/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "BTVerifier.h" #include #include "CTUtils.h" #include "SignedCertificateTimestamp.h" #include "hasht.h" #include "mozpkix/pkixnss.h" #include "mozpkix/pkixutil.h" namespace mozilla { namespace ct { using namespace mozilla::pkix; typedef mozilla::pkix::Result Result; // Common prefix lengths static const size_t kLogIdPrefixLengthBytes = 1; static const size_t kBTTreeSizeLength = 8; static const size_t kNodeHashPrefixLengthBytes = 1; // Members of a SignedTreeHeadDataV2 struct static const size_t kSTHTimestampLength = 8; static const size_t kSTHExtensionsLengthBytes = 2; static const size_t kSTHSignatureLengthBytes = 2; // Members of a Inclusion Proof struct static const size_t kLeafIndexLength = 8; static const size_t kInclusionPathLengthBytes = 2; static Result GetDigestAlgorithmLengthAndIdentifier( DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm, /* out */ size_t& digestAlgorithmLength, /* out */ SECOidTag& digestAlgorithmId) { switch (digestAlgorithm) { case DigestAlgorithm::sha512: digestAlgorithmLength = SHA512_LENGTH; digestAlgorithmId = SEC_OID_SHA512; return Success; case DigestAlgorithm::sha256: digestAlgorithmLength = SHA256_LENGTH; digestAlgorithmId = SEC_OID_SHA256; return Success; default: return pkix::Result::FATAL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } Result DecodeAndVerifySignedTreeHead( Input signerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm, der::PublicKeyAlgorithm publicKeyAlgorithm, Input signedTreeHeadInput, /* out */ SignedTreeHeadDataV2& signedTreeHead) { SignedTreeHeadDataV2 result; Reader reader(signedTreeHeadInput); Input logId; Result rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, logId); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } InputToBuffer(logId, result.logId); // This is the beginning of the data covered by the signature. Reader::Mark signedDataMark = reader.GetMark(); rv = ReadUint(reader, result.timestamp); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } rv = ReadUint(reader, result.treeSize); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input hash; rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, hash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } InputToBuffer(hash, result.rootHash); // We ignore any extensions, but we have to read them. Input extensionsInput; rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, extensionsInput); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input signedDataInput; rv = reader.GetInput(signedDataMark, signedDataInput); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } SECOidTag unusedDigestAlgorithmId; size_t digestAlgorithmLength; rv = GetDigestAlgorithmLengthAndIdentifier( digestAlgorithm, digestAlgorithmLength, unusedDigestAlgorithmId); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } uint8_t digestBuf[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE_IN_BYTES]; rv = DigestBufNSS(signedDataInput, digestAlgorithm, digestBuf, digestAlgorithmLength); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input digestInput; rv = digestInput.Init(digestBuf, digestAlgorithmLength); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Input signatureInput; rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, signatureInput); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } SignedDigest signedDigest = {digestInput, digestAlgorithm, signatureInput}; switch (publicKeyAlgorithm) { case der::PublicKeyAlgorithm::ECDSA: rv = VerifyECDSASignedDigestNSS(signedDigest, signerSubjectPublicKeyInfo, nullptr); break; case der::PublicKeyAlgorithm::RSA_PKCS1: case der::PublicKeyAlgorithm::Uninitialized: default: return Result::FATAL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } if (rv != Success) { // VerifyECDSASignedDigestNSS eventually calls VFY_VerifyDigestDirect, which // can set the PR error code to SEC_ERROR_PKCS7_KEYALG_MISMATCH if the type // of key decoded from the SPKI does not match the given signature // algorithm. mozilla::pkix does not have a corresponding Result value and // turns this error code into Result::ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR. Since this is // uninformative, we'll turn that result into a bad signature error. if (rv == Result::ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) { return Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } return rv; } if (!reader.AtEnd()) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } signedTreeHead = std::move(result); return Success; } Result DecodeInclusionProof(Input input, InclusionProofDataV2& output) { InclusionProofDataV2 result; Reader reader(input); Input logId; Result rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, logId); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } rv = ReadUint(reader, result.treeSize); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (result.treeSize < 1) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } rv = ReadUint(reader, result.leafIndex); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (result.leafIndex >= result.treeSize) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } Input pathInput; rv = ReadVariableBytes(reader, pathInput); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (pathInput.GetLength() < 1) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } Reader pathReader(pathInput); std::vector inclusionPath; while (!pathReader.AtEnd()) { Input hash; rv = ReadVariableBytes(pathReader, hash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } Buffer hashBuffer; InputToBuffer(hash, hashBuffer); inclusionPath.push_back(std::move(hashBuffer)); } if (!reader.AtEnd()) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_DER; } InputToBuffer(logId, result.logId); result.inclusionPath = std::move(inclusionPath); output = std::move(result); return Success; } static Result CommonFinishDigest(UniquePK11Context& context, size_t digestAlgorithmLength, /* out */ Buffer& outputBuffer) { uint32_t outLen = 0; outputBuffer.assign(digestAlgorithmLength, 0); if (PK11_DigestFinal(context.get(), outputBuffer.data(), &outLen, digestAlgorithmLength) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } if (outLen != digestAlgorithmLength) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } return Success; } static Result LeafHash(Input leafEntry, size_t digestAlgorithmLength, SECOidTag digestAlgorithmId, /* out */ Buffer& calculatedHash) { UniquePK11Context context(PK11_CreateDigestContext(digestAlgorithmId)); if (!context) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } const unsigned char zero = 0; if (PK11_DigestOp(context.get(), &zero, 1u) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } SECItem leafEntryItem = UnsafeMapInputToSECItem(leafEntry); if (PK11_DigestOp(context.get(), leafEntryItem.data, leafEntryItem.len) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } return CommonFinishDigest(context, digestAlgorithmLength, calculatedHash); } static Result NodeHash(const Buffer& left, const Buffer& right, size_t digestAlgorithmLength, SECOidTag digestAlgorithmId, /* out */ Buffer& calculatedHash) { UniquePK11Context context(PK11_CreateDigestContext(digestAlgorithmId)); if (!context) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } const unsigned char one = 1; if (PK11_DigestOp(context.get(), &one, 1u) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } if (PK11_DigestOp(context.get(), left.data(), left.size()) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } if (PK11_DigestOp(context.get(), right.data(), right.size()) != SECSuccess) { return Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } return CommonFinishDigest(context, digestAlgorithmLength, calculatedHash); } // This algorithm is specified by: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-28#section- Result VerifyInclusionProof(const InclusionProofDataV2& proof, Input leafEntry, Input expectedRootHash, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm) { if (proof.treeSize == 0) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } size_t digestAlgorithmLength; SECOidTag digestAlgorithmId; Result rv = GetDigestAlgorithmLengthAndIdentifier( digestAlgorithm, digestAlgorithmLength, digestAlgorithmId); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (proof.leafIndex >= proof.treeSize) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } if (expectedRootHash.GetLength() != digestAlgorithmLength) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } uint64_t leafIndex = proof.leafIndex; uint64_t lastNodeIndex = proof.treeSize - 1; Buffer calculatedHash; rv = LeafHash(leafEntry, digestAlgorithmLength, digestAlgorithmId, calculatedHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } for (const auto& hash : proof.inclusionPath) { if (lastNodeIndex == 0) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } if (leafIndex % 2 == 1 || leafIndex == lastNodeIndex) { rv = NodeHash(hash, calculatedHash, digestAlgorithmLength, digestAlgorithmId, calculatedHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } if (leafIndex % 2 == 0) { while (leafIndex % 2 == 0 && lastNodeIndex > 0) { leafIndex >>= 1; lastNodeIndex >>= 1; } } } else { rv = NodeHash(calculatedHash, hash, digestAlgorithmLength, digestAlgorithmId, calculatedHash); if (rv != Success) { return rv; } } leafIndex >>= 1; lastNodeIndex >>= 1; } if (lastNodeIndex != 0) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } assert(calculatedHash.size() == digestAlgorithmLength); if (calculatedHash.size() != digestAlgorithmLength) { return pkix::Result::FATAL_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; } if (memcmp(calculatedHash.data(), expectedRootHash.UnsafeGetData(), digestAlgorithmLength) != 0) { return pkix::Result::ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE; } return Success; } } // namespace ct } // namespace mozilla