# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import ConfigParser import os import sys import tempfile import traceback # We need to know our current directory so that we can serve our test files from it. here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) from automation import Automation from b2gautomation import B2GRemoteAutomation from b2g_desktop import run_desktop_reftests from runreftest import RefTest from runreftest import ReftestOptions from remotereftest import ReftestServer from mozdevice import DeviceManagerADB, DMError from marionette import Marionette import moznetwork class B2GOptions(ReftestOptions): def __init__(self, **kwargs): defaults = {} ReftestOptions.__init__(self) # This is only used for procName in run_remote_reftests. defaults["app"] = Automation.DEFAULT_APP self.add_option("--browser-arg", action="store", type = "string", dest = "browser_arg", help = "Optional command-line arg to pass to the browser") defaults["browser_arg"] = None self.add_option("--b2gpath", action="store", type = "string", dest = "b2gPath", help = "path to B2G repo or qemu dir") defaults["b2gPath"] = None self.add_option("--marionette", action="store", type = "string", dest = "marionette", help = "host:port to use when connecting to Marionette") defaults["marionette"] = None self.add_option("--emulator", action="store", type="string", dest = "emulator", help = "Architecture of emulator to use: x86 or arm") defaults["emulator"] = None self.add_option("--emulator-res", action="store", type="string", dest = "emulator_res", help = "Emulator resolution of the format 'x'") defaults["emulator_res"] = None self.add_option("--no-window", action="store_true", dest = "noWindow", help = "Pass --no-window to the emulator") defaults["noWindow"] = False self.add_option("--adbpath", action="store", type = "string", dest = "adb_path", help = "path to adb") defaults["adb_path"] = "adb" self.add_option("--deviceIP", action="store", type = "string", dest = "deviceIP", help = "ip address of remote device to test") defaults["deviceIP"] = None self.add_option("--devicePort", action="store", type = "string", dest = "devicePort", help = "port of remote device to test") defaults["devicePort"] = 20701 self.add_option("--remote-logfile", action="store", type = "string", dest = "remoteLogFile", help = "Name of log file on the device relative to the device root. PLEASE ONLY USE A FILENAME.") defaults["remoteLogFile"] = None self.add_option("--remote-webserver", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "remoteWebServer", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["remoteWebServer"] = None self.add_option("--http-port", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "httpPort", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["httpPort"] = None self.add_option("--ssl-port", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "sslPort", help = "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at") defaults["sslPort"] = None self.add_option("--pidfile", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "pidFile", help = "name of the pidfile to generate") defaults["pidFile"] = "" self.add_option("--gecko-path", action="store", type="string", dest="geckoPath", help="the path to a gecko distribution that should " "be installed on the emulator prior to test") defaults["geckoPath"] = None self.add_option("--logdir", action="store", type="string", dest="logdir", help="directory to store log files") defaults["logdir"] = None self.add_option('--busybox', action='store', type='string', dest='busybox', help="Path to busybox binary to install on device") defaults['busybox'] = None self.add_option("--httpd-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "httpdPath", help = "path to the httpd.js file") defaults["httpdPath"] = None self.add_option("--profile", action="store", type="string", dest="profile", help="for desktop testing, the path to the " "gaia profile to use") defaults["profile"] = None self.add_option("--desktop", action="store_true", dest="desktop", help="Run the tests on a B2G desktop build") defaults["desktop"] = False self.add_option("--mulet", action="store_true", dest="mulet", help="Run the tests on a B2G desktop build") defaults["mulet"] = False self.add_option("--enable-oop", action="store_true", dest="oop", help="Run the tests out of process") defaults["oop"] = False defaults["remoteTestRoot"] = None defaults["logFile"] = "reftest.log" defaults["autorun"] = True defaults["closeWhenDone"] = True defaults["testPath"] = "" defaults["runTestsInParallel"] = False self.set_defaults(**defaults) def verifyRemoteOptions(self, options, auto): if options.runTestsInParallel: self.error("Cannot run parallel tests here") if not options.remoteTestRoot: options.remoteTestRoot = auto._devicemanager.deviceRoot + "/reftest" options.remoteProfile = options.remoteTestRoot + "/profile" productRoot = options.remoteTestRoot + "/" + auto._product if options.utilityPath is None: options.utilityPath = productRoot + "/bin" if options.remoteWebServer == None: if os.name != "nt": options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip() else: print "ERROR: you must specify a --remote-webserver=\n" return None options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer if not options.httpPort: options.httpPort = auto.