/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* A program that attempts to find an optimal function ordering for an executable using a genetic algorithm whose fitness function is computed using runtime profile information. The fitness function was inspired by Nat Friedman's work on `grope': _GNU Rope - A Subroutine Position Optimizer_ Brendan Eich told me tales about Scott Furman doing something like this, which sort of made me want to try it. As far as I can tell, it would take a lot of computers a lot of time to actually find something useful on a non-trivial program using this. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "elf_symbol_table.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define SYMBOL_ALIGN 4 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class call_pair { public: const Elf32_Sym *m_lo; const Elf32_Sym *m_hi; call_pair(const Elf32_Sym *site1, const Elf32_Sym *site2) { if (site1 < site2) { m_lo = site1; m_hi = site2; } else { m_hi = site1; m_lo = site2; } } friend bool operator==(const call_pair &lhs, const call_pair &rhs) { return (lhs.m_lo == rhs.m_lo) && (lhs.m_hi == rhs.m_hi); } }; // Straight outta plhash.c! #define GOLDEN_RATIO 0x9E3779B9U template<> struct hash { size_t operator()(const call_pair &pair) const { size_t h = (reinterpret_cast(pair.m_hi) >> 4); h += (reinterpret_cast(pair.m_lo) >> 4); h *= GOLDEN_RATIO; return h; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- struct hash { size_t operator()(const Elf32_Sym *sym) const { return (reinterpret_cast(sym) >> 4) * GOLDEN_RATIO; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef hash_map call_graph_t; call_graph_t call_graph; typedef hash_map histogram_t; histogram_t histogram; long long total_calls = 0; elf_symbol_table symtab; bool opt_debug = false; int opt_generations = 10; int opt_mutate = 0; const char *opt_out = "order.out"; int opt_population_size = 100; int opt_tick = 0; bool opt_verbose = false; int opt_window = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "debug", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "exe", required_argument, 0, 'e' }, { "generations", required_argument, 0, 'g' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, '?' }, { "mutate", required_argument, 0, 'm' }, { "out", required_argument, 0, 'o' }, { "population", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "seed", required_argument, 0, 's' }, { "tick", optional_argument, 0, 't' }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "window", required_argument, 0, 'w' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static long long llrand() { long long result; result = (long long) rand(); result *= (long long) (unsigned int) (RAND_MAX + 1); result += (long long) rand(); return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class symbol_order { public: typedef vector vector_t; typedef long long score_t; static const score_t max_score; /** * A vector of symbols that is this ordering. */ vector_t m_ordering; /** * The symbol ordering's score. */ score_t m_score; symbol_order() : m_score(0) {} /** * ``Shuffle'' a symbol ordering, randomizing it. */ void shuffle(); /** * Initialize this symbol ordering by performing a crossover from * two ``parent'' symbol orderings. */ void crossover_from(const symbol_order *father, const symbol_order *mother); /** * Randomly mutate this symbol ordering. */ void mutate(); /** * Score a symbol ordering based on paginated locality. */ score_t compute_score_page(); /** * Score a symbol ordering based on a sliding window. */ score_t compute_score_window(int window_size); static score_t compute_score(symbol_order &order); /** * Use the symbol table to dump the ordered symbolic constants. */ void dump_symbols() const; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const symbol_order &order); }; const symbol_order::score_t symbol_order::max_score = ~((symbol_order::score_t)1 << ((sizeof(symbol_order::score_t) * 8) - 1)); symbol_order::score_t symbol_order::compute_score_page() { m_score = 0; unsigned int off = 0; // XXX in reality, probably not page-aligned to start vector_t::const_iterator end = m_ordering.end(), last = end, sym = m_ordering.begin(); while (sym != end) { vector_t page; // If we had a symbol that spilled over from the last page, // then include it here. if (last != end) page.push_back(*last); // Pack symbols into the page do { page.push_back(*sym); int size = (*sym)->st_size; size += SYMBOL_ALIGN - 1; size &= ~(SYMBOL_ALIGN - 1); off += size; } while (++sym != end && off < PAGE_SIZE); // Remember if there was spill-over. off %= PAGE_SIZE; last = (off != 0) ? sym : end; // Now score the page as the count of all calls to symbols on // the page, less calls between the symbols on the page. vector_t::const_iterator page_end = page.end(); for (vector_t::const_iterator i = page.begin(); i != page_end; ++i) { histogram_t::const_iterator func = histogram.find(*i); if (func == histogram.end()) continue; m_score += func->second; vector_t::const_iterator j = i; for (++j; j != page_end; ++j) { call_graph_t::const_iterator call = call_graph.find(call_pair(*i, *j)); if (call != call_graph.end()) m_score -= call->second; } } } assert(m_score >= 0); // Integer reciprocal so we minimize instead of maximize. if (m_score == 0) m_score = 1; m_score = (total_calls / m_score) + 1; return m_score; } symbol_order::score_t symbol_order::compute_score_window(int window_size) { m_score = 0; vector_t::const_iterator *window = new vector_t::const_iterator[window_size]; int window_fill = 0; vector_t::const_iterator end = m_ordering.end(), sym = m_ordering.begin(); for (; sym != end; ++sym) { histogram_t::const_iterator func = histogram.find(*sym); if (func != histogram.end()) { long long scale = ((long long) 1) << window_size; m_score += func->second * scale * 2; vector_t::const_iterator *limit = window + window_fill; vector_t::const_iterator *iter; for (iter = window ; iter < limit; ++iter) { call_graph_t::const_iterator call = call_graph.find(call_pair(*sym, **iter)); if (call != call_graph.end()) m_score -= (call->second * scale); scale >>= 1; } } // Slide the window. vector_t::const_iterator *begin = window; vector_t::const_iterator *iter; for (iter = window + (window_size - 1); iter > begin; --iter) *iter = *(iter - 1); if (window_fill < window_size) ++window_fill; *window = sym; } delete[] window; assert(m_score >= 0); // Integer reciprocal so we minimize instead of maximize. if (m_score == 0) m_score = 1; m_score = (total_calls / m_score) + 1; return m_score; } symbol_order::score_t symbol_order::compute_score(symbol_order &order) { if (opt_window) return order.compute_score_window(opt_window); return order.compute_score_page(); } void symbol_order::shuffle() { vector_t::iterator sym = m_ordering.begin(); vector_t::iterator end = m_ordering.end(); for (; sym != end; ++sym) { int i = rand() % m_ordering.size(); const Elf32_Sym *temp = *sym; *sym = m_ordering[i]; m_ordering[i] = temp; } } void symbol_order::crossover_from(const symbol_order *father, const symbol_order *mother) { histogram_t used; m_ordering = vector_t(father->m_ordering.size(), 0); vector_t::const_iterator parent_sym = father->m_ordering.begin(); vector_t::iterator sym = m_ordering.begin(); vector_t::iterator end = m_ordering.end(); for (; sym != end; ++sym, ++parent_sym) { if (rand() % 2) { *sym = *parent_sym; used[*parent_sym] = 1; } } parent_sym = mother->m_ordering.begin(); sym = m_ordering.begin(); for (; sym != end; ++sym) { if (! *sym) { while (used[*parent_sym]) ++parent_sym; *sym = *parent_sym++; } } } void symbol_order::mutate() { int i, j; i = rand() % m_ordering.size(); j = rand() % m_ordering.size(); const Elf32_Sym *temp = m_ordering[i]; m_ordering[i] = m_ordering[j]; m_ordering[j] = temp; } void symbol_order::dump_symbols() const { ofstream out(opt_out); vector_t::const_iterator sym = m_ordering.begin(); vector_t::const_iterator end = m_ordering.end(); for (; sym != end; ++sym) out << symtab.get_symbol_name(*sym) << endl; out.close(); } ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const symbol_order &order) { out << "symbol_order(" << order.m_score << ") "; symbol_order::vector_t::const_iterator sym = order.m_ordering.begin(); symbol_order::vector_t::const_iterator end = order.m_ordering.end(); for (; sym != end; ++sym) out.form("%08x ", *sym); out << endl; return out; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void usage(const char *name) { cerr << "usage: " << name << " [options] [ ...]" << endl; cerr << " Options:" << endl; cerr << " --debug, -d" << endl; cerr << " Print lots of verbose debugging cruft." << endl; cerr << " --exe=, -e (required)" << endl; cerr << " Specify the executable image from which to read symbol information." << endl; cerr << " --generations=, -g " << endl; cerr << " Specify the number of generations to run the GA (default is 10)." << endl; cerr << " --help, -?" << endl; cerr << " Print this message and exit." << endl; cerr << " --mutate=, -m " << endl; cerr << " Mutate every th individual, or zero for no mutation (default)." << endl; cerr << " --out=, -o " << endl; cerr << " Specify the output file to which to dump the symbol ordering of the" << endl; cerr << " best individual (default is `order.out')." << endl; cerr << " --population=, -p " << endl; cerr << " Set the population size to individuals (default is 100)." << endl; cerr << " --seed=, -s " << endl; cerr << " Specify a seed to srand()." << endl; cerr << " --tick[=], -t []" << endl; cerr << " When reading address data, print a dot to stderr every th" << endl; cerr << " address processed from the call trace. If specified with no argument," << endl; cerr << " a dot will be printed for every million addresses processed." << endl; cerr << " --verbose, -v" << endl; cerr << " Issue progress messages to stderr." << endl; cerr << " --window=, -w " << endl; cerr << " Use a sliding window instead of pagination to score orderings." << endl; cerr << endl; cerr << "This program uses a genetic algorithm to produce an `optimal' ordering for" << endl; cerr << "an executable based on call patterns." << endl; cerr << endl; cerr << "Addresses from a call trace are read as binary data from the files" << endl; cerr << "specified, or from stdin if no files are specified. These addresses" << endl; cerr << "are used with the symbolic information from the executable to create" << endl; cerr << "a call graph. This call graph is used to `score' arbitrary symbol" << endl; cerr << "orderings, and provides the fitness function for the GA." << endl; cerr << endl; } /** * Using the symbol table, map a stream of address references