/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLContext.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "WebGLBuffer.h" #include "WebGLContextUtils.h" #include "WebGLFramebuffer.h" #include "WebGLProgram.h" #include "WebGLRenderbuffer.h" #include "WebGLShader.h" #include "WebGLTexture.h" #include "WebGLUniformInfo.h" #include "WebGLVertexArray.h" #include "WebGLVertexAttribData.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::gl; // For a Tegra workaround. static const int MAX_DRAW_CALLS_SINCE_FLUSH = 100; bool WebGLContext::DrawInstanced_check(const char* info) { // This restriction was removed in GLES3, so WebGL2 shouldn't have it. if (!IsWebGL2() && IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::ANGLE_instanced_arrays) && !mBufferFetchingHasPerVertex) { /* http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/extensions/ANGLE/ANGLE_instanced_arrays.txt * If all of the enabled vertex attribute arrays that are bound to active * generic attributes in the program have a non-zero divisor, the draw * call should return INVALID_OPERATION. * * NB: This also appears to apply to NV_instanced_arrays, though the * INVALID_OPERATION emission is not explicitly stated. * ARB_instanced_arrays does not have this restriction. */ ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: at least one vertex attribute divisor should be 0", info); return false; } return true; } bool WebGLContext::DrawArrays_check(GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, const char* info) { if (first < 0 || count < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: negative first or count", info); return false; } if (primcount < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: negative primcount", info); return false; } if (!ValidateStencilParamsForDrawCall()) { return false; } // If count is 0, there's nothing to do. if (count == 0 || primcount == 0) { return false; } // Any checks below this depend on a program being available. if (!mCurrentProgram) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: null CURRENT_PROGRAM", info); return false; } if (!ValidateBufferFetching(info)) { return false; } CheckedInt checked_firstPlusCount = CheckedInt(first) + count; if (!checked_firstPlusCount.isValid()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: overflow in first+count", info); return false; } if (uint32_t(checked_firstPlusCount.value()) > mMaxFetchedVertices) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: bound vertex attribute buffers do not have sufficient size for given first and count", info); return false; } if (uint32_t(primcount) > mMaxFetchedInstances) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: bound instance attribute buffers do not have sufficient size for given primcount", info); return false; } MakeContextCurrent(); if (mBoundFramebuffer) { if (!mBoundFramebuffer->CheckAndInitializeAttachments()) { ErrorInvalidFramebufferOperation("%s: incomplete framebuffer", info); return false; } } else { ClearBackbufferIfNeeded(); } if (!DoFakeVertexAttrib0(checked_firstPlusCount.value())) { return false; } if (!DrawInstanced_check(info)) { return false; } BindFakeBlackTextures(); return true; } void WebGLContext::DrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) { if (IsContextLost()) return; if (!ValidateDrawModeEnum(mode, "drawArrays: mode")) return; if (!DrawArrays_check(first, count, 1, "drawArrays")) return; RunContextLossTimer(); gl->fDrawArrays(mode, first, count); Draw_cleanup(); } void WebGLContext::DrawArraysInstanced(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) { if (IsContextLost()) return; if (!ValidateDrawModeEnum(mode, "drawArraysInstanced: mode")) return; if (!DrawArrays_check(first, count, primcount, "drawArraysInstanced")) return; RunContextLossTimer(); gl->fDrawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, primcount); Draw_cleanup(); } bool WebGLContext::DrawElements_check(GLsizei count, GLenum type, WebGLintptr byteOffset, GLsizei primcount, const char* info, GLuint* out_upperBound) { if (count < 0 || byteOffset < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: negative count or offset", info); return false; } if (primcount < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: negative primcount", info); return false; } if (!ValidateStencilParamsForDrawCall()) { return false; } // If count is 0, there's nothing to do. if (count == 0 || primcount == 0) { return false; } CheckedUint32 checked_byteCount; GLsizei first = 0; if (type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { checked_byteCount = 2 * CheckedUint32(count); if (byteOffset % 2 != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: invalid byteOffset for UNSIGNED_SHORT (must be a multiple of 2)", info); return false; } first = byteOffset / 2; } else if (type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { checked_byteCount = count; first = byteOffset; } else if (type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT && IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::OES_element_index_uint)) { checked_byteCount = 4 * CheckedUint32(count); if (byteOffset % 4 != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: invalid byteOffset for UNSIGNED_INT (must be a multiple of 4)", info); return false; } first = byteOffset / 4; } else { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: type must be UNSIGNED_SHORT or UNSIGNED_BYTE", info); return false; } if (!checked_byteCount.isValid()) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: overflow in byteCount", info); return false; } // Any checks below this depend on a program being available. if (!mCurrentProgram) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: null CURRENT_PROGRAM", info); return false; } if (!mBoundVertexArray->mElementArrayBuffer) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: must have element array buffer binding", info); return false; } WebGLBuffer& elemArrayBuffer = *mBoundVertexArray->mElementArrayBuffer; if (!elemArrayBuffer.ByteLength()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: bound element array buffer doesn't have any data", info); return false; } CheckedInt checked_neededByteCount = checked_byteCount.toChecked() + byteOffset; if (!checked_neededByteCount.isValid()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: overflow in byteOffset+byteCount", info); return false; } if (uint32_t(checked_neededByteCount.value()) > elemArrayBuffer.ByteLength()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: bound element array buffer is too small for given count and offset", info); return false; } if (!ValidateBufferFetching(info)) return false; if (!mMaxFetchedVertices || !elemArrayBuffer.Validate(type, mMaxFetchedVertices - 1, first, count, out_upperBound)) { ErrorInvalidOperation( "%s: bound vertex attribute buffers do not have sufficient " "size for given indices from the bound element array", info); return false; } if (uint32_t(primcount) > mMaxFetchedInstances) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: bound instance attribute buffers do not have sufficient size for given primcount", info); return false; } // Bug 1008310 - Check if buffer has been used with a different previous type if (elemArrayBuffer.IsElementArrayUsedWithMultipleTypes()) { GenerateWarning("%s: bound element array buffer previously used with a type other than " "%s, this will affect performance.", info, WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); } MakeContextCurrent(); if (mBoundFramebuffer) { if (!mBoundFramebuffer->CheckAndInitializeAttachments()) { ErrorInvalidFramebufferOperation("%s: incomplete framebuffer", info); return false; } } else { ClearBackbufferIfNeeded(); } if (!DoFakeVertexAttrib0(mMaxFetchedVertices)) { return false; } if (!DrawInstanced_check(info)) { return false; } BindFakeBlackTextures(); return true; } void WebGLContext::DrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, WebGLintptr byteOffset) { if (IsContextLost()) return; if (!ValidateDrawModeEnum(mode, "drawElements: mode")) return; GLuint upperBound = 0; if (!DrawElements_check(count, type, byteOffset, 1, "drawElements", &upperBound)) { return; } RunContextLossTimer(); if (gl->IsSupported(gl::GLFeature::draw_range_elements)) { gl->fDrawRangeElements(mode, 0, upperBound, count, type, reinterpret_cast(byteOffset)); } else { gl->fDrawElements(mode, count, type, reinterpret_cast(byteOffset)); } Draw_cleanup(); } void WebGLContext::DrawElementsInstanced(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, WebGLintptr byteOffset, GLsizei primcount) { if (IsContextLost()) return; if (!ValidateDrawModeEnum(mode, "drawElementsInstanced: mode")) return; GLuint upperBound = 0; if (!DrawElements_check(count, type, byteOffset, primcount, "drawElementsInstanced", &upperBound)) return; RunContextLossTimer(); gl->fDrawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, reinterpret_cast(byteOffset), primcount); Draw_cleanup(); } void WebGLContext::Draw_cleanup() { UndoFakeVertexAttrib0(); UnbindFakeBlackTextures(); if (!mBoundFramebuffer) { Invalidate(); mShouldPresent = true; MOZ_ASSERT(!mBackbufferNeedsClear); } if (gl->WorkAroundDriverBugs()) { if (gl->Renderer() == gl::GLRenderer::Tegra) { mDrawCallsSinceLastFlush++; if (mDrawCallsSinceLastFlush >= MAX_DRAW_CALLS_SINCE_FLUSH) { gl->fFlush(); mDrawCallsSinceLastFlush = 0; } } } // Let's check the viewport const WebGLRectangleObject* rect = CurValidFBRectObject(); if (rect) { if (mViewportWidth > rect->Width() || mViewportHeight > rect->Height()) { if (!mAlreadyWarnedAboutViewportLargerThanDest) { GenerateWarning("Drawing to a destination rect smaller than the viewport rect. " "(This warning will only be given once)"); mAlreadyWarnedAboutViewportLargerThanDest = true; } } } } /* * Verify that state is consistent for drawing, and compute max number of elements (maxAllowedCount) * that will be legal to be read from bound VBOs. