/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use cssparser::{ParseErrorKind, Parser, ParserInput, SourceLocation}; use cssparser::ToCss as ParserToCss; use malloc_size_of::MallocSizeOfOps; use nsstring::{nsCString, nsStringRepr}; use selectors::{NthIndexCache, SelectorList}; use selectors::matching::{MatchingContext, MatchingMode, matches_selector}; use servo_arc::{Arc, ArcBorrow, RawOffsetArc}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::fmt::Write; use std::iter; use std::os::raw::c_void; use std::ptr; use style::applicable_declarations::ApplicableDeclarationBlock; use style::author_styles::AuthorStyles; use style::context::{CascadeInputs, QuirksMode, SharedStyleContext, StyleContext}; use style::context::ThreadLocalStyleContext; use style::counter_style; use style::data::{ElementStyles, self}; use style::dom::{ShowSubtreeData, TDocument, TElement, TNode}; use style::driver; use style::element_state::{DocumentState, ElementState}; use style::error_reporting::{ContextualParseError, ParseErrorReporter}; use style::font_metrics::{FontMetricsProvider, get_metrics_provider_for_product}; use style::gecko::data::{GeckoStyleSheet, PerDocumentStyleData, PerDocumentStyleDataImpl}; use style::gecko::global_style_data::{GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA, GlobalStyleData, STYLE_THREAD_POOL}; use style::gecko::restyle_damage::GeckoRestyleDamage; use style::gecko::selector_parser::{NonTSPseudoClass, PseudoElement}; use style::gecko::traversal::RecalcStyleOnly; use style::gecko::url::CssUrlData; use style::gecko::wrapper::{GeckoElement, GeckoNode}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawGeckoElementBorrowed, RawGeckoElementBorrowedOrNull, RawGeckoNodeBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawGeckoKeyframeListBorrowed, RawGeckoKeyframeListBorrowedMut}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoPresContextBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoURLExtraDataBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoAuthorStyles, RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, RawServoAuthorStylesOwned}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoCounterStyleRule, RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, RawServoFontFaceRuleStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoFontFeatureValuesRule, RawServoFontFeatureValuesRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoImportRule, RawServoImportRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoKeyframe, RawServoKeyframeBorrowed, RawServoKeyframeStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoKeyframesRule, RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoMediaListBorrowed, RawServoMediaListStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoMediaRule, RawServoMediaRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoMozDocumentRule, RawServoMozDocumentRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoNamespaceRule, RawServoNamespaceRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoPageRule, RawServoPageRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoQuotesBorrowed, RawServoQuotesStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoSelectorListBorrowed, RawServoSelectorListOwned}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoSourceSizeListBorrowedOrNull, RawServoSourceSizeListOwned}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, RawServoStyleSetBorrowedOrNull, RawServoStyleSetOwned}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, ServoComputedDataBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoStyleSheetContentsStrong, ComputedStyleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{RawServoSupportsRule, RawServoSupportsRuleBorrowed}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{ServoCssRulesBorrowed, ServoCssRulesStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::{nsACString, nsAString, nsCSSPropertyIDSetBorrowedMut}; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_AddPropertyToSet; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_AppendPropertyValuePair; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_ConstructFontFeatureValueSet; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_GetOrCreateFinalKeyframe; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_GetOrCreateInitialKeyframe; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_GetOrCreateKeyframeAtStart; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_HaveSeenPtr; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_NewNoneTransform; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoAnimationPropertySegmentBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoCSSPropertyIDListBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoComputedKeyframeValuesListBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoComputedTimingBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoFontFaceRuleListBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoServoAnimationValueListBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawGeckoServoStyleRuleListBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoAnimationValueBorrowedOrNull; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoAnimationValueMapBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoAnimationValueStrong; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoAnimationValueTableBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoCssUrlDataBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowedOrNull; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::RawServoStyleSet; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::nsCSSValueBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::nsTArrayBorrowed_uintptr_t; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::nsTimingFunctionBorrowed; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::nsTimingFunctionBorrowedMut; use style::gecko_bindings::structs; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{CallerType, CSSPseudoElementType, CompositeOperation}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, Loader, LoaderReusableStyleSheets}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{RawServoStyleRule, ComputedStyleStrong}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{SheetParsingMode, nsAtom, nsCSSPropertyID}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{StyleSheet as DomStyleSheet, SheetLoadData, SheetLoadDataHolder}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{nsCSSFontDesc, nsCSSCounterDesc}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::{nsRestyleHint, nsChangeHint, PropertyValuePair}; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::AtomArray; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::IterationCompositeOperation; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::MallocSizeOf as GeckoMallocSizeOf; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::OriginFlags; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::OriginFlags_Author; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::OriginFlags_User; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::OriginFlags_UserAgent; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoGfxMatrix4x4; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::RawServoFontFaceRule; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::RawServoSelectorList; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::RawServoSourceSizeList; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::SeenPtrs; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::ServoElementSnapshotTable; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::ServoStyleSetSizes; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::ServoTraversalFlags; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::StyleContentType; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::StyleRuleInclusion; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::URLExtraData; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::gfxFontFeatureValueSet; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsCSSValueSharedList; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsCompatibility; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsIDocument; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsStyleTransformMatrix::MatrixTransformOperator; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsTArray; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsTimingFunction; use style::gecko_bindings::structs::nsresult; use style::gecko_bindings::sugar::ownership::{FFIArcHelpers, HasFFI, HasArcFFI}; use style::gecko_bindings::sugar::ownership::{HasSimpleFFI, Strong}; use style::gecko_bindings::sugar::refptr::RefPtr; use style::gecko_properties; use style::invalidation::element::restyle_hints; use style::media_queries::MediaList; use style::parser::{Parse, ParserContext, self}; use style::properties::{ComputedValues, Importance, NonCustomPropertyId}; use style::properties::{LonghandId, LonghandIdSet, PropertyDeclarationBlock, PropertyId}; use style::properties::{PropertyDeclarationId, ShorthandId}; use style::properties::{SourcePropertyDeclaration, StyleBuilder}; use style::properties::{parse_one_declaration_into, parse_style_attribute}; use style::properties::animated_properties::AnimationValue; use style::rule_cache::RuleCacheConditions; use style::rule_tree::{CascadeLevel, StrongRuleNode}; use style::selector_parser::{PseudoElementCascadeType, SelectorImpl}; use style::shared_lock::{SharedRwLockReadGuard, StylesheetGuards, ToCssWithGuard, Locked}; use style::string_cache::{Atom, WeakAtom}; use style::style_adjuster::StyleAdjuster; use style::stylesheets::{CssRule, CssRules, CssRuleType, CssRulesHelpers, CounterStyleRule}; use style::stylesheets::{DocumentRule, FontFaceRule, FontFeatureValuesRule, ImportRule}; use style::stylesheets::{KeyframesRule, MediaRule, NamespaceRule, Origin, OriginSet, PageRule}; use style::stylesheets::{StyleRule, StylesheetContents, SupportsRule, UrlExtraData}; use style::stylesheets::StylesheetLoader as StyleStylesheetLoader; use style::stylesheets::import_rule::ImportSheet; use style::stylesheets::keyframes_rule::{Keyframe, KeyframeSelector, KeyframesStepValue}; use style::stylesheets::supports_rule::parse_condition_or_declaration; use style::stylist::{add_size_of_ua_cache, AuthorStylesEnabled, RuleInclusion, Stylist}; use style::thread_state; use style::timer::Timer; use style::traversal::DomTraversal; use style::traversal::resolve_style; use style::traversal_flags::{self, TraversalFlags}; use style::use_counters::UseCounters; use style::values::{CustomIdent, KeyframesName}; use style::values::animated::{Animate, Procedure, ToAnimatedZero}; use style::values::computed::{self, Context, QuotePair, ToComputedValue}; use style::values::distance::ComputeSquaredDistance; use style::values::generics::rect::Rect; use style::values::specified; use style::values::specified::gecko::{IntersectionObserverRootMargin, PixelOrPercentage}; use style::values::specified::source_size_list::SourceSizeList; use style_traits::{CssType, CssWriter, ParsingMode, StyleParseErrorKind, ToCss}; use super::error_reporter::ErrorReporter; use super::stylesheet_loader::{AsyncStylesheetParser, StylesheetLoader}; trait ClosureHelper { fn invoke(&self); } impl ClosureHelper for DeclarationBlockMutationClosure { #[inline] fn invoke(&self) { if let Some(function) = self.function.as_ref() { unsafe { function(self.data) }; } } } /* * For Gecko->Servo function calls, we need to redeclare the same signature that was declared in * the C header in Gecko. In order to catch accidental mismatches, we run rust-bindgen against * those signatures as well, giving us a second declaration of all the Servo_* functions in this * crate. If there's a mismatch, LLVM will assert and abort, which is a rather awful thing to * depend on but good enough for our purposes. */ // A dummy url data for where we don't pass url data in. // We need to get rid of this sooner than later. static mut DUMMY_URL_DATA: *mut URLExtraData = 0 as *mut _; #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Initialize(dummy_url_data: *mut URLExtraData) { use style::gecko_bindings::sugar::origin_flags; // Pretend that we're a Servo Layout thread, to make some assertions happy. thread_state::initialize(thread_state::ThreadState::LAYOUT); // Perform some debug-only runtime assertions. restyle_hints::assert_restyle_hints_match(); origin_flags::assert_flags_match(); parser::assert_parsing_mode_match(); traversal_flags::assert_traversal_flags_match(); specified::font::assert_variant_east_asian_matches(); specified::font::assert_variant_ligatures_matches(); specified::box_::assert_touch_action_matches(); DUMMY_URL_DATA = dummy_url_data; } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_InitializeCooperativeThread() { // Pretend that we're a Servo Layout thread to make some assertions happy. thread_state::initialize(thread_state::ThreadState::LAYOUT); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Shutdown() { DUMMY_URL_DATA = ptr::null_mut(); Stylist::shutdown(); } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn dummy_url_data() -> &'static UrlExtraData { UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&DUMMY_URL_DATA) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn is_main_thread() -> bool { unsafe { bindings::Gecko_IsMainThread() } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn is_in_servo_traversal() -> bool { unsafe { bindings::Gecko_IsInServoTraversal() } } fn create_shared_context<'a>( global_style_data: &GlobalStyleData, guard: &'a SharedRwLockReadGuard, per_doc_data: &'a PerDocumentStyleDataImpl, traversal_flags: TraversalFlags, snapshot_map: &'a ServoElementSnapshotTable, ) -> SharedStyleContext<'a> { SharedStyleContext { stylist: &per_doc_data.stylist, visited_styles_enabled: per_doc_data.visited_styles_enabled(), options: global_style_data.options.clone(), guards: StylesheetGuards::same(guard), timer: Timer::new(), traversal_flags, snapshot_map, } } fn traverse_subtree( element: GeckoElement, global_style_data: &GlobalStyleData, per_doc_data: &PerDocumentStyleDataImpl, guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard, traversal_flags: TraversalFlags, snapshots: &ServoElementSnapshotTable, ) { let shared_style_context = create_shared_context( &global_style_data, &guard, &per_doc_data, traversal_flags, snapshots, ); let token = RecalcStyleOnly::pre_traverse( element, &shared_style_context, ); if !token.should_traverse() { return; } debug!("Traversing subtree from {:?}", element); let thread_pool_holder = &*STYLE_THREAD_POOL; let thread_pool = if traversal_flags.contains(TraversalFlags::ParallelTraversal) { thread_pool_holder.style_thread_pool.as_ref() } else { None }; let traversal = RecalcStyleOnly::new(shared_style_context); driver::traverse_dom(&traversal, token, thread_pool); } /// Traverses the subtree rooted at `root` for restyling. /// /// Returns whether the root was restyled. Whether anything else was restyled or /// not can be inferred from the dirty bits in the rest of the tree. #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_TraverseSubtree( root: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, raw_flags: ServoTraversalFlags ) -> bool { let traversal_flags = TraversalFlags::from_bits_truncate(raw_flags); debug_assert!(!snapshots.is_null()); let element = GeckoElement(root); debug!("Servo_TraverseSubtree (flags={:?})", traversal_flags); debug!("{:?}", ShowSubtreeData(element.as_node())); if cfg!(debug_assertions) { if let Some(parent) = element.traversal_parent() { let data = parent.borrow_data().expect("Styling element with unstyled parent"); assert!( !data.styles.is_display_none(), "Styling element with display: none parent" ); } } let needs_animation_only_restyle = element.has_animation_only_dirty_descendants() || element.has_animation_restyle_hints(); let per_doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); debug_assert!(!per_doc_data.stylist.stylesheets_have_changed()); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let was_initial_style = element.get_data().is_none(); if needs_animation_only_restyle { debug!("Servo_TraverseSubtree doing animation-only restyle (aodd={})", element.has_animation_only_dirty_descendants()); traverse_subtree( element, &global_style_data, &per_doc_data, &guard, traversal_flags | TraversalFlags::AnimationOnly, unsafe { &*snapshots }, ); } traverse_subtree( element, &global_style_data, &per_doc_data, &guard, traversal_flags, unsafe { &*snapshots }, ); debug!("Servo_TraverseSubtree complete (dd={}, aodd={}, lfcd={}, lfc={}, data={:?})", element.has_dirty_descendants(), element.has_animation_only_dirty_descendants(), element.descendants_need_frames(), element.needs_frame(), element.borrow_data().unwrap()); if was_initial_style { debug_assert!(!element.borrow_data().unwrap().contains_restyle_data()); false } else { let element_was_restyled = element.borrow_data().unwrap().contains_restyle_data(); element_was_restyled } } /// Checks whether the rule tree has crossed its threshold for unused nodes, and /// if so, frees them. #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MaybeGCRuleTree(raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed) { let per_doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); unsafe { per_doc_data.stylist.rule_tree().maybe_gc(); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_Interpolate( from: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, to: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, progress: f64, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let from_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&from); let to_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&to); if let Ok(value) = from_value.animate(to_value, Procedure::Interpolate { progress }) { Arc::new(value).into_strong() } else { RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_IsInterpolable( from: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, to: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> bool { let from_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&from); let to_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&to); from_value.animate(to_value, Procedure::Interpolate { progress: 0.5 }).is_ok() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_Add( a: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, b: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let a_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&a); let b_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&b); if let Ok(value) = a_value.animate(b_value, Procedure::Add) { Arc::new(value).into_strong() } else { RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_Accumulate( a: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, b: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, count: u64, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let a_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&a); let b_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&b); if let Ok(value) = a_value.animate(b_value, Procedure::Accumulate { count }) { Arc::new(value).into_strong() } else { RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_GetZeroValue( value_to_match: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let value_to_match = AnimationValue::as_arc(&value_to_match); if let Ok(zero_value) = value_to_match.to_animated_zero() { Arc::new(zero_value).into_strong() } else { RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValues_ComputeDistance( from: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, to: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> f64 { let from_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&from); let to_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&to); // If compute_squared_distance() failed, this function will return negative value // in order to check whether we support the specified paced animation values. from_value.compute_squared_distance(to_value).map(|d| d.sqrt()).unwrap_or(-1.0) } /// Compute one of the endpoints for the interpolation interval, compositing it with the /// underlying value if needed. /// An None returned value means, "Just use endpoint_value as-is." /// It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that |underlying_value| is provided /// when it will be used. fn composite_endpoint( endpoint_value: Option<&RawOffsetArc>, composite: CompositeOperation, underlying_value: Option<&AnimationValue>, ) -> Option { match endpoint_value { Some(endpoint_value) => { match composite { CompositeOperation::Add => { underlying_value .expect("We should have an underlying_value") .animate(endpoint_value, Procedure::Add).ok() }, CompositeOperation::Accumulate => { underlying_value .expect("We should have an underlying value") .animate(endpoint_value, Procedure::Accumulate { count: 1 }) .ok() }, _ => None, } }, None => underlying_value.map(|v| v.clone()), } } /// Accumulate one of the endpoints of the animation interval. /// A returned value of None means, "Just use endpoint_value as-is." fn accumulate_endpoint( endpoint_value: Option<&RawOffsetArc>, composited_value: Option, last_value: &AnimationValue, current_iteration: u64 ) -> Option { debug_assert!