/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "Client.h" // Global includes #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundParent.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaManager.h" namespace mozilla::dom::quota { using mozilla::ipc::AssertIsOnBackgroundThread; using mozilla::ipc::IsOnBackgroundThread; namespace { const char kIDBPrefix = 'I'; const char kDOMCachePrefix = 'C'; const char kSDBPrefix = 'S'; const char kFILESYSTEMPrefix = 'F'; const char kLSPrefix = 'L'; template struct ClientTypeTraits; template <> struct ClientTypeTraits { template static void To(T& aData) { aData.AssignLiteral(IDB_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static void To(char& aData) { aData = kIDBPrefix; } template static bool From(const T& aData) { return aData.EqualsLiteral(IDB_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static bool From(char aData) { return aData == kIDBPrefix; } }; template <> struct ClientTypeTraits { template static void To(T& aData) { aData.AssignLiteral(DOMCACHE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static void To(char& aData) { aData = kDOMCachePrefix; } template static bool From(const T& aData) { return aData.EqualsLiteral(DOMCACHE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static bool From(char aData) { return aData == kDOMCachePrefix; } }; template <> struct ClientTypeTraits { template static void To(T& aData) { aData.AssignLiteral(SDB_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static void To(char& aData) { aData = kSDBPrefix; } template static bool From(const T& aData) { return aData.EqualsLiteral(SDB_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static bool From(char aData) { return aData == kSDBPrefix; } }; template <> struct ClientTypeTraits { template static void To(T& aData) { aData.AssignLiteral(FILESYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static void To(char& aData) { aData = kFILESYSTEMPrefix; } template static bool From(const T& aData) { return aData.EqualsLiteral(FILESYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static bool From(char aData) { return aData == kFILESYSTEMPrefix; } }; template <> struct ClientTypeTraits { template static void To(T& aData) { aData.AssignLiteral(LS_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static void To(char& aData) { aData = kLSPrefix; } template static bool From(const T& aData) { return aData.EqualsLiteral(LS_DIRECTORY_NAME); } static bool From(char aData) { return aData == kLSPrefix; } }; template bool TypeTo_impl(Client::Type aType, T& aData) { switch (aType) { case Client::IDB: ClientTypeTraits::To(aData); return true; case Client::DOMCACHE: ClientTypeTraits::To(aData); return true; case Client::SDB: ClientTypeTraits::To(aData); return true; case Client::FILESYSTEM: ClientTypeTraits::To(aData); return true; case Client::LS: if (CachedNextGenLocalStorageEnabled()) { ClientTypeTraits::To(aData); return true; } [[fallthrough]]; case Client::TYPE_MAX: default: return false; } MOZ_CRASH("Should never get here!"); } template bool TypeFrom_impl(const T& aData, Client::Type& aType) { if (ClientTypeTraits::From(aData)) { aType = Client::IDB; return true; } if (ClientTypeTraits::From(aData)) { aType = Client::DOMCACHE; return true; } if (ClientTypeTraits::From(aData)) { aType = Client::SDB; return true; } if (ClientTypeTraits::From(aData)) { aType = Client::FILESYSTEM; return true; } if (CachedNextGenLocalStorageEnabled() && ClientTypeTraits::From(aData)) { aType = Client::LS; return true; } return false; } void BadType() { MOZ_CRASH("Bad client type value!"); } } // namespace // static bool Client::IsValidType(Type aType) { switch (aType) { case Client::IDB: case Client::DOMCACHE: case Client::SDB: return true; case Client::LS: if (CachedNextGenLocalStorageEnabled()) { return true; } [[fallthrough]]; default: return false; } } // static bool Client::TypeToText(Type aType, nsAString& aText, const fallible_t&) { nsString text; if (!TypeTo_impl(aType, text)) { return false; } aText = text; return true; } // static nsAutoCString Client::TypeToText(Type aType) { nsAutoCString res; if (!TypeTo_impl(aType, res)) { BadType(); } return res; } // static bool Client::TypeFromText(const nsAString& aText, Type& aType, const fallible_t&) { Type type; if (!TypeFrom_impl(aText, type)) { return false; } aType = type; return true; } // static Client::Type Client::TypeFromText(const nsACString& aText) { Type type; if (!TypeFrom_impl(aText, type)) { BadType(); } return type; } // static char Client::TypeToPrefix(Type aType) { char prefix; if (!TypeTo_impl(aType, prefix)) { BadType(); } return prefix; } // static bool Client::TypeFromPrefix(char aPrefix, Type& aType, const fallible_t&) { Type type; if (!TypeFrom_impl(aPrefix, type)) { return false; } aType = type; return true; } bool Client::InitiateShutdownWorkThreads() { AssertIsOnBackgroundThread(); QuotaManager::MaybeRecordQuotaClientShutdownStep(GetType(), "starting"_ns); InitiateShutdown(); return IsShutdownCompleted(); } void Client::FinalizeShutdownWorkThreads() { QuotaManager::MaybeRecordQuotaClientShutdownStep(GetType(), "completed"_ns); FinalizeShutdown(); } // static bool Client::IsShuttingDownOnBackgroundThread() { MOZ_ASSERT(IsOnBackgroundThread()); return QuotaManager::IsShuttingDown(); } // static bool Client::IsShuttingDownOnNonBackgroundThread() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsOnBackgroundThread()); return QuotaManager::IsShuttingDown(); } } // namespace mozilla::dom::quota