/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et lcs=trail\:.,tab\:>~ : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_storage_Variant_h__ #define mozilla_storage_Variant_h__ #include #include "nsIVariant.h" #include "nsMemory.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #define VARIANT_BASE_IID \ { /* 78888042-0fa3-4f7a-8b19-7996f99bf1aa */ \ 0x78888042, 0x0fa3, 0x4f7a, { \ 0x8b, 0x19, 0x79, 0x96, 0xf9, 0x9b, 0xf1, 0xaa \ } \ } /** * This class is used by the storage module whenever an nsIVariant needs to be * returned. We provide traits for the basic sqlite types to make use easier. * The following types map to the indicated sqlite type: * int64_t -> INTEGER (use IntegerVariant) * double -> FLOAT (use FloatVariant) * nsString -> TEXT (use TextVariant) * nsCString -> TEXT (use UTF8TextVariant) * uint8_t[] -> BLOB (use BlobVariant) * nullptr -> NULL (use NullVariant) * * The kvstore component also reuses this class as a common implementation * of a simple threadsafe variant for the storage of primitive values only. * The BooleanVariant type has been introduced for kvstore use cases and should * be enhanced to provide full boolean variant support for mozStorage. * * Bug 1494102 tracks that work. */ namespace mozilla { namespace storage { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Base Class class Variant_base : public nsIVariant { public: NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIVARIANT NS_DECLARE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(VARIANT_BASE_IID) protected: virtual ~Variant_base() {} }; NS_DEFINE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(Variant_base, VARIANT_BASE_IID) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Traits /** * Generics */ template struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_EMPTY; } }; template struct variant_storage_traits { typedef DataType ConstructorType; typedef DataType StorageType; static inline void storage_conversion(const ConstructorType aData, StorageType *_storage) { *_storage = aData; } static inline void destroy(const StorageType &_storage) {} }; #define NO_CONVERSION return NS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONVERT_DATA; template struct variant_boolean_traits { typedef typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType StorageType; static inline nsresult asBool(const StorageType &, bool *) { NO_CONVERSION } }; template struct variant_integer_traits { typedef typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType StorageType; static inline nsresult asInt32(const StorageType &, int32_t *) { NO_CONVERSION } static inline nsresult asInt64(const StorageType &, int64_t *) { NO_CONVERSION } }; template struct variant_float_traits { typedef typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType StorageType; static inline nsresult asDouble(const StorageType &, double *) { NO_CONVERSION } }; template struct variant_text_traits { typedef typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType StorageType; static inline nsresult asUTF8String(const StorageType &, nsACString &) { NO_CONVERSION } static inline nsresult asString(const StorageType &, nsAString &) { NO_CONVERSION } }; template struct variant_blob_traits { typedef typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType StorageType; static inline nsresult asArray(const StorageType &, uint16_t *, uint32_t *, void **) { NO_CONVERSION } }; #undef NO_CONVERSION /** * BOOLEAN type */ template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_BOOL; } }; template <> struct variant_boolean_traits { static inline nsresult asBool(bool aValue, bool *_result) { *_result = aValue; return NS_OK; } // NB: It might be worth also providing conversions to int types. // NB: It'd be nice to implement asBool conversions for 0 and 1, too. // That would let us clean up some conversions in Places, such as: // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/0640ea80fbc8d48f8b197cd363e2535c95a15eb3/toolkit/components/places/SQLFunctions.cpp#564-565 // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/0640ea80fbc8d48f8b197cd363e2535c95a15eb3/toolkit/components/places/SQLFunctions.cpp#1057 // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/0640ea80fbc8d48f8b197cd363e2535c95a15eb3/toolkit/components/places/nsNavHistory.cpp#3189 }; /** * INTEGER types */ template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_INT64; } }; template <> struct variant_integer_traits { static inline nsresult asInt32(int64_t aValue, int32_t *_result) { if (aValue > INT32_MAX || aValue < INT32_MIN) return NS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONVERT_DATA; *_result = static_cast(aValue); return NS_OK; } static inline nsresult asInt64(int64_t aValue, int64_t *_result) { *_result = aValue; return NS_OK; } }; // xpcvariant just calls get double for integers... template <> struct variant_float_traits { static inline nsresult asDouble(int64_t aValue, double *_result) { *_result = double(aValue); return NS_OK; } }; /** * FLOAT types */ template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_DOUBLE; } }; template <> struct variant_float_traits { static inline nsresult asDouble(double aValue, double *_result) { *_result = aValue; return NS_OK; } }; /** * TEXT types */ template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_ASTRING; } }; template <> struct variant_storage_traits { typedef const nsAString &ConstructorType; typedef nsString StorageType; static inline void storage_conversion(ConstructorType