/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CreditCard"]; // The list of known and supported credit card network ids ("types") // This list mirrors the networks from dom/payments/BasicCardPayment.cpp // and is defined by https://www.w3.org/Payments/card-network-ids const SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = Object.freeze([ "amex", "cartebancaire", "diners", "discover", "jcb", "mastercard", "mir", "unionpay", "visa", ]); // This lists stores lower cased variations of popular credit card network // names for matching against strings. const NETWORK_NAMES = { "american express": "amex", "master card": "mastercard", "union pay": "unionpay", }; // Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_card_number // // Notice: // - CarteBancaire (`4035`, `4360`) is now recognized as Visa. // - UnionPay (`63--`) is now recognized as Discover. // This means that the order matters. // First we'll try to match more specific card, // and if that doesn't match we'll test against the more generic range. const CREDIT_CARD_IIN = [ { type: "amex", start: 34, end: 34, len: 15 }, { type: "amex", start: 37, end: 37, len: 15 }, { type: "cartebancaire", start: 4035, end: 4035, len: 16 }, { type: "cartebancaire", start: 4360, end: 4360, len: 16 }, // We diverge from Wikipedia here, because Diners card // support length of 14-19. { type: "diners", start: 300, end: 305, len: [14, 19] }, { type: "diners", start: 3095, end: 3095, len: [14, 19] }, { type: "diners", start: 36, end: 36, len: [14, 19] }, { type: "diners", start: 38, end: 39, len: [14, 19] }, { type: "discover", start: 6011, end: 6011, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "discover", start: 622126, end: 622925, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "discover", start: 624000, end: 626999, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "discover", start: 628200, end: 628899, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "discover", start: 64, end: 65, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "jcb", start: 3528, end: 3589, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "mastercard", start: 2221, end: 2720, len: 16 }, { type: "mastercard", start: 51, end: 55, len: 16 }, { type: "mir", start: 2200, end: 2204, len: 16 }, { type: "unionpay", start: 62, end: 62, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "unionpay", start: 81, end: 81, len: [16, 19] }, { type: "visa", start: 4, end: 4, len: 16 }, ].sort((a, b) => b.start - a.start); class CreditCard { /** * A CreditCard object represents a credit card, with * number, name, expiration, network, and CCV. * The number is the only required information when creating * an object, all other members are optional. The number * is validated during construction and will throw if invalid. * * @param {string} name, optional * @param {string} number * @param {string} expirationString, optional * @param {string|number} expirationMonth, optional * @param {string|number} expirationYear, optional * @param {string} network, optional * @param {string|number} ccv, optional * @param {string} encryptedNumber, optional * @throws if number is an invalid credit card number */ constructor({ name, number, expirationString, expirationMonth, expirationYear, network, ccv, encryptedNumber, }) { this._name = name; this._unmodifiedNumber = number; this._encryptedNumber = encryptedNumber; this._ccv = ccv; this.number = number; let { month, year } = CreditCard.normalizeExpiration({ expirationString, expirationMonth, expirationYear, }); this._expirationMonth = month; this._expirationYear = year; this.network = network; } set name(value) { this._name = value; } set expirationMonth(value) { if (typeof value == "undefined") { this._expirationMonth = undefined; return; } this._expirationMonth = CreditCard.normalizeExpirationMonth(value); } get expirationMonth() { return this._expirationMonth; } set expirationYear(value) { if (typeof value == "undefined") { this._expirationYear = undefined; return; } this._expirationYear = CreditCard.normalizeExpirationYear(value); } get expirationYear() { return this._expirationYear; } set expirationString(value) { let { month, year } = CreditCard.parseExpirationString(value); this.expirationMonth = month; this.expirationYear = year; } set ccv(value) { this._ccv = value; } get number() { return this._number; } /** * Sets the number member of a CreditCard object. If the number * is not valid according to the Luhn algorithm then the member * will get set to the empty string before throwing an exception. * * @param {string} value * @throws if the value is an invalid credit card number */ set number(value) { if (value) { let normalizedNumber = value.replace(/[-\s]/g, ""); // Based on the information on wiki[1], the shortest valid length should be // 12 digits (Maestro). // [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_card_number normalizedNumber = normalizedNumber.match(/^\d{12,}$/) ? normalizedNumber : ""; this._number = normalizedNumber; } else { this._number = ""; } if (value && !this.isValidNumber()) { this._number = ""; throw new Error("Invalid credit card number"); } } get network() { return this._network; } set network(value) { this._network = value || undefined; } // Implements the Luhn checksum algorithm as described at // http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm // Number digit lengths vary with network, but should fall within 12-19 range. [2] // More details at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_card_number isValidNumber() { if (!this._number) { return false; } // Remove dashes and whitespace let number = this._number.replace(/[\-\s]/g, ""); let len = number.length; if (len < 12 || len > 19) { return false; } if (!