/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ include protocol PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFile; include protocol PBackgroundMutableFile; include protocol PChildToParentStream; // FIXME: bug 792908 include protocol PFileDescriptorSet; // FIXME: bug 792908 include protocol PIPCBlobInputStream; // FIXME: bug 792908 include protocol PParentToChildStream; // FIXME: bug 792908 include DOMTypes; include IPCBlob; include ProtocolTypes; include "mozilla/dom/indexedDB/SerializationHelpers.h"; include "mozilla/dom/quota/SerializationHelpers.h"; using struct mozilla::null_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h"; using struct mozilla::void_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h"; using mozilla::dom::IDBCursor::Direction from "mozilla/dom/IDBCursor.h"; using mozilla::dom::indexedDB::StructuredCloneFile::FileType from "mozilla/dom/IndexedDatabase.h"; using class mozilla::dom::indexedDB::Key from "mozilla/dom/indexedDB/Key.h"; using class mozilla::dom::indexedDB::KeyPath from "mozilla/dom/indexedDB/KeyPath.h"; using mozilla::dom::quota::PersistenceType from "mozilla/dom/quota/PersistenceType.h"; using mozilla::SerializedStructuredCloneBuffer from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h"; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { namespace indexedDB { struct SerializedKeyRange { Key lower; Key upper; bool lowerOpen; bool upperOpen; bool isOnly; }; union BlobOrMutableFile { null_t; IPCBlob; PBackgroundMutableFile; }; struct SerializedStructuredCloneFile { BlobOrMutableFile file; FileType type; }; struct SerializedStructuredCloneReadInfo { SerializedStructuredCloneBuffer data; SerializedStructuredCloneFile[] files; bool hasPreprocessInfo; }; struct SerializedStructuredCloneWriteInfo { SerializedStructuredCloneBuffer data; uint64_t offsetToKeyProp; }; struct IndexUpdateInfo { int64_t indexId; Key value; Key localizedValue; }; union OptionalKeyRange { SerializedKeyRange; void_t; }; struct DatabaseMetadata { nsString name; uint64_t version; PersistenceType persistenceType; }; struct ObjectStoreMetadata { int64_t id; nsString name; KeyPath keyPath; bool autoIncrement; }; struct IndexMetadata { int64_t id; nsString name; KeyPath keyPath; nsCString locale; bool unique; bool multiEntry; bool autoLocale; }; struct DatabaseSpec { DatabaseMetadata metadata; ObjectStoreSpec[] objectStores; }; struct ObjectStoreSpec { ObjectStoreMetadata metadata; IndexMetadata[] indexes; }; struct ObjectStoreOpenCursorParams { int64_t objectStoreId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; Direction direction; }; struct ObjectStoreOpenKeyCursorParams { int64_t objectStoreId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; Direction direction; }; struct IndexOpenCursorParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; Direction direction; }; struct IndexOpenKeyCursorParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; Direction direction; }; union OpenCursorParams { ObjectStoreOpenCursorParams; ObjectStoreOpenKeyCursorParams; IndexOpenCursorParams; IndexOpenKeyCursorParams; }; union DatabaseOrMutableFile { PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFile; PBackgroundMutableFile; }; struct FileAddInfo { DatabaseOrMutableFile file; FileType type; }; struct ObjectStoreAddPutParams { int64_t objectStoreId; SerializedStructuredCloneWriteInfo cloneInfo; Key key; IndexUpdateInfo[] indexUpdateInfos; FileAddInfo[] fileAddInfos; }; struct ObjectStoreAddParams { ObjectStoreAddPutParams commonParams; }; struct ObjectStorePutParams { ObjectStoreAddPutParams commonParams; }; struct ObjectStoreGetParams { int64_t objectStoreId; SerializedKeyRange keyRange; }; struct ObjectStoreGetKeyParams { int64_t objectStoreId; SerializedKeyRange keyRange; }; struct ObjectStoreGetAllParams { int64_t objectStoreId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; uint32_t limit; }; struct ObjectStoreGetAllKeysParams { int64_t objectStoreId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; uint32_t limit; }; struct ObjectStoreDeleteParams { int64_t objectStoreId; SerializedKeyRange keyRange; }; struct ObjectStoreClearParams { int64_t objectStoreId; }; struct ObjectStoreCountParams { int64_t objectStoreId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; }; struct IndexGetParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; SerializedKeyRange keyRange; }; struct IndexGetKeyParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; SerializedKeyRange keyRange; }; struct IndexGetAllParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; uint32_t limit; }; struct IndexGetAllKeysParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; uint32_t limit; }; struct IndexCountParams { int64_t objectStoreId; int64_t indexId; OptionalKeyRange optionalKeyRange; }; union RequestParams { ObjectStoreAddParams; ObjectStorePutParams; ObjectStoreGetParams; ObjectStoreGetKeyParams; ObjectStoreGetAllParams; ObjectStoreGetAllKeysParams; ObjectStoreDeleteParams; ObjectStoreClearParams; ObjectStoreCountParams; IndexGetParams; IndexGetKeyParams; IndexGetAllParams; IndexGetAllKeysParams; IndexCountParams; }; struct LoggingInfo { nsID backgroundChildLoggingId; int64_t nextTransactionSerialNumber; int64_t nextVersionChangeTransactionSerialNumber; uint64_t nextRequestSerialNumber; }; } // namespace indexedDB } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla