/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_ContentParent_h #define mozilla_dom_ContentParent_h #include "mozilla/dom/PContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/GeckoChildProcessHost.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ipc/Blob.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/FileUtils.h" #include "mozilla/HalTypes.h" #include "mozilla/LinkedList.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "nsDataHashtable.h" #include "nsFrameMessageManager.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsIThreadInternal.h" #include "nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback.h" #include "PermissionMessageUtils.h" #define CHILD_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE NS_LITERAL_STRING("child-process-shutdown") class mozIApplication; class nsConsoleService; class nsICycleCollectorLogSink; class nsIDOMBlob; class nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback; class nsIMemoryReporter; class ParentIdleListener; namespace mozilla { namespace ipc { class OptionalURIParams; class URIParams; class TestShellParent; } // namespace ipc namespace jsipc { class JavaScriptParent; class PJavaScriptParent; } namespace layers { class PCompositorParent; class PSharedBufferManagerParent; } // namespace layers namespace dom { class Element; class TabParent; class PStorageParent; class ClonedMessageData; class MemoryReport; class TabContext; class PFileDescriptorSetParent; class ContentParent : public PContentParent , public nsIObserver , public nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback , public mozilla::dom::ipc::MessageManagerCallback , public mozilla::LinkedListElement { typedef mozilla::ipc::GeckoChildProcessHost GeckoChildProcessHost; typedef mozilla::ipc::OptionalURIParams OptionalURIParams; typedef mozilla::ipc::TestShellParent TestShellParent; typedef mozilla::ipc::URIParams URIParams; typedef mozilla::dom::ClonedMessageData ClonedMessageData; public: /** * Start up the content-process machinery. This might include * scheduling pre-launch tasks. */ static void StartUp(); /** Shut down the content-process machinery. */ static void ShutDown(); /** * Ensure that all subprocesses are terminated and their OS * resources have been reaped. This is synchronous and can be * very expensive in general. It also bypasses the normal * shutdown process. */ static void JoinAllSubprocesses(); static bool PreallocatedProcessReady(); static void RunAfterPreallocatedProcessReady(nsIRunnable* aRequest); static already_AddRefed GetNewOrUsed(bool aForBrowserElement = false); /** * Create a subprocess suitable for use as a preallocated app process. */ static already_AddRefed PreallocateAppProcess(); static already_AddRefed RunNuwaProcess(); /** * Get or create a content process for the given TabContext. aFrameElement * should be the frame/iframe element with which this process will * associated. */ static TabParent* CreateBrowserOrApp(const TabContext& aContext, Element* aFrameElement); static void GetAll(nsTArray& aArray); static void GetAllEvenIfDead(nsTArray& aArray); NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_AMBIGUOUS(ContentParent, nsIObserver) NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER NS_DECL_NSIDOMGEOPOSITIONCALLBACK /** * MessageManagerCallback methods that we override. */ virtual bool DoSendAsyncMessage(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aMessage, const mozilla::dom::StructuredCloneData& aData, JS::Handle aCpows, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool CheckPermission(const nsAString& aPermission) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool CheckManifestURL(const nsAString& aManifestURL) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool CheckAppHasPermission(const nsAString& aPermission) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool CheckAppHasStatus(unsigned short aStatus) MOZ_OVERRIDE; /** Notify that a tab is beginning its destruction sequence. */ void NotifyTabDestroying(PBrowserParent* aTab); /** Notify that a tab was destroyed during normal operation. */ void NotifyTabDestroyed(PBrowserParent* aTab, bool aNotifiedDestroying); TestShellParent* CreateTestShell(); bool DestroyTestShell(TestShellParent* aTestShell); TestShellParent* GetTestShellSingleton(); jsipc::JavaScriptParent *GetCPOWManager(); void ReportChildAlreadyBlocked(); bool RequestRunToCompletion(); bool IsAlive(); bool IsForApp(); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS bool IsNuwaProcess(); #endif GeckoChildProcessHost* Process() { return mSubprocess; } int32_t Pid(); bool NeedsPermissionsUpdate() { return mSendPermissionUpdates; } BlobParent* GetOrCreateActorForBlob(nsIDOMBlob* aBlob); /** * Kill our subprocess and make sure it dies. Should only be used * in emergency situations since it bypasses the normal shutdown * process. */ void KillHard(); uint64_t ChildID() { return mChildID; } const nsString& AppManifestURL() const { return mAppManifestURL; } bool IsPreallocated(); /** * Get a user-friendly name for this ContentParent. We make no guarantees * about this name: It might not be unique, apps can spoof special names, * etc. So please don't use this name to make any decisions about the * ContentParent based on the value returned here. */ void FriendlyName(nsAString& aName); virtual void OnChannelError() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PIndexedDBParent* AllocPIndexedDBParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPIndexedDBConstructor(PIndexedDBParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PCrashReporterParent* AllocPCrashReporterParent(const NativeThreadId& tid, const uint32_t& processType) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPCrashReporterConstructor(PCrashReporterParent* actor, const NativeThreadId& tid, const