/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ModuleCache"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", getMessageHandlerClass: "chrome://remote/content/shared/messagehandler/MessageHandlerRegistry.jsm", // Additional protocols might use a different registry for their modules, // in which case this will no longer be a constant but will instead depend on // the protocol owning the MessageHandler. See Bug 1722464. getModuleClass: "chrome://remote/content/webdriver-bidi/modules/ModuleRegistry.jsm", Log: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Log.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter( this, "getTestModuleClass", "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/shared/messagehandler/test/browser/resources/modules/ModuleRegistry.jsm", "getModuleClass" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "logger", () => Log.get()); /** * ModuleCache instances are dedicated to lazily create and cache the instances * of all the modules related to a specific MessageHandler instance. * * ModuleCache also implements the logic to resolve the path to the file for a * given module, which depends both on the current MessageHandler context and on * the expected destination. * * In order to implement module logic in any context, separate module files * should be created for each situation. For instance, for a given module, * - ${MODULES_FOLDER}/root/{ModuleName}.jsm contains the implementation for * commands intended for the destination ROOT, and will be created for a ROOT * MessageHandler only. Typically, they will run in the parent process. * - ${MODULES_FOLDER}/windowglobal/{ModuleName}.jsm contains the implementation * for commands intended for a WINDOW_GLOBAL destination, and will be created * for a WINDOW_GLOBAL MessageHandler only. Those will usually run in a * content process. * - ${MODULES_FOLDER}/windowglobal-in-root/{ModuleName}.jsm also handles * commands intended for a WINDOW_GLOBAL destination, but they will be created * for the ROOT MessageHandler and will run in the parent process. This can be * useful if some code has to be executed in the parent process, even though * the final destination is a WINDOW_GLOBAL. * - And so on, as more MessageHandler types get added, more combinations will * follow based on the same pattern: * - {contextName}/{ModuleName}.jsm * - or {destinationType}-in-{currentType}/{ModuleName}.jsm * * All those implementations are optional. If a module cannot be found, based on * the logic detailed above, the MessageHandler will assume that the command * should simply be forwarded to the next layer of the network. */ class ModuleCache { /* * @param {MessageHandler} messageHandler * The MessageHandler instance which owns this ModuleCache instance. */ constructor(messageHandler) { this.messageHandler = messageHandler; this._messageHandlerType = messageHandler.constructor.type; this._useTestModules = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "remote.messagehandler.modulecache.useBrowserTestRoot", false ); // Map of absolute module paths to module instances. this._modules = new Map(); } /** * Destroy all instantiated modules. */ destroy() { this._modules.forEach(module => module?.destroy()); } /** * Retrieve all module classes matching the provided module name to reach the * provided destination, from the current context. * * This corresponds to the path a command can take to reach its destination. * A command's method must be implemented in one of the classes returned by * getAllModuleClasses in order to be successfully handled. * * @param {String} moduleName * The name of the module. * @param {Destination} destination * The destination. * @return {Array.=>} * An array of Module classes. */ getAllModuleClasses(moduleName, destination) { const destinationType = destination.type; const folders = [ this._getModuleFolder(this._messageHandlerType, destinationType), ]; // Bug 1733242: Extend the implementation of this method to handle workers. // It assumes layers have at most one level of nesting, for instance // "root -> windowglobal", but it wouldn't work for something such as // "root -> windowglobal -> worker". if (destinationType !== this._messageHandlerType) { folders.push(this._getModuleFolder(destinationType, destinationType)); } return folders .map(folder => this._getModuleClass(moduleName, folder)) .filter(cls => !!cls); } /** * Get a module instance corresponding to the provided moduleName and * destination. If no existing module can be found in the cache, ModuleCache * will attempt to import the module file and create a new instance, which * will then be cached and returned for subsequent calls. * * @param {String} moduleName * The name of the module which should implement the command. * @param {CommandDestination} destination * The destination of the command for which we need to instantiate a * module. See MessageHandler.jsm for the CommandDestination typedef. * @return {Object=} * A module instance corresponding to the provided moduleName and * destination, or null if it could not be instantiated. */ getModuleInstance(moduleName, destination) { const key = `${moduleName}-${destination.type}`; if (this._modules.has(key)) { // If there is already a cached instance (potentially null) for the // module name + destination type pair, return it. return this._modules.get(key); } const moduleFolder = this._getModuleFolder( this._messageHandlerType, destination.type ); const ModuleClass = this._getModuleClass(moduleName, moduleFolder); let module = null; if (ModuleClass) { module = new ModuleClass(this.messageHandler); logger.trace( `Module ${moduleFolder}/${moduleName}.jsm found for ${destination.type}` ); } else { logger.trace( `Module ${moduleFolder}/${moduleName}.jsm not found for ${destination.type}` ); } this._modules.set(key, module); return module; } /** * Check if the given module exists for the destination. * * @param {String} moduleName * The name of the module. * @param {Destination} destination * The destination. * @returns {Boolean} * True if the module exists. */ hasModule(moduleName, destination) { const classes = this.getAllModuleClasses(moduleName, destination); return classes.length != 0; } toString() { return `[object ${this.constructor.name} ${this.messageHandler.name}]`; } _getModuleClass(moduleName, moduleFolder) { if (this._useTestModules) { return getTestModuleClass(moduleName, moduleFolder); } // Retrieve the module class from the WebDriverBiDi ModuleRegistry if we // are not using test modules. return getModuleClass(moduleName, moduleFolder); } _getModuleFolder(originType, destinationType) { const originPath = getMessageHandlerClass(originType).modulePath; if (originType === destinationType) { // If the command is targeting the current type, the module is expected to // be in eg "windowglobal/${moduleName}.jsm". return originPath; } // If the command is targeting another type, the module is expected to // be in a composed folder eg "windowglobal-in-root/${moduleName}.jsm". const destinationPath = getMessageHandlerClass(destinationType).modulePath; return `${destinationPath}-in-${originPath}`; } }