/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // for strtod() #include #include "nsLookAndFeel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "gfxPlatformGtk.h" #include "ScreenHelperGTK.h" #include "gtkdrawing.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "gfxFontConstants.h" #include "WidgetUtils.h" #include #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include #include "WidgetStyleCache.h" #include "prenv.h" using mozilla::LookAndFeel; #define GDK_COLOR_TO_NS_RGB(c) \ ((nscolor) NS_RGB(c.red>>8, c.green>>8, c.blue>>8)) #define GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(c) \ ((nscolor) NS_RGBA((int)((c).red*255), (int)((c).green*255), \ (int)((c).blue*255), (int)((c).alpha*255))) #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,12,0) #define GTK_STATE_FLAG_LINK (static_cast(1 << 9)) #endif nsLookAndFeel::nsLookAndFeel() : nsXPLookAndFeel(), mDefaultFontCached(false), mButtonFontCached(false), mFieldFontCached(false), mMenuFontCached(false), mInitialized(false) { } void nsLookAndFeel::NativeInit() { EnsureInit(); } nsLookAndFeel::~nsLookAndFeel() { } // Modifies color |*aDest| as if a pattern of color |aSource| was painted with // CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER to a surface with color |*aDest|. static void ApplyColorOver(const GdkRGBA& aSource, GdkRGBA* aDest) { gdouble sourceCoef = aSource.alpha; gdouble destCoef = aDest->alpha * (1.0 - sourceCoef); gdouble resultAlpha = sourceCoef + destCoef; if (resultAlpha != 0.0) { // don't divide by zero destCoef /= resultAlpha; sourceCoef /= resultAlpha; aDest->red = sourceCoef * aSource.red + destCoef * aDest->red; aDest->green = sourceCoef * aSource.green + destCoef * aDest->green; aDest->blue = sourceCoef * aSource.blue + destCoef * aDest->blue; aDest->alpha = resultAlpha; } } static void GetLightAndDarkness(const GdkRGBA& aColor, double* aLightness, double* aDarkness) { double sum = aColor.red + aColor.green + aColor.blue; *aLightness = sum * aColor.alpha; *aDarkness = (3.0 - sum) * aColor.alpha; } static bool GetGradientColors(const GValue* aValue, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { if (!G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(aValue, CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_PATTERN)) return false; auto pattern = static_cast(g_value_get_boxed(aValue)); if (!pattern) return false; // Just picking the lightest and darkest colors as simple samples rather // than trying to blend, which could get messy if there are many stops. if (CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS != cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba(pattern, 0, nullptr, &aDarkColor->red, &aDarkColor->green, &aDarkColor->blue, &aDarkColor->alpha)) return false; double maxLightness, maxDarkness; GetLightAndDarkness(*aDarkColor, &maxLightness, &maxDarkness); *aLightColor = *aDarkColor; GdkRGBA stop; for (int index = 1; CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS == cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba(pattern, index, nullptr, &stop.red, &stop.green, &stop.blue, &stop.alpha); ++index) { double lightness, darkness; GetLightAndDarkness(stop, &lightness, &darkness); if (lightness > maxLightness) { maxLightness = lightness; *aLightColor = stop; } if (darkness > maxDarkness) { maxDarkness = darkness; *aDarkColor = stop; } } return true; } static bool GetUnicoBorderGradientColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { // Ubuntu 12.04 has GTK engine Unico-1.0.2, which overrides render_frame, // providing its own border code. Ubuntu 14.04 has // Unico-1.0.3+14.04.20140109, which does not override render_frame, and // so does not need special attention. The earlier Unico can be detected // by the -unico-border-gradient style property it registers. // gtk_style_properties_lookup_property() is checked first to avoid the // warning from gtk_style_context_get_property() when the property does // not exist. (gtk_render_frame() of GTK+ 3.16 no longer uses the // engine.) const char* propertyName = "-unico-border-gradient"; if (!gtk_style_properties_lookup_property(propertyName, nullptr, nullptr)) return false; // -unico-border-gradient is used only when the CSS node's engine is Unico. GtkThemingEngine* engine; GtkStateFlags state = gtk_style_context_get_state(aContext); gtk_style_context_get(aContext, state, "engine", &engine, nullptr); if (strcmp(g_type_name(G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(engine)), "UnicoEngine") != 0) return false; // draw_border() of Unico engine uses -unico-border-gradient // in preference to border-color. GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; gtk_style_context_get_property(aContext, propertyName, state, &value); bool result = GetGradientColors(&value, aLightColor, aDarkColor); g_value_unset(&value); return result; } // Sets |aLightColor| and |aDarkColor| to colors from |aContext|. Returns // true if |aContext| uses these colors to render a visible border. // If returning false, then the colors returned are a fallback from the // border-color value even though |aContext| does not use these colors to // render a border. static bool GetBorderColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { // Determine whether the border on this style context is visible. GtkStateFlags state = gtk_style_context_get_state(aContext); GtkBorderStyle borderStyle; gtk_style_context_get(aContext, state, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_BORDER_STYLE, &borderStyle, nullptr); bool