/^\d+$/.test(number)) { return false; } let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let ch = parseInt(number[len - i - 1], 10); if (i % 2 == 1) { // Double it, add digits together if > 10 ch *= 2; if (ch > 9) { ch -= 9; } } total += ch; } return total % 10 == 0; } /** * Attempts to match the number against known network identifiers. * * @param {string} ccNumber * * @returns {string|null} */ static getType(ccNumber) { for (let i = 0; i < CREDIT_CARD_IIN.length; i++) { const range = CREDIT_CARD_IIN[i]; if (typeof range.len == "number") { if (range.len != ccNumber.length) { continue; } } else if ( ccNumber.length < range.len[0] || ccNumber.length > range.len[1] ) { continue; } const prefixLength = Math.floor(Math.log10(range.start)) + 1; const prefix = parseInt(ccNumber.substring(0, prefixLength), 10); if (prefix >= range.start && prefix <= range.end) { return range.type; } } return null; } /** * Attempts to retrieve a card network identifier based * on a name. * * @param {string|undefined|null} name * * @returns {string|null} */ static getNetworkFromName(name) { if (!name) { return null; } let lcName = name .trim() .toLowerCase() .normalize("NFKC"); if (SUPPORTED_NETWORKS.includes(lcName)) { return lcName; } for (let term in NETWORK_NAMES) { if (lcName.includes(term)) { return NETWORK_NAMES[term]; } } return null; } /** * Returns true if the card number is valid and the * expiration date has not passed. Otherwise false. * * @returns {boolean} */ isValid() { if (!this.isValidNumber()) { return false; } let currentDate = new Date(); let currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear(); if (this._expirationYear > currentYear) { return true; } // getMonth is 0-based, so add 1 because credit cards are 1-based let currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; return ( this._expirationYear == currentYear && this._expirationMonth >= currentMonth ); } get maskedNumber() { return CreditCard.getMaskedNumber(this._number); } get longMaskedNumber() { return CreditCard.getLongMaskedNumber(this._number); } /** * Get credit card display label. It should display masked numbers, the * cardholder's name, and the expiration date, separated by a commas. * In addition, the card type is provided in the accessibility label. */ static getLabelInfo({ number, name, month, year, type }) { let formatSelector = ["number"]; if (name) { formatSelector.push("name"); } if (month && year) { formatSelector.push("expiration"); } let stringId = `credit-card-label-${formatSelector.join("-")}-2`; return { id: stringId, args: { number: CreditCard.getMaskedNumber(number), name, month: month?.toString(), year: year?.toString(), type, }, }; } /** * !!! DEPRECATED !!! * Please use getLabelInfo above, as it allows for localization. */ static getLabel({ number, name }) { let parts = []; if (number) { parts.push(CreditCard.getMaskedNumber(number)); } if (name) { parts.push(name); } return parts.join(", "); } static normalizeExpirationMonth(month) { month = parseInt(month, 10); if (isNaN(month) || month < 1 || month > 12) { return undefined; } return month; } static normalizeExpirationYear(year) { year = parseInt(year, 10); if (isNaN(year) || year < 0) { return undefined; } if (year < 100) { year += 2000; } return year; } static parseExpirationString(expirationString) { let rules = [ { regex: "(\\d{4})[-/](\\d{1,2})", yearIndex: 1, monthIndex: 2, }, { regex: "(\\d{1,2})[-/](\\d{4})", yearIndex: 2, monthIndex: 1, }, { regex: "(\\d{1,2})[-/](\\d{1,2})", }, { regex: "(\\d{2})(\\d{2})", }, ]; for (let rule of rules) { let result = new RegExp(`(?:^|\\D)${rule.regex}(?!\\d)`).exec( expirationString ); if (!result) { continue; } let year, month; if (!rule.yearIndex || !rule.monthIndex) { month = parseInt(result[1], 10); if (month > 12) { year = parseInt(result[1], 10); month = parseInt(result[2], 10); } else { year = parseInt(result[2], 10); } } else { year = parseInt(result[rule.yearIndex], 10); month = parseInt(result[rule.monthIndex], 10); } if (month < 1 || month > 12 || (year >= 100 && year < 2000)) { continue; } return { month, year }; } return { month: undefined, year: undefined }; } static normalizeExpiration({ expirationString, expirationMonth, expirationYear, }) { // Only prefer the string version if missing one or both parsed formats. let parsedExpiration = {}; if (expirationString && (!expirationMonth || !expirationYear)) { parsedExpiration = CreditCard.parseExpirationString(expirationString); } return { month: CreditCard.normalizeExpirationMonth( parsedExpiration.month || expirationMonth ), year: CreditCard.normalizeExpirationYear( parsedExpiration.year || expirationYear ), }; } static formatMaskedNumber(maskedNumber) { return { affix: "****", label: maskedNumber.replace(/^\**/, ""), }; } static getMaskedNumber(number) { return "*".repeat(4) + " " + number.substr(-4); } static getLongMaskedNumber(number) { return "*".repeat(number.length - 4) + number.substr(-4); } /* * Validates the number according to the Luhn algorithm. This * method does not throw an exception if the number is invalid. */ static isValidNumber(number) { try { new CreditCard({ number }); } catch (ex) { return false; } return true; } static isValidNetwork(network) { return SUPPORTED_NETWORKS.includes(network); } } CreditCard.SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = SUPPORTED_NETWORKS;