#! /usr/local/bin/perl # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ###################################################################### # Table of tag names; it doesn't have to be sorted because code # below will do it. However, for the sake of ease of additions, keep # it sorted so that its easy to tell where to add a new tag and that # the tag hasn't already been added. $i = 0; $tags[$i++] = "a"; $tags[$i++] = "abbr"; $tags[$i++] = "acronym"; $tags[$i++] = "address"; $tags[$i++] = "applet"; $tags[$i++] = "area"; $tags[$i++] = "b"; $tags[$i++] = "base"; $tags[$i++] = "basefont"; $tags[$i++] = "bdo"; $tags[$i++] = "bgsound"; $tags[$i++] = "big"; $tags[$i++] = "blink"; $tags[$i++] = "blockquote"; $tags[$i++] = "body"; $tags[$i++] = "br"; $tags[$i++] = "button"; $tags[$i++] = "caption"; $tags[$i++] = "center"; $tags[$i++] = "cite"; $tags[$i++] = "code"; $tags[$i++] = "col"; $tags[$i++] = "colgroup"; $tags[$i++] = "dd"; $tags[$i++] = "del"; $tags[$i++] = "dfn"; $tags[$i++] = "dir"; $tags[$i++] = "div"; $tags[$i++] = "dl"; $tags[$i++] = "dt"; $tags[$i++] = "em"; $tags[$i++] = "embed"; $tags[$i++] = "fieldset"; $tags[$i++] = "font"; $tags[$i++] = "form"; $tags[$i++] = "frame"; $tags[$i++] = "frameset"; $tags[$i++] = "h1"; $tags[$i++] = "h2"; $tags[$i++] = "h3"; $tags[$i++] = "h4"; $tags[$i++] = "h5"; $tags[$i++] = "h6"; $tags[$i++] = "head"; $tags[$i++] = "hr"; $tags[$i++] = "html"; $tags[$i++] = "i"; $tags[$i++] = "iframe"; $tags[$i++] = "ilayer"; $tags[$i++] = "img"; $tags[$i++] = "input"; $tags[$i++] = "ins"; $tags[$i++] = "isindex"; $tags[$i++] = "kbd"; $tags[$i++] = "keygen"; $tags[$i++] = "label"; $tags[$i++] = "layer"; $tags[$i++] = "legend"; $tags[$i++] = "li"; $tags[$i++] = "link"; $tags[$i++] = "listing"; $tags[$i++] = "map"; $tags[$i++] = "menu"; $tags[$i++] = "meta"; $tags[$i++] = "multicol"; $tags[$i++] = "nobr"; $tags[$i++] = "noembed"; $tags[$i++] = "noframes"; $tags[$i++] = "nolayer"; $tags[$i++] = "noscript"; $tags[$i++] = "object"; $tags[$i++] = "ol"; $tags[$i++] = "optgroup"; $tags[$i++] = "option"; $tags[$i++] = "p"; $tags[$i++] = "param"; $tags[$i++] = "plaintext"; $tags[$i++] = "pre"; $tags[$i++] = "q"; $tags[$i++] = "s"; $tags[$i++] = "samp"; $tags[$i++] = "script"; $tags[$i++] = "select"; $tags[$i++] = "server"; $tags[$i++] = "small"; $tags[$i++] = "sound"; $tags[$i++] = "spacer"; $tags[$i++] = "span"; $tags[$i++] = "strike"; $tags[$i++] = "strong"; $tags[$i++] = "style"; $tags[$i++] = "sub"; $tags[$i++] = "sup"; $tags[$i++] = "table"; $tags[$i++] = "tbody"; $tags[$i++] = "td"; $tags[$i++] = "textarea"; $tags[$i++] = "tfoot"; $tags[$i++] = "th"; $tags[$i++] = "thead"; $tags[$i++] = "title"; $tags[$i++] = "tr"; $tags[$i++] = "tt"; $tags[$i++] = "u"; $tags[$i++] = "ul"; $tags[$i++] = "var"; $tags[$i++] = "wbr"; $tags[$i++] = "xmp"; ###################################################################### # These are not tags; rather they are extra values to place into the # tag enumeration after the normal tags. These do not need to be sorted # and they do not go into the tag table, just into the tag enumeration. $extra = 0; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "text"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "whitespace"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "newline"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "comment"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "entity"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "userdefined"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h1style"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h2style"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h3style"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h4style"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h5style"; $extra_tags[$extra++] = "secret_h6style"; ###################################################################### # Sort