/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AlarmDB"]; /* static functions */ const DEBUG = false; function debug(aStr) { if (DEBUG) dump("AlarmDB: " + aStr + "\n"); } const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/IndexedDBHelper.jsm"); const ALARMDB_NAME = "alarms"; const ALARMDB_VERSION = 1; const ALARMSTORE_NAME = "alarms"; function AlarmDB(aGlobal) { debug("AlarmDB()"); this._global = aGlobal; } AlarmDB.prototype = { __proto__: IndexedDBHelper.prototype, init: function init(aGlobal) { debug("init()"); this.initDBHelper(ALARMDB_NAME, ALARMDB_VERSION, ALARMSTORE_NAME, aGlobal); }, upgradeSchema: function upgradeSchema(aTransaction, aDb, aOldVersion, aNewVersion) { debug("upgradeSchema()"); let objectStore = aDb.createObjectStore(ALARMSTORE_NAME, { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); objectStore.createIndex("date", "date", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("ignoreTimezone", "ignoreTimezone", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("timezoneOffset", "timezoneOffset", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("data", "data", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("pageURL", "pageURL", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("manifestURL", "manifestURL", { unique: false }); debug("Created object stores and indexes"); }, /** * @param aAlarm * The record to be added. * @param aSuccessCb * Callback function to invoke with result ID. * @param aErrorCb [optional] * Callback function to invoke when there was an error. */ add: function add(aAlarm, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { debug("add()"); this.newTxn( "readwrite", function txnCb(aTxn, aStore) { debug("Going to add " + JSON.stringify(aAlarm)); aStore.put(aAlarm).onsuccess = function setTxnResult(aEvent) { aTxn.result = aEvent.target.result; debug("Request successful. New record ID: " + aTxn.result); }; }, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb ); }, /** * @param aId * The ID of record to be removed. * @param aManifestURL * The manifest URL of the app that alarm belongs to. * If null, directly remove the ID record; otherwise, * need to check if the alarm belongs to this app. * @param aSuccessCb * Callback function to invoke with result. * @param aErrorCb [optional] * Callback function to invoke when there was an error. */ remove: function remove(aId, aManifestURL, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { debug("remove()"); this.newTxn( "readwrite", function txnCb(aTxn, aStore) { debug("Going to remove " + aId); // Look up the existing record and compare the manifestURL // to see if the alarm to be removed belongs to this app. aStore.get(aId).onsuccess = function doRemove(aEvent) { let alarm = aEvent.target.result; if (!alarm) { debug("Alarm doesn't exist. No need to remove it."); return; } if (aManifestURL && aManifestURL != alarm.manifestURL) { debug("Cannot remove the alarm added by other apps."); return; } aStore.delete(aId); }; }, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb ); }, /** * @param aManifestURL * The manifest URL of the app that alarms belong to. * If null, directly return all alarms; otherwise, * only return the alarms that belong to this app. * @param aSuccessCb * Callback function to invoke with result array. * @param aErrorCb [optional] * Callback function to invoke when there was an error. */ getAll: function getAll(aManifestURL, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { debug("getAll()"); this.newTxn( "readonly", function txnCb(aTxn, aStore) { if (!aTxn.result) aTxn.result = []; aStore.mozGetAll().onsuccess = function setTxnResult(aEvent) { aEvent.target.result.forEach(function addAlarm(aAlarm) { if (!aManifestURL || aManifestURL == aAlarm.manifestURL) aTxn.result.push(aAlarm); }); debug("Request successful. Record count: " + aTxn.result.length); }; }, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb ); } };