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT if not options.sslPort: options.sslPort = auto.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT if options.geckoPath and not options.emulator: self.error("You must specify --emulator if you specify --gecko-path") if options.logdir and not options.emulator: self.error("You must specify --emulator if you specify --logdir") #if not options.emulator and not options.deviceIP: # print "ERROR: you must provide a device IP" # return None if options.remoteLogFile == None: options.remoteLogFile = "reftest.log" options.localLogName = options.remoteLogFile options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + '/' + options.remoteLogFile # Ensure that the options.logfile (which the base class uses) is set to # the remote setting when running remote. Also, if the user set the # log file name there, use that instead of reusing the remotelogfile as above. if (options.logFile): # If the user specified a local logfile name use that options.localLogName = options.logFile options.logFile = options.remoteLogFile # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided if options.xrePath == None: options.xrePath = options.utilityPath options.xrePath = os.path.abspath(options.xrePath) if options.pidFile != "": f = open(options.pidFile, 'w') f.write("%s" % os.getpid()) f.close() # httpd-path is specified by standard makefile targets and may be specified # on the command line to select a particular version of httpd.js. If not # specified, try to select the one from from the xre bundle, as required in bug 882932. if not options.httpdPath: options.httpdPath = os.path.join(options.xrePath, "components") return options class ProfileConfigParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): """Subclass of RawConfigParser that outputs .ini files in the exact format expected for profiles.ini, which is slightly different than the default format. """ def optionxform(self, optionstr): return optionstr def write(self, fp): if self._defaults: fp.write("[%s]\n" % ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT) for (key, value) in self._defaults.items(): fp.write("%s=%s\n" % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("\n") for section in self._sections: fp.write("[%s]\n" % section) for (key, value) in self._sections[section].items(): if key == "__name__": continue if (value is not None) or (self._optcre == self.OPTCRE): key = "=".join((key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("%s\n" % (key)) fp.write("\n") class B2GRemoteReftest(RefTest): _devicemanager = None localProfile = None remoteApp = '' profile = None def __init__(self, automation, devicemanager, options, scriptDir): RefTest.__init__(self) self.automation = automation self._devicemanager = devicemanager self.runSSLTunnel = False self.remoteTestRoot = options.remoteTestRoot self.remoteProfile = options.remoteProfile self.automation.setRemoteProfile(self.remoteProfile) self.localLogName = options.localLogName self.remoteLogFile = options.remoteLogFile self.bundlesDir = '/system/b2g/distribution/bundles' self.remoteMozillaPath = '/data/b2g/mozilla' self.remoteProfilesIniPath = os.path.join(self.remoteMozillaPath, 'profiles.ini') self.originalProfilesIni = None self.scriptDir = scriptDir self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 90 if self.automation.IS_DEBUG_BUILD: self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 180 def cleanup(self, profileDir): # Pull results back from device if (self.remoteLogFile): try: self._devicemanager.getFile(self.remoteLogFile, self.localLogName) except: print "ERROR: We were not able to retrieve the info from %s" % self.remoteLogFile sys.exit(5) # Delete any bundled extensions if profileDir: extensionDir = os.path.join(profileDir, 'extensions', 'staged') for filename in os.listdir(extensionDir): try: self._devicemanager._checkCmd(['shell', 'rm', '-rf', os.path.join(self.bundlesDir, filename)]) except DMError: pass # Restore the original profiles.ini. if self.originalProfilesIni: try: if not self.automation._is_emulator: self.restoreProfilesIni() os.remove(self.originalProfilesIni) except: pass if not self.automation._is_emulator: self._devicemanager.removeFile(self.remoteLogFile) self._devicemanager.removeDir(self.remoteProfile) self._devicemanager.removeDir(self.remoteTestRoot) # We've restored the original profile, so reboot the device so that # it gets picked up. self.automation.rebootDevice() RefTest.cleanup(self, profileDir) if getattr(self, 'pidFile', '') != '': try: os.remove(self.pidFile) os.remove(self.pidFile + ".xpcshell.pid") except: print "Warning: cleaning up pidfile '%s' was unsuccessful from the test harness" % self.pidFile def findPath(self, paths, filename = None): for path in paths: p = path if filename: p = os.path.join(p, filename) if os.path.exists(self.getFullPath(p)): return path return None def