Tinderbox Documentation: ------------------------ *) Every directory has a ReadMe file which tells about all the files in that directory. *) Every executable can be run with --help so that you can see what the program does and what its arguments are. If you have trouble running the file just look at the file in a text editor and find the string "usage". *) The top of every file (both code and configuration) has a short explanation of what this file does. *) The code has lots of documentation so you can read the code if you need more details about how something works. To install: ----------- *) You will need to ensure that Perl is installed on your webserver. It would be a good idea to have these modules installed: Storable, Date::Format, You can easily check if these are installed by executing these two commands. If the module is installed, you'll get no output: perl -e 'use Storable' perl -e 'use Date::Format' *) Read the Policies and Overview documents found in this directory to help you get a feel for the scope of this installation. *) The process id which receives and process the mail must be the same id which runs the tinderbox cron job to prepare the web pages. I prefer to manage my webserver so that all CGI scripts do not run as the same user. Using one user id can cause security problems which are hard to detect. If you must run all web applications as a single user it would be safer to ensure that this user is a specific web user (apache, cgiuser, webuser) so that this is not mixed up with other unix system users (daemon, nobody, bin) since this could cause security interactions with other programs which use these ids. It may take some thought as to how the user id will be configured to run when receiving mail and when receiving web requests and not be a user id which will cause security problems. These products will help partition your web application to run as different users. (See http://www.w3.org/Security/Faq/wwwsf4.html for more info) CGIWrap http://cgiwrap.unixtools.org/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgiwrap/ sbox: Put CGI Scripts in a Box http://stein.cshl.org/software/sbox/ The Apache Web server comes with its own wrapper script called suEXEC. *) The src/default_conf directory contains perl libraries which are specific to an individual users site configuration. No two users of Tinderbox will have the identical sets of files. The files found in default_conf are sample files which are used at Mozilla.org. Other users are expected to customize these libraries and install the modified libraries in local_conf. Files found in local_conf will be used before any file found in default_conf. The distribution of Tinderbox will never place any files in the local_conf directory as this is assumed to be under local control. A quick overview of the files: TinderConfig.pm: general configuration settings (HTML directories, Log files, implementations of libraries to use, etc). TreeData.pm: version control (CVS, Bonsai) configuration. Error_Parse.pm: the regular expressions for identifying errors in build logs. BTData.pm: bug tracking configuration FileStructure.pm: filesystem (storage) and global/per-project settings. Most users will not have to change this. In particular you will need a TinderConfig.pm and a TreeData.pm which describes your local setup. You may need to make local versions of the other files depending on how you wish to have Tinderbox configured. I install Tinderbox via RPM. I have three RPMS. One tracks changes in the Tinderbox server source code just as I get it from CVS. One RPM contains my local_conf files. The clientbin files get put in their own RPM which is installed on the buildmachine along with the local_conf files. I do not currently have all the other configuration details worked out (crontab files, /etc/rc.d/init.d, .cvspass,) but most of the state of my machines is under RPM control. *) Run ./configure. When configure is done you will have a Makefile and a config.out. Although Tinderbox consists entirely of perl scripts we must substitute some values into the source code to make it executable. You may wish to change the default directories in configure for some of the makefile variables. Please read config.out and make any changes which need to be made for your system. Configure also accepts command line options to change some default variables. Please look at the configure source code for variable details, but the most common changes are: prefix: the directory for most of the tinderbox files, defaults to /home/tinderbox2 cgibin_prefix: The directory where cgi scripts will be run. This depends on how your webserver is configured. For security you may wish to ensure that this directory is disjoint from the prefix directory. This defaults to /var/www/cgi-bin/tinderbox. html_prefix: The directory where html files should be written. This depends on how your webserver is configured. This is where the webserver will pick up tinderbox2 output. This defaults to /home/httpd/html/tinderbox. *) run 'make' to create executable versions of the source code in the ./build directory. *) run 'make compile_bin_code' to ensure that the code will compile when it is installed. This will not work if your target machine is very different from the machine you are running make on. *) If you wish run the test programs as described in /build/test/ReadMe to ensure that you have configured the program correctly. This will require a TinderConfig.pm file in your local_conf directory. See the ReadMe file in the test directory for detailed information on how the tests work. *) run make install, to install Tinderbox on your system. You may wish to run this with a different 'prefix' make install prefix=/opt/tinderbox It is currently assumed that the bin directory of your installation will be where the webserver will run the tinderbox cgi's from. You