visible = borderStyle != GTK_BORDER_STYLE_NONE && borderStyle != GTK_BORDER_STYLE_HIDDEN; if (visible) { // GTK has an initial value of zero for border-widths, and so themes // need to explicitly set border-widths to make borders visible. GtkBorder border; gtk_style_context_get_border(aContext, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &border); visible = border.top != 0 || border.right != 0 || border.bottom != 0 || border.left != 0; } if (visible && GetUnicoBorderGradientColors(aContext, aLightColor, aDarkColor)) return true; // The initial value for the border-color is the foreground color, and so // this will usually return a color distinct from the background even if // there is no visible border detected. gtk_style_context_get_border_color(aContext, state, aDarkColor); // TODO GTK3 - update aLightColor // for GTK_BORDER_STYLE_INSET/OUTSET/GROVE/RIDGE border styles. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=978172#c25 *aLightColor = *aDarkColor; return visible; } static bool GetBorderColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, nscolor* aLightColor, nscolor* aDarkColor) { GdkRGBA lightColor, darkColor; bool ret = GetBorderColors(aContext, &lightColor, &darkColor); *aLightColor = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(lightColor); *aDarkColor = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(darkColor); return ret; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetColor(ColorID aID, nscolor& aColor) { EnsureInit(); nsresult res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { // These colors don't seem to be used for anything anymore in Mozilla // (except here at least TextSelectBackground and TextSelectForeground) // The CSS2 colors below are used. case eColorID_WindowBackground: case eColorID_WidgetBackground: case eColorID_TextBackground: case eColorID_activecaption: // active window caption background case eColorID_appworkspace: // MDI background color case eColorID_background: // desktop background case eColorID_window: case eColorID_windowframe: case eColorID__moz_dialog: case eColorID__moz_combobox: aColor = sMozWindowBackground; break; case eColorID_WindowForeground: case eColorID_WidgetForeground: case eColorID_TextForeground: case eColorID_captiontext: // text in active window caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box (!) case eColorID_windowtext: case eColorID__moz_dialogtext: aColor = sMozWindowText; break; case eColorID_WidgetSelectBackground: case eColorID_TextSelectBackground: case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextBackground: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextBackground: case eColorID__moz_dragtargetzone: case eColorID__moz_cellhighlight: case eColorID__moz_html_cellhighlight: case eColorID_highlight: // preference selected item, aColor = sTextSelectedBackground; break; case eColorID_WidgetSelectForeground: case eColorID_TextSelectForeground: case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextForeground: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextForeground: case eColorID_highlighttext: case eColorID__moz_cellhighlighttext: case eColorID__moz_html_cellhighlighttext: aColor = sTextSelectedText; break; case eColorID_Widget3DHighlight: aColor = NS_RGB(0xa0,0xa0,0xa0); break; case eColorID_Widget3DShadow: aColor = NS_RGB(0x40,0x40,0x40); break; case eColorID_IMERawInputBackground: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextBackground: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case eColorID_IMERawInputForeground: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextForeground: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case eColorID_IMERawInputUnderline: case eColorID_IMEConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case eColorID_IMESelectedRawTextUnderline: case eColorID_IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case eColorID_SpellCheckerUnderline: aColor = NS_RGB(0xff, 0, 0); break; // css2 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/ui.html#system-colors case eColorID_activeborder: // active window border aColor = sMozWindowActiveBorder; break; case eColorID_inactiveborder: // inactive window border aColor = sMozWindowInactiveBorder; break; case eColorID_graytext: // disabled text in windows, menus, etc. case eColorID_inactivecaptiontext: // text in inactive window caption aColor = sMenuTextInactive; break; case eColorID_inactivecaption: // inactive window caption aColor = sMozWindowInactiveCaption; break; case eColorID_infobackground: // tooltip background color aColor = sInfoBackground; break; case eColorID_infotext: // tooltip text color aColor = sInfoText; break; case eColorID_menu: // menu background aColor = sMenuBackground; break; case eColorID_menutext: // menu text aColor = sMenuText; break; case eColorID_scrollbar: // scrollbar gray area aColor = sMozScrollbar; break; case eColorID_threedlightshadow: // 3-D highlighted inner edge color // always same as background in GTK code case eColorID_threedface: case eColorID_buttonface: // 3-D face color aColor = sMozWindowBackground; break; case eColorID_buttontext: // text on push buttons aColor = sButtonText; break; case eColorID_buttonhighlight: // 3-D highlighted edge color case eColorID_threedhighlight: // 3-D highlighted outer edge color aColor = sFrameOuterLightBorder; break; case eColorID_buttonshadow: // 3-D shadow edge color case eColorID_threedshadow: // 3-D shadow inner edge