;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License ;;; Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in ;;; compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at ;;; http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ ;;; ;;; Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, ;;; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL ;;; for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the ;;; NPL. ;;; ;;; The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape ;;; Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are ;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights ;;; Reserved. ;;; ;;; Common RTF and HTML writing utilities ;;; ;;; Waldemar Horwat (waldemar@netscape.com) ;;; (defvar *trace-logical-blocks* nil) ;Emit logical blocks to *trace-output* while processing (defvar *show-logical-blocks* nil) ;Emit logical block boundaries as hidden rtf text (defvar *markup-logical-line-width* 90) ;Approximate maximum number of characters to display on a single logical line (defvar *average-space-width* 2/3) ;Width of a space as a percentage of average character width when calculating logical line widths ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MARKUP ENVIRONMENTS (defstruct (markup-env (:constructor allocate-markup-env (macros widths))) (macros nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of keyword -> expansion list (widths nil :type hash-table :read-only t)) ;Hash table of keyword -> estimated width of macro expansion; ; ; zero-width entries can be omitted; multiline entries have t for a width. (defun make-markup-env () (allocate-markup-env (make-hash-table :test #'eq) (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) ; Recursively expand all keywords in markup-tree, producing a freshly consed expansion tree. ; Allow keywords in the permitted-keywords list to be present in the output without generating an error. (defun markup-env-expand (markup-env markup-tree permitted-keywords) (mapcan #'(lambda (markup-element) (cond ((keywordp markup-element) (let ((expansion (gethash markup-element (markup-env-macros markup-env) *get2-nonce*))) (if (eq expansion *get2-nonce*) (if (member markup-element permitted-keywords :test #'eq) (list markup-element) (error "Unknown markup macro ~S" markup-element)) (markup-env-expand markup-env expansion permitted-keywords)))) ((listp markup-element) (list (markup-env-expand markup-env markup-element permitted-keywords))) (t (list markup-element)))) markup-tree)) (defun markup-env-define (markup-env keyword expansion &optional width) (assert-type keyword keyword) (assert-type expansion (list t)) (assert-type width (or null integer (eql t))) (when (gethash keyword (markup-env-macros markup-env)) (warn "Redefining markup macro ~S" keyword)) (setf (gethash keyword (markup-env-macros markup-env)) expansion) (if width (setf (gethash keyword (markup-env-widths markup-env)) width) (remhash keyword (markup-env-widths markup-env)))) (defun markup-env-append (markup-env keyword expansion) (assert-type keyword keyword) (assert-type expansion (list t)) (setf (gethash keyword (markup-env-macros markup-env)) (append (gethash keyword (markup-env-macros markup-env)) expansion))) (defun markup-env-define-alist (markup-env keywords-and-expansions) (dolist (keyword-and-expansion keywords-and-expansions) (let ((keyword (car keyword-and-expansion)) (expansion (cdr keyword-and-expansion))) (cond ((not (consp keyword)) (markup-env-define markup-env keyword expansion)) ((eq (first keyword) '+) (markup-env-append markup-env (second keyword) expansion)) (t (markup-env-define markup-env (first keyword) expansion (second keyword))))))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; LOGICAL POSITIONS (defstruct logical-position (n-hard-breaks 0 :type integer) ;Number of :new-line's in the current paragraph or logical block (position 0 :type integer) ;Current character position. If n-hard-breaks is zero, only includes characters written into this logical block ; ; plus the minimal position from the enclosing block. If n-hard-breaks is nonzero, includes indent and characters ; ; written since the last hard break. (surplus 0 :type integer) ;Value to subtract from position if soft breaks were hard breaks in this logical block (n-soft-breaks nil :type (or null integer)) ;Number of soft-breaks in the current paragraph or nil if not inside a depict-logical-block (indent 0 :type (or null integer))) ;Indent for next line ; Return the value the position would have if soft breaks became hard breaks in this logical block. (declaim (inline