/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsISupports.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #define NS_FOO_IID \ { 0x6f7652e0, 0xee43, 0x11d1, \ { 0x9c, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x60, 0x08, 0x8c, 0xa6, 0xb3 } } class Foo : public nsISupports { public: NS_DECLARE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(NS_FOO_IID) public: Foo(); // virtual dtor because Bar uses our Release() virtual ~Foo(); NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef(); NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release(); NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface( const nsIID&, void** ); void MemberFunction( int, int*, int& ); virtual void VirtualMemberFunction( int, int*, int& ); virtual void VirtualConstMemberFunction( int, int*, int& ) const; static void print_totals(); void NonconstMethod() {} void ConstMethod() const {} private: unsigned int refcount_; static unsigned int total_constructions_; static unsigned int total_destructions_; }; NS_DEFINE_STATIC_IID_ACCESSOR(Foo, NS_FOO_IID) class Bar; // some types I'll need typedef unsigned long NS_RESULT; // some functions I'll need (and define below) nsresult CreateFoo( void** ); nsresult CreateBar( void** result ); void AnFooPtrPtrContext( Foo** ); void AnISupportsPtrPtrContext( nsISupports** ); void AVoidPtrPtrContext( void** ); void set_a_Foo( RefPtr* result ); RefPtr return_a_Foo(); unsigned int Foo::total_constructions_; unsigned int Foo::total_destructions_; class test_message { public: test_message() { printf("BEGIN unit tests for |nsRefPtr|, compiled " __DATE__ "\n"); } ~test_message() { Foo::print_totals(); printf("END unit tests for |nsRefPtr|.\n"); } }; test_message gTestMessage; /* ... */ void Foo::print_totals() { printf("total constructions/destructions --> %d/%d\n", total_constructions_, total_destructions_); } Foo::Foo() : refcount_(0) { ++total_constructions_; printf(" new Foo@%p [#%d]\n", static_cast(this), total_constructions_); } Foo::~Foo() { ++total_destructions_; printf("Foo@%p::~Foo() [#%d]\n", static_cast(this), total_destructions_); } MozExternalRefCountType Foo::AddRef() { ++refcount_; printf("Foo@%p::AddRef(), refcount --> %d\n", static_cast(this), refcount_); return refcount_; } MozExternalRefCountType Foo::Release() { int newcount = --refcount_; if ( newcount == 0 ) printf(">>"); printf("Foo@%p::Release(), refcount --> %d\n", static_cast(this), refcount_); if ( newcount == 0 ) { printf(" delete Foo@%p\n", static_cast(this)); printf("<(this)); delete this; } return newcount; } nsresult Foo::QueryInterface( const nsIID& aIID, void** aResult ) { printf("Foo@%p::QueryInterface()\n", static_cast(this)); nsISupports* rawPtr = 0; nsresult status = NS_OK; if ( aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(Foo)) ) rawPtr = this; else { nsID iid_of_ISupports = NS_ISUPPORTS_IID; if ( aIID.Equals(iid_of_ISupports) ) rawPtr = static_cast(this); else status = NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } NS_IF_ADDREF(rawPtr); *aResult = rawPtr; return status; } void Foo::MemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) { printf("member function is invoked.\n"); } void Foo::VirtualMemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) { printf("virtual member function is invoked.\n"); } void Foo::VirtualConstMemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) const { printf("virtual const member function is invoked.\n"); } nsresult CreateFoo( void** result ) // a typical factory function (that calls AddRef) { printf(">>CreateFoo() --> "); Foo* foop = new Foo; printf("Foo@%p\n", static_cast(foop)); foop->AddRef(); *result = foop; printf("<* result ) { printf(">>set_a_Foo()\n"); assert(result); RefPtr foop( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); *result = foop; printf("< return_a_Foo() { printf(">>return_a_Foo()\n"); RefPtr foop( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); printf("<(this)); } Bar::~Bar() { printf("Bar@%p::~Bar()\n", static_cast(this)); } nsresult Bar::QueryInterface( const nsID& aIID, void** aResult ) { printf("Bar@%p::QueryInterface()\n", static_cast(this)); nsISupports* rawPtr = 0; nsresult status = NS_OK; if ( aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(Bar)) ) rawPtr = this; else if ( aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(Foo)) ) rawPtr = static_cast(this); else { nsID iid_of_ISupports = NS_ISUPPORTS_IID; if ( aIID.Equals(iid_of_ISupports) ) rawPtr = static_cast(this); else status = NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } NS_IF_ADDREF(rawPtr); *aResult = rawPtr; return status; } void Bar::VirtualMemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) { printf("override virtual member function is invoked.