/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-services const appinfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime); const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" ); const isParentProcess = appinfo.processType === appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT; /** * L10nRegistry is a localization resource management system for Gecko. * * It manages the list of resource sources provided with the app and allows * for additional sources to be added and updated. * * It's primary purpose is to allow for building an iterator over FluentBundle objects * that will be utilized by a localization API. * * The generator creates all possible permutations of locales and sources to allow for * complete fallbacking. * * Example: * * FileSource1: * name: 'app' * locales: ['en-US', 'de'] * resources: [ * '/browser/menu.ftl', * '/platform/toolkit.ftl', * ] * FileSource2: * name: 'platform' * locales: ['en-US', 'de'] * resources: [ * '/platform/toolkit.ftl', * ] * * If the user will request: * L10nRegistry.generateBundles(['de', 'en-US'], [ * '/browser/menu.ftl', * '/platform/toolkit.ftl' * ]); * * the generator will return an async iterator over the following contexts: * * { * locale: 'de', * resources: [ * ['app', '/browser/menu.ftl'], * ['app', '/platform/toolkit.ftl'], * ] * }, * { * locale: 'de', * resources: [ * ['app', '/browser/menu.ftl'], * ['platform', '/platform/toolkit.ftl'], * ] * }, * { * locale: 'en-US', * resources: [ * ['app', '/browser/menu.ftl'], * ['app', '/platform/toolkit.ftl'], * ] * }, * { * locale: 'en-US', * resources: [ * ['app', '/browser/menu.ftl'], * ['platform', '/platform/toolkit.ftl'], * ] * } * * This allows the localization API to consume the FluentBundle and lazily fallback * on the next in case of a missing string or error. * * If during the life-cycle of the app a new source is added, the generator can be called again * and will produce a new set of permutations placing the language pack provided resources * at the top. * * Notice: L10nRegistry is primarily an asynchronous API, but * it does provide a synchronous version of it's main method * for use by the `Localization` class when in `sync` state. * This API should be only used in very specialized cases and * the uses should be reviewed by the toolkit owner/peer. */ class L10nRegistryService { constructor() { this.sources = new Map(); if (isParentProcess) { const locales = Services.locale.packagedLocales; // Categories are sorted alphabetically, so we name our sources: // - 0-toolkit // - 5-browser // - langpack-{locale} // // This should ensure that they're returned in the correct order. let fileSources = []; for (let {entry, value} of Services.catMan.enumerateCategory("l10n-registry")) { if (!this.hasSource(entry)) { fileSources.push(new FileSource(entry, locales, value)); } } this.registerSources(fileSources); } else { this._setSourcesFromSharedData(); Services.cpmm.sharedData.addEventListener("change", this); } } /** * Empty the sources to mimic shutdown for testing from xpcshell. */ clearSources() { this.sources = new Map(); Services.locale.availableLocales = this.getAvailableLocales(); } handleEvent(event) { if (event.type === "change") { if (event.changedKeys.includes("L10nRegistry:Sources")) { this._setSourcesFromSharedData(); } } } /** * Based on the list of requested languages and resource Ids, * this function returns an lazy iterator over message context permutations. * * Notice: Any changes to this method should be copied * to the `generateBundlesSync` equivalent below. * * @param {Array} requestedLangs * @param {Array} resourceIds * @returns {AsyncIterator} */ async* generateBundles(requestedLangs, resourceIds) { const resourceIdsDedup = Array.from(new Set(resourceIds)); const sourcesOrder = Array.from(this.sources.keys()).reverse(); const pseudoStrategy = Services.prefs.getStringPref("intl.l10n.pseudo", ""); for (const locale of requestedLangs) { for await (const dataSets of generateResourceSetsForLocale(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIdsDedup)) { const bundle = new FluentBundle(locale, { ...MSG_CONTEXT_OPTIONS, pseudoStrategy, }); for (const data of dataSets) { if (data === null) { return; } bundle.addResource(data); } yield bundle; } } } /** * This is a synchronous version of the `generateBundles` * method and should stay completely in sync with it at all * times except of the async/await changes. * * Notice: This method should be avoided at all costs * You can think of it similarly to a synchronous XMLHttpRequest. * * @param {Array} requestedLangs * @param {Array} resourceIds * @returns {Iterator} */ * generateBundlesSync(requestedLangs, resourceIds) { const resourceIdsDedup = Array.from(new Set(resourceIds)); const sourcesOrder = Array.from(this.sources.keys()).reverse(); const pseudoStrategy = Services.prefs.getStringPref("intl.l10n.pseudo", ""); for (const locale of requestedLangs) { for (const dataSets of