/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use geometry::Au; use cssparser::{mod, RGBA, RGBAColor}; use std::ascii::AsciiExt; use std::from_str::FromStr; use std::iter::Filter; use std::str::{CharEq, CharSplits}; use unicode::char::to_lowercase; pub type DOMString = String; pub type StaticCharVec = &'static [char]; pub type StaticStringVec = &'static [&'static str]; pub fn null_str_as_empty(s: &Option) -> DOMString { // We don't use map_default because it would allocate "".to_string() even for Some. match *s { Some(ref s) => s.clone(), None => "".to_string() } } pub fn null_str_as_empty_ref<'a>(s: &'a Option) -> &'a str { match *s { Some(ref s) => s.as_slice(), None => "" } } /// Whitespace as defined by HTML5 § 2.4.1. struct Whitespace; impl CharEq for Whitespace { #[inline] fn matches(&mut self, ch: char) -> bool { match ch { ' ' | '\t' | '\x0a' | '\x0c' | '\x0d' => true, _ => false, } } #[inline] fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool { true } } pub fn is_whitespace(s: &str) -> bool { s.chars().all(|c| Whitespace.matches(c)) } /// A "space character" according to: /// /// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#space-character pub static HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS: StaticCharVec = &[ '\u0020', '\u0009', '\u000a', '\u000c', '\u000d', ]; pub fn split_html_space_chars<'a>(s: &'a str) -> Filter<'a, &'a str, CharSplits<'a, StaticCharVec>> { s.split(HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS).filter(|&split| !split.is_empty()) } /// Shared implementation to parse an integer according to /// or /// . fn do_parse_integer>(input: T) -> Option { fn is_ascii_digit(c: &char) -> bool { match *c { '0'...'9' => true, _ => false, } } let mut input = input.skip_while(|c| { HTML_SPACE_CHARACTERS.iter().any(|s| s == c) }).peekable(); let sign = match input.peek() { None => return None, Some(&'-') => { input.next(); -1 }, Some(&'+') => { input.next(); 1 }, Some(_) => 1, }; match input.peek() { Some(c) if is_ascii_digit(c) => (), _ => return None, } let value = input.take_while(is_ascii_digit).map(|d| { d as i64 - '0' as i64 }).fold(Some(0i64), |accumulator, d| { accumulator.and_then(|accumulator| { accumulator.checked_mul(&10) }).and_then(|accumulator| { accumulator.checked_add(&d) }) }); return value.and_then(|value| value.checked_mul(&sign)); } /// Parse an integer according to /// . pub fn parse_integer>(input: T) -> Option { do_parse_integer(input).and_then(|result| { result.to_i32() }) } /// Parse an integer according to /// . pub fn parse_unsigned_integer>(input: T) -> Option { do_parse_integer(input).and_then(|result| { result.to_u32() }) } pub enum LengthOrPercentageOrAuto { AutoLpa, PercentageLpa(f64), LengthLpa(Au), } /// Parses a length per HTML5 § If unparseable, `AutoLpa` is returned. pub fn parse_length(mut value: &str) -> LengthOrPercentageOrAuto { value = value.trim_left_chars(Whitespace); if value.len() == 0 { return AutoLpa } if value.starts_with("+") { value = value.slice_from(1) } value = value.trim_left_chars('0'); if value.len() == 0 { return AutoLpa } let mut end_index = value.len(); let (mut found_full_stop, mut found_percent) = (false, false); for (i, ch) in value.chars().enumerate() { match ch { '0'...'9' => continue, '%' => { found_percent = true; end_index = i; break } '.' if !found_full_stop => { found_full_stop = true; continue } _ => { end_index = i; break } } } value = value.slice_to(end_index); if found_percent { let result: Option = FromStr::from_str(value); match result { Some(number) => return PercentageLpa((number as f64) / 100.0), None => return AutoLpa, } } match FromStr::from_str(value) { Some(number) => LengthLpa(Au::from_px(number)), None => AutoLpa, } } /// Parses a legacy color per HTML5 § 2.4.6. If unparseable, `Err` is returned. pub fn parse_legacy_color(mut input: &str) -> Result { // Steps 1 and 2. if input.len() == 0 { return Err(()) } // Step 3. input = input.trim_left_chars(Whitespace).trim_right_chars(Whitespace); // Step 4. if input.eq_ignore_ascii_case("transparent") { return Err(()) } // Step 5. match cssparser::parse_color_keyword(input) { Ok(RGBAColor(rgba)) => return Ok(rgba), _ => {} } // Step 6. if input.len() == 4 { match (input.as_bytes()[0], hex(input.as_bytes()[1] as char), hex(input.as_bytes()[2] as char), hex(input.as_bytes()[3] as char)) { (b'#', Ok(r), Ok(g), Ok(b)) => { return Ok(RGBA { red: (r as f32) * 17.0 / 255.0, green: (g as f32) * 17.0 / 255.0, blue: (b as f32) * 17.0 / 255.0, alpha: 1.0, }) } _ => {} } } // Step 7. let mut new_input = String::new(); for ch in input.chars() { if ch as u32 > 0xffff { new_input.push_str("00") } else { new_input.push(ch) } } let mut input = new_input.as_slice(); // Step 8. for (char_count, (index, _)) in input.char_indices().enumerate() { if char_count == 128 { input = input.slice_to(index); break } } // Step 9. if input.char_at(0) == '#' { input = input.slice_from(1) } // Step 10. let mut new_input = Vec::new(); for ch in input.chars() { if hex(ch).is_ok() { new_input.push(ch as u8) } else { new_input.push(b'0') } } let mut input = new_input; // Step 11. while input.len() == 0 || (input.len() % 3) != 0 { input.push(b'0') } // Step 12. let mut length = input.len() / 3; let (mut red, mut green, mut blue) = (input.slice_to(length), input.slice(length, length * 2), input.slice_from(length * 2)); // Step 13. if length > 8 { red = red.slice_from(length - 8); green = green.slice_from(length - 8); blue = blue.slice_from(length - 8); length = 8 } // Step 14. while length > 2 && red[0] == b'0' && green[0] == b'0' && blue[0] == b'0' { red = red.slice_from(1); green = green.slice_from(1); blue = blue.slice_from(1); length -= 1 } // Steps 15-20. return Ok(RGBA { red: hex_string(red).unwrap() as f32 / 255.0, green: hex_string(green).unwrap() as f32 / 255.0, blue: hex_string(blue).unwrap() as f32 / 255.0, alpha: 1.0, }); fn hex(ch: char) -> Result { match ch { '0'...'9' => Ok((ch as u8) - b'0'), 'a'...'f' => Ok((ch as u8) - b'a' + 10), 'A'...'F' => Ok((ch as u8) - b'A' + 10), _ => Err(()), } } fn hex_string(string: &[u8]) -> Result { match string.len() { 0 => Err(()), 1 => hex(string[0] as char), _ => { let upper = try!(hex(string[0] as char)); let lower = try!(hex(string[1] as char)); Ok((upper << 4) | lower) } } } } #[deriving(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Show)] pub struct LowercaseString { inner: String, } impl LowercaseString { pub fn new(s: &str) -> LowercaseString { LowercaseString { inner: s.chars().map(to_lowercase).collect(), } } } impl Str for LowercaseString { #[inline] fn as_slice(&self) -> &str { self.inner.as_slice() } }