\n"); } void Bar::VirtualConstMemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) const { printf("override virtual const member function is invoked.\n"); } nsresult CreateBar( void** result ) // a typical factory function (that calls AddRef) { printf(">>CreateBar() --> "); Bar* barp = new Bar; printf("Bar@%p\n", static_cast(barp)); barp->AddRef(); *result = barp; printf("<(&barP)); if ( barP ) { Foo* fooP = 0; if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( result = barP->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(Foo), reinterpret_cast(&fooP)) ) ) { fooP->print_totals(); NS_RELEASE(fooP); } NS_RELEASE(barP); } return result; } static nsresult TestBloat_Smart() { RefPtr barP; nsresult result = CreateBar( getter_AddRefs(barP) ); RefPtr fooP( do_QueryObject(barP, &result) ); if ( fooP ) fooP->print_totals(); return result; } #define NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_MUTABLE_REFCOUNTING(_class) \ public: \ NS_METHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef(void) const { \ MOZ_ASSERT_TYPE_OK_FOR_REFCOUNTING(_class) \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0, "illegal refcnt"); \ nsrefcnt count = ++mRefCnt; \ return (nsrefcnt) count; \ } \ NS_METHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release(void) const { \ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(int32_t(mRefCnt) > 0, "dup release"); \ nsrefcnt count = --mRefCnt; \ if (count == 0) { \ delete (this); \ return 0; \ } \ return count; \ } \ protected: \ mutable ::mozilla::ThreadSafeAutoRefCnt mRefCnt; \ public: class ObjectForConstPtr { private: // Reference-counted classes cannot have public destructors. ~ObjectForConstPtr() { printf("ObjectForConstPtr@%p::~ObjectForConstPtr()\n", static_cast(this)); } public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_MUTABLE_REFCOUNTING(ObjectForConstPtr) void ConstMemberFunction( int aArg1, int* aArgPtr, int& aArgRef ) const { printf("const member function is invoked by RefPtr->*.\n"); } }; #undef NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_MUTABLE_REFCOUNTING RefPtr gFoop; int main() { printf(">>main()\n"); printf("sizeof(RefPtr) --> %u\n", unsigned(sizeof(RefPtr))); TestBloat_Raw_Unsafe(); TestBloat_Smart(); { printf("\n### Test 1: will a |nsCOMPtr| call |AddRef| on a pointer assigned into it?\n"); RefPtr foop( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); printf("\n### Test 2: will a |nsCOMPtr| |Release| its old pointer when a new one is assigned in?\n"); foop = do_QueryObject(new Foo); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to try to |AddRef| by hand? //foop->AddRef(); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to try to |Release| be hand? //foop->Release(); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to try to |delete| an |nsCOMPtr|? //delete foop; printf("\n### Test 3: can you |AddRef| if you must?\n"); static_cast(foop)->AddRef(); printf("\n### Test 4: can you |Release| if you must?\n"); static_cast(foop)->Release(); printf("\n### Test 5: will a |nsCOMPtr| |Release| when it goes out of scope?\n"); } { printf("\n### Test 6: will a |nsCOMPtr| call the correct destructor?\n"); RefPtr foop( do_QueryObject(new Bar) ); mozilla::Unused << foop; } { printf("\n### Test 7: can you compare one |nsCOMPtr| with another [!=]?\n"); RefPtr foo1p( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to omit |getter_[doesnt_]AddRef[s]|? //AnFooPtrPtrContext(&foo1p); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to omit |getter_[doesnt_]AddRef[s]|? //AVoidPtrPtrContext(&foo1p); RefPtr foo2p( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); if ( foo1p != foo2p ) printf("foo1p != foo2p\n"); else printf("foo1p == foo2p\n"); printf("\n### Test 7.5: can you compare a |nsCOMPtr| with nullptr [!=]?\n"); if ( foo1p != nullptr ) printf("foo1p != nullptr\n"); if ( nullptr != foo1p ) printf("nullptr != foo1p\n"); if ( foo1p == nullptr ) printf("foo1p == nullptr\n"); if ( nullptr == foo1p ) printf("nullptr == foo1p\n"); Foo* raw_foo2p = foo2p.get(); printf("\n### Test 8: can you compare a |nsCOMPtr| with a raw interface pointer [!=]?\n"); if ( foo1p.get() != raw_foo2p ) printf("foo1p != raw_foo2p\n"); else printf("foo1p == raw_foo2p\n"); printf("\n### Test 9: can you assign one |nsCOMPtr| into another?\n"); foo1p = foo2p; printf("\n### Test 10: can you compare one |nsCOMPtr| with another [==]?\n"); if ( foo1p == foo2p ) printf("foo1p == foo2p\n"); else printf("foo1p != foo2p\n"); printf("\n### Test 11: can you compare a |nsCOMPtr| with a raw interface pointer [==]?