generateResourceSetsForLocaleSync(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIdsDedup)) { const bundle = new FluentBundle(locale, { ...MSG_CONTEXT_OPTIONS, pseudoStrategy }); for (const data of dataSets) { if (data === null) { return; } bundle.addResource(data); } yield bundle; } } } /** * Check whether a source with the given known is already registered. * * @param {String} sourceName * @returns {boolean} whether or not a source by that name is known. */ hasSource(sourceName) { return this.sources.has(sourceName); } /** * Adds new resource source(s) to the L10nRegistry. * * Notice: Each invocation of this method flushes any changes out to extant * content processes, which is expensive. Please coalesce multiple * registrations into a single sources array and then call this method once. * * @param {Array} sources */ registerSources(sources) { for (const source of sources) { if (this.hasSource(source.name)) { throw new Error(`Source with name "${source.name}" already registered.`); } this.sources.set(source.name, source); } if (isParentProcess && sources.length > 0) { this._synchronizeSharedData(); Services.locale.availableLocales = this.getAvailableLocales(); } } /** * Updates existing sources in the L10nRegistry * * That will usually happen when a new version of a source becomes * available (for example, an updated version of a language pack). * * Notice: Each invocation of this method flushes any changes out to extant * content processes, which is expensive. Please coalesce multiple updates * into a single sources array and then call this method once. * * @param {Array} sources */ updateSources(sources) { for (const source of sources) { if (!this.hasSource(source.name)) { throw new Error(`Source with name "${source.name}" is not registered.`); } this.sources.set(source.name, source); } if (isParentProcess && sources.length > 0) { this._synchronizeSharedData(); Services.locale.availableLocales = this.getAvailableLocales(); } } /** * Removes sources from the L10nRegistry. * * Notice: Each invocation of this method flushes any changes out to extant * content processes, which is expensive. Please coalesce multiple removals * into a single sourceNames array and then call this method once. * * @param {Array} sourceNames */ removeSources(sourceNames) { for (const sourceName of sourceNames) { this.sources.delete(sourceName); } if (isParentProcess && sourceNames.length > 0) { this._synchronizeSharedData(); Services.locale.availableLocales = this.getAvailableLocales(); } } _synchronizeSharedData() { const sources = new Map(); for (const [name, source] of this.sources.entries()) { if (source.indexed) { continue; } sources.set(name, { locales: source.locales, prePath: source.prePath, }); } let sharedData = Services.ppmm.sharedData; sharedData.set("L10nRegistry:Sources", sources); // We must explicitly flush or else flushing won't happen until the main // thread goes idle. sharedData.flush(); } _setSourcesFromSharedData() { let sources = Services.cpmm.sharedData.get("L10nRegistry:Sources"); if (!sources) { console.warn(`[l10nregistry] Failed to fetch sources from shared data.`); return; } let registerSourcesList = []; for (let [name, data] of sources.entries()) { if (!this.hasSource(name)) { const source = new FileSource(name, data.locales, data.prePath); registerSourcesList.push(source); } } this.registerSources(registerSourcesList); let removeSourcesList = []; for (let name of this.sources.keys()) { if (!sources.has(name)) { removeSourcesList.push(name); } } this.removeSources(removeSourcesList); } /** * Returns a list of locales for which at least one source * has resources. * * @returns {Array} */ getAvailableLocales() { const locales = new Set(); for (const source of this.sources.values()) { for (const locale of source.locales) { locales.add(locale); } } return Array.from(locales); } } /** * This function generates an iterator over FluentBundles for a single locale * for a given list of resourceIds for all possible combinations of sources. * * This function is called recursively to generate all possible permutations * and uses the last, optional parameter, to pass the already resolved * sources order. * * Notice: Any changes to this method should be copied * to the `generateResourceSetsForLocaleSync` equivalent below. * * @param {String} locale * @param {Array} sourcesOrder * @param {Array} resourceIds * @param {Array} [resolvedOrder] * @returns {AsyncIterator} */ async function* generateResourceSetsForLocale(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds, resolvedOrder = []) { const resolvedLength = resolvedOrder.length; const resourcesLength = resourceIds.length; // Inside that loop we have a list of resources and the sources for them, like this: // ['test.ftl', 'menu.ftl', 'foo.ftl'] // ['app', 'platform', 'app'] for (const sourceName of sourcesOrder) { const order = resolvedOrder.concat(sourceName); // We want to bail out early if we know that any of // the (res)x(source) combinations in the permutation // are