the tag table before using it @tags = sort @tags; $copyright = "/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 * Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Do not edit - generated by gentags.pl */ "; ###################################################################### $file_base = @ARGV[0]; # Generate the header file first open(HEADER_FILE, ">$file_base.h"); # Print out copyright and do not edit notice print HEADER_FILE $copyright; print HEADER_FILE "#ifndef " . $file_base . "_h___\n"; print HEADER_FILE "#define " . $file_base . "_h___\n"; # Print out enum's for the tag symbols print HEADER_FILE "enum nsDOMHTMLTag {\n"; print HEADER_FILE " /* this enum must be first and must be zero */\n"; print HEADER_FILE " DOMHTMLTag_unknown=0,\n\n"; print HEADER_FILE " /* begin tag enums */\n "; $width = 2; print HEADER_FILE $str; for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { $lower = $tags[$j]; $lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $str = "DOMHTMLTag_" . $lower . "=" . ($j + 1); $str = $str . ", "; $len = length($str); if ($width + $len > 78) { print HEADER_FILE "\n "; $width = 2; } print HEADER_FILE $str; $width = $width + $len; } print HEADER_FILE "\n\n /* The remaining enums are not for tags */\n "; # Print out extra enum's that are not in the tag table $width = 2; for ($k = 0; $k < $extra; $k++) { $lower = $extra_tags[$k]; $lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $str = "eHTMLTag_" . $lower . "=" . ($j + $k + 1); if ($k < $extra - 1) { $str = $str . ", "; } $len = length($str); if ($width + $len > 78) { print HEADER_FILE "\n "; $width = 2; } print HEADER_FILE $str; $width = $width + $len; } print HEADER_FILE "\n};\n#define NS_HTML_TAG_MAX " . $j . "\n\n"; print HEADER_FILE "extern NS_DOM nsDOMHTMLTag NS_DOMTagToEnum(const char* aTag);\n"; print HEADER_FILE "extern NS_DOM const char* NS_DOMEnumToTag(nsDOMHTMLTag aEnum);\n\n"; print HEADER_FILE "#endif /* " . $file_base . "_h___ */\n"; close(HEADER_FILE); ###################################################################### # Generate the source file open(CPP_FILE, ">$file_base.cpp"); print CPP_FILE $copyright; print CPP_FILE "#include \"nsCRT.h\"\n"; print CPP_FILE "#include \"$file_base.h\"\n\n"; # Print out table of tag names print CPP_FILE "static char* tagTable[] = {\n "; $width = 2; for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { $upper = $tags[$j]; $upper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $str = "\"" . $upper . "\""; if ($j < $i - 1) { $str = $str . ", "; } $len = length($str); if ($width + $len > 78) { print CPP_FILE "\n "; $width = 2; } print CPP_FILE $str; $width = $width + $len; } print CPP_FILE "\n};\n"; # Finally, dump out the search routine that takes a char* and finds it # in the table. print CPP_FILE " nsDOMHTMLTag NS_DOMTagToEnum(const char* aTagName) { int low = 0; int high = NS_HTML_TAG_MAX - 1; while (low <= high) { int middle = (low + high) >> 1; int result = nsCRT::strcasecmp(aTagName, tagTable[middle]); if (result == 0) return (nsDOMHTMLTag) (middle + 1); if (result < 0) high = middle - 1; else low = middle + 1; } return DOMHTMLTag_unknown; } const char* NS_DOMEnumToTag(nsDOMHTMLTag aTagID) { if ((int(aTagID) <= 0) || (int(aTagID) > NS_HTML_TAG_MAX)) { return 0; } return tagTable[int(aTagID) - 1]; } "; close(CPP_FILE);