uint32_t& processType) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PNeckoParent* AllocPNeckoParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPNeckoConstructor(PNeckoParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE { return PContentParent::RecvPNeckoConstructor(aActor); } virtual PHalParent* AllocPHalParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPHalConstructor(PHalParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE { return PContentParent::RecvPHalConstructor(aActor); } virtual PStorageParent* AllocPStorageParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPStorageConstructor(PStorageParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE { return PContentParent::RecvPStorageConstructor(aActor); } virtual PJavaScriptParent* AllocPJavaScriptParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPJavaScriptConstructor(PJavaScriptParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE { return PContentParent::RecvPJavaScriptConstructor(aActor); } virtual bool RecvRecordingDeviceEvents(const nsString& aRecordingStatus, const nsString& aPageURL, const bool& aIsAudio, const bool& aIsVideo) MOZ_OVERRIDE; bool CycleCollectWithLogs(bool aDumpAllTraces, nsICycleCollectorLogSink* aSink, nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback* aCallback); protected: void OnChannelConnected(int32_t pid) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) MOZ_OVERRIDE; void OnNuwaForkTimeout(); bool ShouldContinueFromReplyTimeout() MOZ_OVERRIDE; bool ShouldSandboxContentProcesses(); private: static nsDataHashtable *sAppContentParents; static nsTArray* sNonAppContentParents; static nsTArray* sPrivateContent; static StaticAutoPtr > sContentParents; static void JoinProcessesIOThread(const nsTArray* aProcesses, Monitor* aMonitor, bool* aDone); // Take the preallocated process and transform it into a "real" app process, // for the specified manifest URL. If there is no preallocated process (or // if it's dead), this returns false. static already_AddRefed MaybeTakePreallocatedAppProcess(const nsAString& aAppManifestURL, hal::ProcessPriority aInitialPriority); static hal::ProcessPriority GetInitialProcessPriority(Element* aFrameElement); // Hide the raw constructor methods since we don't want client code // using them. using PContentParent::SendPBrowserConstructor; using PContentParent::SendPTestShellConstructor; // No more than one of !!aApp, aIsForBrowser, and aIsForPreallocated may be // true. ContentParent(mozIApplication* aApp, bool aIsForBrowser, bool aIsForPreallocated, hal::ProcessPriority aInitialPriority = hal::PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, bool aIsNuwaProcess = false); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS ContentParent(ContentParent* aTemplate, const nsAString& aAppManifestURL, base::ProcessHandle aPid, const nsTArray& aFds); #endif // The common initialization for the constructors. void InitializeMembers(); // The common initialization logic shared by all constuctors. void InitInternal(ProcessPriority aPriority, bool aSetupOffMainThreadCompositing, bool aSendRegisteredChrome); virtual ~ContentParent(); void Init(); // If the frame element indicates that the child process is "critical" and // has a pending system message, this function acquires the CPU wake lock on // behalf of the child. We'll release the lock when the system message is // handled or after a timeout, whichever comes first. void MaybeTakeCPUWakeLock(Element* aFrameElement); // Set the child process's priority and then check whether the child is // still alive. Returns true if the process is still alive, and false // otherwise. If you pass a FOREGROUND* priority here, it's (hopefully) // unlikely that the process will be killed after this point. bool SetPriorityAndCheckIsAlive(hal::ProcessPriority aPriority); // Transform a pre-allocated app process into a "real" app // process, for the specified manifest URL. void TransformPreallocatedIntoApp(const nsAString& aAppManifestURL); // Transform a pre-allocated app process into a browser process. If this // returns false, the child process has died. void TransformPreallocatedIntoBrowser(); /** * Mark this ContentParent as dead for the purposes of Get*(). * This method is idempotent. */ void MarkAsDead(); /** * Exit the subprocess and vamoose. After this call IsAlive() * will return false and this ContentParent will not be returned * by the Get*() funtions. However, the shutdown sequence itself * may be asynchronous. * * If aCloseWithError is true and this is the first call to * ShutDownProcess, then we'll close our channel using CloseWithError() * rather than vanilla Close(). CloseWithError() indicates to IPC that this * is an abnormal shutdown (e.g. a crash). */ void ShutDownProcess(bool aCloseWithError); PCompositorParent* AllocPCompositorParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) MOZ_OVERRIDE; PImageBridgeParent* AllocPImageBridgeParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) MOZ_OVERRIDE; PSharedBufferManagerParent* AllocPSharedBufferManagerParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTranport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) MOZ_OVERRIDE; PBackgroundParent* AllocPBackgroundParent(Transport* aTransport, ProcessId aOtherProcess) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetProcessAttributes(uint64_t* aId, bool* aIsForApp, bool* aIsForBrowser) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetXPCOMProcessAttributes(bool* aIsOffline) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPJavaScriptParent(mozilla::jsipc::PJavaScriptParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PBrowserParent* AllocPBrowserParent(const IPCTabContext& aContext, const uint32_t& aChromeFlags) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPBrowserParent(PBrowserParent* frame) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PDeviceStorageRequestParent* AllocPDeviceStorageRequestParent(const