(endpoint_value.is_some() || composited_value.is_some(), "Should have a suitable value to use"); let count = current_iteration; match composited_value { Some(endpoint) => { last_value .animate(&endpoint, Procedure::Accumulate { count }) .ok() .or(Some(endpoint)) }, None => { last_value .animate(endpoint_value.unwrap(), Procedure::Accumulate { count }) .ok() }, } } /// Compose the animation segment. We composite it with the underlying_value and last_value if /// needed. /// The caller is responsible for providing an underlying value and last value /// in all situations where there are needed. fn compose_animation_segment( segment: RawGeckoAnimationPropertySegmentBorrowed, underlying_value: Option<&AnimationValue>, last_value: Option<&AnimationValue>, iteration_composite: IterationCompositeOperation, current_iteration: u64, total_progress: f64, segment_progress: f64, ) -> AnimationValue { // Extract keyframe values. let raw_from_value; let keyframe_from_value = if !segment.mFromValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null() { raw_from_value = unsafe { &*segment.mFromValue.mServo.mRawPtr }; Some(AnimationValue::as_arc(&raw_from_value)) } else { None }; let raw_to_value; let keyframe_to_value = if !segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null() { raw_to_value = unsafe { &*segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr }; Some(AnimationValue::as_arc(&raw_to_value)) } else { None }; let mut composited_from_value = composite_endpoint(keyframe_from_value, segment.mFromComposite, underlying_value); let mut composited_to_value = composite_endpoint(keyframe_to_value, segment.mToComposite, underlying_value); debug_assert!(keyframe_from_value.is_some() || composited_from_value.is_some(), "Should have a suitable from value to use"); debug_assert!(keyframe_to_value.is_some() || composited_to_value.is_some(), "Should have a suitable to value to use"); // Apply iteration composite behavior. if iteration_composite == IterationCompositeOperation::Accumulate && current_iteration > 0 { let last_value = last_value.unwrap_or_else(|| { underlying_value.expect("Should have a valid underlying value") }); composited_from_value = accumulate_endpoint(keyframe_from_value, composited_from_value, last_value, current_iteration); composited_to_value = accumulate_endpoint(keyframe_to_value, composited_to_value, last_value, current_iteration); } // Use the composited value if there is one, otherwise, use the original keyframe value. let from = composited_from_value.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| keyframe_from_value.unwrap()); let to = composited_to_value.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| keyframe_to_value.unwrap()); if segment.mToKey == segment.mFromKey { return if total_progress < 0. { from.clone() } else { to.clone() }; } match from.animate(to, Procedure::Interpolate { progress: segment_progress }) { Ok(value) => value, _ => if segment_progress < 0.5 { from.clone() } else { to.clone() }, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComposeAnimationSegment( segment: RawGeckoAnimationPropertySegmentBorrowed, underlying_value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowedOrNull, last_value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowedOrNull, iteration_composite: IterationCompositeOperation, progress: f64, current_iteration: u64 ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let underlying_value = AnimationValue::arc_from_borrowed(&underlying_value).map(|v| &**v); let last_value = AnimationValue::arc_from_borrowed(&last_value).map(|v| &**v); let result = compose_animation_segment( segment, underlying_value, last_value, iteration_composite, current_iteration, progress, progress, ); Arc::new(result).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationCompose( raw_value_map: RawServoAnimationValueMapBorrowedMut, base_values: RawServoAnimationValueTableBorrowed, css_property: nsCSSPropertyID, segment: RawGeckoAnimationPropertySegmentBorrowed, last_segment: RawGeckoAnimationPropertySegmentBorrowed, computed_timing: RawGeckoComputedTimingBorrowed, iteration_composite: IterationCompositeOperation, ) { use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_AnimationGetBaseStyle; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_GetPositionInSegment; use style::gecko_bindings::bindings::Gecko_GetProgressFromComputedTiming; use style::properties::animated_properties::AnimationValueMap; let property = match LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(css_property) { Ok(longhand) if longhand.is_animatable() => longhand, _ => return, }; let value_map = AnimationValueMap::from_ffi_mut(raw_value_map); // We will need an underlying value if either of the endpoints is null... let need_underlying_value = segment.mFromValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null() || segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null() || // ... or if they have a non-replace composite mode ... segment.mFromComposite != CompositeOperation::Replace || segment.mToComposite != CompositeOperation::Replace || // ... or if we accumulate onto the last value and it is null. (iteration_composite == IterationCompositeOperation::Accumulate && computed_timing.mCurrentIteration > 0 && last_segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null()); // If either of the segment endpoints are null, get the underlying value to // use from the current value in the values map (set by a lower-priority // effect), or, if there is no current value, look up the cached base value // for this property. let underlying_value = if need_underlying_value { let previous_composed_value = value_map.get(&property).cloned(); previous_composed_value.or_else(|| { let raw_base_style = unsafe { Gecko_AnimationGetBaseStyle(base_values, css_property) }; AnimationValue::arc_from_borrowed(&raw_base_style).map(|v| &**v).cloned() }) } else { None }; if need_underlying_value && underlying_value.is_none() { warn!("Underlying value should be valid when we expect to use it"); return; } let raw_last_value; let last_value = if !last_segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr.is_null() { raw_last_value = unsafe { &*last_segment.mToValue.mServo.mRawPtr }; Some(&**AnimationValue::as_arc(&raw_last_value)) } else { None }; let progress = unsafe { Gecko_GetProgressFromComputedTiming(computed_timing) }; let position = if segment.mToKey == segment.mFromKey { // Note: compose_animation_segment doesn't use this value // if segment.mFromKey == segment.mToKey, so assigning |progress| directly is fine. progress } else { unsafe { Gecko_GetPositionInSegment(segment, progress, computed_timing.mBeforeFlag) } }; let result = compose_animation_segment( segment, underlying_value.as_ref(), last_value, iteration_composite, computed_timing.mCurrentIteration, progress, position, ); value_map.insert(property, result); } macro_rules! get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid { ($property_id: ident, $ret: expr) => {{ match PropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid($property_id) { Ok(property_id) => property_id, Err(()) => { return $ret; } } }} } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_Serialize( value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, buffer: *mut nsAString, ) { let uncomputed_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&value).uncompute(); let buffer = unsafe { buffer.as_mut().unwrap() }; let rv = PropertyDeclarationBlock::with_one(uncomputed_value, Importance::Normal) .single_value_to_css(&get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, ()), buffer, None, None /* No extra custom properties */); debug_assert!(rv.is_ok()); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_GetOpacity( value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> f32 { let value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&value); if let AnimationValue::Opacity(opacity) = **value { opacity } else { panic!("The AnimationValue should be Opacity"); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_Opacity( opacity: f32 ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { Arc::new(AnimationValue::Opacity(opacity)).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_GetTransform( value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, list: *mut structs::RefPtr ) { let value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&value); if let AnimationValue::Transform(ref servo_list) = **value { let list = unsafe { &mut *list }; if servo_list.0.is_empty() { unsafe { list.set_move(RefPtr::from_addrefed(Gecko_NewNoneTransform())); } } else { gecko_properties::convert_transform(&servo_list.0, list); } } else { panic!("The AnimationValue should be transform"); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_Transform( list: *const nsCSSValueSharedList ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let list = unsafe { (&*list).mHead.as_ref() }; let transform = gecko_properties::clone_transform_from_list(list); Arc::new(AnimationValue::Transform(transform)).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_DeepEqual( this: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, other: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> bool { let this_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&this); let other_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&other); this_value == other_value } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_Uncompute( value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { let value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&value); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap( PropertyDeclarationBlock::with_one(value.uncompute(), Importance::Normal))).into_strong() } // Return the ComputedValues by a base ComputedValues and the rules. fn resolve_rules_for_element_with_context<'a>( element: GeckoElement<'a>, mut context: StyleContext>, rules: StrongRuleNode ) -> Arc { use style::style_resolver::{PseudoElementResolution, StyleResolverForElement}; // This currently ignores visited styles, which seems acceptable, as // existing browsers don't appear to animate visited styles. let inputs = CascadeInputs { rules: Some(rules), visited_rules: None, }; // Actually `PseudoElementResolution` doesn't matter. StyleResolverForElement::new(element, &mut context, RuleInclusion::All, PseudoElementResolution::IfApplicable) .cascade_style_and_visited_with_default_parents(inputs).0 } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_GetBaseComputedValuesForElement( raw_style_set: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { debug_assert!(!snapshots.is_null()); let computed_values = unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_ref(computed_values) }; let rules = match computed_values.rules { None => return computed_values.clone_arc().into(), Some(ref rules) => rules, }; let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_style_set).borrow(); let without_animations_rules = doc_data.stylist.rule_tree().remove_animation_rules(rules); if without_animations_rules == *rules { return computed_values.clone_arc().into(); } let element = GeckoElement(element); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let shared = create_shared_context(&global_style_data, &guard, &doc_data, TraversalFlags::empty(), unsafe { &*snapshots }); let mut tlc = ThreadLocalStyleContext::new(&shared); let context = StyleContext { shared: &shared, thread_local: &mut tlc, }; resolve_rules_for_element_with_context(element, context, without_animations_rules).into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_GetComputedValuesByAddingAnimation( raw_style_set: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, animation_value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { debug_assert!(!snapshots.is_null()); let computed_values = unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_ref(computed_values) }; let rules = match computed_values.rules { None => return ComputedStyleStrong::null(), Some(ref rules) => rules, }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let uncomputed_value = AnimationValue::as_arc(&animation_value).uncompute(); let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_style_set).borrow(); let with_animations_rules = { let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); let declarations = Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap( PropertyDeclarationBlock::with_one(uncomputed_value, Importance::Normal))); doc_data.stylist .rule_tree() .add_animation_rules_at_transition_level(rules, declarations, &guards) }; let element = GeckoElement(element); if element.borrow_data().is_none() { return ComputedStyleStrong::null(); } let shared = create_shared_context(&global_style_data, &guard, &doc_data, TraversalFlags::empty(), unsafe { &*snapshots }); let mut tlc: ThreadLocalStyleContext = ThreadLocalStyleContext::new(&shared); let context = StyleContext { shared: &shared, thread_local: &mut tlc, }; resolve_rules_for_element_with_context(element, context, with_animations_rules).into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_ExtractAnimationValue( computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, property_id: nsCSSPropertyID, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let property = match LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(property_id) { Ok(longhand) => longhand, Err(()) => return Strong::null(), }; match AnimationValue::from_computed_values(property, &computed_values) { Some(v) => Arc::new(v).into_strong(), None => Strong::null(), } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ResolveLogicalProperty( property_id: nsCSSPropertyID, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, ) -> nsCSSPropertyID { let longhand = LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(property_id) .expect("There are no logical shorthands (yet)"); longhand.to_physical(style.writing_mode).to_nscsspropertyid() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_LookupEnabledForAllContent( prop: *const nsACString, ) -> nsCSSPropertyID { match PropertyId::parse_enabled_for_all_content((*prop).as_str_unchecked()) { Ok(p) => p.to_nscsspropertyid_resolving_aliases(), Err(..) => nsCSSPropertyID::eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_GetName( prop: nsCSSPropertyID, out_length: *mut u32, ) -> *const u8 { let (ptr, len) = match NonCustomPropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid(prop) { Ok(p) => { let name = p.name(); (name.as_bytes().as_ptr(), name.len()) } Err(..) => (ptr::null(), 0), }; *out_length = len as u32; ptr } macro_rules! parse_enabled_property_name { ($prop_name:ident, $found:ident, $default:expr) => {{ let prop_name = $prop_name.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); match PropertyId::parse_enabled_for_all_content(prop_name) { Ok(p) => { *$found = true; p } Err(..) => { *$found = false; return $default; } } }} } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_IsShorthand( prop_name: *const nsACString, found: *mut bool ) -> bool { let prop_id = parse_enabled_property_name!(prop_name, found, false); prop_id.is_shorthand() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_IsInherited( prop_name: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let prop_name = prop_name.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); let prop_id = match PropertyId::parse_enabled_for_all_content(prop_name) { Ok(id) => id, Err(_) => return false, }; let longhand_id = match prop_id { PropertyId::Custom(_) => return true, PropertyId::Longhand(id) | PropertyId::LonghandAlias(id, _) => id, PropertyId::Shorthand(id) | PropertyId::ShorthandAlias(id, _) => id.longhands().next().unwrap(), }; longhand_id.inherited() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_SupportsType( prop_name: *const nsACString, ty: u32, found: *mut bool, ) -> bool { let prop_id = parse_enabled_property_name!(prop_name, found, false); // This should match the constants in InspectorUtils. // (Let's don't bother importing InspectorUtilsBinding into bindings // because it is not used anywhere else, and issue here would be // caught by the property-db test anyway.) let ty = match ty { 1 => CssType::COLOR, 2 => CssType::GRADIENT, 3 => CssType::TIMING_FUNCTION, _ => unreachable!("unknown CSS type {}", ty), }; prop_id.supports_type(ty) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Property_GetCSSValuesForProperty( prop_name: *const nsACString, found: *mut bool, result: *mut nsTArray, ) { let prop_id = parse_enabled_property_name!(prop_name, found, ()); // Use B-tree set for unique and sorted result. let mut values = BTreeSet::<&'static str>::new(); prop_id.collect_property_completion_keywords(&mut |list| values.extend(list.iter())); let mut extras = vec![]; if values.contains("transparent") { // This is a special value devtools use to avoid inserting the // long list of color keywords. We need to prepend it to values. extras.push("COLOR"); } let result = result.as_mut().unwrap(); let len = extras.len() + values.len(); bindings::Gecko_ResizeTArrayForStrings(result, len as u32); for (src, dest) in extras.iter().chain(values.iter()).zip(result.iter_mut()) { dest.write_str(src).unwrap(); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Property_IsAnimatable(prop: nsCSSPropertyID) -> bool { NonCustomPropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid(prop).ok().map_or(false, |p| p.is_animatable()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Property_IsTransitionable(prop: nsCSSPropertyID) -> bool { NonCustomPropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid(prop).ok().map_or(false, |p| p.is_transitionable()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Property_IsDiscreteAnimatable(property: nsCSSPropertyID) -> bool { match LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(property) { Ok(longhand) => longhand.is_discrete_animatable(), Err(()) => return false, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleWorkerThreadCount() -> u32 { STYLE_THREAD_POOL.num_threads as u32 } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_ClearData(element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed) { unsafe { GeckoElement(element).clear_data() }; } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_SizeOfExcludingThisAndCVs( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, seen_ptrs: *mut SeenPtrs, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, ) -> usize { let element = GeckoElement(element); let borrow = element.borrow_data(); if let Some(data) = borrow { let have_seen_ptr = move |ptr| { unsafe { Gecko_HaveSeenPtr(seen_ptrs, ptr) } }; let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new( malloc_size_of.unwrap(), Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), Some(Box::new(have_seen_ptr)), ); (*data).size_of_excluding_cvs(&mut ops) } else { 0 } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_HasPrimaryComputedValues(element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data().expect("Looking for CVs on unstyled element"); data.has_styles() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_GetPrimaryComputedValues( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data().expect("Getting CVs on unstyled element"); data.styles.primary().clone().into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_HasPseudoComputedValues( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, index: usize, ) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data().expect("Looking for CVs on unstyled element"); data.styles.pseudos.as_array()[index].is_some() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_GetPseudoComputedValues( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, index: usize, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data().expect("Getting CVs that aren't present"); data.styles.pseudos.as_array()[index].as_ref().expect("Getting CVs that aren't present") .clone().into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_IsDisplayNone( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, ) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.get_data() .expect("Invoking Servo_Element_IsDisplayNone on unstyled element"); // This function is hot, so we bypass the AtomicRefCell. // // It would be nice to also assert that we're not in the servo traversal, // but this function is called at various intermediate checkpoints when // managing the traversal on the Gecko side. debug_assert!(is_main_thread()); unsafe { &*data.as_ptr() }.styles.is_display_none() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_IsDisplayContents( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, ) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.get_data() .expect("Invoking Servo_Element_IsDisplayContents on unstyled element"); debug_assert!(is_main_thread()); unsafe { &*data.as_ptr() }.styles.primary().get_box().clone_display().is_contents() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Element_IsPrimaryStyleReusedViaRuleNode(element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data() .expect("Invoking Servo_Element_IsPrimaryStyleReusedViaRuleNode on unstyled element"); data.flags.contains(data::ElementDataFlags::PRIMARY_STYLE_REUSED_VIA_RULE_NODE) } fn mode_to_origin(mode: SheetParsingMode) -> Origin { match mode { SheetParsingMode::eAuthorSheetFeatures => Origin::Author, SheetParsingMode::eUserSheetFeatures => Origin::User, SheetParsingMode::eAgentSheetFeatures => Origin::UserAgent, SheetParsingMode::eSafeAgentSheetFeatures => Origin::UserAgent, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_Empty(mode: SheetParsingMode) -> RawServoStyleSheetContentsStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let origin = mode_to_origin(mode); let shared_lock = &global_style_data.shared_lock; Arc::new( StylesheetContents::from_str( "", unsafe { dummy_url_data() }.clone(), origin, shared_lock, /* loader = */ None, None, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, 0, /* use_counters = */ None, ) ).into_strong() } /// Note: The load_data corresponds to this sheet, and is passed as the parent /// load data for child sheet loads. It may be null for certain cases where we /// know we won't have child loads. #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_FromUTF8Bytes( loader: *mut Loader, stylesheet: *mut DomStyleSheet, load_data: *mut SheetLoadData, bytes: *const nsACString, mode: SheetParsingMode, extra_data: *mut URLExtraData, line_number_offset: u32, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, reusable_sheets: *mut LoaderReusableStyleSheets, use_counters: bindings::StyleUseCountersBorrowedOrNull, ) -> RawServoStyleSheetContentsStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let input: &str = unsafe { (*bytes).as_str_unchecked() }; let reporter = ErrorReporter::new(stylesheet, loader, extra_data); let url_data = unsafe { UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&extra_data) }; let loader = if loader.is_null() { None } else { Some(StylesheetLoader::new(loader, stylesheet, load_data, reusable_sheets)) }; // FIXME(emilio): loader.as_ref() doesn't typecheck for some reason? let loader: Option<&StyleStylesheetLoader> = match loader { None => None, Some(ref s) => Some(s), }; Arc::new(StylesheetContents::from_str( input, url_data.clone(), mode_to_origin(mode), &global_style_data.shared_lock, loader, reporter.as_ref().map(|r| r as &ParseErrorReporter), quirks_mode.into(), line_number_offset, use_counters.map(UseCounters::from_ffi), )).