color aColor = sFrameInnerDarkBorder; break; case eColorID_threeddarkshadow: // Hardcode to black aColor = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00); break; case eColorID__moz_eventreerow: case eColorID__moz_field: aColor = sMozFieldBackground; break; case eColorID__moz_fieldtext: aColor = sMozFieldText; break; case eColorID__moz_buttondefault: // default button border color aColor = sButtonDefault; break; case eColorID__moz_buttonhoverface: aColor = sButtonHoverFace; break; case eColorID__moz_buttonhovertext: aColor = sButtonHoverText; break; case eColorID__moz_menuhover: aColor = sMenuHover; break; case eColorID__moz_menuhovertext: aColor = sMenuHoverText; break; case eColorID__moz_oddtreerow: aColor = sOddCellBackground; break; case eColorID__moz_nativehyperlinktext: aColor = sNativeHyperLinkText; break; case eColorID__moz_comboboxtext: aColor = sComboBoxText; break; case eColorID__moz_menubartext: aColor = sMenuBarText; break; case eColorID__moz_menubarhovertext: aColor = sMenuBarHoverText; break; case eColorID__moz_gtk_info_bar_text: aColor = sInfoBarText; break; default: /* default color is BLACK */ aColor = 0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } return res; } static int32_t CheckWidgetStyle(GtkWidget* aWidget, const char* aStyle, int32_t aResult) { gboolean value = FALSE; gtk_widget_style_get(aWidget, aStyle, &value, nullptr); return value ? aResult : 0; } static int32_t ConvertGTKStepperStyleToMozillaScrollArrowStyle(GtkWidget* aWidget) { if (!aWidget) return mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrowStyle_Single; return CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-backward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_StartBackward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-forward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_EndForward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-secondary-backward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_EndBackward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-secondary-forward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_StartForward); } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::GetIntImpl(IntID aID, int32_t &aResult) { nsresult res = NS_OK; // Set these before they can get overrided in the nsXPLookAndFeel. switch (aID) { case eIntID_ScrollButtonLeftMouseButtonAction: aResult = 0; return NS_OK; case eIntID_ScrollButtonMiddleMouseButtonAction: aResult = 1; return NS_OK; case eIntID_ScrollButtonRightMouseButtonAction: aResult = 2; return NS_OK; default: break; } res = nsXPLookAndFeel::GetIntImpl(aID, aResult); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) return res; res = NS_OK; // We use delayed initialization by EnsureInit() here // to make sure mozilla::Preferences is available (Bug 115807). // eIntID_UseAccessibilityTheme is requested before user preferences // are read, and so EnsureInit(), which depends on preference values, // is deliberately delayed until required. switch (aID) { case eIntID_CaretBlinkTime: { GtkSettings *settings; gint blink_time; gboolean blink; settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); g_object_get (settings, "gtk-cursor-blink-time", &blink_time, "gtk-cursor-blink", &blink, nullptr); if (blink) aResult = (int32_t) blink_time; else aResult = 0; break; } case eIntID_CaretWidth: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_ShowCaretDuringSelection: aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_SelectTextfieldsOnKeyFocus: { GtkWidget *entry; GtkSettings *settings; gboolean select_on_focus; entry = gtk_entry_new(); g_object_ref_sink(entry); settings = gtk_widget_get_settings(entry); g_object_get(settings, "gtk-entry-select-on-focus", &select_on_focus, nullptr); if(select_on_focus) aResult = 1; else aResult = 0; gtk_widget_destroy(entry); g_object_unref(entry); } break; case eIntID_ScrollToClick: { GtkSettings *settings; gboolean warps_slider = FALSE; settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(settings), "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider")) { g_object_get (settings, "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider", &warps_slider, nullptr); } if (warps_slider) aResult = 1; else aResult = 0; } break; case eIntID_SubmenuDelay: { GtkSettings *settings; gint delay; settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); g_object_get (settings, "gtk-menu-popup-delay", &delay, nullptr); aResult = (int32_t) delay; break; } case eIntID_TooltipDelay: { aResult = 500; break; } case eIntID_MenusCanOverlapOSBar: // we want XUL popups to be able to overlap the task bar. aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_SkipNavigatingDisabledMenuItem: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_DragThresholdX: case eIntID_DragThresholdY: { GtkWidget* box = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5); gint threshold = 0; g_object_get(gtk_widget_get_settings(box), "gtk-dnd-drag-threshold", &threshold, nullptr); g_object_ref_sink(box); aResult = threshold; } break; case eIntID_ScrollArrowStyle: { GtkWidget* scrollbar = GetWidget(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_HORIZONTAL); aResult = ConvertGTKStepperStyleToMozillaScrollArrowStyle(scrollbar); break; } case eIntID_ScrollSliderStyle: aResult = eScrollThumbStyle_Proportional; break; case eIntID_TreeOpenDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case eIntID_TreeCloseDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case