m_pMainWnd; ASSERT_VALID(pParent); ASSERT(pParent->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFrameWnd))); CCreateContext context; context.m_pCurrentFrame = pParent; context.m_pCurrentDoc = GetDocument(); context.m_pLastView = this; // Create the preview view object CNetscapePreviewView* pView = (CNetscapePreviewView*)pPreviewViewClass->CreateObject(); if (pView == NULL) { TRACE0("Error: Failed to create preview view.\n"); return FALSE; } ASSERT(pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPreviewView))); pView->m_pPreviewState = pState; // save pointer pParent->OnSetPreviewMode(TRUE, pState); // Take over Frame Window // Create the toolbar from the dialog resource pView->m_pToolBar = new CDialogBar; if (!pView->m_pToolBar->Create(pParent, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), CBRS_TOP, AFX_IDW_PREVIEW_BAR)) { TRACE0("Error: Preview could not create toolbar dialog.\n"); pParent->OnSetPreviewMode(FALSE, pState); // restore Frame Window delete pView->m_pToolBar; // not autodestruct yet pView->m_pToolBar = NULL; pView->m_pPreviewState = NULL; // do not delete state structure // (because pState is deleted by caller) delete pView; return FALSE; } pView->m_pToolBar->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE; // automatic cleanup // Create the preview view as a child of the App Main Window. This // is a sibling of this view if this is an SDI app. This is NOT a sibling // if this is an MDI app. if (!pView->Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect(0,0,0,0), pParent, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, &context)) { TRACE0("Error: couldn't create preview view for frame.\n"); pParent->OnSetPreviewMode(FALSE, pState); // restore Frame Window // Note: //CLM: Delete here -- looks better! delete pView->m_pPreviewState; pView->m_pPreviewState = NULL; // do not delete state structure // (because pState is deleted by caller) delete pView; return FALSE; } // Preview window shown now pState->pViewActiveOld = pParent->GetActiveView(); CView* pActiveView = pParent->GetActiveFrame()->GetActiveView(); if (pActiveView != NULL) ((CNetscapeView *)pActiveView)->OnActivateView(FALSE, pActiveView, pActiveView); if (!pView->SetPrintView(pPrintView)) { pView->OnPreviewClose(); return TRUE; // signal that OnEndPrintPreview was called } pParent->SetActiveView(pView); // set active view - even for MDI // update toolbar and redraw everything pView->m_pToolBar->SendMessage(WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, (WPARAM)TRUE); pParent->RecalcLayout(); // position and size everything pParent->UpdateWindow(); return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNetscapeView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CNetscapeView::AssertValid() const { CGenericView::AssertValid(); } void CNetscapeView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CGenericView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG CGenericDoc* CNetscapeView::GetDocument() { CGenericDoc *pRetval = NULL; if(m_pContext != NULL) { pRetval = m_pContext->GetDocument(); } return(pRetval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNetscapeView message handlers int CNetscapeView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CGenericView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // initialize the drop target if(!m_pDropTarget) { m_pDropTarget = new CViewDropTarget; m_pDropTarget->Register(this); } //Ok, I'm confused! // CMainFrame does DragAcceptFiles(TRUE), // which should enable drop for all child windows // But doing DragAcceptFiles(TRUE) actually // prevents files dropped into the view from being accepted! // And putting DragAcceptFiles(FALSE) here enables it! // Leaving it out also enables it, so lets do that // // DragAcceptFiles(FALSE); return 0; } // Force a window repaint // Don't do this by hand (i.e. by calling LO_RefreshArea()) or we will be // unable to cache the pDC // void CNetscapeView::OnNavigateRepaint() { InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE); UpdateWindow(); } void CNetscapeView::OnUpdateNavigateRepaint(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); } // Block of Editor functions removed from here // Following are formerly editor functions that are useful in Browser #ifdef EDITOR // Use this for any commands that