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_FromUTF8BytesAsync( load_data: *mut SheetLoadDataHolder, extra_data: *mut URLExtraData, bytes: *const nsACString, mode: SheetParsingMode, line_number_offset: u32, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, should_record_use_counters: bool, ) { let load_data = RefPtr::new(load_data); let extra_data = UrlExtraData(RefPtr::new(extra_data)); let mut sheet_bytes = nsCString::new(); sheet_bytes.assign(&*bytes); let async_parser = AsyncStylesheetParser::new( load_data, extra_data, sheet_bytes, mode_to_origin(mode), quirks_mode.into(), line_number_offset, should_record_use_counters, ); if let Some(thread_pool) = STYLE_THREAD_POOL.style_thread_pool.as_ref() { thread_pool.spawn(|| { async_parser.parse(); }); } else { async_parser.parse(); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_AppendStyleSheet( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let data = &mut *data; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let sheet = unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet) }; data.stylist.append_stylesheet(sheet, &guard); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_Create() -> *mut RawServoAuthorStyles { Box::into_raw(Box::new(AuthorStyles::::new())) as *mut _ } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_Drop( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesOwned, ) { let _ = styles.into_box::>(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_AppendStyleSheet( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) { let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(styles); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let sheet = GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet); styles.stylesheets.append_stylesheet(None, sheet, &guard); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_InsertStyleSheetBefore( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, before_sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) { let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(styles); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); styles.stylesheets.insert_stylesheet_before( None, GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet), GeckoStyleSheet::new(before_sheet), &guard, ); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_RemoveStyleSheet( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) { let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(styles); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); styles.stylesheets.remove_stylesheet( None, GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet), &guard, ); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_ForceDirty( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, ) { let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(styles); styles.stylesheets.force_dirty(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_Flush( styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowedMut, document_set: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) { let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(styles); // Try to avoid the atomic borrow below if possible. if !styles.stylesheets.dirty() { return; } let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let document_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(document_set).borrow(); let stylist = &document_data.stylist; // TODO(emilio): This is going to need an element or something to do proper // invalidation in Shadow roots. styles.flush::( stylist.device(), stylist.quirks_mode(), &guard, ); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_AuthorStyles_SizeOfIncludingThis( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, styles: RawServoAuthorStylesBorrowed, ) -> usize { // We cannot `use` MallocSizeOf at the top level, otherwise the compiler // would complain in `Servo_StyleSheet_SizeOfIncludingThis` for `size_of` // there. use malloc_size_of::MallocSizeOf; let malloc_size_of = malloc_size_of.unwrap(); let malloc_size_of_this = malloc_size_of(styles as *const RawServoAuthorStyles as *const c_void); let styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi(styles); let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new(malloc_size_of, Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), None); malloc_size_of_this + styles.size_of(&mut ops) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_MediumFeaturesChanged( document_set: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, non_document_styles: *mut nsTArray, may_affect_default_style: bool, ) -> structs::MediumFeaturesChangedResult { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); // NOTE(emilio): We don't actually need to flush the stylist here and ensure // it's up to date. // // In case it isn't we would trigger a rebuild + restyle as needed too. // // We need to ensure the default computed values are up to date though, // because those can influence the result of media query evaluation. let mut document_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(document_set).borrow_mut(); if may_affect_default_style { document_data.stylist.device_mut().reset_computed_values(); } let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); let origins_in_which_rules_changed = document_data.stylist.media_features_change_changed_style( &guards, document_data.stylist.device(), ); let affects_document_rules = !origins_in_which_rules_changed.is_empty(); if affects_document_rules { document_data.stylist.force_stylesheet_origins_dirty(origins_in_which_rules_changed); } let mut affects_non_document_rules = false; for author_styles in &mut **non_document_styles { let author_styles = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi_mut(&mut *author_styles); let affected_style = author_styles.stylesheets.iter().any(|sheet| { !author_styles.data.media_feature_affected_matches( sheet, &guards.author, document_data.stylist.device(), document_data.stylist.quirks_mode(), ) }); if affected_style { affects_non_document_rules = true; author_styles.stylesheets.force_dirty(); } } let uses_viewport_units = document_data.stylist.device().used_viewport_size(); structs::MediumFeaturesChangedResult { mAffectsDocumentRules: affects_document_rules, mAffectsNonDocumentRules: affects_non_document_rules, mUsesViewportUnits: uses_viewport_units, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_PrependStyleSheet( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let data = &mut *data; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let sheet = unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet) }; data.stylist.prepend_stylesheet(sheet, &guard); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_InsertStyleSheetBefore( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, before_sheet: *const DomStyleSheet ) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let data = &mut *data; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let sheet = unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet) }; data.stylist.insert_stylesheet_before( sheet, unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(before_sheet) }, &guard, ); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_RemoveStyleSheet( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, sheet: *const DomStyleSheet ) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let data = &mut *data; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let sheet = unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet) }; data.stylist.remove_stylesheet(sheet, &guard); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_FlushStyleSheets( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, doc_element: RawGeckoElementBorrowedOrNull, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, ) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let doc_element = doc_element.map(GeckoElement); let have_invalidations = data.flush_stylesheets(&guard, doc_element, snapshots.as_ref()); if have_invalidations && doc_element.is_some() { // The invalidation machinery propagates the bits up, but we still need // to tell the Gecko restyle root machinery about it. bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtySubtreeForInvalidation(doc_element.unwrap().0); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_NoteStyleSheetsChanged( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, changed_origins: OriginFlags, ) { let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); data.stylist.force_stylesheet_origins_dirty(OriginSet::from(changed_origins)); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_SetAuthorStyleDisabled( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, author_style_disabled: bool, ) { let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let enabled = if author_style_disabled { AuthorStylesEnabled::No } else { AuthorStylesEnabled::Yes }; data.stylist.set_author_styles_enabled(enabled); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_HasRules( raw_contents: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed ) -> bool { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); !StylesheetContents::as_arc(&raw_contents) .rules.read_with(&guard).0.is_empty() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_GetRules( sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed ) -> ServoCssRulesStrong { StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet).rules.clone().into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_Clone( raw_sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, reference_sheet: *const DomStyleSheet, ) -> RawServoStyleSheetContentsStrong { use style::shared_lock::{DeepCloneParams, DeepCloneWithLock}; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&raw_sheet); let params = DeepCloneParams { reference_sheet }; Arc::new(contents.deep_clone_with_lock( &global_style_data.shared_lock, &guard, ¶ms, )).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_SizeOfIncludingThis( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed ) -> usize { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new(malloc_size_of.unwrap(), Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), None); StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet).size_of(&guard, &mut ops) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_GetOrigin( sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, ) -> u8 { let origin = match StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet).origin { Origin::UserAgent => OriginFlags_UserAgent, Origin::User => OriginFlags_User, Origin::Author => OriginFlags_Author, }; // We'd like to return `OriginFlags` here, but bindgen bitfield enums don't // work as return values with the Linux 32-bit ABI at the moment because // they wrap the value in a struct, so for now just unwrap it. origin.0 } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_GetSourceMapURL( sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString ) { let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet); let url_opt = contents.source_map_url.read(); if let Some(ref url) = *url_opt { write!(unsafe { &mut *result }, "{}", url).unwrap(); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_GetSourceURL( sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString ) { let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet); let url_opt = contents.source_url.read(); if let Some(ref url) = *url_opt { write!(unsafe { &mut *result }, "{}", url).unwrap(); } } fn read_locked_arc(raw: & as HasFFI>::FFIType, func: F) -> R where Locked: HasArcFFI, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R, { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); func(Locked::::as_arc(&raw).read_with(&guard)) } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] unsafe fn read_locked_arc_unchecked(raw: & as HasFFI>::FFIType, func: F) -> R where Locked: HasArcFFI, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R { debug_assert!(is_main_thread() && !is_in_servo_traversal()); read_locked_arc(raw, func) } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] unsafe fn read_locked_arc_unchecked(raw: & as HasFFI>::FFIType, func: F) -> R where Locked: HasArcFFI, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R { func(Locked::::as_arc(&raw).read_unchecked()) } fn write_locked_arc(raw: & as HasFFI>::FFIType, func: F) -> R where Locked: HasArcFFI, F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> R { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.write(); func(Locked::::as_arc(&raw).write_with(&mut guard)) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CssRules_ListTypes( rules: ServoCssRulesBorrowed, result: nsTArrayBorrowed_uintptr_t, ) { read_locked_arc(rules, |rules: &CssRules| { result.assign_from_iter_pod( rules.0.iter().map(|rule| rule.rule_type() as usize) ); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CssRules_InsertRule( rules: ServoCssRulesBorrowed, contents: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, rule: *const nsACString, index: u32, nested: bool, loader: *mut Loader, gecko_stylesheet: *mut DomStyleSheet, rule_type: *mut u16, ) -> nsresult { let loader = if loader.is_null() { None } else { Some(StylesheetLoader::new(loader, gecko_stylesheet, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut())) }; let loader = loader.as_ref().map(|loader| loader as &StyleStylesheetLoader); let rule = unsafe { rule.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&contents); let result = Locked::::as_arc(&rules).insert_rule( &global_style_data.shared_lock, rule, contents, index as usize, nested, loader ); match result { Ok(new_rule) => { *unsafe { rule_type.as_mut().unwrap() } = new_rule.rule_type() as u16; nsresult::NS_OK } Err(err) => err.into(), } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CssRules_DeleteRule( rules: ServoCssRulesBorrowed, index: u32 ) -> nsresult { write_locked_arc(rules, |rules: &mut CssRules| { match rules.remove_rule(index as usize) { Ok(_) => nsresult::NS_OK, Err(err) => err.into() } }) } macro_rules! impl_basic_rule_funcs_without_getter { { ($rule_type:ty, $raw_type:ty), debug: $debug:ident, to_css: $to_css:ident, } => { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn $debug(rule: &$raw_type, result: *mut nsACString) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &$rule_type| { write!(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() }, "{:?}", *rule).unwrap(); }) } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn $debug(_: &$raw_type, _: *mut nsACString) { unreachable!() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn $to_css(rule: &$raw_type, result: *mut nsAString) { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let rule = Locked::<$rule_type>::as_arc(&rule); rule.read_with(&guard).to_css(&guard, unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() }).unwrap(); } } } macro_rules! impl_basic_rule_funcs { { ($name:ident, $rule_type:ty, $raw_type:ty), getter: $getter:ident, debug: $debug:ident, to_css: $to_css:ident, } => { #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn $getter( rules: ServoCssRulesBorrowed, index: u32, line: *mut u32, column: *mut u32, ) -> Strong<$raw_type> { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let rules = Locked::::as_arc(&rules).read_with(&guard); let index = index as usize; if index >= rules.0.len() { return Strong::null(); } match rules.0[index] { CssRule::$name(ref rule) => { let location = rule.read_with(&guard).source_location; *unsafe { line.as_mut().unwrap() } = location.line as u32; *unsafe { column.as_mut().unwrap() } = location.column as u32; rule.clone().into_strong() }, _ => { Strong::null() } } } impl_basic_rule_funcs_without_getter! { ($rule_type, $raw_type), debug: $debug, to_css: $to_css, } } } macro_rules! impl_group_rule_funcs { { ($name:ident, $rule_type:ty, $raw_type:ty), get_rules: $get_rules:ident, $($basic:tt)+ } => { impl_basic_rule_funcs! { ($name, $rule_type, $raw_type), $($basic)+ } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn $get_rules(rule: &$raw_type) -> ServoCssRulesStrong { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &$rule_type| { rule.rules.clone().into_strong() }) } } } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (Style, StyleRule, RawServoStyleRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetStyleRuleAt, debug: Servo_StyleRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_StyleRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (Import, ImportRule, RawServoImportRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetImportRuleAt, debug: Servo_ImportRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_ImportRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs_without_getter! { (Keyframe, RawServoKeyframe), debug: Servo_Keyframe_Debug, to_css: Servo_Keyframe_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (Keyframes, KeyframesRule, RawServoKeyframesRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetKeyframesRuleAt, debug: Servo_KeyframesRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_KeyframesRule_GetCssText, } impl_group_rule_funcs! { (Media, MediaRule, RawServoMediaRule), get_rules: Servo_MediaRule_GetRules, getter: Servo_CssRules_GetMediaRuleAt, debug: Servo_MediaRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_MediaRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (Namespace, NamespaceRule, RawServoNamespaceRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetNamespaceRuleAt, debug: Servo_NamespaceRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_NamespaceRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (Page, PageRule, RawServoPageRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetPageRuleAt, debug: Servo_PageRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_PageRule_GetCssText, } impl_group_rule_funcs! { (Supports, SupportsRule, RawServoSupportsRule), get_rules: Servo_SupportsRule_GetRules, getter: Servo_CssRules_GetSupportsRuleAt, debug: Servo_SupportsRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_SupportsRule_GetCssText, } impl_group_rule_funcs! { (Document, DocumentRule, RawServoMozDocumentRule), get_rules: Servo_MozDocumentRule_GetRules, getter: Servo_CssRules_GetMozDocumentRuleAt, debug: Servo_MozDocumentRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_MozDocumentRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (FontFeatureValues, FontFeatureValuesRule, RawServoFontFeatureValuesRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetFontFeatureValuesRuleAt, debug: Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (FontFace, FontFaceRule, RawServoFontFaceRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetFontFaceRuleAt, debug: Servo_FontFaceRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_FontFaceRule_GetCssText, } impl_basic_rule_funcs! { (CounterStyle, CounterStyleRule, RawServoCounterStyleRule), getter: Servo_CssRules_GetCounterStyleRuleAt, debug: Servo_CounterStyleRule_Debug, to_css: Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetCssText, } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_GetStyle(rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { rule.block.clone().into_strong() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_SetStyle(rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed) { let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut StyleRule| { rule.block = declarations.clone_arc(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorText(rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { rule.selectors.to_css(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() }).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorTextAtIndex( rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, index: u32, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { let index = index as usize; if index >= rule.selectors.0.len() { return; } rule.selectors.0[index].to_css(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() }).