#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/mysqltcl # -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. source CGI.tcl Lock LoadCheckins LoadMOTD LoadWhiteboard LoadTreeConfig Unlock if {$treeopen} { set openword Open } else { set openword Closed } puts "Content-type: text/html Refresh: 300 ($openword) Bonsai -- the art of effectively controlling trees

Bonsai -- Tree Control

foreach t $treelist { if {![info exists treeinfo($t,nobonsai)]} { if {[cequal $t $treeid]} { set c "SELECTED" } else { set c "" } puts "

" if {$readonly} { puts "

Be aware that you are looking at an old hook!

" } puts "[fmtclock [getclock] "%R"]: The tree is currently " if {$treeopen} { puts "OPEN
" } else { puts "CLOSED
" } if {!$treeopen} { puts "The tree has been closed since [MyFmtClock $closetimestamp]." } puts "
" puts "The last known good tree had a timestamp " puts "of [fmtclock $lastgoodtimestamp "%D %T %Z"].
" puts "

" puts "
" # if {[info exists FORM(whitedelta)]} { # set delta $FORM(whitedelta) # } else { # set delta [expr 24 * 60 * 60] # } # # set fileok 0 # set filename [DataDir]/whitedelta-$delta # if {[file exists $filename]} { # if {[file mtime $filename] > [file mtime [DataDir]/whiteboard]} { # set fileok 1 # } # } # # if {!$fileok} { # set tmp [DataDir]/tmpwhite.[id process] # Lock # set date [fmtclock [expr [getclock] - $delta] "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S LT %Y"] # catch {exec co -q -d$date -p [DataDir]/whiteboard > $tmp 2> /dev/null} # catch {chmod 0666 $tmp} # exec ./changebar.tcl $tmp [DataDir]/whiteboard > $filename # unlink $tmp # catch {chmod 0666 $filename} # Unlock # } #puts "Free-for-all whiteboard: (Changebars indicate changes within last [PrettyDelta $delta])
[html_quote [read_file $filename]]

" puts "Free-for-all whiteboard:
[html_quote $whiteboard]

" foreach c $checkinlist { upvar #0 $c info set addr [EmailFromUsername $info(person)] set username($addr) $info(person) lappend people($addr) $c if {!$info(treeopen)} { lappend closedcheckin($addr) $c } } proc GetInfoForPeople {peoplelist} { global ldaperror fullname curcontact errvar ldapserver ldapport set query "(| " set isempty 1 foreach p $peoplelist { append query "(mail=$p) " set fullname($p) "" set curcontact($p) "" } append query ")" if {$ldaperror} { return } if {[cequal $ldapserver ""]} { return } if {[catch {set fid [open "|./data/ldapsearch -b \"dc=netscape,dc=com\" -h $ldapserver -p $ldapport -s sub -S mail \"$query\" mail cn nscpcurcontactinfo" r]} errvar]} { set ldaperror 1 } else { set doingcontactinfo 0 while {[gets $fid line] >= 0} { if {$doingcontactinfo} { if {[regexp -- {^ (.*)$} $line foo n]} { append curcontact($curperson) $n continue } set doingcontactinfo 0 } if {[regexp -- {^mail: (.*@.*)$} $line foo n]} { set curperson $n } elseif {[regexp -- {^cn: (.*)$} $line foo n]} { set fullname($curperson) $n } elseif {[regexp -- {^nscpcurcontactinfo: (.*)$} $line foo n]} { set curcontact($curperson) $n set doingcontactinfo 1 } } if {[catch {close $fid} errvar]} { set ldaperror 1 } } } set ldaperror 0 if {[info exists people]} { puts "The following people are on \"the hook\", since they have made" puts "checkins to the tree since it last opened: " puts "

" set peoplelist [lsort [array names people]] set list $peoplelist while {![lempty $list]} { GetInfoForPeople [lrange $list 0 19] set list [lrange $list 20 end] } if {$ldaperror} { puts "Can't contact the directory server at $ldapserver:$ldapport -- $errvar" } puts "" puts "" if {![cequal $ldapserver ""]} { puts "" } foreach p $peoplelist { if {[info exists closedcheckin($p)]} { set extra " ([llength $closedcheckin($p)] while tree closed!)" } else { set extra "" } set uname $username($p) set namepart $p regsub {@.*$} $namepart {} namepart puts " " puts " " } puts "
WhoWhatHow to contact
$fullname($p) $uname [llength $people($p)] [Pluralize change [llength $people($p)]]$extra$curcontact($p)
" puts "[llength $checkinlist] checkins." if {[cequal $treeid default]} { set mailaddr "bonsai-hook@warp" } else { set mailaddr [join $peoplelist ","] } puts "

" puts "Show all checkins.
" if {[cequal $treeid default]} { puts "" } else { puts "" } puts "Send mail to \"the hook\".
" } else { puts "Nobody seems to have made any changes since the tree opened." } set cvsqueryurl "cvsqueryform.cgi?cvsroot=$treeinfo($treeid,repository)&module=$treeinfo($treeid,module)" if {[clength $treeinfo($treeid,branch)] > 0} { append cvsqueryurl "&branch=$treeinfo($treeid,branch)" } puts "

Useful links Help and Documentation
CVS Query Tool
Tinderbox continuous builds
Switch to look at a different tree or branch
Time warp -- view a different day's hook.
See some stupid statistics about recent checkins.
Administration menu.
Introduction to Bonsai.
Mozilla Documentation and Build Instructions
" exit