/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ // WizardUI.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "WizardMachine.h" #include "fstream.h" //#include "ImageDialog.h" #include "ImgDlg.h" #include "SumDlg.h" #include "NavText.h" #include "NewDialog.h" #include "NewConfigDialog.h" #include "ProgDlgThread.h" #include // The following is included to make // the browse for a dir code compile #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWizardUI property page extern CWizardMachineApp theApp; extern NODE *CurrentNode; extern HBITMAP hBitmap; extern CString Path; extern char iniFilePath[MAX_SIZE]; extern BOOL inNext; extern BOOL inPrev; extern NODE* WizardTree; extern WIDGET GlobalWidgetArray[1000]; extern int GlobalArrayIndex; extern char currDirPath[MAX_SIZE]; extern char customizationPath[MAX_SIZE]; extern _declspec (dllimport) WIDGET ptr_ga[1000]; CCriticalSection nextSyncCodeSegment; CCriticalSection prevSyncCodeSegment; CSingleLock nextLock(&nextSyncCodeSegment); CSingleLock prevLock(&prevSyncCodeSegment); BOOL isBuildInstaller; BOOL isCDLayoutCreated; //extern CProgDialog myProgDialog; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CWizardUI, CPropertyPage) CWizardUI::CWizardUI() : CPropertyPage(CWizardUI::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CWizardUI) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } CWizardUI::~CWizardUI() { } void CWizardUI::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CWizardUI) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWizardUI, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWizardUI) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() ON_WM_CTLCOLOR() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWizardUI message handlers BOOL CWizardUI::OnSetActive() { if (!(CurrentNode->isWidgetsSorted)) { SortWidgetsForTabOrder(); } CreateControls(); DisplayControls(); CPropSheet* pSheet = (CPropSheet*) GetParent(); ASSERT_VALID(pSheet); if (CurrentNode->localVars->functionality == "BuildInstallers") { pSheet->GetDlgItem(ID_WIZNEXT)->SetWindowText("Build &Installers"); isBuildInstaller = TRUE; } else { isBuildInstaller = FALSE; pSheet->GetDlgItem(ID_WIZNEXT)->SetWindowText("&Next >"); } if (theApp.IsLastNode(CurrentNode)) { pSheet->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH); } else if (theApp.IsFirstNode(CurrentNode)) { pSheet->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_NEXT); } else { pSheet->SetWizardButtons(PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT); } // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class // SetModified(1); return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); } BOOL CWizardUI::OnKillActive() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); } LRESULT CWizardUI::OnWizardBack() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class if (!prevLock.IsLocked()) { prevLock.Lock(); UpdateGlobals(); DestroyCurrentScreenWidgets(); theApp.GoToPrevNode(); prevLock.Unlock(); } return CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack(); } LRESULT CWizardUI::OnWizardNext() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class if (!nextLock.IsLocked()) { nextLock.Lock(); if (isBuildInstaller) { isCDLayoutCreated = FALSE; /** VERIFY(hModule = ::LoadLibrary("IBEngine.dll")); VERIFY( pMyDllPath = (MYDLLPATH*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "SetPath") ); (*pMyDllPath)((char*)(LPCTSTR)Path); LoadGlobals(); VERIFY( pMyFunction = (MYFUNCTION*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "BuildInstallers") ); (*pMyFunction)(); **/ MessageBox("CD Image would be created", "OK", MB_OK); isBuildInstaller = FALSE; } UpdateGlobals(); DestroyCurrentScreenWidgets(); theApp.GoToNextNode(); nextLock.Unlock(); } return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); } void CWizardUI::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); //dc(this); // device context for painting // TODO: Add your message handler code here CRect rect(0, 0, 4, 8); MapDialogRect(&rect); int baseWidth = rect.Width(); int baseHeight = rect.Height(); if (containsImage) { CClientDC cdc(this); HBITMAP hbmpOld; CDC dcMem; dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(&cdc); if (CurrentNode) { for(int i=0; i < CurrentNode->numImages; i++) { hbmpOld = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(dcMem, CurrentNode->images[i]->hBitmap); dc.BitBlt((int)((float)(CurrentNode->images[i]->location.x) * (float)baseWidth / 4.0), (int)((float)(CurrentNode->images[i]->location.y) * (float)baseHeight / 8.0), (int)((float)(CurrentNode->images[i]->size.width) * (float)baseWidth / 4.0), (int)((float)(CurrentNode->images[i]->size.height) * (float)baseHeight / 8.0), &dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } } } // Do not call CPropertyPage::OnPaint() for painting messages } BOOL CWizardUI::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { for(int i=0; i < CurrentNode->numWidgets; i++) { WIDGET* curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i]; if (curWidget->widgetID == (int)wParam) { if (curWidget->action.dll == "NULL") { if (curWidget->action.function == "command") { UpdateGlobals(); char params[MAX_SIZE]; CString function; strcpy(params, curWidget->action.parameters); CString orgParams = CString(params); CString setBack; int numCommands=0; char target[MID_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char baseCommand[MID_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char *args[MAX_SIZE]; BOOL informAct = FALSE; char *commands[MIN_SIZE]; commands[0] = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, MAX_SIZE * sizeof(char)); commands[0] = strtok(params, ";"); setBack = CString(commands[0]); int i=0; while (commands[i]) { i++; commands[i] = strtok(NULL, ";"); if (commands[i]) { setBack += ";" + CString(commands[i]); if(!(strcmp(commands[i], "inform"))) { informAct = TRUE; } } } strcpy(curWidget->action.parameters, (char *) (LPCTSTR) setBack); numCommands = i; if (curWidget->target != "") { strcpy(target, curWidget->target); } WIDGET* tmpWidget = theApp.findWidget((char*) (LPCTSTR)curWidget->target); CString tmpFunction = tmpWidget->action.function; CString tmpParams = CString(tmpWidget->action.parameters); char localPath[MAX_SIZE] = {'\0'}; if (strrchr(tmpParams,'\\')) { strncpy(localPath, tmpParams, strlen(tmpParams) - strlen(strrchr(tmpParams,'\\'))); } char *commandList[MIN_SIZE]; int commandListLength = 0; BOOL abortProcessing = FALSE; BOOL newEntry = FALSE; BOOL commandBuilt = FALSE; CString entryName; for (int j=0; j < numCommands; j++) { commandListLength = 0; if (!abortProcessing) { int numArgs = 0; int x=0; args[x] = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, MAX_SIZE * sizeof(char)); args[x] = strtok((char *)(LPCTSTR) commands[j], " "); commandList[commandListLength] = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, MAX_SIZE * sizeof(char)); while (args[x]) { x++; args[x] = strtok(NULL, " "); if (args[x]) { setBack += " " + CString(args[x]); } } numArgs = x; if ((strstr(args[0], "ConfigDialog"))) { CNewDialog newDlg; newDlg.DoModal(); entryName = newDlg.GetData(); newEntry = TRUE; } if (newEntry && entryName == "") { abortProcessing = TRUE; } else { if (!newEntry) { for (int k=0; k < numArgs; k++) { if (!(strstr(args[k], "%"))) { if (!commandBuilt) { strcpy(commandList[commandListLength], args[k]); } else { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], args[k]); } strcat(commandList[commandListLength]," "); commandBuilt = TRUE; } else { args[k]++; args[k][strlen(args[k])-1] = '\0'; WIDGET* aWidget = theApp.findWidget(args[k]); if (aWidget) { if (aWidget->type == "ListBox") { CString valueSet = aWidget->value; char *values[MIN_SIZE]; int numValues=0; values[numValues] = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, MAX_SIZE * sizeof(char)); values[numValues] = strtok((char *)(LPCTSTR)valueSet, ","); while (values[numValues]) { numValues++; values[numValues] = strtok(NULL, ","); } if (strstr(commandList[0]," ")) { strncpy(baseCommand, commandList[0], strlen(commandList[0]) - (strlen(strstr(commandList[0]," "))) ); strcat(baseCommand, " "); } for (int index=0; index < numValues; index++) { char valueBuffer[MAX_SIZE] = {'\0'}; ((CListBox*)aWidget->control)->GetText(atoi(values[index]), valueBuffer); if (index >0) { commandList[commandListLength] = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, MAX_SIZE * sizeof(char)); strcpy(commandList[commandListLength], baseCommand); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], currDirPath); if (localPath) { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], localPath); } strcat(commandList[commandListLength], "\\"); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], valueBuffer); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], " "); commandListLength++; } else { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], currDirPath); if (localPath) { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], localPath); } strcat(commandList[commandListLength], "\\"); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], valueBuffer); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], " "); if (k+1 == numArgs) { commandListLength++; } } } } else { strcpy(commandList[commandListLength], (char *) (LPCTSTR) aWidget->value); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], " "); if (k+1 == numArgs) { commandListLength++; } } } else if (CString(args[k]) == "newEntry") { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], currDirPath); if (localPath) { strcat(commandList[commandListLength], localPath); } strcat(commandList[commandListLength], "\\"); strcat(commandList[commandListLength], (char *) (LPCTSTR) entryName); if (k+1 == numArgs) { commandListLength++; } } } } } } } newEntry = FALSE; for (int listNum =0; listNum < commandListLength; listNum++) { system(commandList[listNum]); } theApp.GenerateList(tmpFunction, tmpWidget, tmpParams); } if (informAct) { CWnd myWnd; char infoPath[MAX_SIZE] = {'\0'}; strcpy(infoPath, currDirPath); if (localPath) { strcat(infoPath, localPath); } if (entryName != "") { myWnd.MessageBox( entryName + " is saved in " + CString(infoPath), "Information", MB_OK); } } } else if (curWidget->action.function == "DisplayImage") { // This is to dsiplay an image in a separate dialog CImgDlg imgDlg(curWidget->action.parameters); int retVal = imgDlg.DoModal(); } else if (curWidget->action.function == "ShowSum") { // This is to see if this works // CWnd Mywnd; // Mywnd.MessageBox("hello","hello",MB_OK); CSumDlg sumdlg; int retVal = sumdlg.DoModal(); } else if (curWidget->action.function == "BrowseFile") { // This is to browse to a file CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, NULL, NULL); int retVal = fileDlg.DoModal(); CString fullFileName = fileDlg.GetPathName(); WIDGET* editWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i-1]; ((CEdit*)editWidget->control)->SetWindowText(fullFileName); } else if (curWidget->action.function == "BrowseDir") { // The following code is used to browse to a dir // CFileDialog does not allow this BROWSEINFO bi; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; char szTitle[] = "Select Directory"; bi.hwndOwner = AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = (char*)malloc(MAX_PATH); bi.lpszTitle = szTitle; // Enable this line to browse for a directory bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; // Enable this line to browse for a computer bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.lParam = NULL; LPITEMIDLIST pidl= SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); if(pidl != NULL) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl,szPath); if( bi.ulFlags & BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER ) { // bi.pszDisplayName variable contains the computer name } else if( bi.ulFlags & BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS ) { // szPath variable contains the path WIDGET* editWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i-1]; ((CEdit*)editWidget->control)->SetWindowText(szPath); } } free( bi.pszDisplayName ); } else if (curWidget->action.function == "NewConfig") { CNewConfigDialog newDlg; newDlg.DoModal(); CString configField = newDlg.GetConfigName(); CString newDir = CString(customizationPath); newDir += configField; _mkdir(newDir); /** char srcCache[250]; char destCache[250]; strcpy(srcCache, Path); strcat(srcCache, "cck.che"); strcpy(destCache, newDir); strcat(destCache, "\\cck.che"); CopyFile(srcCache, destCache, FALSE); **/ WIDGET* tmpWidget = theApp.findWidget((char*) (LPCTSTR)curWidget->target); CString tmpFunction = tmpWidget->action.function; CString params = CString(tmpWidget->action.parameters); theApp.GenerateList(tmpFunction, tmpWidget, params); ((CComboBox*)tmpWidget->control)->SelectString(0, configField); // remembering the widget name for subsequent .che file operations //customizationWidgetName = tmpWidget->name; } else if ((curWidget->action.function == "SortByName") || (curWidget->action.function == "SortByPhone")) { WIDGET* listWidget = theApp.findWidget("AcctSetupListBox"); int count = ((CListBox*)(listWidget->control))->GetCount(); char* items[MAX_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { items[i] = new char[MAX_SIZE]; ((CListBox*)(listWidget->control))->GetText(i, items[i]); } int x = 0; int y = 0; if (curWidget->action.function == "SortByName") { int ch = '.'; char* pDest; int result; CString str1; CString str2; CString tmpStr; for (x = count-1; x >= 0; x--) { BOOL flipped = FALSE; for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { // number 1 pDest = strchr(items[y], ch); result = pDest - items[y] + 1; tmpStr = items[y]; str1 = tmpStr.Left(result); // number 2 pDest = strchr(items[y+1], ch); result = pDest - items[y+1] + 1; tmpStr = items[y+1]; str2 = tmpStr.Left(result); if (str1 > str2) { char tmpItem[MAX_SIZE]; strcpy(tmpItem, items[y]); strcpy(items[y], items[y+1]); strcpy(items[y+1], tmpItem); flipped = TRUE; } } if (!flipped) { break; } } } if (curWidget->action.function == "SortByPhone") { char* s1 = new char[MAX_SIZE]; char* s2 = new char[MAX_SIZE]; for (x = count-1; x >= 0; x--) { BOOL flipped = FALSE; for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { // number 1 s1 = strstr(items[y], "("); // number 2 s2 = strstr(items[y+1], "("); if (CString(s1) > CString(s2)) { char tmpItem[MAX_SIZE]; strcpy(tmpItem, items[y]); strcpy(items[y], items[y+1]); strcpy(items[y+1], tmpItem); flipped = TRUE; } } if (!flipped) { break; } } } ((CListBox*)(listWidget->control))->ResetContent(); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { ((CListBox*)(listWidget->control))->AddString(CString(items[k])); } } } else { /** CProgressDialog progressDlg(this); progressDlg.Create(IDD_PROGRESS_DLG); CProgressDialog *pProgressDlg = &progressDlg; //CRuntimeClass *pProgDlgThread = RUNTIME_CLASS(CProgDlgThread); //This is the multi-threading stuff for the progress dialog //AfxBeginThread(pProgDlgThread); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressText.SetWindowText("Creating a CD Layout..."); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.SetPos(0); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.SetRange(0,4); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.SetStep(1); if (curWidget->action.dll == "IBEngine.dll") { VERIFY(hModule = ::LoadLibrary("IBEngine.dll")); VERIFY( pMyDllPath = (MYDLLPATH*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "SetPath") ); (*pMyDllPath)((char*)(LPCTSTR)Path); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressText.SetWindowText("Loading Globals..."); LoadGlobals(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.StepIt(); pProgressDlg->UpdateWindow(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressText.SetWindowText("Reading files..."); ReadIniFile(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.StepIt(); pProgressDlg->UpdateWindow(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressText.SetWindowText("Merging files..."); MergeFiles(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.StepIt(); pProgressDlg->UpdateWindow(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressText.SetWindowText("Creating CD Layout..."); CreateMedia(); pProgressDlg->m_ProgressBar.StepIt(); pProgressDlg->UpdateWindow(); MessageBox("CD Directory created", "OK", MB_OK); } **/ } break; } } return CPropertyPage::OnCommand(wParam, lParam); } void CWizardUI::SortWidgetsForTabOrder() { // Sort on y-coordinate int x = 0; int y = 0; int count = CurrentNode->numWidgets; for (x = count-1; x >= 0; x--) { BOOL flipped = FALSE; for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { WIDGET* widgetOne = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y]; WIDGET* widgetTwo = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y+1]; if (widgetOne->location.y > widgetTwo->location.y) { WIDGET* T = widgetOne; CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y] = widgetTwo; CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y+1] = T; flipped = TRUE; } } if (!flipped) { break; } } // Sort on x-coordinate x = 0; y = 0; for (x = count-1; x >= 0; x--) { BOOL flipped = FALSE; for (int y = 0; y < x; y++) { WIDGET* widgetOne = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y]; WIDGET* widgetTwo = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y+1]; if (widgetOne->location.y == widgetTwo->location.y) { if (widgetOne->location.x > widgetTwo->location.x) { WIDGET* T = widgetOne; CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y] = widgetTwo; CurrentNode->pageWidgets[y+1] = T; flipped = TRUE; } } } if (!flipped) { break; } } CurrentNode->isWidgetsSorted = TRUE; } void CWizardUI::CreateControls() { m_pFont = new CFont; m_pFont->CreateFont(8, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE, "MS Sans Serif"); m_pNavFont = new CFont; m_pNavFont->CreateFont(8, 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE, "MS Sans Serif"); //End Font Logic Start iniFile logic containsImage = FALSE; if (CurrentNode->numImages > 0) { containsImage = TRUE; } m_pControlCount = CurrentNode->numWidgets; for (int x = 0; x < m_pControlCount; x++) { WIDGET* curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[x]; CString widgetType = curWidget->type; int s_x = curWidget->location.x; int s_y = curWidget->location.y; int s_width = curWidget->size.width; int s_height = curWidget->size.height; int ID = curWidget->widgetID; CRect tmpRect = CRect(s_x, s_y, (s_x + s_width), (s_y + s_height)); if (widgetType == "Text") { curWidget->control = new CStatic; ((CStatic*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->value, SS_LEFT, tmpRect, this, ID); } else if (widgetType == "Navigation Text") { curWidget->control = new CNavText; ((CNavText*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->value, SS_LEFT, tmpRect, this, ID); } else if (widgetType == "EditBox") { curWidget->control = new CEdit; ((CEdit*)curWidget->control)->CreateEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, _T("EDIT"), NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER, curWidget->location.x, curWidget->location.y, curWidget->size.width, curWidget->size.height, m_hWnd, 0, 0 ); ((CEdit*)curWidget->control)->SetWindowText(curWidget->value); } else if (widgetType == "Button") { curWidget->control = new CButton; ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->value, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); } else if (widgetType == "RadioButton") { curWidget->control = new CButton; ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->title, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); //char* widgetName = new char[sizeof(curWidget->name)]; char widgetName[MID_SIZE]; strcpy(widgetName, curWidget->name); CString theVal = theApp.GetGlobal(curWidget->group); //int newLineIndex = theVal.ReverseFind('\n'); //if (newLineIndex > -1) //theVal.SetAt(newLineIndex, '\0'); theVal.TrimRight(); CString allOptions; CString setBack; allOptions = theApp.GetGlobalOptions(curWidget->group); char* options[MAX_SIZE]; int numOfOptions = 0; char* s = new char[MAX_SIZE]; s = strtok((char *) (LPCTSTR) allOptions, ","); if (s) { setBack = CString(s); } while (s) { setBack = setBack + ","; options[numOfOptions] = new char[MAX_SIZE]; strcpy(options[numOfOptions], s); s = strtok( NULL, "," ); numOfOptions++; if (s) { setBack = setBack + CString(s); } } int index = atoi((char *)(LPCTSTR)theVal); index--; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } if (setBack != "") { setBack.SetAt(setBack.GetLength()-1, '\0'); } WIDGET* rWidget = theApp.findWidget((char *) (LPCTSTR) curWidget->group); rWidget->items = setBack; int tmpVal = atoi((char *)(LPCTSTR)theVal)-1; if (tmpVal < 0) { tmpVal = 0; } if (strcmp(options[tmpVal], widgetName) == 0) { ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->SetCheck(1); } else { ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->SetCheck(0); } } else if (widgetType == "CheckBox") { curWidget->control = new CButton; ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->title, BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->SetCheck(atoi(curWidget->value)); } else if (widgetType == "ListBox") { curWidget->control = new CListBox; ((CListBox*)curWidget->control)->Create(LBS_STANDARD | LBS_MULTIPLESEL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); ((CListBox*)curWidget->control)->ModifyStyleEx(NULL, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, 0); if (curWidget->action.function == "GenerateFileList" || curWidget->action.function == "GenerateDirList") { CString ext = CString(curWidget->action.parameters); theApp.GenerateList(curWidget->action.function, curWidget, ext); } else { for (int i = 0; i < curWidget->numOfOptions; i++) { if (curWidget->options.value[i]) { ((CListBox*)curWidget->control)->AddString(curWidget->options.value[i]); } } } char* selectedItems; selectedItems = (char *) GlobalAlloc(0, 20 * sizeof(char)); strcpy(selectedItems, (char *) (LPCTSTR) curWidget->value); char* options[MIN_SIZE]; int numOfOptions = 0; char* s = new char[MAX_SIZE]; s = strtok(selectedItems, ","); while (s) { options[numOfOptions] = new char[MID_SIZE]; strcpy(options[numOfOptions], s); s = strtok( NULL, "," ); numOfOptions++; } for (int j=0; j < numOfOptions; j++) ((CListBox*)curWidget->control)->SetSel(atoi(options[j]), TRUE); } else if (widgetType == "ComboBox") { curWidget->control = new CComboBox; ((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->Create(CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); if (curWidget->action.function == "GenerateFileList" || curWidget->action.function == "GenerateDirList") { CString ext = CString(curWidget->action.parameters); theApp.GenerateList(curWidget->action.function, curWidget, ext); } else { for (int i = 0; i < curWidget->numOfOptions; i++) { if (curWidget->options.value[i]) { ((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->AddString(curWidget->options.value[i]); } } } //((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->SelectString(0, selectedCustomization); } else if (widgetType == "GroupBox") { curWidget->control = new CButton; ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->Create(curWidget->value, BS_GROUPBOX, tmpRect, this, ID); } else if (widgetType == "ProgressBar") { curWidget->control = new CProgressCtrl; ((CProgressCtrl*)curWidget->control)->Create(WS_TABSTOP, tmpRect, this, ID); } // Set the font of the widget and increment the dynamically assigned ID value if ((curWidget->description == "Navigation Status") || (curWidget->description == "Current Page")) { curWidget->control->SetFont(m_pNavFont); } else if (curWidget->control) { curWidget->control->SetFont(m_pFont); } } } void CWizardUI::DisplayControls() { CRect rect(0, 0, 4, 8); MapDialogRect(&rect); int baseWidth = rect.Width(); int baseHeight = rect.Height(); extern NODE *CurrentNode; WIDGET* curWidget; for (int i = m_pControlCount-1; i >= 0; i--) { curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i]; if (curWidget->control) { curWidget->control->SetWindowPos( &wndTop, (int)((float)(curWidget->location.x) * (float)baseWidth / 4.0), (int)((float)(curWidget->location.y) * (float)baseHeight / 8.0), (int)((float)(curWidget->size.width) * (float)baseWidth / 4.0), (int)((float)(curWidget->size.height) * (float)baseHeight / 8.0), SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } } } void CWizardUI::DestroyCurrentScreenWidgets() { WIDGET* curWidget; for (int i = 0; i < m_pControlCount; i++) { curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i]; if (curWidget->control) BOOL retFalg = curWidget->control->DestroyWindow(); } } void CWizardUI::UpdateGlobals() { UpdateData(TRUE); WIDGET* curWidget; CString widgetType; for (int i = 0; i < m_pControlCount; i++) { curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i]; widgetType = curWidget->type; if (widgetType == "CheckBox") { int state = ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->GetState(); char temp[MIN_SIZE]; itoa(state, temp, 10); curWidget->value = CString(temp); } if (widgetType == "RadioButton") { int state = ((CButton*)curWidget->control)->GetState(); CString allOptions; CString setBack; WIDGET* rWidget = theApp.findWidget((char *) (LPCTSTR) curWidget->group); allOptions = rWidget->items; char* options[MAX_SIZE]; int numOfOptions = 0; char* s = new char[MAX_SIZE]; s = strtok((char *) (LPCTSTR) allOptions, ","); if (curWidget->name == CString(s) && state == 1) { rWidget->value = "1"; } if (s) { setBack = CString(s); } int i=1; while (s) { i++; setBack = setBack + ","; options[numOfOptions] = new char[MID_SIZE]; strcpy(options[numOfOptions], s); s = strtok( NULL, "," ); if (s) { setBack = setBack + CString(s); } char temp[MIN_SIZE]; itoa(i, temp, 10); if (curWidget->name == CString(s) && state == 1) { rWidget->value = CString(temp); } numOfOptions++; } setBack.SetAt(setBack.GetLength()-1, '\0'); rWidget->items = setBack; } if (widgetType == "EditBox") { char myLine[MAX_SIZE]; curWidget->control->GetWindowText(myLine, 250); CString line = (CString)myLine; curWidget->value = line; } if (widgetType == "ListBox") { LPINT choices; choices = (int *) GlobalAlloc(0, 10 * sizeof(LPINT)); ((CListBox *)curWidget->control)->GetSelItems(10, choices); int count; count = (((CListBox *)curWidget->control))->GetSelCount(); CString valStr; for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { char temp[10]; itoa(choices[i], temp, 10); CString tmpStr = CString(temp); valStr = valStr + tmpStr; if ( i+1 < count) valStr = valStr + ","; } curWidget->value = valStr; } if (widgetType == "ComboBox") { /** curWidget = CurrentNode->pageWidgets[i]; int selectedIndex = ((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->GetCurSel(); char tmpStr[MIN_SIZE]; itoa(selectedIndex, tmpStr, 10); curWidget->value = tmpStr; int selIndex = ((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->GetCurSel(); ((CComboBox*)curWidget->control)->GetLBText(selIndex, (char *)(LPCTSTR) selectedCustomization); theApp.FillGlobalWidgetArray(); **/ /** if (selectedCustomization != "") { FILE *custFile; custFile = fopen(topLevelCacheFileName, "w"); fprintf(custFile, "[CCK]\n"); fprintf(custFile, "val="); fprintf(custFile, "%s", (char *)(LPCTSTR)selectedCustomization); fclose(custFile); theApp.FillGlobalWidgetArray((char *)(LPCTSTR)selectedCustomization); } **/ } } } void CWizardUI::LoadGlobals() { VERIFY(hGlobal = ::LoadLibrary("GlobalApi.dll")); VERIFY( pMySetGlobal = (MYSETGLOBAL*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hGlobal, "SetGlobal") ); //CString animatedLogo = theApp.GetGlobal("AnimatedLogoURL"); (*pMySetGlobal)("Platform", "32"); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom Inbox Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\inbox")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Overwrite CFG", "YES"); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom Readme Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\readme.txt")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom License Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\license.txt")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom CFG Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\netscape.cfg")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom Bookmark Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\bookmark.htm")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Custom Addressbook Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\defaults\\pab.na2")); (*pMySetGlobal)("Install Splash Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"IBDemo\\source\\setup.bmp")); // The command line specifies the output path // If it is NULL, set a default output path UpdateData(TRUE); (*pMySetGlobal)("Output Path", (char*)(LPCTSTR)(Path+"Output")); } void CWizardUI::ReadIniFile() { // TODO: Add extra validation here VERIFY( pMyFunction = (MYFUNCTION*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "ReadMyFile") ); (*pMyFunction)(); } void CWizardUI::MergeFiles() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here VERIFY( pMyFunction = (MYFUNCTION*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "MergeFiles") ); (*pMyFunction)(); } void CWizardUI::CreateMedia() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here VERIFY( pMyFunction = (MYFUNCTION*)::GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) hModule, "CreateMedia") ); (*pMyFunction)(); } void CWizardUI::ExitDemo() { // TODO: Add extra cleanup here FreeLibrary(hModule); FreeLibrary(hGlobal); } BOOL CWizardUI::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return 1; } HBRUSH CWizardUI::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) { HBRUSH hbr = CPropertyPage::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor); // TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired return hbr; } BOOL CWizardUI::OnWizardFinish() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class UpdateGlobals(); return CPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish(); } BOOL CWizardUI::OnApply() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class return CPropertyPage::OnApply(); }