\n"); if ( raw_foo2p == foo2p.get() ) printf("raw_foo2p == foo2p\n"); else printf("raw_foo2p != foo2p\n"); #if 1 printf("\n### Test 11.5: can you compare a |nsCOMPtr| with a raw interface pointer [==]?\n"); if ( RefPtr( raw_foo2p ) == foo2p ) printf("raw_foo2p == foo2p\n"); else printf("raw_foo2p != foo2p\n"); #endif printf("\n### Test 12: bare pointer test?\n"); if ( foo1p ) printf("foo1p is not NULL\n"); else printf("foo1p is NULL\n"); printf("\n### Test 13: null pointer test?\n"); if ( foo1p == nullptr ) printf("foo1p is NULL\n"); else printf("foo1p is not NULL\n"); #if 0 if ( foo1p == 1 ) printf("foo1p allowed compare with in\n"); #endif printf("\n### Test 14: how about when two |nsCOMPtr|s referring to the same object go out of scope?\n"); } { printf("\n### Test 15,16 ...setup...\n"); Foo* raw_foo1p = new Foo; raw_foo1p->AddRef(); Foo* raw_foo2p = new Foo; raw_foo2p->AddRef(); printf("\n### Test 15: what if I don't want to |AddRef| when I construct?\n"); RefPtr foo1p( dont_AddRef(raw_foo1p) ); //RefPtr foo1p = dont_AddRef(raw_foo1p); printf("\n### Test 16: what if I don't want to |AddRef| when I assign in?\n"); RefPtr foo2p; foo2p = dont_AddRef(raw_foo2p); } { printf("\n### setup for Test 17\n"); RefPtr foop; printf("### Test 17: basic parameter behavior?\n"); CreateFoo( RefPtrGetterAddRefs(foop) ); } printf("### End Test 17\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 18\n"); RefPtr foop; printf("### Test 18: basic parameter behavior, using the short form?\n"); CreateFoo( getter_AddRefs(foop) ); } printf("### End Test 18\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 19, 20\n"); RefPtr foop; printf("### Test 19: reference parameter behavior?\n"); set_a_Foo(address_of(foop)); printf("### Test 20: return value behavior?\n"); foop = return_a_Foo(); } printf("### End Test 19, 20\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 21\n"); RefPtr fooP; printf("### Test 21: is |QueryInterface| called on assigning in a raw pointer?\n"); fooP = do_QueryObject(new Foo); } printf("### End Test 21\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 22\n"); RefPtr fooP; fooP = do_QueryObject(new Foo); RefPtr foo2P; printf("### Test 22: is |QueryInterface| _not_ called when assigning in a smart-pointer of the same type?\n"); foo2P = fooP; } printf("### End Test 22\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 23\n"); RefPtr barP( do_QueryObject(new Bar) ); printf("### Test 23: is |QueryInterface| called when assigning in a smart-pointer of a different type?\n"); RefPtr fooP( do_QueryObject(barP) ); if ( fooP ) printf("an Bar* is an Foo*\n"); } printf("### End Test 23\n"); { printf("\n### setup for Test 24\n"); RefPtr fooP( do_QueryObject(new Foo) ); printf("### Test 24: does |forget| avoid an AddRef/Release when assigning to another nsCOMPtr?\n"); RefPtr fooP2( fooP.forget() ); } printf("### End Test 24\n"); { RefPtr fooP; AnFooPtrPtrContext( getter_AddRefs(fooP) ); AVoidPtrPtrContext( getter_AddRefs(fooP) ); } { printf("\n### setup for Test 25\n"); RefPtr fooP(new Foo); printf("### Test 25: can you construct an |RefPtr| from an |RefPtr|?\n"); RefPtr constFooP = fooP; printf("### Test 25: can you call a non-const method on an |RefPtr|?\n"); constFooP->ConstMethod(); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to call a non-const method on an |RefPtr|? //constFooP->NonconstMethod(); // [Shouldn't compile] Is it a compile time error to construct an |RefPtr from an |RefPtr|? //RefPtr otherFooP(constFooP); } printf("\n### Test 26: will a static |nsCOMPtr| |Release| before program termination?\n"); gFoop = do_QueryObject(new Foo); { printf("\n### setup for Test 26, 27, 28\n"); RefPtr foop = new Foo; RefPtr foop2 = new Bar; RefPtr foop3 = new ObjectForConstPtr; int test = 1; void (Foo::*fPtr)( int, int*, int& ) = &Foo::MemberFunction; void (Foo::*fVPtr)( int, int*, int& ) = &Foo::VirtualMemberFunction; void (Foo::*fVCPtr)( int, int*, int& ) const = &Foo::VirtualConstMemberFunction; void (ObjectForConstPtr::*fCPtr2)( int, int*, int& ) const = &ObjectForConstPtr::ConstMemberFunction; printf("### Test 26: invoke member function via operator ->*\n"); (foop->*fPtr)(test, &test, test); printf("### End Test 26\n"); printf("### Test 27: invoke virtual / virtual const member function via operator ->*\n"); (foop2->*fVPtr)(test, &test, test); (foop2->*fVCPtr)(test, &test, test); printf("### End Test 27\n"); printf("### Test 28: invoke virtual const member function via RefPtr operator ->*\n"); (foop3->*fCPtr2)(test, &test, test); printf("### End Test 28\n"); } printf("<