startWebServer(self, options): """ Create the webserver on the host and start it up """ remoteXrePath = options.xrePath remoteProfilePath = self.remoteProfile remoteUtilityPath = options.utilityPath localAutomation = Automation() localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = False localAutomation.IS_LINUX = False localAutomation.IS_MAC = False localAutomation.UNIXISH = False hostos = sys.platform if hostos in ['mac', 'darwin']: localAutomation.IS_MAC = True elif hostos in ['linux', 'linux2']: localAutomation.IS_LINUX = True localAutomation.UNIXISH = True elif hostos in ['win32', 'win64']: localAutomation.BIN_SUFFIX = ".exe" localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = True paths = [options.xrePath, localAutomation.DIST_BIN, self.automation._product, os.path.join('..', self.automation._product)] options.xrePath = self.findPath(paths) if options.xrePath == None: print "ERROR: unable to find xulrunner path for %s, please specify with --xre-path" % (os.name) sys.exit(1) paths.append("bin") paths.append(os.path.join("..", "bin")) xpcshell = "xpcshell" if (os.name == "nt"): xpcshell += ".exe" options.utilityPath = self.findPath(paths, xpcshell) if options.utilityPath == None: print "ERROR: unable to find utility path for %s, please specify with --utility-path" % (os.name) sys.exit(1) xpcshell = os.path.join(options.utilityPath, xpcshell) if self.automation.elf_arm(xpcshell): raise Exception('xpcshell at %s is an ARM binary; please use ' 'the --utility-path argument to specify the path ' 'to a desktop version.' % xpcshell) options.serverProfilePath = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.server = ReftestServer(localAutomation, options, self.scriptDir) retVal = self.server.start() if retVal: return retVal if (options.pidFile != ""): f = open(options.pidFile + ".xpcshell.pid", 'w') f.write("%s" % self.server._process.pid) f.close() retVal = self.server.ensureReady(self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) if retVal: return retVal options.xrePath = remoteXrePath options.utilityPath = remoteUtilityPath options.profilePath = remoteProfilePath return 0 def stopWebServer(self, options): if hasattr(self, 'server'): self.server.stop() def restoreProfilesIni(self): # restore profiles.ini on the device to its previous state if not self.originalProfilesIni or not os.access(self.originalProfilesIni, os.F_OK): raise DMError('Unable to install original profiles.ini; file not found: %s', self.originalProfilesIni) self._devicemanager.pushFile(self.originalProfilesIni, self.remoteProfilesIniPath) def updateProfilesIni(self, profilePath): # update profiles.ini on the device to point to the test profile self.originalProfilesIni = tempfile.mktemp() self._devicemanager.getFile(self.remoteProfilesIniPath, self.originalProfilesIni) config = ProfileConfigParser() config.read(self.originalProfilesIni) for section in config.sections(): if 'Profile' in section: config.set(section, 'IsRelative', 0) config.set(section, 'Path', profilePath) newProfilesIni = tempfile.mktemp() with open(newProfilesIni, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) self._devicemanager.pushFile(newProfilesIni, self.remoteProfilesIniPath) try: os.remove(newProfilesIni) except: pass def createReftestProfile(self, options, reftestlist): profile = RefTest.createReftestProfile(self, options, reftestlist, server=options.remoteWebServer, special_powers=False) profileDir = profile.profile prefs = {} # Turn off the locale picker screen prefs["browser.firstrun.show.localepicker"] = False prefs["b2g.system_startup_url"] = "app://test-container.gaiamobile.org/index.html" prefs["b2g.system_manifest_url"] = "app://test-container.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp" prefs["dom.ipc.tabs.disabled"] = False prefs["dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled"] = True prefs["font.size.inflation.emPerLine"] = 0 prefs["font.size.inflation.minTwips"] = 0 prefs["network.dns.localDomains"] = "app://test-container.gaiamobile.org" prefs["reftest.browser.iframe.enabled"] = False prefs["reftest.remote"] = True prefs["reftest.uri"] = "%s" % reftestlist # Set a future policy version to avoid the telemetry prompt. prefs["toolkit.telemetry.prompted"] = 999 prefs["toolkit.telemetry.notifiedOptOut"] = 999 # Make sure we disable system updates prefs["app.update.enabled"] = False prefs["app.update.url"] = "" prefs["app.update.url.override"] = "" # Disable webapp updates prefs["webapps.update.enabled"] = False # Disable tiles also prefs["browser.newtabpage.directory.source"] = "" prefs["browser.newtabpage.directory.ping"] = "" # Disable periodic updates of service workers prefs["dom.serviceWorkers.periodic-updates.enabled"] = False if options.oop: prefs['browser.tabs.remote.autostart'] = True prefs['reftest.browser.iframe.enabled'] = True # Set the extra prefs. profile.set_preferences(prefs) # Copy the profile to the device. self._devicemanager.removeDir(self.remoteProfile) try: self._devicemanager.pushDir(profileDir, self.remoteProfile) except DMError: print "Automation Error: Unable to copy profile to device." raise # Copy