unavailable. // The combination may have been `undefined` when we // stepped into this branch, and now is resolved to // `false`. // // If the combination resolved to `false` is the last // in the resolvedOrder, we want to continue in this // loop, but if it's somewhere in the middle, we can // safely bail from the whole branch. for (let [idx, sourceName] of order.entries()) { const source = L10nRegistry.sources.get(sourceName); if (!source || source.hasFile(locale, resourceIds[idx]) === false) { if (idx === order.length - 1) { continue; } else { return; } } } // If the number of resolved sources equals the number of resources, // create the right context and return it if it loads. if (resolvedLength + 1 === resourcesLength) { let dataSet = await generateResourceSet(locale, order, resourceIds); // Here we check again to see if the newly resolved // resources returned `false` on any position. if (!dataSet.includes(false)) { yield dataSet; } } else if (resolvedLength < resourcesLength) { // otherwise recursively load another generator that walks over the // partially resolved list of sources. yield * generateResourceSetsForLocale(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds, order); } } } /** * This is a synchronous version of the `generateResourceSetsForLocale` * method and should stay completely in sync with it at all * times except of the async/await changes. * * @param {String} locale * @param {Array} sourcesOrder * @param {Array} resourceIds * @param {Array} [resolvedOrder] * @returns {Iterator} */ function* generateResourceSetsForLocaleSync(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds, resolvedOrder = []) { const resolvedLength = resolvedOrder.length; const resourcesLength = resourceIds.length; // Inside that loop we have a list of resources and the sources for them, like this: // ['test.ftl', 'menu.ftl', 'foo.ftl'] // ['app', 'platform', 'app'] for (const sourceName of sourcesOrder) { const order = resolvedOrder.concat(sourceName); // We want to bail out early if we know that any of // the (res)x(source) combinations in the permutation // are unavailable. // The combination may have been `undefined` when we // stepped into this branch, and now is resolved to // `false`. // // If the combination resolved to `false` is the last // in the resolvedOrder, we want to continue in this // loop, but if it's somewhere in the middle, we can // safely bail from the whole branch. for (let [idx, sourceName] of order.entries()) { const source = L10nRegistry.sources.get(sourceName); if (!source || source.hasFile(locale, resourceIds[idx]) === false) { if (idx === order.length - 1) { continue; } else { return; } } } // If the number of resolved sources equals the number of resources, // create the right context and return it if it loads. if (resolvedLength + 1 === resourcesLength) { let dataSet = generateResourceSetSync(locale, order, resourceIds); // Here we check again to see if the newly resolved // resources returned `false` on any position. if (!dataSet.includes(false)) { yield dataSet; } } else if (resolvedLength < resourcesLength) { // otherwise recursively load another generator that walks over the // partially resolved list of sources. yield * generateResourceSetsForLocaleSync(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds, order); } } } const MSG_CONTEXT_OPTIONS = { // Temporarily disable bidi isolation due to Microsoft not supporting FSI/PDI. // See bug 1439018 for details. useIsolating: Services.prefs.getBoolPref("intl.l10n.enable-bidi-marks", false), }; /** * Generates a single FluentBundle by loading all resources * from the listed sources for a given locale. * * The function casts all error cases into a Promise that resolves with * value `null`. * This allows the caller to be an async generator without using * try/catch clauses. * * Notice: Any changes to this method should be copied * to the `generateResourceSetSync` equivalent below. * * @param {String} locale * @param {Array} sourcesOrder * @param {Array} resourceIds * @returns {Promise} */ function generateResourceSet(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds) { return Promise.all(resourceIds.map((resourceId, i) => { const source = L10nRegistry.sources.get(sourcesOrder[i]); if (!source) { return false; } return source.fetchFile(locale, resourceId); })); } /** * This is a synchronous version of the `generateResourceSet` * method and should stay completely in sync with it at all * times except of the async/await changes. * * @param {String} locale * @param {Array} sourcesOrder * @param {Array} resourceIds * @returns {FluentBundle} */ function generateResourceSetSync(locale, sourcesOrder, resourceIds) { return resourceIds.map((resourceId, i) => { const source = L10nRegistry.sources.get(sourcesOrder[i]); if (!source) { return false; } return source.fetchFile(locale, resourceId, {sync: true}); }); } /** * This is a basic Source for L10nRegistry. * It registers its own locales and a pre-path, and