/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ /* #include "xp.h" */ #define NOT_USED 0xfffd static uint16 PA_HackTable[] = { NOT_USED, NOT_USED, 0x201a, /* SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ 0x0192, /* LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK */ 0x201e, /* DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ 0x2026, /* HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS */ 0x2020, /* DAGGER */ 0x2021, /* DOUBLE DAGGER */ 0x02c6, /* MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT */ 0x2030, /* PER MILLE SIGN */ 0x0160, /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON */ 0x2039, /* SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x0152, /* LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE */ NOT_USED, NOT_USED, NOT_USED, NOT_USED, 0x2018, /* LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x2019, /* RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x201c, /* LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x201d, /* RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x2022, /* BULLET */ 0x2013, /* EN DASH */ 0x2014, /* EM DASH */ 0x02dc, /* SMALL TILDE */ 0x2122, /* TRADE MARK SIGN */ 0x0161, /* LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON */ 0x203a, /* SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK */ 0x0153, /* LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE */ NOT_USED, NOT_USED, 0x0178 /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS */ }; typedef struct PA_N2U_struct { char* NE; /* Name Entity, "copy" */ intn len; /* 4, the length of NE */ int16 unicode; /* 0x00a4 */ } PA_N2U; /* Name->Unicode */ /* NE LEN UNICODE */ static PA_N2U PA_Name2Unicode[] = { {"lt", 2, 0x003c }, {"LT", 2, 0x003c }, {"gt", 2, 0x003e }, {"GT", 2, 0x003e }, {"amp", 3, 0x0026 }, {"AMP", 3, 0x0026 }, {"quot", 4, 0x0022 }, {"QUOT", 4, 0x0022 }, {"nbsp", 4, 0x00a0 }, {"reg", 3, 0x00ae }, {"REG", 3, 0x00ae }, {"copy", 4, 0x00a9 }, {"COPY", 4, 0x00a9 }, {"iexcl", 5, 0x00a1 }, {"cent", 4, 0x00a2 }, {"pound", 5, 0x00a3 }, {"curren", 6, 0x00a4 }, {"yen", 3, 0x00a5 }, {"brvbar", 6, 0x00a6 }, {"sect", 4, 0x00a7 }, {"uml", 3, 0x00a8 }, {"ordf", 4, 0x00aa }, {"laquo", 5, 0x00ab }, {"not", 3, 0x00ac }, {"shy", 3, 0x00ad }, {"macr", 4, 0x00af }, {"deg", 3, 0x00b0 }, {"plusmn", 6, 0x00b1 }, {"sup2", 4, 0x00b2 }, {"sup3", 4, 0x00b3 }, {"acute", 5, 0x00b4 }, {"micro", 5, 0x00b5 }, {"para", 4, 0x00b6 }, {"middot", 6, 0x00b7 }, {"cedil", 5, 0x00b8 }, {"sup1", 4, 0x00b9 }, {"ordm", 4, 0x00ba }, {"raquo", 5, 0x00bb }, {"frac14", 6, 0x00bc }, {"frac12", 6, 0x00bd }, {"frac34", 6, 0x00be }, {"iquest", 6, 0x00bf }, {"Agrave", 6, 0x00c0 }, {"Aacute", 6, 0x00c1 }, {"Acirc", 5, 0x00c2 }, {"Atilde", 6, 0x00c3 }, {"Auml", 4, 0x00c4 }, {"Aring", 5, 0x00c5 }, {"AElig", 5, 0x00c6 }, {"Ccedil", 6, 0x00c7 }, {"Egrave", 6, 0x00c8 }, {"Eacute", 6, 0x00c9 }, {"Ecirc", 5, 0x00ca }, {"Euml", 4, 0x00cb }, {"Igrave", 6, 0x00cc }, {"Iacute", 6, 0x00cd }, {"Icirc", 5, 0x00ce }, {"Iuml", 4, 0x00cf }, {"ETH", 3, 0x00d0 }, {"Ntilde", 6, 0x00d1 }, {"Ograve", 6, 0x00d2 }, {"Oacute", 6, 0x00d3 }, {"Ocirc", 5, 0x00d4 }, {"Otilde", 6, 0x00d5 }, {"Ouml", 4, 0x00d6 }, {"times", 5, 0x00d7 }, {"Oslash", 6, 0x00d8 }, {"Ugrave", 6, 0x00d9 }, {"Uacute", 6, 0x00da }, {"Ucirc", 5, 0x00db }, {"Uuml", 4, 0x00dc }, {"Yacute", 6, 0x00dd }, {"THORN", 5, 0x00de }, {"szlig", 5, 0x00df }, {"agrave", 6, 0x00e0 }, {"aacute", 6, 0x00e1 }, {"acirc", 5, 0x00e2 }, {"atilde", 6, 0x00e3 }, {"auml", 4, 0x00e4 }, {"aring", 5, 0x00e5 }, {"aelig", 5, 0x00e6 }, {"ccedil", 6, 0x00e7 }, {"egrave", 6, 0x00e8 }, {"eacute", 6, 0x00e9 }, {"ecirc", 5, 0x00ea }, {"euml", 4, 0x00eb }, {"igrave", 6, 0x00ec }, {"iacute", 6, 0x00ed }, {"icirc", 5, 0x00ee }, {"iuml", 4, 0x00ef }, {"eth", 3, 0x00f0 }, {"ntilde", 6, 0x00f1 }, {"ograve", 6, 0x00f2 }, {"oacute", 6, 0x00f3 }, {"ocirc", 5, 0x00f4 }, {"otilde", 6, 0x00f5 }, {"ouml", 4, 0x00f6 }, {"divide", 6, 0x00f7 }, {"oslash", 6, 0x00f8 }, {"ugrave", 6, 0x00f9 }, {"uacute", 6, 0x00fa }, {"ucirc", 5, 0x00fb }, {"uuml", 4, 0x00fc }, {"yacute", 6, 0x00fd }, {"thorn", 5, 0x00fe }, {"yuml", 4, 0x00ff }, {NULL, 0, 0x0000 }, }; typedef struct PA_AmpEsc_struct { char *str; char value; intn len; } PA_AmpEsc; #ifndef XP_MAC static PA_AmpEsc PA_AmpEscapes[] = { {"lt", '<', 2}, {"LT", '<', 2}, {"gt", '>', 2}, {"GT", '>', 2}, {"amp", '&', 3}, {"AMP", '&', 3}, {"quot", '\"', 4}, {"QUOT", '\"', 4}, {"nbsp", '\240', 4}, {"reg", '\256', 3}, {"REG", '\256', 3}, {"copy", '\251', 4}, {"COPY", '\251', 4}, {"iexcl", '\241', 5}, {"cent", '\242', 4}, {"pound", '\243', 5}, {"curren", '\244', 6}, {"yen", '\245', 3}, {"brvbar", '\246', 6}, {"sect", '\247', 4}, {"uml", '\250', 3}, {"ordf", '\252', 4}, {"laquo", '\253', 5}, {"not", '\254', 3}, {"shy", '\255', 3}, {"macr", '\257', 4}, {"deg", '\260', 3}, {"plusmn", '\261', 6}, {"sup2", '\262', 4}, {"sup3", '\263', 4}, {"acute", '\264', 5}, {"micro", '\265', 5}, {"para", '\266', 4}, {"middot", '\267', 6}, {"cedil", '\270', 5}, {"sup1", '\271', 4}, {"ordm", '\272', 4}, {"raquo", '\273', 5}, {"frac14", '\274', 6}, {"frac12", '\275', 6}, {"frac34", '\276', 6}, {"iquest", '\277', 6}, {"Agrave", '\300', 6}, {"Aacute", '\301', 6}, {"Acirc", '\302', 5}, {"Atilde", '\303', 6}, {"Auml", '\304', 4}, {"Aring", '\305', 5}, {"AElig", '\306', 5}, {"Ccedil", '\307', 6}, {"Egrave", '\310', 6}, {"Eacute", '\311', 6}, {"Ecirc", '\312', 5}, {"Euml", '\313', 4}, {"Igrave", '\314', 6}, {"Iacute", '\315', 6}, {"Icirc", '\316', 5}, {"Iuml", '\317', 4}, {"ETH", '\320', 3}, {"Ntilde", '\321', 6}, {"Ograve", '\322', 6}, {"Oacute", '\323', 6}, {"Ocirc", '\324', 5}, {"Otilde", '\325', 6}, {"Ouml", '\326', 4}, {"times", '\327', 5}, {"Oslash", '\330', 6}, {"Ugrave", '\331', 6}, {"Uacute", '\332', 6}, {"Ucirc", '\333', 5}, {"Uuml", '\334', 4}, {"Yacute", '\335', 6}, {"THORN", '\336', 5}, {"szlig", '\337', 5}, {"agrave", '\340', 6}, {"aacute", '\341', 6}, {"acirc", '\342', 5}, {"atilde", '\343', 6}, {"auml", '\344', 4}, {"aring", '\345', 5}, {"aelig", '\346', 5}, {"ccedil", '\347', 6}, {"egrave", '\350', 6}, {"eacute", '\351', 6}, {"ecirc", '\352', 5}, {"euml", '\353', 4}, {"igrave", '\354', 6}, {"iacute", '\355', 6}, {"icirc", '\356', 5}, {"iuml", '\357', 4}, {"eth", '\360', 3}, {"ntilde", '\361', 6}, {"ograve", '\362', 6}, {"oacute", '\363', 6}, {"ocirc", '\364', 5}, {"otilde", '\365', 6}, {"ouml", '\366', 4}, {"divide", '\367', 6}, {"oslash", '\370', 6}, {"ugrave", '\371', 6}, {"uacute", '\372', 6}, {"ucirc", '\373', 5}, {"uuml", '\374', 4}, {"yacute", '\375', 6}, {"thorn", '\376', 5}, {"yuml", '\377', 4}, {NULL, '\0', 0}, }; #else /* ! XP_MAC */ /* Entities encoded