can copy the *.cgi files to another directory if this is not the case. *) There are some gifs located in the gif directory which have historically been used by tinderbox. The installation via 'make install' does not install these images. Put them somewhere in your webserver's html directory if you wish to use them. Samples of their use are in the configuration files. *) set up a cron job to run $cgi-bin/bin/tinder.cgi --daemon-mode every five minutes. This generates the static tinderbox pages which users see. set up a cron job to run $prefix/bin/rmlogs at least once a day. six am is a good time to run this as the machine load is usually light and will avoids any day light savings problems. This keeps the archive of compressed build logs from growing without limit. *) set up the $prefix/bin/processmail* programs to receive the incoming tinderbox mail. The process id which receives and process the mail must be the the same id which runs the tinderbox cron job to prepare the web pages. Usually this set up is accomplished by having the MTA (Sendmail) pass mail for particular accounts into a script. This can be configured via a global configuration file (Sendmail alias file) or via a .forward file (each account gets the same user id but a different home directory, each home directory gets a .forward to cause incoming mail to be delivered through the correct tinderbox mail processing program). I have used the following configurations for the mail server Postfix. The postfix aliases file /etc/postfix/aliases contains the following lines. This file must be processed with a /usr/sbin/postalias command which must be run by the same id which will run the tinderbox cgi scripts. tinderbox_builds: |/home/tinderbox2/bin/processmail_builds tinderbox_bugzilla: |/home/tinderbox2/bin/processmail_bugs If it is not possible to have mail delivery on your web machine and to have your web machine deliver specific mail through a program then I suggest you use fetchmail to simulate this delivery format. Download fetchmail (from http://tuxedo.org/~esr/fetchmail) and install it on your webserver. Have the mail sent to any pop/imap mail server which is accessible from the webserver. Configure fetchmail to gather the mail from the mail server and pass it through to the correct mail processing program. You should keep the polling interval short (30-200 seconds) as long polling intervals will cause delays in the tinderbox system and limit how quickly users see the new data. If the polling interval is too short then you will overload your pop server with needless queries. Fetchmail should run under the same id as the tinderbox server. The fetchmail configuration file will look something like: poll mail.provider.net with proto pop3: user "tinderbox_builds" there has password "u can't krak this" is tinder here and wants mda "$prefix/bin/processmail_builds" We use the mail address 'tinderbox_builds' for build information destined for the webserver. Similarly the bug tracking system should send mail to 'tinderbox_bugs'. *) If you are using VC_CVS.pm then you will need to put a ~/.cvspass for tinderbox to use. Log into the CVS repository yourself, once for each tree you have defined. The login command must use the hostname/modules exactly as you wrote it in VCData. Then copy your ~/.cvspass into the tinderbox server user id's home directory. This must be the REAL home of the Tinderbox daemon, as listed in /etc/passwd/ and set in the $HOME environmental variable for tinder.cgi. The file must not be world readable or writable or executable. It is recommended that VC_CVS.pm is only used as an interim step in setting up VC_Bonsai. VC_Bonsai is not hard to setup and provided many useful features which are absent in VC_CVS.pm. *) Setup the build machines to mail their build logs (with tinderbox variables on the top) to the web server machine. New builds must not start earlier then 6 minutes after the last build started. Each build machine mails the build log of each build and puts some build data at the top of the log. Build information includes whether the build was a success, which error parsers to use on the log file and what build this is. Run 'processmail_builds --help' to learn about how the mail processing system works and what the mail messages are expected to look like. There is an example mail in the test directory called samplelog. The clientbin directory contains code which can be used on the buildmachine. See the README to help setup your buildmachine. http://www.ntsendmail.com/ has a perl program which can be used to send mail on systems where there is no sendmail installed. There is nothing special about sending mail. Any data transport layer would work including HTTP Post and SSH the only requirement is that the data is sent to the STDIN of the mail processing programs upon delivery and that the process which runs this is the same uid as the tinderbox server. I have not thought too much about how to set up these alternate delivery mechanisms so I have no practical advice but It should not be too hard to setup. There is a set of instructions for this in lwpcook.pod which suggest you will need to install HTTP::Request::Common and LWP::UserAgent; *) Set up the bug tracking system to send mail to 'tinderbox_bugs' on the webserver machine whenever a Bug ticket changes state. It is not interesting to see which tickets are being worked on, so restrict mailing to changes in ticket state not updates (edit) of a ticket. *) Check that the time on your webserver, your version control machine, your bug tracking machine and your build machines are all in sync. Check that mail if build mail bounces on any of the above machines that it will be received by someone who can act on it. I keep my email up to date in the Contact file. If you have trouble with these instructions please drop me a line. Ken Estes.