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_GetSelectorCount(rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, count: *mut u32) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { *unsafe { count.as_mut().unwrap() } = rule.selectors.0.len() as u32; }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_GetSpecificityAtIndex( rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, index: u32, specificity: *mut u64 ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { let specificity = unsafe { specificity.as_mut().unwrap() }; let index = index as usize; if index >= rule.selectors.0.len() { *specificity = 0; return; } *specificity = rule.selectors.0[index].specificity() as u64; }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_SelectorMatchesElement( rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, index: u32, pseudo_type: CSSPseudoElementType, ) -> bool { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &StyleRule| { let index = index as usize; if index >= rule.selectors.0.len() { return false; } let selector = &rule.selectors.0[index]; let mut matching_mode = MatchingMode::Normal; match PseudoElement::from_pseudo_type(pseudo_type) { Some(pseudo) => { // We need to make sure that the requested pseudo element type // matches the selector pseudo element type before proceeding. match selector.pseudo_element() { Some(selector_pseudo) if *selector_pseudo == pseudo => { matching_mode = MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement }, _ => return false, }; }, None => { // Do not attempt to match if a pseudo element is requested and // this is not a pseudo element selector, or vice versa. if selector.has_pseudo_element() { return false; } }, }; let element = GeckoElement(element); let quirks_mode = element.as_node().owner_doc().quirks_mode(); let mut ctx = MatchingContext::new(matching_mode, None, None, quirks_mode); matches_selector(selector, 0, None, &element, &mut ctx, &mut |_, _| {}) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleRule_SetSelectorText( sheet: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, rule: RawServoStyleRuleBorrowed, text: *const nsAString, ) -> bool { let value_str = (*text).to_string(); write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut StyleRule| { use style::selector_parser::SelectorParser; let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&sheet); let namespaces = contents.namespaces.read(); let url_data = contents.url_data.read(); let parser = SelectorParser { stylesheet_origin: contents.origin, namespaces: &namespaces, url_data: Some(&url_data), }; let mut parser_input = ParserInput::new(&value_str); match SelectorList::parse(&parser, &mut Parser::new(&mut parser_input)) { Ok(selectors) => { rule.selectors = selectors; true } Err(_) => false, } }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_Closest( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed, ) -> *const structs::RawGeckoElement { use std::borrow::Borrow; use style::dom_apis; let element = GeckoElement(element); let quirks_mode = element.as_node().owner_doc().quirks_mode(); let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow(); dom_apis::element_closest(element, &selectors, quirks_mode) .map_or(ptr::null(), |e| e.0) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_Matches( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed, ) -> bool { use std::borrow::Borrow; use style::dom_apis; let element = GeckoElement(element); let quirks_mode = element.as_node().owner_doc().quirks_mode(); let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow(); dom_apis::element_matches( &element, &selectors, quirks_mode, ) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst( node: RawGeckoNodeBorrowed, selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed, may_use_invalidation: bool, ) -> *const structs::RawGeckoElement { use std::borrow::Borrow; use style::dom_apis::{self, MayUseInvalidation, QueryFirst}; let node = GeckoNode(node); let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow(); let mut result = None; let may_use_invalidation = if may_use_invalidation { MayUseInvalidation::Yes } else { MayUseInvalidation::No }; dom_apis::query_selector::( node, &selectors, &mut result, may_use_invalidation, ); result.map_or(ptr::null(), |e| e.0) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll( node: RawGeckoNodeBorrowed, selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed, content_list: *mut structs::nsSimpleContentList, may_use_invalidation: bool, ) { use std::borrow::Borrow; use style::dom_apis::{self, MayUseInvalidation, QueryAll}; let node = GeckoNode(node); let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow(); let mut result = SmallVec::new(); let may_use_invalidation = if may_use_invalidation { MayUseInvalidation::Yes } else { MayUseInvalidation::No }; dom_apis::query_selector::( node, &selectors, &mut result, may_use_invalidation, ); if !result.is_empty() { // NOTE(emilio): This relies on a slice of GeckoElement having the same // memory representation than a slice of element pointers. bindings::Gecko_ContentList_AppendAll( content_list, result.as_ptr() as *mut *const _, result.len(), ) } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ImportRule_GetHref(rule: RawServoImportRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &ImportRule| { write!(unsafe { &mut *result }, "{}", rule.url.as_str()).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ImportRule_GetSheet( rule: RawServoImportRuleBorrowed, ) -> *const DomStyleSheet { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &ImportRule| { rule.stylesheet.as_sheet().unwrap().raw() as *const DomStyleSheet }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ImportRule_SetSheet( rule: RawServoImportRuleBorrowed, sheet: *mut DomStyleSheet, ) { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut ImportRule| { let sheet = unsafe { GeckoStyleSheet::new(sheet) }; rule.stylesheet = ImportSheet::new(sheet); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Keyframe_GetKeyText( keyframe: RawServoKeyframeBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString ) { read_locked_arc(keyframe, |keyframe: &Keyframe| { keyframe.selector.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Keyframe_SetKeyText(keyframe: RawServoKeyframeBorrowed, text: *const nsACString) -> bool { let text = unsafe { text.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let mut input = ParserInput::new(&text); if let Ok(selector) = Parser::new(&mut input).parse_entirely(KeyframeSelector::parse) { write_locked_arc(keyframe, |keyframe: &mut Keyframe| { keyframe.selector = selector; }); true } else { false } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Keyframe_GetStyle(keyframe: RawServoKeyframeBorrowed) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { read_locked_arc(keyframe, |keyframe: &Keyframe| keyframe.block.clone().into_strong()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Keyframe_SetStyle(keyframe: RawServoKeyframeBorrowed, declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed) { let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); write_locked_arc(keyframe, |keyframe: &mut Keyframe| { keyframe.block = declarations.clone_arc(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_GetName(rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &KeyframesRule| rule.name.as_atom().as_ptr()) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_SetName(rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed, name: *mut nsAtom) { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut KeyframesRule| { rule.name = KeyframesName::Ident(CustomIdent(Atom::from_addrefed(name))); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_GetCount(rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed) -> u32 { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &KeyframesRule| rule.keyframes.len() as u32) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_GetKeyframeAt( rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed, index: u32, line: *mut u32, column: *mut u32, ) -> RawServoKeyframeStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let key = Locked::::as_arc(&rule).read_with(&guard) .keyframes[index as usize].clone(); let location = key.read_with(&guard).source_location; *unsafe { line.as_mut().unwrap() } = location.line as u32; *unsafe { column.as_mut().unwrap() } = location.column as u32; key.into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_FindRule( rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed, key: *const nsACString, ) -> u32 { let key = unsafe { key.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); Locked::::as_arc(&rule).read_with(&guard) .find_rule(&guard, key).map(|index| index as u32) .unwrap_or(u32::max_value()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_AppendRule( rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed, contents: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed, css: *const nsACString ) -> bool { let css = unsafe { css.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let contents = StylesheetContents::as_arc(&contents); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; match Keyframe::parse(css, &contents, &global_style_data.shared_lock) { Ok(keyframe) => { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut KeyframesRule| { rule.keyframes.push(keyframe); }); true } Err(..) => false, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_KeyframesRule_DeleteRule(rule: RawServoKeyframesRuleBorrowed, index: u32) { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut KeyframesRule| { rule.keyframes.remove(index as usize); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaRule_GetMedia(rule: RawServoMediaRuleBorrowed) -> RawServoMediaListStrong { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &MediaRule| { rule.media_queries.clone().into_strong() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_NamespaceRule_GetPrefix(rule: RawServoNamespaceRuleBorrowed) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &NamespaceRule| { rule.prefix.as_ref().unwrap_or(&atom!("")).as_ptr() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_NamespaceRule_GetURI(rule: RawServoNamespaceRuleBorrowed) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &NamespaceRule| rule.url.0.as_ptr()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_PageRule_GetStyle(rule: RawServoPageRuleBorrowed) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &PageRule| { rule.block.clone().into_strong() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_PageRule_SetStyle( rule: RawServoPageRuleBorrowed, declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, ) { let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut PageRule| { rule.block = declarations.clone_arc(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_SupportsRule_GetConditionText( rule: RawServoSupportsRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &SupportsRule| { rule.condition.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MozDocumentRule_GetConditionText( rule: RawServoMozDocumentRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &DocumentRule| { rule.condition.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_GetFontFamily( rule: RawServoFontFeatureValuesRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFeatureValuesRule| { rule.font_family_to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_FontFeatureValuesRule_GetValueText( rule: RawServoFontFeatureValuesRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFeatureValuesRule| { rule.value_to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_CreateEmpty() -> RawServoFontFaceRuleStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; // XXX This is not great. We should split FontFace descriptor data // from the rule, so that we don't need to create the rule like this // and the descriptor data itself can be hold in UniquePtr from the // Gecko side. See bug 1450904. Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(FontFaceRule::empty(SourceLocation { line: 0, column: 0, }))).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_Clone( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, ) -> RawServoFontFaceRuleStrong { let clone = read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| rule.clone()); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(clone)).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSourceLocation( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, line: *mut u32, column: *mut u32, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let location = rule.source_location; *line.as_mut().unwrap() = location.line as u32; *column.as_mut().unwrap() = location.column as u32; }); } macro_rules! apply_font_desc_list { ($apply_macro:ident) => { $apply_macro! { valid: [ eCSSFontDesc_Family => family, eCSSFontDesc_Style => style, eCSSFontDesc_Weight => weight, eCSSFontDesc_Stretch => stretch, eCSSFontDesc_Src => sources, eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange => unicode_range, eCSSFontDesc_FontFeatureSettings => feature_settings, eCSSFontDesc_FontVariationSettings => variation_settings, eCSSFontDesc_FontLanguageOverride => language_override, eCSSFontDesc_Display => display, ] invalid: [ eCSSFontDesc_UNKNOWN, eCSSFontDesc_COUNT, ] } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_Length( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, ) -> u32 { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let mut result = 0; macro_rules! count_values { ( valid: [$($v_enum_name:ident => $field:ident,)*] invalid: [$($i_enum_name:ident,)*] ) => { $(if rule.$field.is_some() { result += 1; })* } } apply_font_desc_list!(count_values); result }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_IndexGetter( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, index: u32, ) -> nsCSSFontDesc { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let mut count = 0; macro_rules! lookup_index { ( valid: [$($v_enum_name:ident => $field:ident,)*] invalid: [$($i_enum_name:ident,)*] ) => { $(if rule.$field.is_some() { count += 1; if count - 1 == index { return nsCSSFontDesc::$v_enum_name; } })* } } apply_font_desc_list!(lookup_index); return nsCSSFontDesc::eCSSFontDesc_UNKNOWN; }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDeclCssText( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { rule.decl_to_css(result.as_mut().unwrap()).unwrap(); }) } macro_rules! simple_font_descriptor_getter { ($function_name:ident, $gecko_type:ident, $field:ident, $compute:ident) => { #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn $function_name( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, out: *mut structs::$gecko_type, ) -> bool { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { match rule.$field { None => return false, Some(ref f) => *out = f.$compute(), } true }) } } } simple_font_descriptor_getter!(Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontWeight, StyleComputedFontWeightRange, weight, compute); simple_font_descriptor_getter!(Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStretch, StyleComputedFontStretchRange, stretch, compute); simple_font_descriptor_getter!(Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStyle, StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor, style, compute); simple_font_descriptor_getter!(Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontDisplay, StyleFontDisplay, display, clone); simple_font_descriptor_getter!(Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontLanguageOverride, StyleFontLanguageOverride, language_override, compute_non_system); #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFamilyName( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, ) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { // TODO(emilio): font-family is a mandatory descriptor, can't we unwrap // here, and remove the null-checks in Gecko? rule.family.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |f| f.name.as_ptr()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetUnicodeRanges( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, out_len: *mut usize, ) -> *const structs::StyleUnicodeRange { *out_len = 0; read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let ranges = match rule.unicode_range { Some(ref ranges) => ranges, None => return ptr::null(), }; *out_len = ranges.len(); ranges.as_ptr() as *const _ }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSources( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, out: *mut nsTArray, ) { use style::font_face::{Source, FontFaceSourceListComponent}; let out = &mut *out; read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let sources = match rule.sources { Some(ref s) => s, None => return, }; let len = sources.iter().fold(0, |acc, src| { acc + match *src { // Each format hint takes one position in the array of mSrc. Source::Url(ref url) => url.format_hints.len() + 1, Source::Local(_) => 1, } }); out.set_len(len as u32); let mut iter = out.iter_mut(); { let mut set_next = |component: FontFaceSourceListComponent| { *iter.next().expect("miscalculated length") = component; }; for source in sources.iter() { match *source { Source::Url(ref url) => { set_next(FontFaceSourceListComponent::Url(url.url.url_value.get())); for hint in url.format_hints.iter() { set_next(FontFaceSourceListComponent::FormatHint { length: hint.len(), utf8_bytes: hint.as_ptr(), }); } } Source::Local(ref name) => { set_next(FontFaceSourceListComponent::Local(name.name.as_ptr())); } } } } assert!(iter.next().is_none(), "miscalculated"); }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetVariationSettings( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, variations: *mut nsTArray, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let source_variations = match rule.variation_settings { Some(ref v) => v, None => return, }; (*variations).set_len(source_variations.0.len() as u32); for (target, source) in (*variations).iter_mut().zip(source_variations.0.iter()) { *target = structs::gfxFontVariation { mTag: source.tag.0, mValue: source.value.get(), }; } }); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFeatureSettings( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, features: *mut nsTArray, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let source_features = match rule.feature_settings { Some(ref v) => v, None => return, }; (*features).set_len(source_features.0.len() as u32); for (target, source) in (*features).iter_mut().zip(source_features.0.iter()) { *target = structs::gfxFontFeature { mTag: source.tag.0, mValue: source.value.value() as u32, }; } }); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDescriptorCssText( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSFontDesc, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &FontFaceRule| { let mut writer = CssWriter::new(result.as_mut().unwrap()); macro_rules! to_css_text { ( valid: [$($v_enum_name:ident => $field:ident,)*] invalid: [$($i_enum_name:ident,)*] ) => { match desc { $( nsCSSFontDesc::$v_enum_name => { if let Some(ref value) = rule.$field { value.to_css(&mut writer).unwrap(); } } )* $( nsCSSFontDesc::$i_enum_name => { debug_assert!(false, "not a valid font descriptor"); } )* } } } apply_font_desc_list!(to_css_text) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_SetDescriptor( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSFontDesc, value: *const nsACString, data: *mut URLExtraData, ) -> bool { let value = value.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&data); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::FontFace), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut FontFaceRule| { macro_rules! to_css_text { ( valid: [$($v_enum_name:ident => $field:ident,)*] invalid: [$($i_enum_name:ident,)*] ) => { match desc { $( nsCSSFontDesc::$v_enum_name => { if let Ok(value) = parser.parse_entirely(|i| Parse::parse(&context, i)) { rule.$field = Some(value); true } else { false } } )* $( nsCSSFontDesc::$i_enum_name => { debug_assert!(false, "not a valid font descriptor"); false } )* } } } apply_font_desc_list!(to_css_text) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_FontFaceRule_ResetDescriptor( rule: RawServoFontFaceRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSFontDesc, ) { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut FontFaceRule| { macro_rules! reset_desc { ( valid: [$($v_enum_name:ident => $field:ident,)*] invalid: [$($i_enum_name:ident,)*] ) => { match desc { $(nsCSSFontDesc::$v_enum_name => rule.$field = None,)* $(nsCSSFontDesc::$i_enum_name => debug_assert!(false, "not a valid font descriptor"),)* } } } apply_font_desc_list!(reset_desc) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetName( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { rule.name().0.as_ptr() }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_SetName( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, value: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let value = value.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); match parser.parse_entirely(counter_style::parse_counter_style_name_definition) { Ok(name) => { write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut CounterStyleRule| rule.set_name(name)); true } Err(_) => false, } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetGeneration( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> u32 { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { rule.generation() }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSystem( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> u8 { use style::counter_style::System; read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { match *rule.resolved_system() { System::Cyclic => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_CYCLIC, System::Numeric => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_NUMERIC, System::Alphabetic => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_ALPHABETIC, System::Symbolic => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_SYMBOLIC, System::Additive => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_ADDITIVE, System::Fixed { .. } => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_FIXED, System::Extends(_) => structs::NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_EXTENDS, } }) as u8 } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetExtended( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { match *rule.resolved_system() { counter_style::System::Extends(ref name) => name.0.as_ptr(), _ => { debug_assert!(false, "Not extends system"); ptr::null_mut() } } }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFixedFirstValue( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> i32 { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { match *rule.resolved_system() { counter_style::System::Fixed { first_symbol_value } => { first_symbol_value.map_or(1, |v| v.value()) } _ => { debug_assert!(false, "Not fixed system"); 0 } } }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFallback( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, ) -> *mut nsAtom { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { rule.fallback().map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |i| i.0 .0.as_ptr()) }) } macro_rules! counter_style_descriptors { { valid: [ $($desc:ident => $getter:ident / $setter:ident,)+ ] invalid: [ $($i_desc:ident,)+ ] } => { #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetDescriptor( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSCounterDesc, result: nsCSSValueBorrowedMut, ) { read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { match desc { $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$desc => { if let Some(value) = rule.