when asked for a file * it attempts to download and cache it. * * The Source caches the downloaded files so any consecutive loads will * come from the cache. **/ class FileSource { /** * @param {string} name * @param {Array} locales * @param {string} prePath * * @returns {FileSource} */ constructor(name, locales, prePath) { this.name = name; this.locales = locales; this.prePath = prePath; this.indexed = false; // The cache object stores information about the resources available // in the Source. // // It can take one of three states: // * true - the resource is available but not fetched yet // * false - the resource is not available // * Promise - the resource has been fetched // // If the cache has no entry for a given path, that means that there // is no information available about whether the resource is available. // // If the `indexed` property is set to `true` it will be treated as the // resource not being available. Otherwise, the resource may be // available and we do not have any information about it yet. this.cache = {}; } getPath(locale, path) { // This is a special case for the only not BCP47-conformant locale // code we have resources for. if (locale === "ja-JP-macos") { locale = "ja-JP-mac"; } return (this.prePath + path).replace(/\{locale\}/g, locale); } hasFile(locale, path) { if (!this.locales.includes(locale)) { return false; } const fullPath = this.getPath(locale, path); if (!this.cache.hasOwnProperty(fullPath)) { return this.indexed ? false : undefined; } if (this.cache[fullPath] === false) { return false; } if (this.cache[fullPath].then) { return undefined; } return true; } fetchFile(locale, path, options = {sync: false}) { if (!this.locales.includes(locale)) { return false; } const fullPath = this.getPath(locale, path); if (this.cache.hasOwnProperty(fullPath)) { if (this.cache[fullPath] === false) { return false; } // `true` means that the file is indexed, but hasn't // been fetched yet. if (this.cache[fullPath] !== true) { if (this.cache[fullPath] instanceof Promise && options.sync) { console.warn(`[l10nregistry] Attempting to synchronously load file ${fullPath} while it's being loaded asynchronously.`); } else { return this.cache[fullPath]; } } } else if (this.indexed) { return false; } if (options.sync) { let data = L10nRegistry.loadSync(fullPath); if (data === false) { this.cache[fullPath] = false; } else { this.cache[fullPath] = new FluentResource(data); } return this.cache[fullPath]; } // async return this.cache[fullPath] = L10nRegistry.load(fullPath).then( data => { return this.cache[fullPath] = new FluentResource(data); }, err => { this.cache[fullPath] = false; return false; } ); } } /** * This is an extension of the FileSource which should be used * for sources that can provide the list of files available in the source. * * This allows for a faster lookup in cases where the source does not * contain most of the files that the app will request for (e.g. an addon). **/ class IndexedFileSource extends FileSource { /** * @param {string} name * @param {Array} locales * @param {string} prePath * @param {Array} paths * * @returns {IndexedFileSource} */ constructor(name, locales, prePath, paths) { super(name, locales, prePath); this.indexed = true; for (const path of paths) { this.cache[path] = true; } } } this.L10nRegistry = new L10nRegistryService(); /** * The low level wrapper around Fetch API. It unifies the error scenarios to * always produce a promise rejection. * * We keep it as a method to make it easier to override for testing purposes. * * @param {string} url * * @returns {Promise} */ L10nRegistry.load = function(url) { return fetch(url).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(response.statusText); } return response.text(); }); }; /** * This is a synchronous version of the `load` * function and should stay completely in sync with it at all * times except of the async/await changes. * * Notice: Any changes to this method should be copied * to the `generateResourceSetSync` equivalent below. * * @param {string} url * * @returns {string} */ L10nRegistry.loadSync = function(uri) { try { let url = Services.io.newURI(uri); let data = Cu.readUTF8URI(url); return data; } catch (e) { if ( e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG || e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED ) { try { // The preloader doesn't support this url or isn't initialized // (xpcshell test). Try a synchronous channel load. let stream = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true, }).open(); return NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available(), { charset: "UTF-8", }); } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { Cu.reportError(e); } } } else if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { Cu.reportError(e); } } return false; }; this.FileSource = FileSource; this.IndexedFileSource = IndexedFileSource; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["L10nRegistry", "FileSource", "IndexedFileSource"];