/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Web Sniffer. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Erik van der Poel. * Portions created by Erik van der Poel are * Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000 Erik van der Poel. * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Bruce Robson */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "hash.h" #include "html.h" #include "http.h" #include "io.h" #include "main.h" #include "url.h" #include "utils.h" #define IS_WHITE_SPACE(c) \ ( \ ((c) == ' ' ) || \ ((c) == '\t') || \ ((c) == '\r') || \ ((c) == '\n') \ ) typedef struct HTMLState { unsigned short mask; unsigned short saved; unsigned short unGotten; HTML *html; } HTMLState; static HashTable *tagTable = NULL; static HTMLHandler tagHandler = NULL; static char *urlAttributes[] = { "a", "href", "applet", "codebase", "area", "href", "base", "href", "blockquote", "cite", "body", "background", "del", "cite", "form", "action", "frame", "longdesc", "frame", "src", "head", "profile", "iframe", "longdesc", "iframe", "src", "img", "longdesc", "img", "src", "img", "usemap", "input", "src", "input", "usemap", "ins", "cite", "link", "href", "object", "archive", "object", "classid", "object", "codebase", "object", "data", "object", "usemap", "q", "cite", "script", "for", "script", "src", NULL }; static int htmlInitialized = 0; static HashTable *knownTagTable = NULL; static char *knownTags[] = { "!doctype", "a", "address", "applet", "area", "b", "base", "basefont", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "caption", "cell", "center", "certificate", "charles", "cite", "code", "colormap", "dd", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "font", "form", "frame", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "hr", "html", "hype", "i", "ilayer", "image", "img", "inlineinput", "input", "isindex", "jean", "kbd", "keygen", "layer", "li", "link", "listing", "map", "media", "menu", "meta", "mquote", "multicol", "nobr", "noembed", "noframes", "nolayer", "noscript", "nscp_close", "nscp_open", "nscp_reblock", "nsdt", "object", "ol", "option", "p", "param", "plaintext", "pre", "s", "samp", "script", "select", "server", "small", "spacer", "span", "spell", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "subdoc", "sup", "table", "td", "textarea", "th", "title", "tr", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "wbr", "xmp", NULL }; static void diag(int line, HTMLState *state, unsigned short c) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): 0x%02x(%c) tag %s attr %s\n", __FILE__, line, c, c, state->html->tag ? (char *) state->html->tag : "NULL", state->html->currentAttribute ? (char *) state->html->currentAttribute->name : "NULL"); fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", state->html->url); } static void htmlInit(void) { char **p; knownTagTable = hashAlloc(NULL); p = knownTags; while (*p) { hashAdd(knownTagTable, copyString((unsigned char *) *p), NULL); p++; } htmlInitialized = 1; } static void htmlCheckForBaseURL(HTML* html) { if ( (!strcmp((char *) html->tag, "base")) && (!strcmp((char *) html->currentAttribute->name, "href")) ) { FREE(html->base); html->base = copyString(html->currentAttribute->value); } } static void htmlCheckForURLAttribute(HTML *html) { char **p; html->currentAttributeIsURL = 0; p = urlAttributes; while (*p) { if ( (!strcmp((char *) html->tag, p[0])) && (!strcmp((char *) html->currentAttribute->name, p[1])) ) { html->currentAttributeIsURL = 1; break; } p += 2; } } static void htmlCheckAttribute(HTML *html) { htmlCheckForBaseURL(html); htmlCheckForURLAttribute(html); } void htmlRegister(char *tag, char *attributeName, HTMLHandler handler) { HashEntry *attrEntry; HashEntry *tagEntry; if (!tagTable) { tagTable = hashAlloc(NULL); } tagEntry = hashLookup(tagTable, (unsigned char *) tag); if (!tagEntry) { tagEntry = hashAdd(tagTable, (unsigned char *) tag, hashAlloc(NULL)); } attrEntry = hashLookup(tagEntry->value, (unsigned char *) attributeName); if (attrEntry) { attrEntry->value = (void *) handler; } else { hashAdd(tagEntry->value, (unsigned char *) attributeName, (void *) handler); } } void htmlRegisterURLHandler(HTMLHandler handler) { char **p; p = urlAttributes; while (*p) { htmlRegister(p[0], p[1], handler); p += 2; } } static void callHandler(void *a, HTML *html) { HashEntry *attrEntry; HashEntry *tagEntry; if (!tagTable) { return; } tagEntry = hashLookup(tagTable, html->tag); if (tagEntry) { attrEntry = hashLookup(tagEntry->value, html->currentAttribute->name); if (attrEntry) { (*((HTMLHandler) attrEntry->value))(a, html); } } } void htmlRegisterTagHandler(HTMLHandler handler) { tagHandler = handler; } static unsigned short htmlGetByte(Input *input, HTMLState *state) { unsigned short c; unsigned short ret; unsigned short tmp; if (state->unGotten != 256) { tmp = state->unGotten; state->unGotten = 256; return tmp; } c = getByte(input); if (c == 256) { ret = c; } else if (c == 0x1b) { c = getByte(input); if (c == 256) { ret = c; } else if (c == '$') { c = getByte(input); if (c == 256) { ret = c; } else if (c == '(') { /* throw away 4th byte in ESC sequence */ getByte(input); state->mask = 0x80; c = getByte(input); if (c == 256) { ret = c; } else { ret = c | state->mask; } } else { state->mask = 0x80; c = getByte(input); if (c == 256) { ret = c; } else { ret = c | state->mask; } } } else if (c == '(') { state->mask = 0; /* throw away 3rd byte in ESC sequence */ getByte(input); ret = getByte(input); } else { unGetByte(input); ret = 0x1b; } } else { ret = c | state->mask; } state->saved = ret; return ret; } static void htmlUnGetByte(HTMLState *state) { state->unGotten = state->saved; } static unsigned short eatWhiteSpace(Input *input, HTMLState *state, unsigned short c) { while ( (c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\n') ) { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } return c; } static void htmlFreeAttributes(HTMLState *state) { HTMLAttribute *attr; HTMLAttribute *tmp; attr = state->html->attributes; state->html->attributes = NULL; while (attr) { free(attr->name); free(attr->value); tmp = attr; attr = attr->next; free(tmp); } } static unsigned short readAttribute(void *a, Input *input, HTMLState *state, unsigned short c) { HTMLAttribute *attr; unsigned short quote; mark(input, -1); reportHTML(a, input); while ( (c != 256) && (c != '>') && (c != '=') && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n') ) { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } mark(input, -1); attr = calloc(sizeof(HTMLAttribute), 1); if (!attr) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot calloc HTMLAttribute\n"); exit(0); } if (state->html->currentAttribute) { state->html->currentAttribute->next = attr; } else { if (state->html->attributes) { htmlFreeAttributes(state); } state->html->attributes = attr; } state->html->currentAttribute = attr; attr->name = copyLower(input); reportHTMLAttributeName(a, state->html, input); if ((c == 256) || (c == '>')) { return c; } if (c != '=') { c = eatWhiteSpace(input, state, c); } if ((c == 256) || (c == '>')) { return c; } if (c == '=') { c = eatWhiteSpace(input, state, htmlGetByte(input, state)); if ((c == '"') || (c == '\'')) { quote = c; mark(input, 0); reportHTML(a, input); do { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } while ((c != 256) && (c != quote)); if (c == 256) { diag(__LINE__, state, c); } mark(input, -1); attr->value = copy(input); htmlCheckAttribute(state->html); reportHTMLAttributeValue(a, state->html, input); c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } else { mark(input, -1); reportHTML(a, input); while ( (c != 256) && (c != '>') && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n') ) { if ((c == '"') || (c == '\'')) { diag(__LINE__, state, c); } c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } mark(input, -1); attr->value = copy(input); htmlCheckAttribute(state->html); reportHTMLAttributeValue(a, state->html, input); } callHandler(a, state->html); if (c == '>') { return c; } } return eatWhiteSpace(input, state, c); } static int caseCompare(char *str, Input *input, HTMLState *state, unsigned short *ret) { unsigned short c; int i; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (tolower(c) != tolower(str[i])) { *ret = c; return 0; } } c = htmlGetByte(input, state); *ret = c; return 1; } static unsigned short readTag(void *a, Input *input, HTMLState *state) { unsigned short c; mark(input, -1); reportHTML(a, input); c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '!') { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '-') { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '-') { const unsigned