the extensions to the B2G bundles dir. extensionDir = os.path.join(profileDir, 'extensions', 'staged') # need to write to read-only dir self._devicemanager._checkCmd(['remount']) for filename in os.listdir(extensionDir): self._devicemanager._checkCmd(['shell', 'rm', '-rf', os.path.join(self.bundlesDir, filename)]) try: self._devicemanager.pushDir(extensionDir, self.bundlesDir) except DMError: print "Automation Error: Unable to copy extensions to device." raise self.updateProfilesIni(self.remoteProfile) options.profilePath = self.remoteProfile return profile def copyExtraFilesToProfile(self, options, profile): profileDir = profile.profile RefTest.copyExtraFilesToProfile(self, options, profile) try: self._devicemanager.pushDir(profileDir, options.remoteProfile) except DMError: print "Automation Error: Failed to copy extra files to device" raise def getManifestPath(self, path): return path def environment(self, **kwargs): return self.automation.environment(**kwargs) def runApp(self, profile, binary, cmdargs, env, timeout=None, debuggerInfo=None, symbolsPath=None, options=None): status = self.automation.runApp(None, env, binary, profile.profile, cmdargs, utilityPath=options.utilityPath, xrePath=options.xrePath, debuggerInfo=debuggerInfo, symbolsPath=symbolsPath, timeout=timeout) return status def run_remote_reftests(parser, options, args): auto = B2GRemoteAutomation(None, "fennec", context_chrome=True) # create our Marionette instance kwargs = {} if options.emulator: kwargs['emulator'] = options.emulator auto.setEmulator(True) if options.noWindow: kwargs['noWindow'] = True if options.geckoPath: kwargs['gecko_path'] = options.geckoPath if options.logdir: kwargs['logdir'] = options.logdir if options.busybox: kwargs['busybox'] = options.busybox if options.symbolsPath: kwargs['symbols_path'] = options.symbolsPath if options.emulator_res: kwargs['emulator_res'] = options.emulator_res if options.b2gPath: kwargs['homedir'] = options.b2gPath if options.marionette: host,port = options.marionette.split(':') kwargs['host'] = host kwargs['port'] = int(port) if options.adb_path: kwargs['adb_path'] = options.adb_path marionette = Marionette(**kwargs) auto.marionette = marionette if options.emulator: dm = marionette.emulator.dm else: # create the DeviceManager kwargs = {'adbPath': options.adb_path, 'deviceRoot': options.remoteTestRoot} if options.deviceIP: kwargs.update({'host': options.deviceIP, 'port': options.devicePort}) dm = DeviceManagerADB(**kwargs) auto.setDeviceManager(dm) options = parser.verifyRemoteOptions(options, auto) if (options == None): print "ERROR: Invalid options specified, use --help for a list of valid options" sys.exit(1) # TODO fix exception if not options.ignoreWindowSize: parts = dm.getInfo('screen')['screen'][0].split() width = int(parts[0].split(':')[1]) height = int(parts[1].split(':')[1]) if (width < 1366 or height < 1050): print "ERROR: Invalid screen resolution %sx%s, please adjust to 1366x1050 or higher" % (width, height) return 1 auto.setProduct("b2g") auto.test_script = os.path.join(here, 'b2g_start_script.js') auto.test_script_args = [options.remoteWebServer, options.httpPort] auto.logFinish = "REFTEST TEST-START | Shutdown" reftest = B2GRemoteReftest(auto, dm, options, here) options = parser.verifyCommonOptions(options, reftest) logParent = os.path.dirname(options.remoteLogFile) dm.mkDir(logParent); auto.setRemoteLog(options.remoteLogFile) auto.setServerInfo(options.webServer, options.httpPort, options.sslPort) # Hack in a symbolic link for jsreftest os.system("ln -s %s %s" % (os.path.join('..', 'jsreftest'), os.path.join(here, 'jsreftest'))) # Dynamically build the reftest URL if possible, beware that args[0] should exist 'inside' the webroot manifest = args[0] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(here, args[0])): manifest = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (options.remoteWebServer, options.httpPort, args[0]) elif os.path.exists(args[0]): manifestPath = os.path.abspath(args[0]).split(here)[1].strip('/') manifest = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (options.remoteWebServer, options.httpPort, manifestPath) else: print "ERROR: Could not find test manifest '%s'" % manifest return 1 # Start the webserver retVal = 1 try: retVal = reftest.startWebServer(options) if retVal: return retVal procName = options.app.split('/')[-1] if (dm.processExist(procName)): dm.killProcess(procName) cmdlineArgs = ["-reftest", manifest] if getattr(options, 'bootstrap', False): cmdlineArgs = [] retVal = reftest.runTests(manifest, options, cmdlineArgs) except: print "Automation Error: Exception caught while running tests" traceback.print_exc() reftest.stopWebServer(options) try: reftest.cleanup(None) except: pass return 1 reftest.stopWebServer(options) return retVal def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): parser = B2GOptions() options, args = parser.parse_args(args) if options.desktop or options.mulet: return run_desktop_reftests(parser, options, args) return run_remote_reftests(parser, options, args) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())