$getter() { result.set_from(value); } })+ $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$i_desc => unreachable!(),)+ } }); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetDescriptorCssText( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSCounterDesc, result: *mut nsAString, ) { let mut writer = CssWriter::new(result.as_mut().unwrap()); read_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &CounterStyleRule| { match desc { $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$desc => { if let Some(value) = rule.$getter() { value.to_css(&mut writer).unwrap(); } })+ $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$i_desc => unreachable!(),)+ } }); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CounterStyleRule_SetDescriptor( rule: RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowed, desc: nsCSSCounterDesc, value: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let value = value.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = dummy_url_data(); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::CounterStyle), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); write_locked_arc(rule, |rule: &mut CounterStyleRule| { match desc { $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$desc => { match parser.parse_entirely(|i| Parse::parse(&context, i)) { Ok(value) => rule.$setter(value), Err(_) => false, } })+ $(nsCSSCounterDesc::$i_desc => unreachable!(),)+ } }) } } } counter_style_descriptors! { valid: [ eCSSCounterDesc_System => system / set_system, eCSSCounterDesc_Symbols => symbols / set_symbols, eCSSCounterDesc_AdditiveSymbols => additive_symbols / set_additive_symbols, eCSSCounterDesc_Negative => negative / set_negative, eCSSCounterDesc_Prefix => prefix / set_prefix, eCSSCounterDesc_Suffix => suffix / set_suffix, eCSSCounterDesc_Range => range / set_range, eCSSCounterDesc_Pad => pad / set_pad, eCSSCounterDesc_Fallback => fallback / set_fallback, eCSSCounterDesc_SpeakAs => speak_as / set_speak_as, ] invalid: [ eCSSCounterDesc_UNKNOWN, eCSSCounterDesc_COUNT, ] } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_GetForAnonymousBox( parent_style_or_null: ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull, pseudo_tag: *mut nsAtom, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let atom = Atom::from_raw(pseudo_tag); let pseudo = PseudoElement::from_anon_box_atom(&atom) .expect("Not an anon box pseudo?"); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); // If the pseudo element is PageContent, we should append the precomputed // pseudo element declerations with specified page rules. let page_decls = match pseudo { PseudoElement::PageContent => { let mut declarations = vec![]; let iter = data.stylist.iter_extra_data_origins_rev(); for (data, origin) in iter { let level = match origin { Origin::UserAgent => CascadeLevel::UANormal, Origin::User => CascadeLevel::UserNormal, Origin::Author => CascadeLevel::SameTreeAuthorNormal, }; for rule in data.pages.iter() { declarations.push(ApplicableDeclarationBlock::from_declarations( rule.read_with(level.guard(&guards)).block.clone(), level )); } } Some(declarations) }, _ => None, }; let rule_node = data.stylist.rule_node_for_precomputed_pseudo( &guards, &pseudo, page_decls, ); data.stylist.precomputed_values_for_pseudo_with_rule_node::( &guards, &pseudo, parent_style_or_null.map(|x| &*x), &metrics, rule_node ).into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ResolvePseudoStyle( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, pseudo_type: CSSPseudoElementType, is_probe: bool, inherited_style: ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let element = GeckoElement(element); let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); debug!("Servo_ResolvePseudoStyle: {:?} {:?}, is_probe: {}", element, PseudoElement::from_pseudo_type(pseudo_type), is_probe); let data = element.borrow_data(); let data = match data.as_ref() { Some(data) if data.has_styles() => data, _ => { // FIXME(bholley, emilio): Assert against this. // // Known offender is nsMathMLmoFrame::MarkIntrinsicISizesDirty, // which goes and does a bunch of work involving style resolution. // // Bug 1403865 tracks fixing it, and potentially adding an assert // here instead. warn!("Calling Servo_ResolvePseudoStyle on unstyled element"); return if is_probe { Strong::null() } else { doc_data.default_computed_values().clone().into() }; } }; let pseudo = PseudoElement::from_pseudo_type(pseudo_type) .expect("ResolvePseudoStyle with a non-pseudo?"); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let style = get_pseudo_style( &guard, element, &pseudo, RuleInclusion::All, &data.styles, inherited_style, &*doc_data, is_probe, /* matching_func = */ None, ); match style { Some(s) => s.into(), None => { debug_assert!(is_probe); Strong::null() } } } fn debug_atom_array(atoms: &AtomArray) -> String { let mut result = String::from("["); for atom in atoms.iter() { if atom.mRawPtr.is_null() { result += "(null), "; } else { let atom = unsafe { WeakAtom::new(atom.mRawPtr) }; write!(result, "{}, ", atom).unwrap(); } } result.push(']'); result } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_ResolveXULTreePseudoStyle( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, pseudo_tag: *mut nsAtom, inherited_style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, input_word: *const AtomArray, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = element.borrow_data() .expect("Calling ResolveXULTreePseudoStyle on unstyled element?"); let pseudo = unsafe { Atom::with(pseudo_tag, |atom| { PseudoElement::from_tree_pseudo_atom(atom, Box::new([])) }).expect("ResolveXULTreePseudoStyle with a non-tree pseudo?") }; let input_word = unsafe { input_word.as_ref().unwrap() }; let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); debug!("ResolveXULTreePseudoStyle: {:?} {:?} {}", element, pseudo, debug_atom_array(input_word)); let matching_fn = |pseudo: &PseudoElement| { let args = pseudo.tree_pseudo_args().expect("Not a tree pseudo-element?"); args.iter().all(|atom| { input_word.iter().any(|item| atom.as_ptr() == item.mRawPtr) }) }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); get_pseudo_style( &guard, element, &pseudo, RuleInclusion::All, &data.styles, Some(inherited_style), &*doc_data, /* is_probe = */ false, Some(&matching_fn), ).unwrap().into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_SetExplicitStyle( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, ) { let element = GeckoElement(element); debug!("Servo_SetExplicitStyle: {:?}", element); // We only support this API for initial styling. There's no reason it couldn't // work for other things, we just haven't had a reason to do so. debug_assert!(element.get_data().is_none()); let mut data = unsafe { element.ensure_data() }; data.styles.primary = Some(unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_ref(style) }.clone_arc()); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_HasAuthorSpecifiedRules( style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, pseudo_type: CSSPseudoElementType, rule_type_mask: u32, author_colors_allowed: bool, ) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let pseudo = PseudoElement::from_pseudo_type(pseudo_type); let guard = (*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA).shared_lock.read(); let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); style.rules().has_author_specified_rules(element, pseudo, &guards, rule_type_mask, author_colors_allowed) } fn get_pseudo_style( guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard, element: GeckoElement, pseudo: &PseudoElement, rule_inclusion: RuleInclusion, styles: &ElementStyles, inherited_styles: Option<&ComputedValues>, doc_data: &PerDocumentStyleDataImpl, is_probe: bool, matching_func: Option<&Fn(&PseudoElement) -> bool>, ) -> Option> { let style = match pseudo.cascade_type() { PseudoElementCascadeType::Eager => { match *pseudo { PseudoElement::FirstLetter => { styles.pseudos.get(&pseudo).map(|pseudo_styles| { // inherited_styles can be None when doing lazy resolution // (e.g. for computed style) or when probing. In that case // we just inherit from our element, which is what Gecko // does in that situation. What should actually happen in // the computed style case is a bit unclear. let inherited_styles = inherited_styles.unwrap_or(styles.primary()); let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(guard); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); let inputs = CascadeInputs::new_from_style(pseudo_styles); doc_data.stylist.compute_pseudo_element_style_with_inputs( inputs, pseudo, &guards, Some(inherited_styles), &metrics, Some(element), ) }) }, _ => { // Unfortunately, we can't assert that inherited_styles, if // present, is pointer-equal to styles.primary(), or even // equal in any meaningful way. The way it can fail is as // follows. Say we append an element with a ::before, // ::after, or ::first-line to a parent with a ::first-line, // such that the element ends up on the first line of the // parent (e.g. it's an inline-block in the case it has a // ::first-line, or any container in the ::before/::after // cases). Then gecko will update its frame's style to // inherit from the parent's ::first-line. The next time we // try to get the ::before/::after/::first-line style for // the kid, we'll likely pass in the frame's style as // inherited_styles, but that's not pointer-identical to // styles.primary(), because it got reparented. // // Now in practice this turns out to be OK, because all the // cases in which there's a mismatch go ahead and reparent // styles again as needed to make sure the ::first-line // affects all the things it should affect. But it makes it // impossible to assert anything about the two styles // matching here, unfortunately. styles.pseudos.get(&pseudo).cloned() }, } } PseudoElementCascadeType::Precomputed => unreachable!("No anonymous boxes"), PseudoElementCascadeType::Lazy => { debug_assert!(inherited_styles.is_none() || ptr::eq(inherited_styles.unwrap(), &**styles.primary())); let base = if pseudo.inherits_from_default_values() { doc_data.default_computed_values() } else { styles.primary() }; let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(guard); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); doc_data.stylist.lazily_compute_pseudo_element_style( &guards, element, &pseudo, rule_inclusion, base, is_probe, &metrics, matching_func, ) }, }; if is_probe { return style; } Some(style.unwrap_or_else(|| { StyleBuilder::for_inheritance( doc_data.stylist.device(), Some(styles.primary()), Some(pseudo), ).build() })) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_Inherit( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, pseudo_tag: *mut nsAtom, parent_style_context: ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull, target: structs::InheritTarget ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let for_text = target == structs::InheritTarget::Text; let atom = Atom::from_raw(pseudo_tag); let pseudo = PseudoElement::from_anon_box_atom(&atom) .expect("Not an anon-box? Gah!"); let mut style = StyleBuilder::for_inheritance( data.stylist.device(), parent_style_context, Some(&pseudo) ); if for_text { StyleAdjuster::new(&mut style).adjust_for_text(); } style.build().into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_GetStyleBits(values: ComputedStyleBorrowed) -> u8 { use style::properties::computed_value_flags::ComputedValueFlags; // FIXME(emilio): We could do this more efficiently I'm quite sure. let flags = values.flags; let mut result = 0; if flags.contains(ComputedValueFlags::IS_RELEVANT_LINK_VISITED) { result |= structs::ComputedStyleBit_RelevantLinkVisited; } if flags.contains(ComputedValueFlags::HAS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINES) { result |= structs::ComputedStyleBit_HasTextDecorationLines; } if flags.contains(ComputedValueFlags::SHOULD_SUPPRESS_LINEBREAK) { result |= structs::ComputedStyleBit_SuppressLineBreak; } if flags.contains(ComputedValueFlags::IS_TEXT_COMBINED) { result |= structs::ComputedStyleBit_IsTextCombined; } if flags.contains(ComputedValueFlags::IS_IN_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_SUBTREE) { result |= structs::ComputedStyleBit_HasPseudoElementData; } result } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_SpecifiesAnimationsOrTransitions( values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, ) -> bool { let b = values.get_box(); b.specifies_animations() || b.specifies_transitions() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_EqualCustomProperties( first: ServoComputedDataBorrowed, second: ServoComputedDataBorrowed ) -> bool { first.custom_properties == second.custom_properties } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputedValues_GetStyleRuleList( values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, rules: RawGeckoServoStyleRuleListBorrowedMut, ) { let rule_node = match values.rules { Some(ref r) => r, None => return, }; let mut result = SmallVec::<[_; 10]>::new(); for node in rule_node.self_and_ancestors() { let style_rule = match node.style_source().and_then(|x| x.as_rule()) { Some(rule) => rule, _ => continue, }; // For the rules with any important declaration, we insert them into // rule tree twice, one for normal level and another for important // level. So, we skip the important one to keep the specificity order of // rules. if node.importance().important() { continue; } result.push(style_rule); } rules.assign_from_iter_pod(result.into_iter().map(|src| { src.with_arc(|a| { a.with_raw_offset_arc(|arc| { *Locked::::arc_as_borrowed(arc) as *const _ }) }) })) } /// See the comment in `Device` to see why it's ok to pass an owned reference to /// the pres context (hint: the context outlives the StyleSet, that holds the /// device alive). #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_Init( pres_context: RawGeckoPresContextBorrowed, ) -> *mut RawServoStyleSet { let data = Box::new(PerDocumentStyleData::new(pres_context)); Box::into_raw(data) as *mut RawServoStyleSet } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_RebuildCachedData(raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed) { let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); data.stylist.device_mut().rebuild_cached_data(); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_Drop(data: RawServoStyleSetOwned) { let _ = data.into_box::(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_CompatModeChanged(raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed) { let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let doc = &*data.stylist.device().pres_context().mDocument.raw::(); data.stylist.set_quirks_mode(QuirksMode::from(doc.mCompatMode)); } fn parse_property_into( declarations: &mut SourcePropertyDeclaration, property_id: PropertyId, value: *const nsACString, data: *mut URLExtraData, parsing_mode: structs::ParsingMode, quirks_mode: QuirksMode, reporter: Option<&ParseErrorReporter>, ) -> Result<(), ()> { use style_traits::ParsingMode; let value = unsafe { value.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let url_data = unsafe { UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&data) }; let parsing_mode = ParsingMode::from_bits_truncate(parsing_mode); parse_one_declaration_into( declarations, property_id, value, url_data, reporter, parsing_mode, quirks_mode, ) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ParseProperty( property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: *const nsACString, data: *mut URLExtraData, parsing_mode: structs::ParsingMode, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, loader: *mut Loader, ) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { let id = get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong::null()); let mut declarations = SourcePropertyDeclaration::new(); let reporter = ErrorReporter::new(ptr::null_mut(), loader, data); let result = parse_property_into( &mut declarations, id, value, data, parsing_mode, quirks_mode.into(), reporter.as_ref().map(|r| r as &ParseErrorReporter), ); match result { Ok(()) => { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let mut block = PropertyDeclarationBlock::new(); block.extend( declarations.drain(), Importance::Normal, ); Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(block)).into_strong() } Err(_) => RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ParseEasing( easing: *const nsAString, data: *mut URLExtraData, output: nsTimingFunctionBorrowedMut ) -> bool { use style::properties::longhands::transition_timing_function; // FIXME Dummy URL data would work fine here. let url_data = unsafe { UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&data) }; let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let easing = unsafe { (*easing).to_string() }; let mut input = ParserInput::new(&easing); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let result = parser.parse_entirely(|p| transition_timing_function::single_value::parse(&context, p)); match result { Ok(parsed_easing) => { // We store as computed value in nsTimingFunction. (*output).mTiming = parsed_easing.to_computed_value_without_context(); true }, Err(_) => false } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SerializeEasing( easing: nsTimingFunctionBorrowed, output: *mut nsAString, ) { easing.mTiming.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(&mut *output)).unwrap(); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetProperties_Overriding_Animation( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, list: RawGeckoCSSPropertyIDListBorrowed, set: nsCSSPropertyIDSetBorrowedMut, ) { let element = GeckoElement(element); let element_data = match element.borrow_data() { Some(data) => data, None => return }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); let (overridden, custom) = element_data.styles.primary().rules().get_properties_overriding_animations(&guards); for p in list.iter() { match PropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid(*p) { Ok(property) => { if let PropertyId::Longhand(id) = property { if overridden.contains(id) { unsafe { Gecko_AddPropertyToSet(set, *p) }; } } }, Err(_) => { if *p == nsCSSPropertyID::eCSSPropertyExtra_variable && custom { unsafe { Gecko_AddPropertyToSet(set, *p) }; } } } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MatrixTransform_Operate(matrix_operator: MatrixTransformOperator, from: *const RawGeckoGfxMatrix4x4, to: *const RawGeckoGfxMatrix4x4, progress: f64, output: *mut RawGeckoGfxMatrix4x4) { use self::MatrixTransformOperator::{Accumulate, Interpolate}; use style::values::computed::transform::Matrix3D; let from = Matrix3D::from(unsafe { from.as_ref() }.expect("not a valid 'from' matrix")); let to = Matrix3D::from(unsafe { to.as_ref() }.expect("not a valid 'to' matrix")); let result = match matrix_operator { Interpolate => from.animate(&to, Procedure::Interpolate { progress }), Accumulate => from.animate(&to, Procedure::Accumulate { count: progress as u64 }), }; let output = unsafe { output.as_mut() }.expect("not a valid 'output' matrix"); if let Ok(result) = result { *output = result.into(); } else if progress < 0.5 { *output = from.clone().into(); } else { *output = to.clone().into(); } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_ParseStyleAttribute( data: *const nsACString, raw_extra_data: *mut URLExtraData, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, loader: *mut Loader, ) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let value = (*data).as_str_unchecked(); let reporter = ErrorReporter::new(ptr::null_mut(), loader, raw_extra_data); let url_data = UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&raw_extra_data); Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap( parse_style_attribute( value, url_data, reporter.as_ref().map(|r| r as &ParseErrorReporter), quirks_mode.into(), ) )).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_CreateEmpty() -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(PropertyDeclarationBlock::new())).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_Clone( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, ) -> RawServoDeclarationBlockStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap( declarations.read_with(&guard).clone() )).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_Equals( a: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, b: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, ) -> bool { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); *Locked::::as_arc(&a).read_with(&guard).declarations() == *Locked::::as_arc(&b).read_with(&guard).declarations() } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetCssText( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString, ) { read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.to_css(&mut *result).unwrap() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SerializeOneValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property_id: nsCSSPropertyID, buffer: *mut nsAString, computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull, custom_properties: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowedOrNull, ) { let property_id = get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property_id, ()); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let decls = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations).read_with(&guard); let custom_properties = Locked::::arc_from_borrowed(&custom_properties); let custom_properties = custom_properties.map(|block| block.read_with(&guard)); let buffer = unsafe { buffer.as_mut().unwrap() }; let rv = decls.single_value_to_css(&property_id, buffer, computed_values, custom_properties); debug_assert!