into a * callgraph and a histogram. */ static void map_addrs(int fd) { const Elf32_Sym *last = 0; unsigned int buf[128]; ssize_t cb; unsigned int count = 0; while ((cb = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) { if (cb % sizeof buf[0]) fprintf(stderr, "unaligned read\n"); unsigned int *addr = buf; unsigned int *limit = buf + (cb / 4); for (; addr < limit; ++addr) { const Elf32_Sym *sym = symtab.lookup(*addr); if (last && sym && last != sym) { ++total_calls; ++histogram[sym]; ++call_graph[call_pair(last, sym)]; if (opt_tick && (++count % opt_tick == 0)) { cerr << "."; flush(cerr); } } last = sym; } } if (opt_tick) cerr << endl; cerr << "Total calls: " << total_calls << endl; total_calls *= 1024; if (opt_window) total_calls <<= (opt_window + 1); } static symbol_order * pick_parent(symbol_order *ordering, int max, int index) { while (1) { index -= ordering->m_score; if (index < 0) break; ++ordering; } return ordering; } /** * The main program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *opt_exe = 0; int c; while (1) { int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "?de:g:m:o:p:s:t:vw:", long_options, &option_index); if (c < 0) break; switch (c) { case '?': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 'd': opt_debug = true; break; case 'e': opt_exe = optarg; break; case 'g': opt_generations = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': opt_mutate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': opt_out = optarg; break; case 'p': opt_population_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': srand(atoi(optarg)); break; case 't': opt_tick = optarg ? atoi(optarg) : 1000000; break; case 'v': opt_verbose = true; break; case 'w': opt_window = atoi(optarg); if (opt_window < 0 || opt_window > 8) { cerr << "invalid window size: " << opt_window << endl; return 1; } break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } // Make sure an image was specified if (! opt_exe) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } // Read the sym table. symtab.init(opt_exe); // Process addresses to construct the call graph. if (optind >= argc) { map_addrs(STDIN_FILENO); } else { do { int fd = open(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror(argv[optind]); return 1; } map_addrs(fd); close(fd); } while (++optind < argc); } if (opt_debug) { cerr << "Call graph:" << endl; call_graph_t::const_iterator limit = call_graph.end(); call_graph_t::const_iterator i; for (i = call_graph.begin(); i != limit; ++i) { const call_pair& pair = i->first; cerr.form("%08x %08x %10d\n", pair.m_lo->st_value, pair.m_hi->st_value, i->second); } } // Collect the symbols into a vector symbol_order::vector_t ordering; elf_symbol_table::const_iterator end = symtab.end(); for (elf_symbol_table::const_iterator sym = symtab.begin(); sym != end; ++sym) { if (symtab.is_function(sym)) ordering.push_back(sym); } if (opt_verbose) { symbol_order initial; initial.m_ordering = ordering; cerr << "created initial ordering, score=" << symbol_order::compute_score(initial) << endl; if (opt_debug) cerr << initial; } // Create a population. if (opt_verbose) cerr << "creating population" << endl; symbol_order *population = new symbol_order[opt_population_size]; symbol_order::score_t total = 0, min = symbol_order::max_score, max = 0; // Score it. symbol_order *order = population; symbol_order *limit = population + opt_population_size; for (; order < limit; ++order) { order->m_ordering = ordering; order->shuffle(); symbol_order::score_t score = symbol_order::compute_score(*order); if (opt_debug) cerr << *order; if (min > score) min = score; if (max < score) max = score; total += score; } if (opt_verbose) { cerr << "Initial population"; cerr << ": min=" << min; cerr << ", max=" << max; cerr << " mean=" << (total / opt_population_size); cerr << endl; } // Run the GA. if (opt_verbose) cerr << "begininng ga" << endl; symbol_order::score_t best = 0; for (int generation = 1; generation <= opt_generations; ++generation) { // Create a new population. symbol_order *offspring = new symbol_order[opt_population_size]; symbol_order *kid = offspring; symbol_order *offspring_limit = offspring + opt_population_size; for (; kid < offspring_limit; ++kid) { // Pick parents. symbol_order *father, *mother; father = pick_parent(population, max, llrand() % total); mother = pick_parent(population, max, llrand() % total); // Create a kid. kid->crossover_from(father, mother); // Mutate, possibly. if (opt_mutate) { if (rand() % opt_mutate == 0) kid->mutate(); } } delete[] population; population = offspring; // Score the new population. total = 0; min = symbol_order::max_score; max = 0; symbol_order *fittest = 0; limit = offspring_limit; for (order = population; order < limit; ++order) { symbol_order::score_t score = symbol_order::compute_score(*order); if (opt_debug) cerr << *order; if (min > score) min = score; if (max < score) max = score; if (best < score) { best = score; fittest = order; } total += score; } if (opt_verbose) { cerr << "Generation " << generation; cerr << ": min=" << min; cerr << ", max=" << max; if (fittest) cerr << "*"; cerr << " mean=" << (total / opt_population_size); cerr << endl; } // If we've found a new ``best'' individual, dump it. if (fittest) fittest->dump_symbols(); } delete[] population; return 0; }