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateBufferFetching(const char *info) { #ifdef DEBUG GLint currentProgram = 0; MakeContextCurrent(); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, ¤tProgram); MOZ_ASSERT(GLuint(currentProgram) == mCurrentProgram->GLName(), "WebGL: current program doesn't agree with GL state"); #endif if (mBufferFetchingIsVerified) { return true; } bool hasPerVertex = false; uint32_t maxVertices = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t maxInstances = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t attribs = mBoundVertexArray->mAttribs.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attribs; ++i) { const WebGLVertexAttribData& vd = mBoundVertexArray->mAttribs[i]; // If the attrib array isn't enabled, there's nothing to check; // it's a static value. if (!vd.enabled) continue; if (vd.buf == nullptr) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: no VBO bound to enabled vertex attrib index %d!", info, i); return false; } // If the attrib is not in use, then we don't have to validate // it, just need to make sure that the binding is non-null. if (!mCurrentProgram->IsAttribInUse(i)) continue; // the base offset CheckedUint32 checked_byteLength = CheckedUint32(vd.buf->ByteLength()) - vd.byteOffset; CheckedUint32 checked_sizeOfLastElement = CheckedUint32(vd.componentSize()) * vd.size; if (!checked_byteLength.isValid() || !checked_sizeOfLastElement.isValid()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: integer overflow occured while checking vertex attrib %d", info, i); return false; } if (checked_byteLength.value() < checked_sizeOfLastElement.value()) { maxVertices = 0; maxInstances = 0; break; } CheckedUint32 checked_maxAllowedCount = ((checked_byteLength - checked_sizeOfLastElement) / vd.actualStride()) + 1; if (!checked_maxAllowedCount.isValid()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: integer overflow occured while checking vertex attrib %d", info, i); return false; } if (vd.divisor == 0) { maxVertices = std::min(maxVertices, checked_maxAllowedCount.value()); hasPerVertex = true; } else { CheckedUint32 checked_curMaxInstances = checked_maxAllowedCount * vd.divisor; uint32_t curMaxInstances = UINT32_MAX; // If this isn't valid, it's because we overflowed our // uint32 above. Just leave this as UINT32_MAX, since // sizeof(uint32) becomes our limiting factor. if (checked_curMaxInstances.isValid()) { curMaxInstances = checked_curMaxInstances.value(); } maxInstances = std::min(maxInstances, curMaxInstances); } } mBufferFetchingIsVerified = true; mBufferFetchingHasPerVertex = hasPerVertex; mMaxFetchedVertices = maxVertices; mMaxFetchedInstances = maxInstances; return true; } WebGLVertexAttrib0Status WebGLContext::WhatDoesVertexAttrib0Need() { MOZ_ASSERT(mCurrentProgram); // work around Mac OSX crash, see bug 631420 #ifdef XP_MACOSX if (gl->WorkAroundDriverBugs() && mBoundVertexArray->IsAttribArrayEnabled(0) && !mCurrentProgram->IsAttribInUse(0)) { return WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedUninitializedArray; } #endif if (MOZ_LIKELY(gl->IsGLES() || mBoundVertexArray->IsAttribArrayEnabled(0))) { return WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::Default; } return mCurrentProgram->IsAttribInUse(0) ? WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedInitializedArray : WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedUninitializedArray; } bool WebGLContext::DoFakeVertexAttrib0(GLuint vertexCount) { WebGLVertexAttrib0Status whatDoesAttrib0Need = WhatDoesVertexAttrib0Need(); if (MOZ_LIKELY(whatDoesAttrib0Need == WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::Default)) return true; if (!mAlreadyWarnedAboutFakeVertexAttrib0) { GenerateWarning("Drawing without vertex attrib 0 array enabled forces the browser " "to do expensive emulation work when running on desktop OpenGL " "platforms, for example on Mac. It is preferable to always draw " "with vertex attrib 0 array enabled, by using bindAttribLocation " "to bind some always-used attribute to location 0."); mAlreadyWarnedAboutFakeVertexAttrib0 = true; } CheckedUint32 checked_dataSize = CheckedUint32(vertexCount) * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat); if (!checked_dataSize.isValid()) { ErrorOutOfMemory("Integer overflow trying to construct a fake vertex attrib 0 array for a draw-operation " "with %d vertices. Try reducing the number of vertices.", vertexCount); return false; } GLuint dataSize = checked_dataSize.value(); if (!mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObject) { gl->fGenBuffers(1, &mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObject); } // if the VBO status is already exactly what we need, or if the only difference is that it's initialized and // we don't need it to be, then consider it OK bool vertexAttrib0BufferStatusOK = mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferStatus == whatDoesAttrib0Need || (mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferStatus == WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedInitializedArray && whatDoesAttrib0Need == WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedUninitializedArray); if (!vertexAttrib0BufferStatusOK || mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectSize < dataSize || mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[0] != mVertexAttrib0Vector[0] || mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[1] != mVertexAttrib0Vector[1] || mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[2] != mVertexAttrib0Vector[2] || mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[3] != mVertexAttrib0Vector[3]) { mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferStatus = whatDoesAttrib0Need; mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectSize = dataSize; mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[0] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[0]; mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[1] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[1]; mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[2] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[2]; mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObjectVector[3] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[3]; gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObject); GetAndFlushUnderlyingGLErrors(); if (mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferStatus == WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::EmulatedInitializedArray) { nsAutoArrayPtr array(new GLfloat[4 * vertexCount]); for(size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { array[4 * i + 0] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[0]; array[4 * i + 1] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[1]; array[4 * i + 2] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[2]; array[4 * i + 3] = mVertexAttrib0Vector[3]; } gl->fBufferData(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataSize, array, LOCAL_GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); } else { gl->fBufferData(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dataSize, nullptr, LOCAL_GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); } GLenum error = GetAndFlushUnderlyingGLErrors(); gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mBoundArrayBuffer ? mBoundArrayBuffer->GLName() : 0); // note that we do this error checking and early return AFTER having restored the buffer binding above if (error) { ErrorOutOfMemory("Ran out of memory trying to construct a fake vertex attrib 0 array for a draw-operation " "with %d vertices. Try reducing the number of vertices.", vertexCount); return false; } } gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mFakeVertexAttrib0BufferObject); gl->fVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, 0); return true; } void WebGLContext::UndoFakeVertexAttrib0() { WebGLVertexAttrib0Status whatDoesAttrib0Need = WhatDoesVertexAttrib0Need(); if (MOZ_LIKELY(whatDoesAttrib0Need == WebGLVertexAttrib0Status::Default)) return; if (mBoundVertexArray->HasAttrib(0) && mBoundVertexArray->mAttribs[0].buf) { const WebGLVertexAttribData& attrib0 = mBoundVertexArray->mAttribs[0]; gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, attrib0.buf->GLName()); gl->fVertexAttribPointer(0, attrib0.size, attrib0.type, attrib0.normalized, attrib0.stride, reinterpret_cast(attrib0.byteOffset)); } else { gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } gl->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mBoundArrayBuffer ? mBoundArrayBuffer->GLName() : 0); } WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus WebGLContext::ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() { // handle this case first, it's the generic case if (MOZ_LIKELY(mFakeBlackStatus == WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded)) return mFakeBlackStatus; if (mFakeBlackStatus == WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::Needed) return mFakeBlackStatus; for (int32_t i = 0; i < mGLMaxTextureUnits; ++i) { if ((mBound2DTextures[i] && mBound2DTextures[i]->ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded) || (mBoundCubeMapTextures[i] && mBoundCubeMapTextures[i]->ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded)) { mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::Needed; return mFakeBlackStatus; } } // we have exhausted all cases where we do need fakeblack, so if the status is still unknown, // that means that we do NOT need it. mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded; return mFakeBlackStatus; } void WebGLContext::BindFakeBlackTexturesHelper( GLenum target, const nsTArray > & boundTexturesArray, UniquePtr & opaqueTextureScopedPtr, UniquePtr & transparentTextureScopedPtr) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < mGLMaxTextureUnits; ++i) { if (!boundTexturesArray[i]) { continue; } WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus s = boundTexturesArray[i]->ResolvedFakeBlackStatus(); MOZ_ASSERT(s != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); if (MOZ_LIKELY(s == WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded)) { continue; } bool alpha = s == WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::UninitializedImageData && FormatHasAlpha(boundTexturesArray[i]->ImageInfoBase().WebGLFormat()); UniquePtr& blackTexturePtr = alpha ? transparentTextureScopedPtr : opaqueTextureScopedPtr; if (!blackTexturePtr) { GLenum format = alpha ? LOCAL_GL_RGBA : LOCAL_GL_RGB; blackTexturePtr = MakeUnique(gl, target, format); } gl->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + i); gl->fBindTexture(target, blackTexturePtr->GLName()); } } void WebGLContext::BindFakeBlackTextures() { // this is the generic case: try to return early if (MOZ_LIKELY(ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() == WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded)) return; BindFakeBlackTexturesHelper(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mBound2DTextures, mBlackOpaqueTexture2D, mBlackTransparentTexture2D); BindFakeBlackTexturesHelper(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, mBoundCubeMapTextures, mBlackOpaqueTextureCubeMap, mBlackTransparentTextureCubeMap); } void WebGLContext::UnbindFakeBlackTextures() { // this is the generic case: try to return early if (MOZ_LIKELY(ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() == WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded)) return; for (int32_t i = 0; i < mGLMaxTextureUnits; ++i) { if (mBound2DTextures[i] && mBound2DTextures[i]->ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded) { gl->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + i); gl->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mBound2DTextures[i]->GLName()); } if (mBoundCubeMapTextures[i] && mBoundCubeMapTextures[i]->ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded) { gl->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + i); gl->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, mBoundCubeMapTextures[i]->GLName()); } } gl->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + mActiveTexture); } WebGLContext::FakeBlackTexture::FakeBlackTexture(GLContext *gl, GLenum target, GLenum format) : mGL(gl) , mGLName(0) { MOZ_ASSERT(target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); MOZ_ASSERT(format == LOCAL_GL_RGB || format == LOCAL_GL_RGBA); mGL->MakeCurrent(); GLuint formerBinding = 0; gl->GetUIntegerv(target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D ? LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D : LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP, &formerBinding); gl->fGenTextures(1, &mGLName); gl->fBindTexture(target, mGLName); // we allocate our zeros on the heap, and we overallocate (16 bytes instead of 4) // to minimize the risk of running into a driver bug in texImage2D, as it is // a bit unusual maybe to create 1x1 textures, and the stack may not have the alignment // that texImage2D expects. void* zeros = calloc(1, 16); if (target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D) { gl->fTexImage2D(target, 0, format, 1, 1, 0, format, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, zeros); } else { for (GLuint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { gl->fTexImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, format, 1, 1, 0, format, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, zeros); } } free(zeros); gl->fBindTexture(target, formerBinding); } WebGLContext::FakeBlackTexture::~FakeBlackTexture() { if (mGL) { mGL->MakeCurrent(); mGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &mGLName); } }