(rv.is_ok()); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SerializeFontValueForCanvas( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, buffer: *mut nsAString, ) { use style::properties::shorthands::font; read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { let longhands = match font::LonghandsToSerialize::from_iter(decls.declarations().iter()) { Ok(l) => l, Err(()) => { warn!("Unexpected property!"); return; } }; let rv = longhands.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(&mut *buffer)); debug_assert!(rv.is_ok()); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_Count(declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed) -> u32 { read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.declarations().len() as u32 }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetNthProperty( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, index: u32, result: *mut nsAString, ) -> bool { read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { if let Some(decl) = decls.declarations().get(index as usize) { let result = unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() }; result.assign_str(&decl.id().name()); true } else { false } }) } macro_rules! get_property_id_from_property { ($property: ident, $ret: expr) => {{ let property = $property.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); match PropertyId::parse_enabled_for_all_content(property) { Ok(property_id) => property_id, Err(_) => return $ret, } }} } unsafe fn get_property_value( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property_id: PropertyId, value: *mut nsAString, ) { // This callsite is hot enough that the lock acquisition shows up in profiles. // Using an unchecked read here improves our performance by ~10% on the // microbenchmark in bug 1355599. read_locked_arc_unchecked(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.property_value_to_css(&property_id, value.as_mut().unwrap()).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: *const nsACString, value: *mut nsAString, ) { get_property_value( declarations, get_property_id_from_property!(property, ()), value, ) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyValueById( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: *mut nsAString, ) { get_property_value(declarations, get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, ()), value) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_GetPropertyIsImportant( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let property_id = get_property_id_from_property!(property, false); read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.property_priority(&property_id).important() }) } fn set_property( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property_id: PropertyId, value: *const nsACString, is_important: bool, data: *mut URLExtraData, parsing_mode: structs::ParsingMode, quirks_mode: QuirksMode, loader: *mut Loader, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { let mut source_declarations = SourcePropertyDeclaration::new(); let reporter = ErrorReporter::new(ptr::null_mut(), loader, data); let result = parse_property_into( &mut source_declarations, property_id, value, data, parsing_mode, quirks_mode, reporter.as_ref().map(|r| r as &ParseErrorReporter), ); if result.is_err() { return false; } let importance = if is_important { Importance::Important } else { Importance::Normal }; let mut updates = Default::default(); let will_change = read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.prepare_for_update(&source_declarations, importance, &mut updates) }); if !will_change { return false; } before_change_closure.invoke(); write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.update(source_declarations.drain(), importance, &mut updates) }); true } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetProperty( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: *const nsACString, value: *const nsACString, is_important: bool, data: *mut URLExtraData, parsing_mode: structs::ParsingMode, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, loader: *mut Loader, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { set_property( declarations, get_property_id_from_property!(property, false), value, is_important, data, parsing_mode, quirks_mode.into(), loader, before_change_closure, ) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPropertyToAnimationValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, animation_value: RawServoAnimationValueBorrowed, ) -> bool { write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push( AnimationValue::as_arc(&animation_value).uncompute(), Importance::Normal, ) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPropertyById( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: *const nsACString, is_important: bool, data: *mut URLExtraData, parsing_mode: structs::ParsingMode, quirks_mode: nsCompatibility, loader: *mut Loader, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { set_property( declarations, get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, false), value, is_important, data, parsing_mode, quirks_mode.into(), loader, before_change_closure, ) } fn remove_property( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property_id: PropertyId, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { let first_declaration = read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.first_declaration_to_remove(&property_id) }); let first_declaration = match first_declaration { Some(i) => i, None => return false, }; before_change_closure.invoke(); write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.remove_property(&property_id, first_declaration) }); true } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_RemoveProperty( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: *const nsACString, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { remove_property( declarations, get_property_id_from_property!(property, false), before_change_closure, ) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_RemovePropertyById( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, before_change_closure: DeclarationBlockMutationClosure, ) -> bool { remove_property( declarations, get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, false), before_change_closure, ) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_Create() -> RawServoMediaListStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(MediaList::empty())).into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_DeepClone(list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed) -> RawServoMediaListStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; read_locked_arc(list, |list: &MediaList| { Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(list.clone())) .into_strong() }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_Matches( list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> bool { let per_doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); read_locked_arc(list, |list: &MediaList| { list.evaluate(per_doc_data.stylist.device(), per_doc_data.stylist.quirks_mode()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_HasCSSWideKeyword( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, ) -> bool { let property_id = get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(property, false); read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.has_css_wide_keyword(&property_id) }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_GetText(list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, result: *mut nsAString) { read_locked_arc(list, |list: &MediaList| { list.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_SetText( list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, text: *const nsACString, caller_type: CallerType, ) { let text = (*text).as_str_unchecked(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&text); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = dummy_url_data(); // TODO(emilio): If the need for `CallerType` appears in more places, // consider adding an explicit member in `ParserContext` instead of doing // this (or adding a dummy "chrome://" url data). // // For media query parsing it's effectively the same, so for now... let origin = match caller_type { CallerType::System => Origin::UserAgent, CallerType::NonSystem => Origin::Author, }; let context = ParserContext::new( origin, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Media), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, // TODO(emilio): Looks like error reporting could be useful here? None, None, ); write_locked_arc(list, |list: &mut MediaList| { *list = MediaList::parse(&context, &mut parser); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_GetLength(list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed) -> u32 { read_locked_arc(list, |list: &MediaList| list.media_queries.len() as u32) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_GetMediumAt( list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, index: u32, result: *mut nsAString, ) -> bool { read_locked_arc(list, |list: &MediaList| { if let Some(media_query) = list.media_queries.get(index as usize) { media_query.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(unsafe { result.as_mut().unwrap() })).unwrap(); true } else { false } }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_AppendMedium( list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, new_medium: *const nsACString, ) { let new_medium = unsafe { new_medium.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let url_data = unsafe { dummy_url_data() }; let context = ParserContext::new_for_cssom( url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Media), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); write_locked_arc(list, |list: &mut MediaList| { list.append_medium(&context, new_medium); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_DeleteMedium( list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, old_medium: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let old_medium = unsafe { old_medium.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let url_data = unsafe { dummy_url_data() }; let context = ParserContext::new_for_cssom( url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Media), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); write_locked_arc(list, |list: &mut MediaList| list.delete_medium(&context, old_medium)) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_MediaList_SizeOfIncludingThis( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, list: RawServoMediaListBorrowed, ) -> usize { use malloc_size_of::MallocSizeOf; use malloc_size_of::MallocUnconditionalShallowSizeOf; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new( malloc_size_of.unwrap(), Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), None ); Locked::::as_arc(&list).with_arc(|list| { let mut n = 0; n += list.unconditional_shallow_size_of(&mut ops); n += list.read_with(&guard).size_of(&mut ops); n }) } macro_rules! get_longhand_from_id { ($id:expr) => { match PropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid($id) { Ok(PropertyId::Longhand(long)) => long, _ => { panic!("stylo: unknown presentation property with id"); } } }; } macro_rules! match_wrap_declared { ($longhand:ident, $($property:ident => $inner:expr,)*) => ( match $longhand { $( LonghandId::$property => PropertyDeclaration::$property($inner), )* _ => { panic!("stylo: Don't know how to handle presentation property"); } } ) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_PropertyIsSet( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, ) -> bool { read_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.contains(get_longhand_from_id!(property)) }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetIdentStringValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: *mut nsAtom, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands::_x_lang::computed_value::T as Lang; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, XLang => Lang(Atom::from_raw(value)), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] #[allow(unreachable_code)] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetKeywordValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: i32 ) { use num_traits::FromPrimitive; use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands; use style::values::specified::BorderStyle; use style::values::specified::Display; use style::values::specified::{Clear, Float}; use style::values::generics::font::FontStyle; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let value = value as u32; let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, MozUserModify => longhands::_moz_user_modify::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), Direction => longhands::direction::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), Display => Display::from_u32(value).unwrap(), Float => { const LEFT: u32 = structs::StyleFloat::Left as u32; const RIGHT: u32 = structs::StyleFloat::Right as u32; const NONE: u32 = structs::StyleFloat::None as u32; match value { LEFT => Float::Left, RIGHT => Float::Right, NONE => Float::None, _ => unreachable!(), } }, Clear => { const LEFT: u32 = structs::StyleClear::Left as u32; const RIGHT: u32 = structs::StyleClear::Right as u32; const NONE: u32 = structs::StyleClear::None as u32; const BOTH: u32 = structs::StyleClear::Both as u32; match value { LEFT => Clear::Left, RIGHT => Clear::Right, NONE => Clear::None, BOTH => Clear::Both, _ => unreachable!(), } }, VerticalAlign => longhands::vertical_align::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), TextAlign => longhands::text_align::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), TextEmphasisPosition => longhands::text_emphasis_position::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), FontSize => { // We rely on Gecko passing in font-size values (0...7) here. longhands::font_size::SpecifiedValue::from_html_size(value as u8) }, FontStyle => { let val = if value == structs::NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC { FontStyle::Italic } else { debug_assert_eq!(value, structs::NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL); FontStyle::Normal }; ToComputedValue::from_computed_value(&val) }, FontWeight => longhands::font_weight::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), ListStyleType => Box::new(longhands::list_style_type::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value)), MozMathVariant => longhands::_moz_math_variant::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), WhiteSpace => longhands::white_space::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), CaptionSide => longhands::caption_side::SpecifiedValue::from_gecko_keyword(value), BorderTopStyle => BorderStyle::from_gecko_keyword(value), BorderRightStyle => BorderStyle::from_gecko_keyword(value), BorderBottomStyle => BorderStyle::from_gecko_keyword(value), BorderLeftStyle => BorderStyle::from_gecko_keyword(value), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetIntValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: i32 ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands::_moz_script_level::SpecifiedValue as MozScriptLevel; use style::properties::longhands::_x_span::computed_value::T as Span; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, XSpan => Span(value), // Gecko uses Integer values to signal that it is relative MozScriptLevel => MozScriptLevel::Relative(value), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPixelValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: f32 ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands::border_spacing::SpecifiedValue as BorderSpacing; use style::values::generics::length::MozLength; use style::values::specified::{BorderSideWidth, BorderCornerRadius}; use style::values::specified::length::{NoCalcLength, NonNegativeLength, LengthOrPercentage}; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let nocalc = NoCalcLength::from_px(value); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, Height => MozLength::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto(nocalc.into()), Width => MozLength::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto(nocalc.into()), BorderTopWidth => BorderSideWidth::Length(nocalc.into()), BorderRightWidth => BorderSideWidth::Length(nocalc.into()), BorderBottomWidth => BorderSideWidth::Length(nocalc.into()), BorderLeftWidth => BorderSideWidth::Length(nocalc.into()), MarginTop => nocalc.into(), MarginRight => nocalc.into(), MarginBottom => nocalc.into(), MarginLeft => nocalc.into(), PaddingTop => nocalc.into(), PaddingRight => nocalc.into(), PaddingBottom => nocalc.into(), PaddingLeft => nocalc.into(), BorderSpacing => { let v = NonNegativeLength::from(nocalc); Box::new(BorderSpacing::new(v.clone(), v)) }, BorderTopLeftRadius => { let length = LengthOrPercentage::from(nocalc); Box::new(BorderCornerRadius::new(length.clone(), length)) }, BorderTopRightRadius => { let length = LengthOrPercentage::from(nocalc); Box::new(BorderCornerRadius::new(length.clone(), length)) }, BorderBottomLeftRadius => { let length = LengthOrPercentage::from(nocalc); Box::new(BorderCornerRadius::new(length.clone(), length)) }, BorderBottomRightRadius => { let length = LengthOrPercentage::from(nocalc); Box::new(BorderCornerRadius::new(length.clone(), length)) }, }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetLengthValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: f32, unit: structs::nsCSSUnit, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands::_moz_script_min_size::SpecifiedValue as MozScriptMinSize; use style::values::generics::length::MozLength; use style::values::specified::length::{AbsoluteLength, FontRelativeLength}; use style::values::specified::length::{LengthOrPercentage, NoCalcLength}; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let nocalc = match unit { structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_EM => NoCalcLength::FontRelative(FontRelativeLength::Em(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_XHeight => NoCalcLength::FontRelative(FontRelativeLength::Ex(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Pixel => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Px(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Inch => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::In(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Centimeter => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Cm(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Millimeter => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Mm(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Point => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Pt(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Pica => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Pc(value)), structs::nsCSSUnit::eCSSUnit_Quarter => NoCalcLength::Absolute(AbsoluteLength::Q(value)), _ => unreachable!("Unknown unit passed to SetLengthValue") }; let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, Width => MozLength::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto(nocalc.into()), FontSize => LengthOrPercentage::from(nocalc).into(), MozScriptMinSize => MozScriptMinSize(nocalc), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetNumberValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: f32, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands::_moz_script_level::SpecifiedValue as MozScriptLevel; use style::properties::longhands::_moz_script_size_multiplier::SpecifiedValue as MozScriptSizeMultiplier; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, MozScriptSizeMultiplier => MozScriptSizeMultiplier(value), // Gecko uses Number values to signal that it is absolute MozScriptLevel => MozScriptLevel::MozAbsolute(value as i32), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetPercentValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: f32, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::values::computed::Percentage; use style::values::generics::length::MozLength; use style::values::specified::length::LengthOrPercentage; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let pc = Percentage(value); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, Height => MozLength::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto(pc.into()), Width => MozLength::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto(pc.into()), MarginTop => pc.into(), MarginRight => pc.into(), MarginBottom => pc.into(), MarginLeft => pc.into(), FontSize => LengthOrPercentage::from(pc).into(), }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetAutoValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::values::specified::{LengthOrPercentageOrAuto, MozLength}; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let auto = LengthOrPercentageOrAuto::Auto; let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, Height => MozLength::auto(), Width => MozLength::auto(), MarginTop => auto, MarginRight => auto, MarginBottom => auto, MarginLeft => auto, }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetCurrentColor( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, ) { use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::values::specified::Color; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let cc = Color::currentcolor(); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, BorderTopColor => cc, BorderRightColor => cc, BorderBottomColor => cc, BorderLeftColor => cc, }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetColorValue( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, property: nsCSSPropertyID, value: structs::nscolor, ) { use style::gecko::values::convert_nscolor_to_rgba; use style::properties::{PropertyDeclaration, LonghandId}; use style::properties::longhands; use style::values::specified::Color; let long = get_longhand_from_id!