are enabled most of the time void CNetscapeView::OnCanInteract(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(CAN_INTERACT); } void CNetscapeView::OnLocalPopup() { if( CAN_INTERACT ) { CPoint CaretPoint = GetCaretPos(); // Send message to appropriate view's OnRButtonDown to bring up // context menu at caret location PostMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(CaretPoint.x, CaretPoint.y)); } } void CNetscapeView::SpawnExternalEditor(MWContext *pMWContext, const char *pPrefName, char *pURL, UINT nIDCaption) { if( !pMWContext || !pPrefName ){ return; } // Get Editor application name from preferences char * pEditor = NULL; PREF_CopyCharPref(pPrefName, &pEditor); if( pEditor == NULL || pEditor[0] == '\0' ){ GET_EDITOR: // If no Editor name in preferences, get from OpenFile dialog pEditor = wfe_GetExistingFileName(this->m_hWnd, szLoadString(nIDCaption), EXE, TRUE); if( pEditor ){ // Save new editor name PREF_SetCharPref(pPrefName, pEditor); } } if(pEditor == NULL) return; char *pLocalName = NULL; CString csMsg; BOOL bError = TRUE; CString csURL(pURL); CString csEditor(pEditor); if( XP_ConvertUrlToLocalFile(csURL, &pLocalName) ){ CString csCommand; // Enclose any string containing spaces with quotes for long filenames if ( csURL.Find(' ') > 0 ){ csCommand = csEditor + " \"" + pLocalName + "\""; } else { csCommand = csEditor + " " + pLocalName; } UINT nSpawn = WinExec(csCommand, SW_SHOW); if(nSpawn < 32) { switch(nSpawn) { case 2: case 3: // Instead of useless error message, // jump to prompt user to enter external Editor application goto GET_EDITOR; default: char szMsg[80]; sprintf(szMsg, szLoadString(IDS_UNABLE_TO_LAUNCH_EDITOR), nSpawn); csMsg = szMsg; break; } } else { bError = FALSE; } } else { AfxFormatString1(csMsg, IDS_ERR_SRC_NOT_FOUND, pLocalName); } if( pLocalName ){ XP_FREE(pLocalName); } if( bError ){ MessageBox(csMsg, szLoadString(IDS_SPAWNING_APP), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } XP_FREE(pEditor); } void CNetscapeView::OnEditSource() { MWContext *pMWContext = GET_MWCONTEXT; if( !FE_SaveDocument(pMWContext) ){ return; } // Base URL is the address of current document History_entry * hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&(pMWContext->hist)); if ( hist_ent == NULL || hist_ent->address == NULL ){ return; } // Launch an external editor for current page SpawnExternalEditor(pMWContext, "editor.html_editor", hist_ent->address, IDS_SELECT_HTML_EDITOR); } void CNetscapeView::EditImage(char *pImage) { MWContext *pMWContext = GET_MWCONTEXT; if( pImage == NULL || XP_STRLEN(pImage) == 0 || pMWContext == NULL) { return; } // Base URL is the address of current document History_entry * hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&(pMWContext->hist)); if ( hist_ent == NULL || hist_ent->address == NULL ) { return; } char * pURL = NET_MakeAbsoluteURL(hist_ent->address, pImage); // Check if image is remote reference - TODO: Automatically download image to edit it if( pURL ) { if( !NET_IsLocalFileURL(pURL) ) { CWnd *pWnd = GetContext()->GetDialogOwner(); pWnd->MessageBox(szLoadString(IDS_IMAGE_IS_REMOTE), szLoadString(IDS_EDIT_IMAGE_CAPTION), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); XP_FREE(pURL); return; } SpawnExternalEditor(pMWContext, "editor.image_editor", pURL, IDS_SELECT_IMAGE_EDITOR); XP_FREE(pURL); } } // *** end of "formerly editor functions" #endif /* EDITOR */ void CNetscapeView::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // Pass it off to the context to handle if it can. if(GetContext() != NULL && GetContext()->IsDestroyed() == FALSE) GetContext()->OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CNetscapeView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // Pass it off to the context to handle if it can. if(GetContext() != NULL && GetContext()->IsDestroyed() == FALSE) { if(GetContext()->OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags)) return; } switch(nChar) { case ' ': case VK_NEXT: // page down OnVScroll(SB_PAGEDOWN, 0, NULL); break; case VK_BACK: case VK_PRIOR: // page up OnVScroll(SB_PAGEUP, 0, NULL); break; case VK_UP: // line up OnVScroll(SB_LINEUP, 0, NULL); break; case VK_DOWN: // line down OnVScroll(SB_LINEDOWN, 0, NULL); break; case VK_RIGHT: // line right OnHScroll(SB_LINERIGHT, 0, NULL); break; case VK_LEFT: // line left OnHScroll(SB_LINELEFT, 0, NULL); break; case VK_ESCAPE: { CWinCX *pWinCX = GetContext(); // escape, kill off any selected items. if(pWinCX && pWinCX->m_pSelected != NULL) { OnDeactivateEmbed(); } } break; case VK_HOME: if (::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) OnVScroll(SB_TOP, 0, NULL); else OnHScroll(SB_TOP, 0, NULL); break; case VK_END: if (::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) OnVScroll(SB_BOTTOM, 0, NULL); else OnHScroll(SB_BOTTOM, 0, NULL); break; default: CWnd::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } } void CNetscapeView::OnInitialUpdate() { // Assign in our document, since no one else has bothered if(m_pDocument == NULL) { m_pContext->GetDocument()->AddView(this); } CGenericView::OnInitialUpdate(); } void CNetscapeView::OnDeactivateEmbed() { if(m_pContext != NULL) { m_pContext->OnDeactivateEmbedCX(); } } // // Focus management to support international forms // void CNetscapeView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView) { // Remember focus before we activate. HWND hWndFocus = m_hWndFocus; CGenericView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); if(bActivate) { // Restore focus to child if exists. if(hWndFocus && ::IsWindow(hWndFocus)) { ::SetFocus(hWndFocus); } } else { HWND tmp = ::GetFocus(); if(tmp && ::IsChild(m_hWnd, tmp)) m_hWndFocus = tmp; else m_hWndFocus = NULL; } //TRACE2("CNetscapeView::OnActivateView: bActivate = %d, m_hWndFocus = %d\n", bActivate, m_hWndFocus); } void CNetscapeView::OnActivateFrame(UINT nState, CFrameWnd* /*pFrameWnd*/) { if (nState == WA_INACTIVE) { HWND tmp = ::GetFocus(); if(tmp && ::IsChild(m_hWnd, tmp)) m_hWndFocus = tmp; else m_hWndFocus = NULL; } //TRACE1("CNetscapeView::OnActivateFrame: m_hWndFocus = %d\n", m_hWndFocus); } FILE * fpSeriousHackery = NULL; // We just got focus // See who wants it // void CNetscapeView::OnSetFocus(CWnd *pOldWin) { if (m_pChild) { m_pChild->SetFocus(); return; } // See if an active OLE item used to have focus if(GetDocument() != NULL) { CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this); if(pItem != NULL && pItem->GetItemState() == COleClientItem::activeUIState) { // Active item, give it focus. CWnd *pWnd = pItem->GetInPlaceWindow(); if(pWnd != NULL) { pWnd->SetFocus(); return; } } } // Did a form element used to have focus? if(m_hWndFocus && ::IsWindow(m_hWndFocus)) { ::SetFocus(m_hWndFocus); return; } // No one wants it. Just pass it to the base class CGenericView::OnSetFocus(pOldWin); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Drag from the Bitmap Menu item void CNetscapeView::OnCopyCurrentURL() { if ( GetContext() ) { GetContext()->CopyCurrentURL(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CViewDropSource::CViewDropSource(UINT nDragType) : m_nDragType(nDragType) { } SCODE CViewDropSource::GiveFeedback(DROPEFFECT dropEffect) { if( dropEffect != DROPEFFECT_COPY && dropEffect != DROPEFFECT_MOVE ){ return COleDropSource::GiveFeedback(dropEffect); } BOOL bCopy = (dropEffect == DROPEFFECT_COPY); switch ( m_nDragType ) { case FE_DRAG_TEXT: SetCursor(theApp.LoadCursor( bCopy ? IDC_TEXT_COPY : IDC_TEXT_MOVE)); break; case FE_DRAG_HTML: SetCursor(theApp.LoadCursor( bCopy ? IDC_HTML_COPY : IDC_HTML_MOVE)); break; case FE_DRAG_TABLE: SetCursor(theApp.LoadCursor( bCopy ? IDC_TABLE_COPY : IDC_TABLE_MOVE)); break; case FE_DRAG_LINK: SetCursor(theApp.LoadCursor( bCopy ? IDC_LINK_COPY : IDC_LINK_MOVE)); break; case FE_DRAG_IMAGE: SetCursor(theApp.LoadCursor( bCopy ? IDC_IMAGE_COPY : IDC_IMAGE_MOVE)); break; default: return COleDropSource::GiveFeedback(dropEffect); } return NOERROR; } void CNetscapeView::OnSize ( UINT nType, int cx, int cy ) { CGenericView::OnSize ( nType, cx, cy ); if ( m_pChild ) { ShowScrollBar ( SB_BOTH, FALSE ); CRect rect ( 0, 0, cx, cy ); GetClientRect(rect); m_pChild->MoveWindow ( rect ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CViewDropTarget::CViewDropTarget() { } typedef struct drag_closure { char * tmpUrl; char ** jsUrl; CNetscapeView * cView; } drag_closure; /* Mocha has processed the event handler for the drop event. Now come back and execute * the drop files call if EVENT_OK or cleanup and go away. */ static void win_on_drop_callback(MWContext * pContext, LO_Element * pEle, int32 event, void * pObj, ETEventStatus