logical-position-minimal-position)) (defun logical-position-minimal-position (logical-position) (- (logical-position-position logical-position) (logical-position-surplus logical-position))) ; Advance the logical position by width characters. If width is t, ; advance to the next line. (defun logical-position-advance (logical-position width) (if (eq width t) (progn (incf (logical-position-n-hard-breaks logical-position)) (setf (logical-position-position logical-position) 0) (setf (logical-position-surplus logical-position) 0)) (incf (logical-position-position logical-position) width))) (defstruct (soft-break (:constructor make-soft-break (width))) (width 0 :type integer)) ;Number of spaces by which to replace this soft break if it doesn't turn into a hard break; t if unconditional ; Destructively replace any soft-break that appears in a car position in the tree with ; the spliced result of calling f on that soft-break. f should return a non-null list that can ; be nconc'd. (defun substitute-soft-breaks (tree f) (do ((subtree tree next-subtree) (next-subtree (cdr tree) (cdr next-subtree))) ((endp subtree)) (let ((item (car subtree))) (cond ((soft-break-p item) (let* ((splice (assert-non-null (funcall f item))) (splice-rest (cdr splice))) (setf (car subtree) (car splice)) (setf (cdr subtree) (nconc splice-rest next-subtree)))) ((consp item) (substitute-soft-breaks item f))))) tree) ; Destructively replace any soft-break that appears in a car position in the tree ; with width spaces, where width is the soft-break's width. (defun remove-soft-breaks (tree) (substitute-soft-breaks tree #'(lambda (soft-break) (list (make-string (soft-break-width soft-break) :initial-element #\space :element-type 'base-character))))) ; Return a freshly consed markup list for a hard line break followed by indent spaces. (defun hard-break-markup (indent) (if (zerop indent) (list ':new-line) (list ':new-line (make-string indent :initial-element #\space :element-type 'base-character)))) ; Destructively replace any soft-break that appears in a car position in the tree ; with a line break followed by indent spaces. (defun expand-soft-breaks (tree indent) (substitute-soft-breaks tree #'(lambda (soft-break) (declare (ignore soft-break)) (hard-break-markup indent)))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MARKUP STREAMS (defstruct (markup-stream (:copier nil) (:predicate markup-stream?)) (env nil :type markup-env :read-only t) (level nil :type integer) ;0 for emitting top-level group; 1 for emitting sections; 2 for emitting paragraphs; 3 for emitting paragraph contents (head nil :type list) ;Pointer to a dummy cons-cell whose cdr is the output markup list. ; ; A markup-stream may destructively modify any sublists of head that contain a soft-break. (tail nil :type list) ;Last cons cell of the output list; new cells are added in place to this cell's cdr; nil after markup-stream is closed. (pretail nil :type list) ;Tail's predecessor if tail's car is a block that can be inlined at the end of the output list; nil otherwise. (logical-position nil :type logical-position)) ;Information about the current logical lines or nil if not emitting paragraph contents ; ;RTF ;HTML (defconstant *markup-stream-top-level* 0) ;Top-level group ;Top level (defconstant *markup-stream-section-level* 1) ;Sections ;(not used) (defconstant *markup-stream-paragraph-level* 2) ;Paragraphs ;Block tags (defconstant *markup-stream-content-level* 3) ;Paragraph contents ;Inline tags ; Return the markup accumulated in the markup-stream. ; The markup-stream is closed after this function is called. (defun markup-stream-unexpanded-output (markup-stream) (when (markup-stream-pretail markup-stream) ;Inline the last block at the end of the markup-stream. (setf (cdr (markup-stream-pretail markup-stream)) (car (markup-stream-tail markup-stream))) (setf (markup-stream-pretail markup-stream) nil)) (setf (markup-stream-tail markup-stream) nil) ;Close the stream. (cdr (assert-non-null (markup-stream-head markup-stream)))) ; Return the markup accumulated in the markup-stream after expanding all of its macros. ; The markup-stream is closed after this function is called. (defgeneric markup-stream-output (markup-stream)) ; Append one item to the end of the markup-stream. (defun markup-stream-append1 (markup-stream item) (setf (markup-stream-pretail markup-stream) nil) (let ((item-cons (list item))) (setf (cdr (markup-stream-tail markup-stream)) item-cons) (setf (markup-stream-tail markup-stream) item-cons))) ; Return the approximate width of the markup item; return t if it is