eIntID_TreeLazyScrollDelay: aResult = 150; break; case eIntID_TreeScrollDelay: aResult = 100; break; case eIntID_TreeScrollLinesMax: aResult = 3; break; case eIntID_DWMCompositor: case eIntID_WindowsClassic: case eIntID_WindowsDefaultTheme: case eIntID_WindowsThemeIdentifier: case eIntID_OperatingSystemVersionIdentifier: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case eIntID_TouchEnabled: aResult = mozilla::widget::WidgetUtils::IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent(); break; case eIntID_MacGraphiteTheme: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case eIntID_AlertNotificationOrigin: aResult = NS_ALERT_TOP; break; case eIntID_IMERawInputUnderlineStyle: case eIntID_IMEConvertedTextUnderlineStyle: aResult = NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_SOLID; break; case eIntID_IMESelectedRawTextUnderlineStyle: case eIntID_IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aResult = NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_NONE; break; case eIntID_SpellCheckerUnderlineStyle: aResult = NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_WAVY; break; case eIntID_MenuBarDrag: EnsureInit(); aResult = sMenuSupportsDrag; break; case eIntID_ScrollbarButtonAutoRepeatBehavior: aResult = 1; break; case eIntID_SwipeAnimationEnabled: aResult = 0; break; case eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetVertical: case eIntID_ContextMenuOffsetHorizontal: aResult = 2; break; case eIntID_GTKCSDAvailable: EnsureInit(); aResult = sCSDAvailable; break; case eIntID_GTKCSDMaximizeButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = sCSDMaximizeButton; break; case eIntID_GTKCSDMinimizeButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = sCSDMinimizeButton; break; case eIntID_GTKCSDCloseButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = sCSDCloseButton; break; default: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return res; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::GetFloatImpl(FloatID aID, float &aResult) { nsresult res = NS_OK; res = nsXPLookAndFeel::GetFloatImpl(aID, aResult); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) return res; res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { case eFloatID_IMEUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 1.0f; break; case eFloatID_SpellCheckerUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 1.0f; break; case eFloatID_CaretAspectRatio: EnsureInit(); aResult = sCaretRatio; break; default: aResult = -1.0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return res; } static void GetSystemFontInfo(GtkStyleContext *aStyle, nsString *aFontName, gfxFontStyle *aFontStyle) { aFontStyle->style = NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL; // As in // https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkwidget.c?h=3.22.19#n10333 PangoFontDescription *desc; gtk_style_context_get(aStyle, gtk_style_context_get_state(aStyle), "font", &desc, nullptr); aFontStyle->systemFont = true; NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(quote, "\""); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 family(pango_font_description_get_family(desc)); *aFontName = quote + family + quote; aFontStyle->weight = pango_font_description_get_weight(desc); // FIXME: Set aFontStyle->stretch correctly! aFontStyle->stretch = NS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL; float size = float(pango_font_description_get_size(desc)) / PANGO_SCALE; // |size| is now either pixels or pango-points (not Mozilla-points!) if (!pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute(desc)) { // |size| is in pango-points, so convert to pixels. size *= float(gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontScaleDPI()) / POINTS_PER_INCH_FLOAT; } // Scale fonts up on HiDPI displays. // This would be done automatically with cairo, but we manually manage // the display scale for platform consistency. size *= ScreenHelperGTK::GetGTKMonitorScaleFactor(); // |size| is now pixels aFontStyle->size = size; pango_font_description_free(desc); } bool nsLookAndFeel::GetFontImpl(FontID aID, nsString& aFontName, gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle, float aDevPixPerCSSPixel) { switch (aID) { case eFont_Menu: // css2 case eFont_PullDownMenu: // css3 aFontName = mMenuFontName; aFontStyle = mMenuFontStyle; return true; case eFont_Field: // css3 case eFont_List: // css3 aFontName = mFieldFontName; aFontStyle = mFieldFontStyle; return true; case eFont_Button: // css3 aFontName = mButtonFontName; aFontStyle = mButtonFontStyle; return true; case eFont_Caption: // css2 case eFont_Icon: // css2 case eFont_MessageBox: // css2 case eFont_SmallCaption: // css2 case eFont_StatusBar: // css2 case eFont_Window: // css3 case eFont_Document: // css3 case eFont_Workspace: // css3 case eFont_Desktop: // css3 case eFont_Info: // css3 case eFont_Dialog: // css3 case eFont_Tooltips: // moz case eFont_Widget: // moz default: aFontName = mDefaultFontName; aFontStyle = mDefaultFontStyle; return true; } } void nsLookAndFeel::EnsureInit() { GdkColor colorValue; GdkColor *colorValuePtr; if (mInitialized) return; mInitialized = true; // gtk does non threadsafe refcounting MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); GdkRGBA color; GtkStyleContext *style; // Gtk manages a screen's CSS in the settings object so we // ask Gtk to create it explicitly. Otherwise we may end up // with wrong color theme, see Bug 972382 GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen(gdk_screen_get_default()); // Dark themes interacts poorly with widget styling (see bug 1216658). // We disable dark themes by default for all processes (chrome, web content) // but allow user to overide it by prefs. const gchar* dark_setting = "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme"; gboolean darkThemeDefault; g_object_get(settings, dark_setting, &darkThemeDefault, nullptr); // To avoid triggering reload of theme settings unnecessarily, only set the // setting when necessary. if (darkThemeDefault) { bool allowDarkTheme; if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { allowDarkTheme = mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("widget.content.allow-gtk-dark-theme", false); } else { allowDarkTheme = (PR_GetEnv("MOZ_ALLOW_GTK_DARK_THEME") != nullptr) || mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("widget.chrome.allow-gtk-dark-theme", false); } if (!allowDarkTheme) { g_object_set(settings, dark_setting, FALSE, nullptr); } } // Allow content Gtk theme override by pref, it's useful when styled Gtk+ // widgets break web content. if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { nsAutoCString contentThemeName; mozilla::Preferences::GetCString("widget.content.gtk-theme-override", contentThemeName); if (!contentThemeName.IsEmpty()) { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", contentThemeName.get(), nullptr); } } // The label is not added to a parent widget, but shared for constructing // different style contexts. The node hierarchy is constructed only on // the label style context. GtkWidget *labelWidget = gtk_label_new("M"); g_object_ref_sink(labelWidget); // Scrollbar colors style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_TROUGH_VERTICAL); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMozScrollbar = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Window colors style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMozWindowBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMozWindowText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMozWindowActiveBorder = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE, &color); sMozWindowInactiveBorder = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE, &color); sMozWindowInactiveCaption = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW_CONTAINER); { GtkStyleContext* labelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(labelWidget, style); GetSystemFontInfo(labelStyle, &mDefaultFontName, &mDefaultFontStyle); g_object_unref(labelStyle); } // tooltip foreground and background style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TOOLTIP); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sInfoBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TOOLTIP_BOX_LABEL); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sInfoText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUITEM); { GtkStyleContext* accelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(gtk_accel_label_new("M"), style); GetSystemFontInfo(accelStyle, &mMenuFontName, &mMenuFontStyle); gtk_style_context_get_color(accelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMenuText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(accelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE, &color); sMenuTextInactive = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); g_object_unref(accelStyle); } style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUPOPUP); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMenuBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUITEM); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); sMenuHover = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); sMenuHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); GtkWidget *parent = gtk_fixed_new(); GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP); GtkWidget *treeView = gtk_tree_view_new(); GtkWidget *linkButton = gtk_link_button_new("http://example.com/"); GtkWidget *menuBar = gtk_menu_bar_new(); GtkWidget *menuBarItem = gtk_menu_item_new(); GtkWidget *entry = gtk_entry_new(); GtkWidget *textView = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), treeView); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), linkButton); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), menuBar); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menuBar), menuBarItem); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), parent); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), entry); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), textView); // Text colors GdkRGBA bgColor; // If the text window background is translucent, then the background of // the textview root node is visible. style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TEXT_VIEW); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &bgColor); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TEXT_VIEW_TEXT); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); ApplyColorOver(color, &bgColor); sMozFieldBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(bgColor); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMozFieldText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Selected text and background gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, static_cast(GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED|GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED), &color); sTextSelectedBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, static_cast(GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED|GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED), &color); sTextSelectedText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Button text color style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_BUTTON); { GtkStyleContext* labelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(labelWidget, style); GetSystemFontInfo(labelStyle, &mButtonFontName, &mButtonFontStyle); gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sButtonDefault = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(labelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sButtonText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(labelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); sButtonHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); sButtonHoverFace = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); g_object_unref(labelStyle); } // Combobox text color style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_COMBOBOX_ENTRY_TEXTAREA); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sComboBoxText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Menubar text and hover text colors style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUBARITEM); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sMenuBarText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); sMenuBarHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // GTK's guide to fancy odd row background colors: // 1) Check if a theme explicitly defines an odd row color // 2) If not, check if it defines an even row color, and darken it // slightly by a hardcoded value (gtkstyle.c) // 3) If neither are defined, take the base background color and // darken that by a hardcoded value style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TREEVIEW); // Get odd row background color gtk_style_context_save(style); gtk_style_context_add_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_ROW, GTK_REGION_ODD); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sOddCellBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_restore(style); // GtkFrame has a "border" subnode on which Adwaita draws the border. // Some themes do not draw on this node but draw a border on the widget // root node, so check the root node if no border is found on the border // node. style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_FRAME_BORDER); bool themeUsesColors = GetBorderColors(style, &sFrameOuterLightBorder, &sFrameInnerDarkBorder); if (!themeUsesColors) { style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_FRAME); GetBorderColors(style, &sFrameOuterLightBorder, &sFrameInnerDarkBorder); } // GtkInfoBar // TODO - Use WidgetCache for it? GtkWidget* infoBar = gtk_info_bar_new(); GtkWidget* infoBarContent = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area(GTK_INFO_BAR(infoBar)); GtkWidget* infoBarLabel = gtk_label_new(nullptr); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), infoBar); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(infoBarContent), infoBarLabel); style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(infoBarLabel); gtk_style_context_add_class(style, GTK_STYLE_CLASS_INFO); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); sInfoBarText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Some themes have a unified menu bar, and support window dragging on it gboolean supports_menubar_drag = FALSE; GParamSpec *param_spec = gtk_widget_class_find_style_property(GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS(menuBar), "window-dragging"); if (param_spec) { if (g_type_is_a(G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE(param_spec), G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { gtk_widget_style_get(menuBar, "window-dragging", &supports_menubar_drag, nullptr); } } sMenuSupportsDrag = supports_menubar_drag; if (gtk_check_version(3, 12, 0) == nullptr) { // TODO: It returns wrong color for themes which // sets link color for GtkLabel only as we query // GtkLinkButton style here. style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(linkButton); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_LINK, &color); sNativeHyperLinkText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); } else { colorValuePtr = nullptr; gtk_widget_style_get(linkButton, "link-color", &colorValuePtr, nullptr); if (colorValuePtr) { colorValue = *colorValuePtr; // we can't pass deref pointers to GDK_COLOR_TO_NS_RGB sNativeHyperLinkText = GDK_COLOR_TO_NS_RGB(colorValue); gdk_color_free(colorValuePtr); } else { sNativeHyperLinkText = NS_RGB(0x00,0x00,0xEE); } } // invisible character styles guint value; g_object_get (entry, "invisible-char", &value, nullptr); sInvisibleCharacter = char16_t(value); // caret styles gtk_widget_style_get(entry, "cursor-aspect-ratio", &sCaretRatio, nullptr); GetSystemFontInfo(gtk_widget_get_style_context(entry), &mFieldFontName, &mFieldFontStyle); gtk_widget_destroy(window); g_object_unref(labelWidget); } // virtual char16_t nsLookAndFeel::GetPasswordCharacterImpl() { EnsureInit(); return sInvisibleCharacter; } void nsLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl() { nsXPLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl(); moz_gtk_refresh(); mDefaultFontCached = false; mButtonFontCached = false; mFieldFontCached = false; mMenuFontCached = false; mInitialized = false; } bool nsLookAndFeel::GetEchoPasswordImpl() { return false; }