(property); let rgba = convert_nscolor_to_rgba(value); let color = Color::rgba(rgba); let prop = match_wrap_declared! { long, BorderTopColor => color, BorderRightColor => color, BorderBottomColor => color, BorderLeftColor => color, Color => longhands::color::SpecifiedValue(color), BackgroundColor => color, }; write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(prop, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetFontFamily( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, value: *const nsAString, ) { use cssparser::{Parser, ParserInput}; use style::properties::PropertyDeclaration; use style::properties::longhands::font_family::SpecifiedValue as FontFamily; let string = unsafe { (*value).to_string() }; let mut input = ParserInput::new(&string); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let result = FontFamily::parse_specified(&mut parser); if let Ok(family) = result { if parser.is_exhausted() { let decl = PropertyDeclaration::FontFamily(family); write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(decl, Importance::Normal); }) } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetBackgroundImage( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, value: *const nsAString, raw_extra_data: *mut URLExtraData, ) { use style::properties::PropertyDeclaration; use style::properties::longhands::background_image::SpecifiedValue as BackgroundImage; use style::values::Either; use style::values::generics::image::Image; use style::values::specified::url::SpecifiedImageUrl; let url_data = unsafe { UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&raw_extra_data) }; let string = unsafe { (*value).to_string() }; let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let url = SpecifiedImageUrl::parse_from_string(string.into(), &context); let decl = PropertyDeclaration::BackgroundImage(BackgroundImage( vec![Either::Second(Image::Url(url))] )); write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(decl, Importance::Normal); }); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_DeclarationBlock_SetTextDecorationColorOverride( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, ) { use style::properties::PropertyDeclaration; use style::values::specified::text::TextDecorationLine; let mut decoration = TextDecorationLine::none(); decoration |= TextDecorationLine::COLOR_OVERRIDE; let decl = PropertyDeclaration::TextDecorationLine(decoration); write_locked_arc(declarations, |decls: &mut PropertyDeclarationBlock| { decls.push(decl, Importance::Normal); }) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CSSSupports2( property: *const nsACString, value: *const nsACString, ) -> bool { let id = get_property_id_from_property!(property, false); let mut declarations = SourcePropertyDeclaration::new(); parse_property_into( &mut declarations, id, value, DUMMY_URL_DATA, structs::ParsingMode_Default, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, ).is_ok() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CSSSupports(cond: *const nsACString) -> bool { let condition = unsafe { cond.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked() }; let mut input = ParserInput::new(&condition); let mut input = Parser::new(&mut input); let cond = match input.parse_entirely(parse_condition_or_declaration) { Ok(c) => c, Err(..) => return false, }; let url_data = unsafe { dummy_url_data() }; // NOTE(emilio): The supports API is not associated to any stylesheet, // so the fact that there is no namespace map here is fine. let context = ParserContext::new_for_cssom( url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let namespaces = Default::default(); cond.eval(&context, &namespaces) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_NoteExplicitHints( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, restyle_hint: nsRestyleHint, change_hint: nsChangeHint, ) { GeckoElement(element).note_explicit_hints(restyle_hint, change_hint); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_TakeChangeHint( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, was_restyled: *mut bool, ) -> u32 { let was_restyled = unsafe { was_restyled.as_mut().unwrap() }; let element = GeckoElement(element); let damage = match element.mutate_data() { Some(mut data) => { *was_restyled = data.is_restyle(); let damage = data.damage; data.clear_restyle_state(); damage } None => { warn!("Trying to get change hint from unstyled element"); *was_restyled = false; GeckoRestyleDamage::empty() } }; debug!("Servo_TakeChangeHint: {:?}, damage={:?}", element, damage); // We'd like to return `nsChangeHint` here, but bindgen bitfield enums don't // work as return values with the Linux 32-bit ABI at the moment because // they wrap the value in a struct, so for now just unwrap it. damage.as_change_hint().0 } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ResolveStyle( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, _raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let element = GeckoElement(element); debug!("Servo_ResolveStyle: {:?}", element); let data = element.borrow_data().expect("Resolving style on unstyled element"); debug_assert!(element.has_current_styles(&*data), "Resolving style on {:?} without current styles: {:?}", element, data); data.styles.primary().clone().into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ResolveStyleLazily( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, pseudo_type: CSSPseudoElementType, rule_inclusion: StyleRuleInclusion, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { debug_assert!(!snapshots.is_null()); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let element = GeckoElement(element); let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data); let data = doc_data.borrow(); let rule_inclusion = RuleInclusion::from(rule_inclusion); let pseudo = PseudoElement::from_pseudo_type(pseudo_type); let finish = |styles: &ElementStyles, is_probe: bool| -> Option> { match pseudo { Some(ref pseudo) => { get_pseudo_style( &guard, element, pseudo, rule_inclusion, styles, /* inherited_styles = */ None, &*data, is_probe, /* matching_func = */ None, ) } None => Some(styles.primary().clone()), } }; let is_before_or_after = pseudo.as_ref().map_or(false, |p| p.is_before_or_after()); // In the common case we already have the style. Check that before setting // up all the computation machinery. // // Also, only probe in the ::before or ::after case, since their styles may // not be in the `ElementData`, given they may exist but not be applicable // to generate an actual pseudo-element (like, having a `content: none`). if rule_inclusion == RuleInclusion::All { let styles = element.mutate_data().and_then(|d| { if d.has_styles() { finish(&d.styles, is_before_or_after) } else { None } }); if let Some(result) = styles { return result.into(); } } // We don't have the style ready. Go ahead and compute it as necessary. let shared = create_shared_context(&global_style_data, &guard, &data, TraversalFlags::empty(), unsafe { &*snapshots }); let mut tlc = ThreadLocalStyleContext::new(&shared); let mut context = StyleContext { shared: &shared, thread_local: &mut tlc, }; let styles = resolve_style( &mut context, element, rule_inclusion, pseudo.as_ref() ); finish(&styles, /* is_probe = */ false) .expect("We're not probing, so we should always get a style back") .into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ReparentStyle( style_to_reparent: ComputedStyleBorrowed, parent_style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, parent_style_ignoring_first_line: ComputedStyleBorrowed, layout_parent_style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowedOrNull, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let inputs = CascadeInputs::new_from_style(style_to_reparent); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); let pseudo = style_to_reparent.pseudo(); let element = element.map(GeckoElement); doc_data.stylist.cascade_style_and_visited( element, pseudo.as_ref(), inputs, &StylesheetGuards::same(&guard), Some(parent_style), Some(parent_style_ignoring_first_line), Some(layout_parent_style), &metrics, /* rule_cache = */ None, &mut RuleCacheConditions::default(), ).into() } #[cfg(feature = "gecko_debug")] fn simulate_compute_values_failure(property: &PropertyValuePair) -> bool { let p = property.mProperty; let id = get_property_id_from_nscsspropertyid!(p, false); id.as_shorthand().is_ok() && property.mSimulateComputeValuesFailure } #[cfg(not(feature = "gecko_debug"))] fn simulate_compute_values_failure(_: &PropertyValuePair) -> bool { false } fn create_context_for_animation<'a>( per_doc_data: &'a PerDocumentStyleDataImpl, font_metrics_provider: &'a FontMetricsProvider, style: &'a ComputedValues, parent_style: Option<&'a ComputedValues>, for_smil_animation: bool, rule_cache_conditions: &'a mut RuleCacheConditions, ) -> Context<'a> { Context { is_root_element: false, builder: StyleBuilder::for_animation( per_doc_data.stylist.device(), style, parent_style, ), font_metrics_provider: font_metrics_provider, cached_system_font: None, in_media_query: false, quirks_mode: per_doc_data.stylist.quirks_mode(), for_smil_animation, for_non_inherited_property: None, rule_cache_conditions: RefCell::new(rule_cache_conditions), } } struct PropertyAndIndex { property: PropertyId, index: usize, } struct PrioritizedPropertyIter<'a> { properties: &'a [PropertyValuePair], sorted_property_indices: Vec, curr: usize, } impl<'a> PrioritizedPropertyIter<'a> { fn new(properties: &'a [PropertyValuePair]) -> PrioritizedPropertyIter { use style::values::animated::compare_property_priority; // If we fail to convert a nsCSSPropertyID into a PropertyId we // shouldn't fail outright but instead by treating that property as the // 'all' property we make it sort last. let mut sorted_property_indices: Vec = properties.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, pair)| { let property = PropertyId::from_nscsspropertyid(pair.mProperty) .unwrap_or(PropertyId::Shorthand(ShorthandId::All)); PropertyAndIndex { property, index } }).collect(); sorted_property_indices.sort_by(|a, b| compare_property_priority(&a.property, &b.property)); PrioritizedPropertyIter { properties, sorted_property_indices, curr: 0, } } } impl<'a> Iterator for PrioritizedPropertyIter<'a> { type Item = &'a PropertyValuePair; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a PropertyValuePair> { if self.curr >= self.sorted_property_indices.len() { return None } self.curr += 1; Some(&self.properties[self.sorted_property_indices[self.curr - 1].index]) } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetComputedKeyframeValues( keyframes: RawGeckoKeyframeListBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, computed_keyframes: RawGeckoComputedKeyframeValuesListBorrowedMut ) { use style::properties::LonghandIdSet; let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); let element = GeckoElement(element); let parent_element = element.inheritance_parent(); let parent_data = parent_element.as_ref().and_then(|e| e.borrow_data()); let parent_style = parent_data.as_ref().map(|d| d.styles.primary()).map(|x| &**x); let mut conditions = Default::default(); let mut context = create_context_for_animation( &data, &metrics, &style, parent_style, /* for_smil_animation = */ false, &mut conditions, ); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let default_values = data.default_computed_values(); let mut raw_custom_properties_block; // To make the raw block alive in the scope. for (index, keyframe) in keyframes.iter().enumerate() { let mut custom_properties = None; for property in keyframe.mPropertyValues.iter() { // Find the block for custom properties first. if property.mProperty == nsCSSPropertyID::eCSSPropertyExtra_variable { raw_custom_properties_block = unsafe { &*property.mServoDeclarationBlock.mRawPtr.clone() }; let guard = Locked::::as_arc( &raw_custom_properties_block).read_with(&guard); custom_properties = guard.cascade_custom_properties_with_context(&context); // There should be one PropertyDeclarationBlock for custom properties. break; } } let ref mut animation_values = computed_keyframes[index]; let mut seen = LonghandIdSet::new(); let mut property_index = 0; for property in PrioritizedPropertyIter::new(&keyframe.mPropertyValues) { if simulate_compute_values_failure(property) { continue; } let mut maybe_append_animation_value = |property: LonghandId, value: Option| { debug_assert!(!property.is_logical()); if seen.contains(property) { return; } seen.insert(property); // This is safe since we immediately write to the uninitialized values. unsafe { animation_values.set_len((property_index + 1) as u32) }; animation_values[property_index].mProperty = property.to_nscsspropertyid(); match value { Some(v) => { animation_values[property_index].mValue.mServo.set_arc_leaky(Arc::new(v)); }, None => { animation_values[property_index].mValue.mServo.mRawPtr = ptr::null_mut(); }, } property_index += 1; }; if property.mServoDeclarationBlock.mRawPtr.is_null() { let property = LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(property.mProperty); if let Ok(prop) = property { maybe_append_animation_value(prop, None); } continue; } let declarations = unsafe { &*property.mServoDeclarationBlock.mRawPtr.clone() }; let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); let guard = declarations.read_with(&guard); let iter = guard.to_animation_value_iter( &mut context, &default_values, custom_properties.as_ref(), ); for value in iter { let id = value.id(); maybe_append_animation_value(id, Some(value)); } } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetAnimationValues( declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, animation_values: RawGeckoServoAnimationValueListBorrowedMut, ) { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); let element = GeckoElement(element); let parent_element = element.inheritance_parent(); let parent_data = parent_element.as_ref().and_then(|e| e.borrow_data()); let parent_style = parent_data.as_ref().map(|d| d.styles.primary()).map(|x| &**x); let mut conditions = Default::default(); let mut context = create_context_for_animation( &data, &metrics, &style, parent_style, /* for_smil_animation = */ true, &mut conditions, ); let default_values = data.default_computed_values(); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); let guard = declarations.read_with(&guard); let iter = guard.to_animation_value_iter( &mut context, &default_values, None, // SMIL has no extra custom properties. ); for (index, anim) in iter.enumerate() { unsafe { animation_values.set_len((index + 1) as u32) }; animation_values[index].set_arc_leaky(Arc::new(anim)); } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AnimationValue_Compute( element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> RawServoAnimationValueStrong { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product(); let element = GeckoElement(element); let parent_element = element.inheritance_parent(); let parent_data = parent_element.as_ref().and_then(|e| e.borrow_data()); let parent_style = parent_data.as_ref().map(|d| d.styles.primary()).map(|x| &**x); let mut conditions = Default::default(); let mut context = create_context_for_animation( &data, &metrics, style, parent_style, /* for_smil_animation = */ false, &mut conditions, ); let default_values = data.default_computed_values(); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); // We only compute the first element in declarations. match declarations.read_with(&guard).declaration_importance_iter().next() { Some((decl, imp)) if imp == Importance::Normal => { let animation = AnimationValue::from_declaration( decl, &mut context, None, // No extra custom properties for devtools. default_values, ); animation.map_or(RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null(), |value| { Arc::new(value).into_strong() }) }, _ => RawServoAnimationValueStrong::null() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_AssertTreeIsClean(root: RawGeckoElementBorrowed) { if !cfg!(feature = "gecko_debug") { panic!("Calling Servo_AssertTreeIsClean in release build"); } let root = GeckoElement(root); debug!("Servo_AssertTreeIsClean: "); debug!("{:?}", ShowSubtreeData(root.as_node())); fn assert_subtree_is_clean<'le>(el: GeckoElement<'le>) { debug_assert!(!el.has_dirty_descendants() && !el.has_animation_only_dirty_descendants(), "{:?} has still dirty bit {:?} or animation-only dirty bit {:?}", el, el.has_dirty_descendants(), el.has_animation_only_dirty_descendants()); for child in el.traversal_children() { if let Some(child) = child.as_element() { assert_subtree_is_clean(child); } } } assert_subtree_is_clean(root); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_IsWorkerThread() -> bool { thread_state::get().is_worker() } enum Offset { Zero, One } fn fill_in_missing_keyframe_values( all_properties: &LonghandIdSet, timing_function: nsTimingFunctionBorrowed, longhands_at_offset: &LonghandIdSet, offset: Offset, keyframes: RawGeckoKeyframeListBorrowedMut, ) { // Return early if all animated properties are already set. if longhands_at_offset.contains_all(all_properties) { return; } let keyframe = match offset { Offset::Zero => unsafe { Gecko_GetOrCreateInitialKeyframe(keyframes, timing_function) }, Offset::One => unsafe { Gecko_GetOrCreateFinalKeyframe(keyframes, timing_function) }, }; // Append properties that have not been set at this offset. for property in all_properties.iter() { if !longhands_at_offset.contains(property) { unsafe { Gecko_AppendPropertyValuePair( &mut (*keyframe).mPropertyValues, property.to_nscsspropertyid() ); } } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_GetKeyframesForName( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, style: ComputedStyleBorrowed, name: *mut nsAtom, inherited_timing_function: nsTimingFunctionBorrowed, keyframes: RawGeckoKeyframeListBorrowedMut, ) -> bool { debug_assert!(keyframes.len() == 0, "keyframes should be initially empty"); let element = GeckoElement(element); let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let name = Atom::from_raw(name); let animation = match data.stylist.get_animation(&name, element) { Some(animation) => animation, None => return false, }; let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let mut properties_set_at_current_offset = LonghandIdSet::new(); let mut properties_set_at_start = LonghandIdSet::new(); let mut properties_set_at_end = LonghandIdSet::new(); let mut has_complete_initial_keyframe = false; let mut has_complete_final_keyframe = false; let mut current_offset = -1.; let writing_mode = style.writing_mode; // Iterate over the keyframe rules backwards so we can drop overridden // properties (since declarations in later rules override those in earlier // ones). for step in animation.steps.iter().rev() { if step.start_percentage.0 != current_offset { properties_set_at_current_offset.clear(); current_offset = step.start_percentage.0; } // Override timing_function if the keyframe has an animation-timing-function. let timing_function = nsTimingFunction { mTiming: match step.get_animation_timing_function(&guard) { Some(val) => val.to_computed_value_without_context(), None => (*inherited_timing_function).mTiming, } }; // Look for an existing keyframe with the same offset and timing // function or else add a new keyframe at the beginning of the keyframe // array. let keyframe = Gecko_GetOrCreateKeyframeAtStart( keyframes, step.start_percentage.0 as f32, &timing_function, ); match step.value { KeyframesStepValue::ComputedValues => { // In KeyframesAnimation::from_keyframes if there is no 0% or // 100% keyframe at all, we will create a 'ComputedValues' step // to represent that all properties animated by the keyframes // animation should be set to the underlying computed value for // that keyframe. let mut seen = LonghandIdSet::new(); for property in animation.properties_changed.iter() { let property = property.to_physical(writing_mode); if seen.contains(property) { continue; } seen.insert(property); Gecko_AppendPropertyValuePair( &mut (*keyframe).mPropertyValues, property.to_nscsspropertyid(), ); } if current_offset == 0.0 { has_complete_initial_keyframe = true; } else if current_offset == 1.0 { has_complete_final_keyframe = true; } }, KeyframesStepValue::Declarations { ref block } => { let guard = block.read_with(&guard); let mut custom_properties = PropertyDeclarationBlock::new(); // Filter out non-animatable properties and properties with // !important. // // Also, iterate in reverse to respect the source order in case // there are logical and physical longhands in the same block. for declaration in guard.normal_declaration_iter().rev() { let id = declaration.id(); let id = match id { PropertyDeclarationId::Longhand(id) => { // Skip the 'display' property because although it // is animatable from SMIL, it should not be // animatable from CSS Animations. if id == LonghandId::Display { continue; } if !id.is_animatable() { continue; } id.to_physical(writing_mode) } PropertyDeclarationId::Custom(..) => { custom_properties.push( declaration.clone(), Importance::Normal, ); continue; } }; if properties_set_at_current_offset.contains(id) { continue; } let pair = Gecko_AppendPropertyValuePair( &mut (*keyframe).mPropertyValues, id.to_nscsspropertyid(), ); (*pair).mServoDeclarationBlock.set_arc_leaky( Arc::new(global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap( PropertyDeclarationBlock::with_one( declaration.to_physical(writing_mode), Importance::Normal, ) )) ); if current_offset == 0.0 { properties_set_at_start.insert(id); } else if current_offset == 1.0 { properties_set_at_end.insert(id); } properties_set_at_current_offset.insert(id); } if custom_properties.any_normal() { let pair = Gecko_AppendPropertyValuePair( &mut (*keyframe).mPropertyValues, nsCSSPropertyID::eCSSPropertyExtra_variable, ); (*pair).mServoDeclarationBlock.set_arc_leaky(Arc::new( global_style_data.shared_lock.wrap(custom_properties) )); } }, } } let mut properties_changed = LonghandIdSet::new(); for property in animation.properties_changed.iter() { properties_changed.insert(property.to_physical(writing_mode)); } // Append property values that are missing in the initial or the final keyframes. if !has_complete_initial_keyframe { fill_in_missing_keyframe_values( &properties_changed, inherited_timing_function, &properties_set_at_start, Offset::Zero, keyframes, ); } if !has_complete_final_keyframe { fill_in_missing_keyframe_values( &properties_changed, inherited_timing_function, &properties_set_at_end, Offset::One, keyframes, ); } true } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_GetFontFaceRules( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, rules: RawGeckoFontFaceRuleListBorrowedMut, ) { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); debug_assert_eq!