a line break. (defun markup-width (markup-stream item) (cond ((stringp item) (round (- (length item) (* (count #\space item) (- 1 *average-space-width*))))) ((keywordp item) (gethash item (markup-env-widths (markup-stream-env markup-stream)) 0)) ((and item (symbolp item)) 0) (t (error "Bad item in markup-width" item)))) ; Return the approximate width of the markup item; return t if it is a line break. ; Also allow markup groups as long as they do not contain line breaks. (defgeneric markup-group-width (markup-stream item)) ; Append zero or more markup items to the end of the markup-stream. ; The items must be either keywords, symbols, or strings. (defun depict (markup-stream &rest markup-list) (assert-true (>= (markup-stream-level markup-stream) *markup-stream-content-level*)) (dolist (markup markup-list) (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream markup) (logical-position-advance (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream) (markup-width markup-stream markup)))) ; Same as depict except that the items may be groups as well. (defun depict-group (markup-stream &rest markup-list) (assert-true (>= (markup-stream-level markup-stream) *markup-stream-content-level*)) (dolist (markup markup-list) (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream markup) (logical-position-advance (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream) (markup-group-width markup-stream markup)))) ; If markup-item-or-list is a list, emit its contents via depict. ; If markup-item-or-list is not a list, emit it via depict. (defun depict-item-or-list (markup-stream markup-item-or-list) (if (listp markup-item-or-list) (apply #'depict markup-stream markup-item-or-list) (depict markup-stream markup-item-or-list))) ; If markup-item-or-list is a list, emit its contents via depict-group. ; If markup-item-or-list is not a list, emit it via depict. (defun depict-item-or-group-list (markup-stream markup-item-or-list) (if (listp markup-item-or-list) (apply #'depict-group markup-stream markup-item-or-list) (depict markup-stream markup-item-or-list))) ; markup-stream must be a variable that names a markup-stream that is currently ; accepting paragraphs. Execute body with markup-stream bound to a markup-stream ; to which the body can emit contents. The given block-style is applied to all ; paragraphs emitted by body (in the HTML emitter only; RTF has no block styles). ; Return the result value of body. (defmacro depict-block-style ((markup-stream block-style) &body body) `(depict-block-style-f ,markup-stream ,block-style #'(lambda (,markup-stream) ,@body))) (defgeneric depict-block-style-f (markup-stream block-style emitter)) ; markup-stream must be a variable that names a markup-stream that is currently ; accepting paragraphs. Emit a paragraph with the given paragraph-style (which ; must be a symbol) whose contents are emitted by body. When executing body, ; markup-stream is bound to a markup-stream to which body should emit the paragraph's contents. ; Return the result value of body. (defmacro depict-paragraph ((markup-stream paragraph-style) &body body) `(depict-paragraph-f ,markup-stream ,paragraph-style #'(lambda (,markup-stream) ,@body))) (defgeneric depict-paragraph-f (markup-stream paragraph-style emitter)) ; markup-stream must be a variable that names a markup-stream that is currently ; accepting paragraph contents. Execute body with markup-stream bound to a markup-stream ; to which the body can emit contents. The given char-style is applied to all such ; contents emitted by body. ; Return the result value of body. (defmacro depict-char-style ((markup-stream char-style) &body body) `(depict-char-style-f ,markup-stream ,char-style #'(lambda (,markup-stream) ,@body))) (defgeneric depict-char-style-f (markup-stream char-style emitter)) (defun depict-logical-block-f (markup-stream indent emitter) (assert-true (>= (markup-stream-level markup-stream) *markup-stream-content-level*)) (if indent (let* ((logical-position (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream)) (cumulative-indent (+ (logical-position-indent logical-position) indent)) (minimal-position (logical-position-minimal-position logical-position)) (inner-logical-position (make-logical-position :position minimal-position :n-soft-breaks 0 :indent cumulative-indent)) (old-tail (markup-stream-tail markup-stream))) (setf (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream) inner-logical-position) (when *show-logical-blocks* (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream (list ':invisible (format nil "<~D" indent)))) (prog1 (funcall emitter markup-stream) (when *show-logical-blocks* (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream '(:invisible ">"))) (assert-true (eq (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream) inner-logical-position)) (let* ((tree (cdr old-tail)) (inner-position (logical-position-position inner-logical-position)) (inner-count (- inner-position minimal-position)) (inner-n-hard-breaks (logical-position-n-hard-breaks inner-logical-position)) (inner-n-soft-breaks (logical-position-n-soft-breaks inner-logical-position))) (when *trace-logical-blocks* (format *trace-output* "Block ~:W:~%position ~D, count ~D, n-hard-breaks ~D, n-soft-breaks ~D~%~%" tree inner-position inner-count inner-n-hard-breaks inner-n-soft-breaks)) (cond ((zerop inner-n-soft-breaks) (assert-true (zerop (logical-position-surplus inner-logical-position))) (if (zerop inner-n-hard-breaks) (incf (logical-position-position logical-position) inner-count) (progn (incf (logical-position-n-hard-breaks logical-position) inner-n-hard-breaks) (setf (logical-position-position logical-position) inner-position) (setf (logical-position-surplus logical-position) 0)))) ((and (zerop inner-n-hard-breaks) (<= inner-position *markup-logical-line-width*)) (assert-true tree) (remove-soft-breaks tree) (incf (logical-position-position logical-position) inner-count)) (t (assert-true tree) (expand-soft-breaks tree cumulative-indent) (incf (logical-position-n-hard-breaks logical-position) (+ inner-n-hard-breaks inner-n-soft-breaks)) (setf (logical-position-position logical-position) (logical-position-minimal-position inner-logical-position)) (setf (logical-position-surplus logical-position) 0)))) (setf (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream) logical-position))) (funcall emitter markup-stream))) ; markup-stream must be a variable that names a markup-stream that is currently ; accepting paragraph contents. Execute body with markup-stream bound to a markup-stream ; to which the body can emit contents. body can call depict-break, which will either ; all expand to the widths given to the depict-break calls or all expand to line breaks ; followed by indents to the current indent level plus the given indent. ; If indent is nil, don't create the logical block and just evaluate body. ; Return the result value of body. (defmacro depict-logical-block ((markup-stream indent) &body body) `(depict-logical-block-f ,markup-stream ,indent #'(lambda (,markup-stream) ,@body))) ; Emit a conditional line break. If the line break is not needed, emit width spaces instead. ; If width is t or omitted, the line break is unconditional. ; If width is nil, do nothing. ; If the line break is needed, the new line is indented to the current indent level. ; Must be called from the dynamic scope of a depict-logical-block. (defun depict-break (markup-stream &optional (width t)) (assert-true (>= (markup-stream-level markup-stream) *markup-stream-content-level*)) (when width (let* ((logical-position (markup-stream-logical-position markup-stream)) (indent (logical-position-indent logical-position))) (if (eq width t) (depict-item-or-list markup-stream (hard-break-markup indent)) (progn (incf (logical-position-n-soft-breaks logical-position)) (incf (logical-position-position logical-position) width) (let ((surplus (- (logical-position-position logical-position) (round (* indent *average-space-width*))))) (when (< surplus 0) (setq surplus 0)) (setf (logical-position-surplus logical-position) surplus)) (when *show-logical-blocks* (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream '(:invisible :bullet))) (markup-stream-append1 markup-stream (make-soft-break width))))))) ; Call emitter to emit each element of the given list onto the markup-stream. ; emitter takes two arguments -- the markup-stream and the element of list to be emitted. ; Emit prefix before the list and suffix after the list. If prefix-break is supplied, call ; depict-break with it as the argument after the prefix. ; If indent is non-nil, enclose the list elements in a logical block with the given indent. ; Emit separator between any two emitted elements. If break is supplied, call ; depict-break with it as the argument after each separator. ; If the list is empty, emit empty unless it is :error, in which case signal an error. ; ; prefix, suffix, separator, and empty should be lists of markup elements appropriate for depict. ; If any of these lists has only one element that is not itself a list, then that list can be ; abbreviated to just that element (as in depict-item-or-list). ; (defun