================================= Firefox Source Tree Documentation ================================= .. toctree:: :caption: Getting Started :maxdepth: 1 {setup_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Working On Firefox :maxdepth: 2 {contributing_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Firefox User Guide :maxdepth: 2 {user_guide} .. toctree:: :caption: Source Code Documentation :maxdepth: 2 {source_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: The Firefox Build System :maxdepth: 1 {build_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Testing & Test Infrastructure :maxdepth: 1 {testing_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Localization & Internationalization :maxdepth: 2 {l10n_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Firefox and Python :maxdepth: 1 {python_doc} .. toctree:: :caption: Metrics Collected in Firefox :maxdepth: 1 {metrics_doc} Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`