status) { char * tmpUrl; drag_closure * pClose = (drag_closure *) pObj; tmpUrl = pClose->tmpUrl; // make sure document hasn't gone away or event cancelled if(status == EVENT_PANIC || status == EVENT_CANCEL) { XP_FREE(pClose->jsUrl[0]); XP_FREE(pClose->jsUrl); XP_FREE(pClose); XP_FREE(tmpUrl); return; } // find out who we are CNetscapeView * cView = pClose->cView; cView->GetContext()->NormalGetUrl(tmpUrl); XP_FREE(pClose->jsUrl[0]); XP_FREE(pClose->jsUrl); XP_FREE(pClose); XP_FREE(tmpUrl); return; } BOOL CViewDropTarget::OnDrop(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point) { if(!pDataObject || !pWnd) return(FALSE); #ifdef XP_WIN32 // we only handle text at the moment if(! (pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT) || pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT))) return(FALSE); #else // we only handle text at the moment if(!pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return(FALSE); #endif CNetscapeView * cView = (CNetscapeView *) pWnd; BOOL bUseUnicodeData = FALSE; char * tmpUrl; #ifdef XP_WIN32 // in the case of WIN32, Try CF_UNICODETEXT first int16 wincsid = INTL_GetCSIWinCSID(LO_GetDocumentCharacterSetInfo( cView->GetContext()->GetContext() )); if( (CS_USER_DEFINED_ENCODING != (wincsid & ~CS_AUTO)) && pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) ) { // we have Unicode data and we want to use it. HGLOBAL hString = pDataObject->GetGlobalData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if(hString) { // get a pointer to the actual bytes char * pString = (char *) GlobalLock(hString); if(pString) { // Now, let's convert the Unicode text into the datacsid encoding int ucs2len = CASTINT(INTL_UnicodeLen((INTL_Unicode*)pString)); int mbbufneeded = CASTINT(INTL_UnicodeToStrLen(wincsid, (INTL_Unicode*)pString, ucs2len)); if(NULL != (tmpUrl = (char*)XP_ALLOC(mbbufneeded + 1))) { INTL_UnicodeToStr(wincsid, (INTL_Unicode*)pString, ucs2len, (unsigned char*) tmpUrl, mbbufneeded + 1); bUseUnicodeData = TRUE; } GlobalUnlock(hString); } } } #endif if(! bUseUnicodeData) { // get the data HGLOBAL hString = pDataObject->GetGlobalData(CF_TEXT); if(hString == NULL) return(FALSE); // get a pointer to the actual bytes char * pString = (char *) GlobalLock(hString); if(!pString) return(FALSE); tmpUrl = XP_STRDUP(pString); GlobalUnlock(hString); } drag_closure * pClosure = XP_NEW_ZAP(drag_closure); pClosure->cView = cView; pClosure->tmpUrl = tmpUrl; pClosure->jsUrl = (char**)XP_ALLOC(sizeof(char*)); pClosure->jsUrl[0] = XP_STRDUP(tmpUrl); XY Point; CWinCX *pContext = cView->GetContext(); if (pContext) { pContext->ResolvePoint(Point, point); } else { Point.x = 0; Point.y = 0; } cView->ClientToScreen( &point ); JSEvent *event; event = XP_NEW_ZAP(JSEvent); event->type = EVENT_DRAGDROP; event->which = 0; event->x = 0; event->y = 0; event->docx = Point.x; event->docy = Point.y; event->screenx = point.x; event->screeny = point.y; event->modifiers = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ? EVENT_SHIFT_MASK : 0) | (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ? EVENT_CONTROL_MASK : 0) | (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ? EVENT_ALT_MASK : 0); event->dataSize = 1; event->data = (void *)pClosure->jsUrl; ET_SendEvent(cView->GetContext()->GetContext(), 0, event, win_on_drop_callback, pClosure); return(TRUE); //Mocha will handle cleanup and free tmpUrl when it calls back in. } DROPEFFECT CViewDropTarget::OnDragEnter(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point ) { m_nIsOKDrop = FALSE; #ifdef XP_WIN32 // we only handle text at the moment if(! (pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT) || pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT))) return(FALSE); #else // we only handle text at the moment if(!pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return(FALSE); #endif // can't drag onto ourselves CNetscapeView * cView = (CNetscapeView *) pWnd; if(cView && cView->GetContext() && cView->GetContext()->IsDragging()) return(FALSE); // looks like its OK m_nIsOKDrop = TRUE; // Default is to copy return(DROPEFFECT_COPY); } DROPEFFECT CViewDropTarget::OnDragOver(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point ) { if(!m_nIsOKDrop) return(DROPEFFECT_NONE); return(DROPEFFECT_COPY); } void CViewDropTarget::OnDragLeave(CWnd* pWnd) { }