/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ /* This is some glue code for a semi-parsing CSS. Its used to output html from XML. This will be changed when we incorporate the real xml parser from James Clark will replace this within the next few weeks. For more information on this file, contact rjc or guha For more information on RDF, look at the RDF section of www.mozilla.org For more info on XML in navigator, look at the XML section of www.mozilla.org. */ #include "xmlss.h" #define href "href" #define XLL "XML-Link" #define BUF_SIZE 4096 int parseNextXMLCSSBlob (NET_StreamClass *stream, char* blob, int32 size) { StyleSheet ss; int32 n, last, m; PRBool somethingseenp = false; n = last = 0; ss = (StyleSheet)(stream->data_object); if ((ss == NULL) || (size < 0)) { return MK_INTERRUPTED; } while (n < size) { char c = blob[n]; m = 0; memset(ss->line, '\0', ss->lineSize); if (ss->holdOver[0] != '\0') { memcpy(ss->line, ss->holdOver, strlen(ss->holdOver)); m = strlen(ss->holdOver); somethingseenp = 1; memset(ss->holdOver, '\0', BUF_SIZE); } while ((m < 300) && (c != '{') && (c != '}')) { ss->line[m] = c; m++; somethingseenp = (somethingseenp || ((c != ' ') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n'))); n++; if (n < size) { c = blob[n]; } else break; } if (c == '}') ss->line[m] = c; n++; if (m > 0) { if ((c == '}') || (c == '{')) { last = n; if (c == '{') ss->holdOver[0] = '{'; if (somethingseenp) { parseNextXMLCSSElement(ss, ss->line); } } else if (size > last) { memcpy(ss->holdOver, ss->line, m); } } else if (c == '{') ss->holdOver[0] = '{'; } return(size); } static int32 style_id_counter = 0; void parseNextXMLCSSElement (StyleSheet ss, char* ele) { if (ele[0] == '{') { char* sty = getMem(strlen(ele)-1); memcpy(sty, &ele[1], strlen(ele)-2); ss->el->style = sty; } else { StyleElement se = (StyleElement) getMem(sizeof(StyleElementStruct)); size_t numTags, size, n, count; se->id = ++style_id_counter; se->next = ss->el; ss->el = se; size = strlen(ele); count = n = 0; numTags = countTagStackSize(ele); while (count < numTags) { size_t st = 0; char** tgs = (char**) getMem(numTags * sizeof(char**)); se->tagStack = tgs; while (st < numTags) { *(tgs + st++) = getNextSSTag(ele, &n); } count++; } } } size_t countSSNumTags (char* ele) { size_t n = 0; size_t m = 1; size_t sz = strlen(ele); while (n < sz) { if (ele[n++] == ',') m++; } return m; } size_t countTagStackSize (char* ele) { size_t n = 0; size_t m = 0; PRBool inSpace = 1; size_t sz = strlen(ele); while (n < sz) { if (ele[n] == ',') break; if ((ele[n] != ' ') && (ele[n] != '\r') && (ele[n] != '\n')) { if (inSpace) { m++; inSpace = 0; } } else inSpace = 1; n++; } return m; } char* getNextSSTag (char* ele, size_t* n) { char tag[100]; size_t m = 0; char c = ele[*n]; size_t s = strlen(ele); memset(tag, '\0', 100); while ((c == '\r') || (c == ' ') || (c == '\n')) { *n = *n + 1; c = ele[*n]; } while ((c != ' ') && (c != ',') && (*n < s)) { tag[m++] = c; *n = *n + 1; c = ele[*n]; } return copyString(tag); } void outputAttributes(XMLFile f, char** attlist) { uint32 n = 0; PRBool xmlinkp = (getAttributeValue(attlist, XLL) != NULL); if (!attlist) return ; while ((n < 2*MAX_ATTRIBUTES) && (*(attlist + n) != NULL)) { if (!(xmlinkp && stringEquals(*(attlist + n), href))) { outputToStream(f, *(attlist + n)); outputToStream(f, "=\""); outputToStream(f, *(attlist + n + 1)); outputToStream(f, "\" "); } n = n + 2; } } void outputAsHTML (XMLFile f, XMLElement el) { if (strcmp(el->tag, "xml:content") == 0) { outputToStream(f, el->content); } else { char* htmlEquiv = getAttributeValue(el->attributes, "html"); char* linkTag = getAttributeValue(el->attributes, XLL); char* htmlBuff = getMem(1024); XMLElement child = el->child; PRBool suppressTag = !startsWith("html:", el->tag) ; if (linkTag && (stringEquals(linkTag, "LINK"))) { char* hrefVal = getAttributeValue(el->attributes, href); if (hrefVal) { char* type = getAttributeValue(el->attributes, "Role"); char* show = getAttributeValue(el->attributes, "Show"); if (show &&(strcmp(show, "EMBED") == 0)) { if (type && (strcmp(type, "HTML") == 0)) { int32 n = 0; XMLHTMLInclusion incl = (XMLHTMLInclusion) el->content; while (incl && *(incl->content + n)) { outputToStream(f, (*(incl->content + n))); n++; } } else if (type && (strcmp(type, "IMAGE") == 0)) { sprintf(htmlBuff, "\n", hrefVal); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); } freeMem(htmlBuff); return; } else { sprintf(htmlBuff, "", hrefVal); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); } } else { linkTag = 0; } } outputStyleSpan(f, el, 0); if (htmlEquiv) { sprintf(htmlBuff, "<%s ", htmlEquiv); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); outputAttributes(f, el->attributes); outputToStream(f, ">\n"); } else if (!suppressTag){ sprintf(htmlBuff, "<%s ", &((el->tag)[5])); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); outputAttributes(f, el->attributes); outputToStream(f, ">\n"); } while (child) { outputAsHTML(f, child); child = child->next; } if (htmlEquiv) { sprintf(htmlBuff, "\n", htmlEquiv); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); } else if (!suppressTag) { sprintf(htmlBuff, "\n", &((el->tag)[5])); outputToStream(f, htmlBuff); } outputStyleSpan(f, el, 1); if (linkTag) outputToStream(f, ""); freeMem(htmlBuff); } } void outputAllStyles(XMLFile xf) { char *ssline; StyleSheet ss ; StyleElement se; outputToStream(xf, "\n"); } void convertToHTML (XMLFile xf) { XMLElement el = xf->top; xf->numOpenStreams--; if (xf->numOpenStreams < 1) { outputToStream(xf, ""); outputAllStyles(xf); outputAsHTML(xf, el); outputToStream(xf, ""); } } void outputStyleSpan (XMLFile f, XMLElement el, PRBool endp) { char *ssid; StyleSheet ss ; StyleElement se; for (ss = f->ss; (ss != NULL) ; ss = ss->next) { for (se = ss->el; (se != NULL) ; se = se->next) { if (se->style && stringEquals((se->tagStack)[0], el->tag)) { /* check for se->style from Steve Wingard */ PRBool divp = startsWith("Display:Block;", se->style); PRBool listp = startsWith("Display:List-item;", se->style); if (!endp) { if (divp) { outputToStream(f, "
  • \n", se->id); PR_ASSERT(ssid); if (!ssid) return; outputToStream(f, ssid); free(ssid); } else { if (divp) { outputToStream(f, "
  • "); } else if (listp) { outputToStream(f, ""); } else { outputToStream(f, ""); } } } } } }