aText, StorageType *_outData) { *_outData = aText; } static inline void destroy(const StorageType &_outData) {} }; template <> struct variant_text_traits { static inline nsresult asUTF8String(const nsString &aValue, nsACString &_result) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(aValue, _result); return NS_OK; } static inline nsresult asString(const nsString &aValue, nsAString &_result) { _result = aValue; return NS_OK; } }; template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_UTF8STRING; } }; template <> struct variant_storage_traits { typedef const nsACString &ConstructorType; typedef nsCString StorageType; static inline void storage_conversion(ConstructorType aText, StorageType *_outData) { *_outData = aText; } static inline void destroy(const StorageType &aData) {} }; template <> struct variant_text_traits { static inline nsresult asUTF8String(const nsCString &aValue, nsACString &_result) { _result = aValue; return NS_OK; } static inline nsresult asString(const nsCString &aValue, nsAString &_result) { CopyUTF8toUTF16(aValue, _result); return NS_OK; } }; /** * BLOB types */ template <> struct variant_traits { static inline uint16_t type() { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_ARRAY; } }; template <> struct variant_storage_traits { typedef std::pair ConstructorType; typedef FallibleTArray StorageType; static inline void storage_conversion(ConstructorType aBlob, StorageType *_outData) { _outData->Clear(); (void)_outData->AppendElements(static_cast(aBlob.first), aBlob.second, fallible); } static inline void destroy(const StorageType &_outData) {} }; template <> struct variant_storage_traits { typedef std::pair ConstructorType; typedef std::pair StorageType; static inline void storage_conversion(ConstructorType aBlob, StorageType *_outData) { *_outData = aBlob; } static inline void destroy(StorageType &aData) { if (aData.first) { free(aData.first); aData.first = nullptr; } } }; template <> struct variant_blob_traits { static inline nsresult asArray(FallibleTArray &aData, uint16_t *_type, uint32_t *_size, void **_result) { // For empty blobs, we return nullptr. if (aData.Length() == 0) { *_result = nullptr; *_type = nsIDataType::VTYPE_UINT8; *_size = 0; return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, we copy the array. *_result = moz_xmemdup(aData.Elements(), aData.Length() * sizeof(uint8_t)); // Set type and size *_type = nsIDataType::VTYPE_UINT8; *_size = aData.Length(); return NS_OK; } }; template <> struct variant_blob_traits { static inline nsresult asArray(std::pair &aData, uint16_t *_type, uint32_t *_size, void **_result) { // For empty blobs, we return nullptr. if (aData.second == 0) { *_result = nullptr; *_type = nsIDataType::VTYPE_UINT8; *_size = 0; return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, transfer the data out. *_result = aData.first; aData.first = nullptr; MOZ_ASSERT(*_result); // We asked for it twice, better not use adopting! // Set type and size *_type = nsIDataType::VTYPE_UINT8; *_size = aData.second; return NS_OK; } }; /** * nullptr type */ class NullVariant : public Variant_base { public: uint16_t GetDataType() override { return nsIDataType::VTYPE_EMPTY; } NS_IMETHOD GetAsAUTF8String(nsACString &_str) override { // Return a void string. _str.SetIsVoid(true); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD GetAsAString(nsAString &_str) override { // Return a void string. _str.SetIsVoid(true); return NS_OK; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Template Implementation template class Variant final : public Variant_base { ~Variant() { variant_storage_traits::destroy(mData); } public: explicit Variant( const typename variant_storage_traits::ConstructorType aData) { variant_storage_traits::storage_conversion(aData, &mData); } uint16_t GetDataType() override { return variant_traits::type(); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsBool(bool *_boolean) override { return variant_boolean_traits::asBool(mData, _boolean); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsInt32(int32_t *_integer) override { return variant_integer_traits::asInt32(mData, _integer); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsInt64(int64_t *_integer) override { return variant_integer_traits::asInt64(mData, _integer); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsDouble(double *_double) override { return variant_float_traits::asDouble(mData, _double); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsAUTF8String(nsACString &_str) override { return variant_text_traits::asUTF8String(mData, _str); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsAString(nsAString &_str) override { return variant_text_traits::asString(mData, _str); } NS_IMETHOD GetAsArray(uint16_t *_type, nsIID *, uint32_t *_size, void **_data) override { return variant_blob_traits::asArray(mData, _type, _size, _data); } private: typename variant_storage_traits::StorageType mData; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Handy typedefs! Use these for the right mapping. // Currently, BooleanVariant is only useful for kvstore. // Bug 1494102 tracks implementing full boolean variant support for mozStorage. typedef Variant BooleanVariant; typedef Variant IntegerVariant; typedef Variant FloatVariant; typedef Variant TextVariant; typedef Variant UTF8TextVariant; typedef Variant BlobVariant; typedef Variant AdoptedBlobVariant; } // namespace storage } // namespace mozilla #include "Variant_inl.h" #endif // mozilla_storage_Variant_h__