in MacRoman. */ static PA_AmpEsc PA_AmpEscapes[] = { {"lt", '<', 2}, {"LT", '<', 2}, {"gt", '>', 2}, {"GT", '>', 2}, {"amp", '&', 3}, {"AMP", '&', 3}, {"quot", '\"', 4}, {"QUOT", '\"', 4}, {"nbsp", '\007', 4}, {"reg", '\250', 3}, {"REG", '\250', 3}, {"copy", '\251', 4}, {"COPY", '\251', 4}, {"iexcl", '\301', 5}, {"cent", '\242', 4}, {"pound", '\243', 5}, {"curren", '\333', 6}, {"yen", '\264', 3}, /* * Navigator Gold currently inverts this table in such a way that * ASCII characters (less than 128) get converted to the names * listed here. For things like ampersand (&) this is the * right thing to do, but for this one (brvbar), it isn't since * both broken vertical bar and vertical bar are mapped to the same * character by the Latin-1 to Mac Roman table. * * Punt for now. This needs to be fixed later. -- erik */ /* {"brvbar", '\174', 6}, */ {"sect", '\244', 4}, {"uml", '\254', 3}, {"ordf", '\273', 4}, {"laquo", '\307', 5}, {"not", '\302', 3}, {"shy", '\320', 3}, {"macr", '\370', 4}, {"deg", '\241', 3}, {"plusmn", '\261', 6}, /* {"sup2", '\62', 4}, see comment above */ /* {"sup3", '\63', 4}, see comment above */ {"acute", '\253', 5}, {"micro", '\265', 5}, {"para", '\246', 4}, {"middot", '\341', 6}, {"cedil", '\374', 5}, /* {"sup1", '\61', 4}, see comment above */ {"ordm", '\274', 4}, {"raquo", '\310', 5}, {"frac14", '\271', 6}, {"frac12", '\270', 6}, {"frac34", '\262', 6}, {"iquest", '\300', 6}, {"Agrave", '\313', 6}, {"Aacute", '\347', 6}, {"Acirc", '\345', 5}, {"Atilde", '\314', 6}, {"Auml", '\200', 4}, {"Aring", '\201', 5}, {"AElig", '\256', 5}, {"Ccedil", '\202', 6}, {"Egrave", '\351', 6}, {"Eacute", '\203', 6}, {"Ecirc", '\346', 5}, {"Euml", '\350', 4}, {"Igrave", '\355', 6}, {"Iacute", '\352', 6}, {"Icirc", '\353', 5}, {"Iuml", '\354', 4}, {"ETH", '\334', 3}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: ETH ('D' w/horiz bar) */ {"Ntilde", '\204', 6}, {"Ograve", '\361', 6}, {"Oacute", '\356', 6}, {"Ocirc", '\357', 5}, {"Otilde", '\315', 6}, {"Ouml", '\205', 4}, /* {"times", '\170', 5}, see comment above */ {"Oslash", '\257', 6}, {"Ugrave", '\364', 6}, {"Uacute", '\362', 6}, {"Ucirc", '\363', 5}, {"Uuml", '\206', 4}, {"Yacute", '\240', 6}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: Yacute */ {"THORN", '\336', 5}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: THORN (kinda like 'P') */ {"szlig", '\247', 5}, {"agrave", '\210', 6}, {"aacute", '\207', 6}, {"acirc", '\211', 5}, {"atilde", '\213', 6}, {"auml", '\212', 4}, {"aring", '\214', 5}, {"aelig", '\276', 5}, {"ccedil", '\215', 6}, {"egrave", '\217', 6}, {"eacute", '\216', 6}, {"ecirc", '\220', 5}, {"euml", '\221', 4}, {"igrave", '\223', 6}, {"iacute", '\222', 6}, {"icirc", '\224', 5}, {"iuml", '\225', 4}, {"eth", '\335', 3}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: eth ('d' w/horiz bar) */ {"ntilde", '\226', 6}, {"ograve", '\230', 6}, {"oacute", '\227', 6}, {"ocirc", '\231', 5}, {"otilde", '\233', 6}, {"ouml", '\232', 4}, {"divide", '\326', 6}, {"oslash", '\277', 6}, {"ugrave", '\235', 6}, {"uacute", '\234', 6}, {"ucirc", '\236', 5}, {"uuml", '\237', 4}, {"yacute", '\340', 6}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: yacute */ {"thorn", '\337', 5}, /* Icelandic MacRoman: thorn (kinda like 'p') */ {"yuml", '\330', 4}, {NULL, '\0', 0}, }; #endif /* ! XP_MAC */