DeviceStorageParams&) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPDeviceStorageRequestParent(PDeviceStorageRequestParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PFileSystemRequestParent* AllocPFileSystemRequestParent(const FileSystemParams&) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPFileSystemRequestParent(PFileSystemRequestParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PBlobParent* AllocPBlobParent(const BlobConstructorParams& aParams) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPBlobParent(PBlobParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPCrashReporterParent(PCrashReporterParent* crashreporter) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetRandomValues(const uint32_t& length, InfallibleTArray* randomValues) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPHalParent(PHalParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPIndexedDBParent(PIndexedDBParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PMemoryReportRequestParent* AllocPMemoryReportRequestParent(const uint32_t& generation, const bool &minimizeMemoryUsage, const nsString &aDMDDumpIdent) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPMemoryReportRequestParent(PMemoryReportRequestParent* actor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PCycleCollectWithLogsParent* AllocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(const bool& aDumpAllTraces, const FileDescriptor& aGCLog, const FileDescriptor& aCCLog) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(PCycleCollectWithLogsParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PTestShellParent* AllocPTestShellParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPTestShellParent(PTestShellParent* shell) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPNeckoParent(PNeckoParent* necko) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PExternalHelperAppParent* AllocPExternalHelperAppParent( const OptionalURIParams& aUri, const nsCString& aMimeContentType, const nsCString& aContentDisposition, const uint32_t& aContentDispositionHint, const nsString& aContentDispositionFilename, const bool& aForceSave, const int64_t& aContentLength, const OptionalURIParams& aReferrer, PBrowserParent* aBrowser) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPExternalHelperAppParent(PExternalHelperAppParent* aService) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PSmsParent* AllocPSmsParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPSmsParent(PSmsParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PTelephonyParent* AllocPTelephonyParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPTelephonyParent(PTelephonyParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPStorageParent(PStorageParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PBluetoothParent* AllocPBluetoothParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPBluetoothParent(PBluetoothParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPBluetoothConstructor(PBluetoothParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PFMRadioParent* AllocPFMRadioParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPFMRadioParent(PFMRadioParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PAsmJSCacheEntryParent* AllocPAsmJSCacheEntryParent( const asmjscache::OpenMode& aOpenMode, const asmjscache::WriteParams& aWriteParams, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPAsmJSCacheEntryParent( PAsmJSCacheEntryParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PSpeechSynthesisParent* AllocPSpeechSynthesisParent() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPSpeechSynthesisParent(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPSpeechSynthesisConstructor(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvReadPrefsArray(InfallibleTArray* aPrefs) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvReadFontList(InfallibleTArray* retValue) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvReadPermissions(InfallibleTArray* aPermissions) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSetClipboardText(const nsString& text, const bool& isPrivateData, const int32_t& whichClipboard) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetClipboardText(const int32_t& whichClipboard, nsString* text) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvEmptyClipboard(const int32_t& whichClipboard) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvClipboardHasText(const int32_t& whichClipboard, bool* hasText) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetSystemColors(const uint32_t& colorsCount, InfallibleTArray* colors) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetIconForExtension(const nsCString& aFileExt, const uint32_t& aIconSize, InfallibleTArray* bits) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetShowPasswordSetting(bool* showPassword) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvStartVisitedQuery(const URIParams& uri) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvVisitURI(const URIParams& uri, const OptionalURIParams& referrer, const uint32_t& flags) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSetURITitle(const URIParams& uri, const nsString& title) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvShowAlertNotification(const nsString& aImageUrl, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aText, const bool& aTextClickable, const nsString& aCookie, const nsString& aName, const nsString& aBidi, const nsString& aLang, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvCloseAlert(const nsString& aName, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvLoadURIExternal(const URIParams& uri) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, const InfallibleTArray& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, InfallibleTArray* aRetvals) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool AnswerRpcMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, const