char *beginningOfComment = current(input); while (1) { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '-') { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '-') { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } else if (c == '-') { do { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } while (c == '-'); if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } } } } if (c == 256) { set(input, beginningOfComment); while (1) { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } else if (c == 256) { fprintf(stderr, "bad comment\n"); mark(input, -1); FREE(state->html->tag); state->html->tag = copyString((unsigned char *) "!--"); state->html->tagIsKnown = 1; reportHTMLTag(a, state->html, input); return c; } } } } } else { htmlUnGetByte(state); } } else { htmlUnGetByte(state); } } else { htmlUnGetByte(state); } do { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } while ( (c != 256) && (c != '>') && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n') ); mark(input, -1); FREE(state->html->tag); state->html->tag = copyLower(input); if (hashLookup(knownTagTable, (*state->html->tag == '/') ? state->html->tag + 1 : state->html->tag)) { state->html->tagIsKnown = 1; } else { state->html->tagIsKnown = 0; } reportHTMLTag(a, state->html, input); if (c == 256) { return c; } else if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } c = eatWhiteSpace(input, state, c); if (c == 256) { return c; } else if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } do { c = readAttribute(a, input, state, c); } while ((c != 256) && (c != '>')); state->html->currentAttribute = NULL; if (tagHandler) { (*tagHandler)(a, state->html); } if (c == '>') { return htmlGetByte(input, state); } return c; } static unsigned short readText(void *a, Input *input, HTMLState *state) { unsigned short c; mark(input, -1); reportHTML(a, input); do { c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } while ((c != 256) && (c != '<')); mark(input, -1); reportHTMLText(a, input); return c; } static unsigned short dealWithScript(Input *input, HTMLState *state, unsigned short c) { if (state->html->tag && (!strcasecmp((char *) state->html->tag, "script"))) { while (1) { if (c == 256) { break; } if (c == '<') { if (caseCompare("/script>", input, state, &c)) { FREE(state->html->tag); break; } } c = htmlGetByte(input, state); } } return c; } void htmlRead(void *a, Input *input, unsigned char *base) { unsigned short c; HTML html; HTMLState state; if (!htmlInitialized) { htmlInit(); } html.base = copyString(base); html.url = copyString(base); html.tag = NULL; html.attributes = NULL; html.currentAttribute = NULL; state.mask = 0; state.saved = 0; state.unGotten = 256; state.html = &html; c = htmlGetByte(input, &state); while (c != 256) { if (c == '<') { c = htmlGetByte(input, &state); htmlUnGetByte(&state); if ( (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'z')) || (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z')) || (c == '/') || (c == '!') ) { c = readTag(a, input, &state); c = dealWithScript(input, &state, c); } else { diag(__LINE__, &state, c); c = readText(a, input, &state); } } else { c = readText(a, input, &state); } } FREE(html.base); FREE(html.tag); htmlFreeAttributes(&state); } unsigned char * toHTML(unsigned char *str) { unsigned char *escaped_str; unsigned char *result; escaped_str = escapeHTML(str); result = NULL; result = calloc(strlen((char *) escaped_str)+2, 1); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot calloc toHTML string\n"); exit(0); } result[0] = '"'; strcat((char *) result, (char *) escaped_str); strcat((char *) result, "\""); return result; } unsigned char * escapeHTML(unsigned char *str) { char buf[2]; int i; int j; int len; char *replacement; unsigned char *result; buf[1] = 0; len = 0; result = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; str[j]; j++) { switch (str[j]) { case '<': replacement = "<"; break; case '>': replacement = ">"; break; case '&': replacement = "&"; break; case '"': replacement = """; break; default: replacement = buf; buf[0] = str[j]; break; } if (result) { strcat((char *) result, replacement); } else { len += strlen(replacement); } } if (!result) { result = calloc(len + 1, 1); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot calloc escapeHTML string\n"); exit(0); } } } return result; }