(rules.len(), 0); let len: u32 = data .stylist .iter_extra_data_origins() .map(|(d, _)| d.font_faces.len() as u32) .sum(); // Reversed iterator because Gecko expects rules to appear sorted // UserAgent first, Author last. let font_face_iter = data .stylist .iter_extra_data_origins_rev() .flat_map(|(d, o)| d.font_faces.iter().zip(iter::repeat(o))); unsafe { rules.set_len(len) }; for (src, dest) in font_face_iter.zip(rules.iter_mut()) { dest.mRule.set_arc_leaky(src.0.clone()); dest.mSheetType = src.1.into(); } } // XXX Ideally this should return a RawServoCounterStyleRuleBorrowedOrNull, // but we cannot, because the value from AtomicRefCell::borrow() can only // live in this function, and thus anything derived from it cannot get the // same lifetime as raw_data in parameter. See bug 1451543. #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_GetCounterStyleRule( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, name: *mut nsAtom, ) -> *const RawServoCounterStyleRule { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); Atom::with(name, |name| { data.stylist .iter_extra_data_origins() .filter_map(|(d, _)| d.counter_styles.get(name)) .next() .map_or(ptr::null(), |rule| rule.as_borrowed()) }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_BuildFontFeatureValueSet( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, ) -> *mut gfxFontFeatureValueSet { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let has_rule = data.stylist .iter_extra_data_origins() .any(|(d, _)| !d.font_feature_values.is_empty()); if !has_rule { return ptr::null_mut(); } let font_feature_values_iter = data.stylist .iter_extra_data_origins_rev() .flat_map(|(d, _)| d.font_feature_values.iter()); let set = unsafe { Gecko_ConstructFontFeatureValueSet() }; for src in font_feature_values_iter { let rule = src.read_with(&guard); rule.set_at_rules(set); } set } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_ResolveForDeclarations( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, parent_style_context: ComputedStyleBorrowedOrNull, declarations: RawServoDeclarationBlockBorrowed, ) -> ComputedStyleStrong { let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let guards = StylesheetGuards::same(&guard); let parent_style = match parent_style_context { Some(parent) => &*parent, None => doc_data.default_computed_values(), }; let declarations = Locked::::as_arc(&declarations); doc_data.stylist.compute_for_declarations::( &guards, parent_style, declarations.clone_arc(), ).into() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_AddSizeOfExcludingThis( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, sizes: *mut ServoStyleSetSizes, raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed ) { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut(); let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new(malloc_size_of.unwrap(), Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), None); let sizes = unsafe { sizes.as_mut() }.unwrap(); data.add_size_of(&mut ops, sizes); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_UACache_AddSizeOf( malloc_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, malloc_enclosing_size_of: GeckoMallocSizeOf, sizes: *mut ServoStyleSetSizes ) { let mut ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new(malloc_size_of.unwrap(), Some(malloc_enclosing_size_of.unwrap()), None); let sizes = unsafe { sizes.as_mut() }.unwrap(); add_size_of_ua_cache(&mut ops, sizes); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveAttributeDependency( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, local_name: *mut nsAtom, ) -> bool { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let element = GeckoElement(element); unsafe { Atom::with(local_name, |atom| { data.stylist.any_applicable_rule_data(element, |data| { data.might_have_attribute_dependency(atom) }) }) } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_HasStateDependency( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, state: u64, ) -> bool { let element = GeckoElement(element); let state = ElementState::from_bits_truncate(state); let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); data.stylist.any_applicable_rule_data(element, |data| { data.has_state_dependency(state) }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_HasDocumentStateDependency( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, state: u64, ) -> bool { let state = DocumentState::from_bits_truncate(state); let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); data.stylist.has_document_state_dependency(state) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_GetPropertyValue( computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, prop: nsCSSPropertyID, value: *mut nsAString, ) { use style::properties::PropertyFlags; let longhand = LonghandId::from_nscsspropertyid(prop).expect("Not a longhand?"); debug_assert!( !longhand.flags().contains(PropertyFlags::GETCS_NEEDS_LAYOUT_FLUSH), "We're not supposed to serialize layout-dependent properties" ); computed_values.get_longhand_property_value( longhand, &mut CssWriter::new(&mut *value), ).unwrap(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_GetCustomPropertyValue( computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, name: *const nsAString, value: *mut nsAString, ) -> bool { let custom_properties = match computed_values.custom_properties() { Some(p) => p, None => return false, }; let name = Atom::from(&*name); let computed_value = match custom_properties.get(&name) { Some(v) => v, None => return false, }; computed_value.to_css(&mut CssWriter::new(&mut *value)).unwrap(); true } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetCustomPropertiesCount(computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed) -> u32 { match computed_values.custom_properties() { Some(p) => p.len() as u32, None => 0, } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetCustomPropertyNameAt( computed_values: ComputedStyleBorrowed, index: u32, name: *mut nsAString, ) -> bool { let custom_properties = match computed_values.custom_properties() { Some(p) => p, None => return false, }; let property_name = match custom_properties.get_key_at(index) { Some(n) => n, None => return false, }; let name = unsafe { name.as_mut().unwrap() }; name.assign(&*property_name.as_slice()); true } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_CssUrlData_GetSerialization( url: RawServoCssUrlDataBorrowed, utf8_chars: *mut *const u8, utf8_len: *mut u32, ) { let url_data = CssUrlData::as_arc(&url); let string = url_data.as_str(); *utf8_len = string.len() as u32; *utf8_chars = string.as_ptr(); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CssUrlData_GetExtraData( url: RawServoCssUrlDataBorrowed, ) -> RawGeckoURLExtraDataBorrowedMut { unsafe { &mut *CssUrlData::as_arc(&url).extra_data.0.get() } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_CssUrlData_IsLocalRef( url: RawServoCssUrlDataBorrowed ) -> bool { CssUrlData::as_arc(&url).is_fragment() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ProcessInvalidations( set: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, snapshots: *const ServoElementSnapshotTable, ) { debug_assert!(!snapshots.is_null()); let element = GeckoElement(element); debug_assert!(element.has_snapshot()); debug_assert!(!element.handled_snapshot()); let mut data = element.mutate_data(); debug_assert!(data.is_some()); let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA; let guard = global_style_data.shared_lock.read(); let per_doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(set).borrow(); let shared_style_context = create_shared_context(&global_style_data, &guard, &per_doc_data, TraversalFlags::empty(), unsafe { &*snapshots }); let mut data = data.as_mut().map(|d| &mut **d); if let Some(ref mut data) = data { // FIXME(emilio): Ideally we could share the nth-index-cache across all // the elements? let result = data.invalidate_style_if_needed( element, &shared_style_context, None, &mut NthIndexCache::default(), ); if result.has_invalidated_siblings() { let parent = element.traversal_parent().expect("How could we invalidate siblings without a common parent?"); unsafe { parent.set_dirty_descendants(); bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtySubtreeForInvalidation(parent.0); } } else if result.has_invalidated_descendants() { unsafe { bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtySubtreeForInvalidation(element.0) }; } else if result.has_invalidated_self() { unsafe { bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtyElement(element.0) }; } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_HasPendingRestyleAncestor(element: RawGeckoElementBorrowed) -> bool { let mut element = Some(GeckoElement(element)); while let Some(e) = element { if e.has_animations() { return true; } // If the element needs a frame, it means that we haven't styled it yet // after it got inserted in the document, and thus we may need to do // that for transitions and animations to trigger. if e.needs_frame() { return true; } if let Some(data) = e.borrow_data() { if !data.hint.is_empty() { return true; } } element = e.traversal_parent(); } false } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_Parse( selector_list: *const nsACString, ) -> *mut RawServoSelectorList { use style::selector_parser::SelectorParser; debug_assert!(!selector_list.is_null()); let input = (*selector_list).as_str_unchecked(); let selector_list = match SelectorParser::parse_author_origin_no_namespace(&input) { Ok(selector_list) => selector_list, Err(..) => return ptr::null_mut(), }; Box::into_raw(Box::new(selector_list)) as *mut RawServoSelectorList } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_Drop(list: RawServoSelectorListOwned) { let _ = list.into_box::<::selectors::SelectorList>(); } fn parse_color( value: &str, error_reporter: Option<&ParseErrorReporter>, ) -> Result { let mut input = ParserInput::new(value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = unsafe { dummy_url_data() }; let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, error_reporter, None, ); let start_position = parser.position(); parser.parse_entirely(|i| specified::Color::parse(&context, i)).map_err(|err| { if error_reporter.is_some() { match err.kind { ParseErrorKind::Custom(StyleParseErrorKind::ValueError(..)) => { let location = err.location.clone(); let error = ContextualParseError::UnsupportedValue( parser.slice_from(start_position), err, ); context.log_css_error(location, error); } // Ignore other kinds of errors that might be reported, such as // ParseErrorKind::Basic(BasicParseErrorKind::UnexpectedToken), // since Gecko doesn't report those to the error console. _ => {} } } }) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_IsValidCSSColor( value: *const nsAString, ) -> bool { let value = unsafe { (*value).to_string() }; parse_color(&value, None).is_ok() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ComputeColor( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowedOrNull, current_color: structs::nscolor, value: *const nsAString, result_color: *mut structs::nscolor, was_current_color: *mut bool, loader: *mut Loader, ) -> bool { use style::gecko; let current_color = gecko::values::convert_nscolor_to_rgba(current_color); let value = unsafe { (*value).to_string() }; let result_color = unsafe { result_color.as_mut().unwrap() }; let reporter = unsafe { loader.as_mut() }.and_then(|loader| { // Make an ErrorReporter that will report errors as being "from DOM". ErrorReporter::new(ptr::null_mut(), loader, ptr::null_mut()) }); match parse_color(&value, reporter.as_ref().map(|r| r as &ParseErrorReporter)) { Ok(specified_color) => { let computed_color = match raw_data { Some(raw_data) => { let data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let device = data.stylist.device(); let quirks_mode = data.stylist.quirks_mode(); Context::for_media_query_evaluation(device, quirks_mode, |context| { specified_color.to_computed_color(Some(&context)) }) } None => { specified_color.to_computed_color(None) } }; match computed_color { Some(computed_color) => { let rgba = computed_color.to_rgba(current_color); *result_color = gecko::values::convert_rgba_to_nscolor(&rgba); if !was_current_color.is_null() { unsafe { *was_current_color = computed_color.is_currentcolor(); } } true } None => false, } } Err(_) => false, } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_IntersectionObserverRootMargin_Parse( value: *const nsAString, result: *mut structs::nsStyleSides, ) -> bool { let value = value.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(); let result = result.as_mut().unwrap(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = dummy_url_data(); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let margin = parser.parse_entirely(|p| { IntersectionObserverRootMargin::parse(&context, p) }); match margin { Ok(margin) => { margin.0.to_gecko_rect(result); true } Err(..) => false, } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_IntersectionObserverRootMargin_ToString( rect: *const structs::nsStyleSides, result: *mut nsAString, ) { let rect = Rect:::: from_gecko_rect(rect.as_ref().unwrap()).unwrap(); let root_margin = IntersectionObserverRootMargin(rect); let mut writer = CssWriter::new(result.as_mut().unwrap()); root_margin.to_css(&mut writer).unwrap(); } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_ParseTransformIntoMatrix( value: *const nsAString, contain_3d: *mut bool, result: *mut RawGeckoGfxMatrix4x4 ) -> bool { use style::properties::longhands::transform; let string = unsafe { (*value).to_string() }; let mut input = ParserInput::new(&string); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, unsafe { dummy_url_data() }, Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let transform = match parser.parse_entirely(|t| transform::parse(&context, t)) { Ok(t) => t, Err(..) => return false, }; let (m, is_3d) = match transform.to_transform_3d_matrix(None) { Ok(result) => result, Err(..) => return false, }; let result = unsafe { result.as_mut() }.expect("not a valid matrix"); let contain_3d = unsafe { contain_3d.as_mut() }.expect("not a valid bool"); *result = m.to_row_major_array(); *contain_3d = is_3d; true } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_ParseFontShorthandForMatching( value: *const nsAString, data: *mut URLExtraData, family: *mut structs::RefPtr, style: *mut structs::StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor, stretch: *mut f32, weight: *mut f32, ) -> bool { use style::font_face::ComputedFontStyleDescriptor; use style::properties::shorthands::font; use style::values::generics::font::FontStyle as GenericFontStyle; use style::values::computed::font::FontWeight as ComputedFontWeight; use style::values::specified::font::{FontFamily, FontWeight, FontStretch, FontStyle, SpecifiedFontStyle}; let string = (*value).to_string(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(&string); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let url_data = UrlExtraData::from_ptr_ref(&data); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, url_data, Some(CssRuleType::FontFace), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); let font = match parser.parse_entirely(|f| font::parse_value(&context, f)) { Ok(f) => f, Err(..) => return false, }; // The system font is not acceptable, so we return false. let family = &mut *family; match font.font_family { FontFamily::Values(list) => family.set_move(list.0), FontFamily::System(_) => return false, } let specified_font_style = match font.font_style { FontStyle::Specified(ref s) => s, FontStyle::System(_) => return false, }; *style = ::std::mem::transmute(match *specified_font_style { GenericFontStyle::Normal => ComputedFontStyleDescriptor::Normal, GenericFontStyle::Italic => ComputedFontStyleDescriptor::Italic, GenericFontStyle::Oblique(ref angle) => { let angle = SpecifiedFontStyle::compute_angle_degrees(angle); ComputedFontStyleDescriptor::Oblique(angle, angle) } }); *stretch = match font.font_stretch { FontStretch::Keyword(ref k) => k.compute().0, FontStretch::Stretch(ref p) => p.get(), FontStretch::System(_) => return false, }; *weight = match font.font_weight { FontWeight::Absolute(w) => w.compute().0, // Resolve relative font weights against the initial of font-weight // (normal, which is equivalent to 400). FontWeight::Bolder => ComputedFontWeight::normal().bolder().0, FontWeight::Lighter => ComputedFontWeight::normal().lighter().0, FontWeight::System(_) => return false, }; true } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SourceSizeList_Parse( value: *const nsACString, ) -> *mut RawServoSourceSizeList { let value = (*value).as_str_unchecked(); let mut input = ParserInput::new(value); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); let context = ParserContext::new( Origin::Author, dummy_url_data(), Some(CssRuleType::Style), ParsingMode::DEFAULT, QuirksMode::NoQuirks, None, None, ); // NB: Intentionally not calling parse_entirely. let list = SourceSizeList::parse(&context, &mut parser); Box::into_raw(Box::new(list)) as *mut _ } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SourceSizeList_Evaluate( raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, list: RawServoSourceSizeListBorrowedOrNull, ) -> i32 { let doc_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow(); let device = doc_data.stylist.device(); let quirks_mode = doc_data.stylist.quirks_mode(); let result = match list { Some(list) => { SourceSizeList::from_ffi(list).evaluate(device, quirks_mode) } None => { SourceSizeList::empty().evaluate(device, quirks_mode) } }; result.0 } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SourceSizeList_Drop(list: RawServoSourceSizeListOwned) { let _ = list.into_box::(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_InvalidateStyleForDocStateChanges( root: RawGeckoElementBorrowed, document_style: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed, non_document_styles: *const nsTArray, states_changed: u64, ) { use style::invalidation::element::document_state::DocumentStateInvalidationProcessor; use style::invalidation::element::invalidator::TreeStyleInvalidator; let document_data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(document_style).borrow(); let iter = document_data.stylist.iter_origins().map(|(data, _origin)| data) .chain((*non_document_styles).iter().map(|author_styles| { let styles: &_ = AuthorStyles::::from_ffi(author_styles); &styles.data })); let root = GeckoElement(root); let mut processor = DocumentStateInvalidationProcessor::new( iter, DocumentState::from_bits_truncate(states_changed), root.as_node().owner_doc().quirks_mode(), ); let result = TreeStyleInvalidator::new( root, /* stack_limit_checker = */ None, &mut processor, ).invalidate(); debug_assert!(!result.has_invalidated_siblings(), "How in the world?"); if result.has_invalidated_descendants() { bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtySubtreeForInvalidation(root.0); } else if result.has_invalidated_self() { bindings::Gecko_NoteDirtyElement(root.0); } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_PseudoClass_GetStates(name: *const nsACString) -> u64 { let name = name.as_ref().unwrap().as_str_unchecked(); match NonTSPseudoClass::parse_non_functional(name) { None => 0, // Ignore :any-link since it contains both visited and unvisited state. Some(NonTSPseudoClass::AnyLink) => 0, Some(pseudo_class) => pseudo_class.state_flag().bits(), } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_UseCounters_Create() -> *mut structs::StyleUseCounters { Box::into_raw(Box::::default()) as *mut _ } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_UseCounters_Drop(c: bindings::StyleUseCountersOwned) { let _ = c.into_box::(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_UseCounters_Merge( doc_counters: bindings::StyleUseCountersBorrowed, sheet_counters: bindings::StyleUseCountersBorrowed, ) { UseCounters::from_ffi(doc_counters).merge(UseCounters::from_ffi(sheet_counters)) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_IsCssPropertyRecordedInUseCounter( use_counters: bindings::StyleUseCountersBorrowed, property: *const nsACString, known_prop: *mut bool, ) -> bool { let prop_id = parse_enabled_property_name!(property, known_prop, false); let non_custom_id = match prop_id.non_custom_id() { Some(id) => id, None => return false, }; UseCounters::from_ffi(use_counters).non_custom_properties.recorded(non_custom_id) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Quotes_GetInitialValue() -> RawServoQuotesStrong { computed::Quotes::get_initial_value().0.clone().into_strong() } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Servo_Quotes_Equal( a: RawServoQuotesBorrowed, b: RawServoQuotesBorrowed, ) -> bool { let a = Box::<[QuotePair]>::as_arc(&a); let b = Box::<[QuotePair]>::as_arc(&b); a == b } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_Quotes_GetQuote( quotes: RawServoQuotesBorrowed, mut depth: i32, quote_type: StyleContentType, result: *mut nsAString, ) { debug_assert!(depth >= -1); let quotes = Box::<[QuotePair]>::as_arc("es); // Reuse the last pair when the depth is greater than the number of // pairs of quotes. (Also make 'quotes: none' and close-quote from // a depth of 0 equivalent for the next test.) if depth >= quotes.len() as i32 { depth = quotes.len() as i32 - 1; } if depth == -1 { // close-quote from a depth of 0 or 'quotes: none' return; } let quote_pair = "es[depth as usize]; let quote = if quote_type == StyleContentType::OpenQuote { "e_pair.opening } else { debug_assert!(quote_type == StyleContentType::CloseQuote); "e_pair.closing }; (*result).write_str(quote).unwrap(); }