InfallibleTArray& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, InfallibleTArray* aRetvals) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAsyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, const InfallibleTArray& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvFilePathUpdateNotify(const nsString& aType, const nsString& aStorageName, const nsString& aFilePath, const nsCString& aReason) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAddGeolocationListener(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, const bool& aHighAccuracy) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvRemoveGeolocationListener() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(const bool& aEnable) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvConsoleMessage(const nsString& aMessage) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvScriptError(const nsString& aMessage, const nsString& aSourceName, const nsString& aSourceLine, const uint32_t& aLineNumber, const uint32_t& aColNumber, const uint32_t& aFlags, const nsCString& aCategory) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvPrivateDocShellsExist(const bool& aExist) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvFirstIdle() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAudioChannelGetState(const AudioChannel& aChannel, const bool& aElementHidden, const bool& aElementWasHidden, AudioChannelState* aValue) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAudioChannelRegisterType(const AudioChannel& aChannel, const bool& aWithVideo) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAudioChannelUnregisterType(const AudioChannel& aChannel, const bool& aElementHidden, const bool& aWithVideo) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAudioChannelChangedNotification() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAudioChannelChangeDefVolChannel(const int32_t& aChannel, const bool& aHidden) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetSystemMemory(const uint64_t& getterId) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvBroadcastVolume(const nsString& aVolumeName) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSpeakerManagerGetSpeakerStatus(bool* aValue) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSpeakerManagerForceSpeaker(const bool& aEnable) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSystemMessageHandled() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvNuwaReady() MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAddNewProcess(const uint32_t& aPid, const InfallibleTArray& aFds) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvCreateFakeVolume(const nsString& fsName, const nsString& mountPoint) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvSetFakeVolumeState(const nsString& fsName, const int32_t& fsState) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvKeywordToURI(const nsCString& aKeyword, OptionalInputStreamParams* aPostData, OptionalURIParams* aURI) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual void ProcessingError(Result what) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvGetGraphicsFeatureStatus(const int32_t& aFeature, int32_t* aStatus, bool* aSuccess) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvAddIdleObserver(const uint64_t& observerId, const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvRemoveIdleObserver(const uint64_t& observerId, const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool RecvBackUpXResources(const FileDescriptor& aXSocketFd) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual PFileDescriptorSetParent* AllocPFileDescriptorSetParent(const mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor&) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeallocPFileDescriptorSetParent(PFileDescriptorSetParent*) MOZ_OVERRIDE; // If you add strong pointers to cycle collected objects here, be sure to // release these objects in ShutDownProcess. See the comment there for more // details. GeckoChildProcessHost* mSubprocess; uint64_t mChildID; int32_t mGeolocationWatchID; nsString mAppManifestURL; /** * We cache mAppName instead of looking it up using mAppManifestURL when we * need it because it turns out that getting an app from the apps service is * expensive. */ nsString mAppName; nsRefPtr mMessageManager; // After we initiate shutdown, we also start a timer to ensure // that even content processes that are 100% blocked (say from // SIGSTOP), are still killed eventually. This task enforces that // timer. CancelableTask* mForceKillTask; // How many tabs we're waiting to finish their destruction // sequence. Precisely, how many TabParents have called // NotifyTabDestroying() but not called NotifyTabDestroyed(). int32_t mNumDestroyingTabs; // True only while this is ready to be used to host remote tabs. // This must not be used for new purposes after mIsAlive goes to // false, but some previously scheduled IPC traffic may still pass // through. bool mIsAlive; bool mSendPermissionUpdates; bool mIsForBrowser; bool mIsNuwaProcess; // These variables track whether we've called Close(), CloseWithError() // and KillHard() on our channel. bool mCalledClose; bool mCalledCloseWithError; bool mCalledKillHard; friend class CrashReporterParent; nsRefPtr mConsoleService; nsConsoleService* GetConsoleService(); nsDataHashtable > mIdleListeners; #ifdef MOZ_X11 // Dup of child's X socket, used to scope its resources to this // object instead of the child process's lifetime. ScopedClose mChildXSocketFdDup; #endif }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla class ParentIdleListener : public nsIObserver { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER ParentIdleListener(mozilla::dom::ContentParent* aParent, uint64_t aObserver) : mParent(aParent), mObserver(aObserver) {} virtual ~ParentIdleListener() {} private: nsRefPtr mParent; uint64_t mObserver; }; #endif