depict-list (markup-stream emitter list &key indent prefix prefix-break suffix separator break (empty :error)) (assert-true (or indent (not (or prefix-break break)))) (labels ((emit-element (markup-stream list) (funcall emitter markup-stream (first list)) (let ((rest (rest list))) (when rest (depict-item-or-list markup-stream separator) (depict-break markup-stream break) (emit-element markup-stream rest))))) (depict-item-or-list markup-stream prefix) (cond (list (depict-logical-block (markup-stream indent) (depict-break markup-stream prefix-break) (emit-element markup-stream list))) ((eq empty ':error) (error "Non-empty list required")) (t (depict-item-or-list markup-stream empty))) (depict-item-or-list markup-stream suffix))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MARKUP FOR CHARACTERS AND STRINGS (defparameter *character-names* '((#x00 . "NUL") (#x08 . "BS") (#x09 . "TAB") (#x0A . "LF") (#x0B . "VT") (#x0C . "FF") (#x0D . "CR") (#x20 . "SP"))) ; Emit markup for the given character. The character is emitted without any formatting if it is a ; printable character and not a member of the escape-list list of characters. Otherwise the ; character is emitted with :character-literal-control formatting. ; The markup-stream should already be set to :character-literal formatting. (defun depict-character (markup-stream char &optional (escape-list '(#\space))) (let ((code (char-code char))) (if (and (>= code 32) (< code 127) (not (member char escape-list))) (depict markup-stream (string char)) (depict-char-style (markup-stream ':character-literal-control) (let ((name (or (cdr (assoc code *character-names*)) (format nil "u~4,'0X" code)))) (depict markup-stream ':left-angle-quote name ':right-angle-quote)))))) ; Emit markup for the given string, enclosing it in curly double quotes. ; The markup-stream should be set to normal formatting. (defun depict-string (markup-stream string) (depict markup-stream ':left-double-quote) (unless (equal string "") (depict-char-style (markup-stream ':character-literal) (dotimes (i (length string)) (depict-character markup-stream (char string i) nil)))) (depict markup-stream ':right-double-quote)) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; IDENTIFIER ABBREVIATIONS ; Return a symbol with the same package as the given symbol but whose name omits everything ; after the first underscore, if any, in the given symbol's name. The returned symbol is eq ; to the given symbol if its name contains no underscores. (defun symbol-to-abbreviation (symbol) (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol)) (pos (position #\_ name))) (if pos (intern (subseq name 0 pos) (symbol-package symbol)) symbol))) ; A caching version of symbol-to-abbreviation. (defun symbol-abbreviation (symbol) (or (get symbol :abbreviation) (setf (get symbol :abbreviation) (symbol-to-abbreviation symbol)))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MARKUP FOR IDENTIFIERS ; Return string converted from dash-separated-uppercase-words to mixed case, ; with the first character capitalized if capitalize is true. ; The string should contain only letters, dashes, and numbers. (defun string-to-mixed-case (string &optional capitalize) (let* ((length (length string)) (dst-string (make-array length :element-type 'base-character :fill-pointer 0))) (dotimes (i length) (let ((char (char string i))) (if (eql char #\-) (if capitalize (error "Double capitalize") (setq capitalize t)) (progn (cond ((upper-case-p char) (if capitalize (setq capitalize nil) (setq char (char-downcase char)))) ((digit-char-p char)) ((member char '(#\$ #\_))) (t (error "Bad string-to-mixed-case character ~A" char))) (vector-push char dst-string))))) dst-string)) ; Return a string containing the symbol's name in mixed case with the first letter capitalized. (defun symbol-upper-mixed-case-name (symbol) (or (get symbol :upper-mixed-case-name) (setf (get symbol :upper-mixed-case-name) (string-to-mixed-case (symbol-name symbol) t)))) ; Return a string containing the symbol's name in mixed case with the first letter in lower case. (defun symbol-lower-mixed-case-name (symbol) (or (get symbol :lower-mixed-case-name) (setf (get symbol :lower-mixed-case-name) (string-to-mixed-case (symbol-name symbol))))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MISCELLANEOUS MARKUP ; Append a space to the end of the markup-stream. (defun depict-space (markup-stream) (depict markup-stream " ")) ; Emit markup for the given integer, displaying it in decimal. (defun depict-integer (markup-stream i) (depict markup-stream (format nil "~D" i)))