@echo off REM Put it where we all can get it. REM %1 = release 'or' debug %2 = builddate REM Make the Main repository Folder using the BuildID var P: md \client\cck\new\win\5.0\domestic\"%1"\"%2" REM Make the folder for the INI's then copy/move all of them. md \client\cck\new\win\5.0\domestic\"%1"\"%2"\iniFiles D: cd\builds\mozilla\cck\cckwiz\inifiles copy *.ini P:\client\cck\new\win\5.0\domestic\"%1"\"%2"\iniFiles REM Copy the wizardmachine.exe to sweetlou D: cd\builds\mozilla\cck\driver\%1 copy *.exe P:\client\cck\new\win\5.0\domestic\%1\%2