/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint valid-jsdoc: ["error", { "requireReturn": false }] */ // create namespace if (typeof Mozilla == "undefined") { var Mozilla = {}; } (function($) { "use strict"; // create namespace if (typeof Mozilla.UITour == "undefined") { /** * Library that exposes an event-based Web API for communicating with the * desktop browser chrome. It can be used for tasks such as opening menu * panels and highlighting the position of buttons in the toolbar. * *

For security/privacy reasons `Mozilla.UITour` will only work on a list of allowed * secure origins. The list of allowed origins can be found in * {@link https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/app/permissions| * browser/app/permissions}.

* * @since 29 * @namespace */ Mozilla.UITour = {}; } var themeIntervalId = null; function _stopCyclingThemes() { if (themeIntervalId) { clearInterval(themeIntervalId); themeIntervalId = null; } } function _sendEvent(action, data) { var event = new CustomEvent("mozUITour", { bubbles: true, detail: { action, data: data || {} } }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } function _generateCallbackID() { return Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, ""); } function _waitForCallback(callback) { var id = _generateCallbackID(); function listener(event) { if (typeof event.detail != "object") return; if (event.detail.callbackID != id) return; document.removeEventListener("mozUITourResponse", listener); callback(event.detail.data); } document.addEventListener("mozUITourResponse", listener); return id; } var notificationListener = null; function _notificationListener(event) { if (typeof event.detail != "object") return; if (typeof notificationListener != "function") return; notificationListener(event.detail.event, event.detail.params); } Mozilla.UITour.DEFAULT_THEME_CYCLE_DELAY = 10 * 1000; Mozilla.UITour.CONFIGNAME_SYNC = "sync"; Mozilla.UITour.CONFIGNAME_AVAILABLETARGETS = "availableTargets"; /** * @typedef {String} Mozilla.UITour.Target * * @summary Not all targets are available at all times because they may not be visible * or UITour doesn't not how to automatically make them visible. Use * `Mozilla.UITour.getConfiguration('availableTargets', callback)` to determine * which ones are available at a given time. * @see Mozilla.UITour.getConfiguration * @see Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight * @see Mozilla.UITour.showInfo * * @description Valid values: * * Generate using the following in the Browser Console: * `[...UITour.targets.keys()].join("\n* <li>")` */ /** * Ensure the browser is ready to handle this document as a tour. * * @param {Function} [callback] Callback to call if UITour is working for the document. * @since 35 */ Mozilla.UITour.ping = function(callback) { var data = {}; if (callback) { data.callbackID = _waitForCallback(callback); } _sendEvent("ping", data); }; /** * @summary Register a listener to observe all UITour notifications. * * @description There can only be one observer per tour tab so calling this a second time will * replace any previous `listener`. * To remove an observer, call the method with `null` as the first argument. * * @param {?Function} listener - Called when any UITour notification occurs. * @param {Function} [callback] - Called when the browser acknowledges the observer. */ Mozilla.UITour.observe = function(listener, callback) { notificationListener = listener; if (listener) { document.addEventListener("mozUITourNotification", _notificationListener); Mozilla.UITour.ping(callback); } else { document.removeEventListener("mozUITourNotification", _notificationListener); } }; /** * Register an identifier to use in * {@link https://wiki.mozilla.org/Telemetry|Telemetry}. `pageID` must be a * string unique to the page/tour. * * @example * Mozilla.UITour.registerPageID('firstrun-page-firefox-29'); * * @param {string} pageID Unique identifier for the page/tour. * @memberof Mozilla.UITour */ Mozilla.UITour.registerPageID = function(pageID) { _sendEvent("registerPageID", { pageID }); }; /** * @typedef {String} Mozilla.UITour.HighlightEffect * * Specifies the effect/animation to use when highlighting UI elements. * @description Valid values: * * Generate using the following in the Browser Console: * [...UITour.highlightEffects].join("\n* <li>") * @see Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight */ /** * Visually highlight a UI widget. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.hideHighlight * @example Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight('appMenu', 'wobble'); * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.Target} target - Identifier of the UI widget to show a highlight on. * @param {Mozilla.UITour.HighlightEffect} [effect="none"] - Name of the effect to use when highlighting. */ Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight = function(target, effect) { _sendEvent("showHighlight", { target, effect }); }; /** * Hide any visible UI highlight. * @see Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight */ Mozilla.UITour.hideHighlight = function() { _sendEvent("hideHighlight"); }; /** * Show an arrow panel with optional images and buttons anchored at a specific UI target. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.hideInfo * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.Target} target - Identifier of the UI widget to anchor the panel at. * @param {String} title - Title text to be shown as the heading of the panel. * @param {String} text - Body text of the panel. * @param {String} [icon=null] - URL of a 48x48px (96px @ 2dppx) image (which will be resolved * relative to the tab's URI) to display in the panel. * @param {Object[]} [buttons=[]] - Array of objects describing buttons. * @param {String} buttons[].label - Button label * @param {String} buttons[].icon - Button icon URL * @param {String} buttons[].style - Button style ("primary" or "link") * @param {Function} buttons[].callback - Called when the button is clicked * @param {Object} [options={}] - Advanced options * @param {Function} options.closeButtonCallback - Called when the panel's close button is clicked. * * @example * var buttons = [ * { * label: 'Cancel', * style: 'link', * callback: cancelBtnCallback * }, * { * label: 'Confirm', * style: 'primary', * callback: confirmBtnCallback * } * ]; * * var icon = '//mozorg.cdn.mozilla.net/media/img/firefox/australis/logo.png'; * * var options = { * closeButtonCallback: closeBtnCallback * }; * * Mozilla.UITour.showInfo('appMenu', 'my title', 'my text', icon, buttons, options); */ Mozilla.UITour.showInfo = function(target, title, text, icon, buttons, options) { var buttonData = []; if (Array.isArray(buttons)) { for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttonData.push({ label: buttons[i].label, icon: buttons[i].icon, style: buttons[i].style, callbackID: _waitForCallback(buttons[i].callback) }); } } var closeButtonCallbackID, targetCallbackID; if (options && options.closeButtonCallback) closeButtonCallbackID = _waitForCallback(options.closeButtonCallback); if (options && options.targetCallback) targetCallbackID = _waitForCallback(options.targetCallback); _sendEvent("showInfo", { target, title, text, icon, buttons: buttonData, closeButtonCallbackID, targetCallbackID }); }; /** * Hide any visible info panels. * @see Mozilla.UITour.showInfo */ Mozilla.UITour.hideInfo = function() { _sendEvent("hideInfo"); }; /** * Preview a lightweight-theme applied to the browser UI. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.cycleThemes * @see Mozilla.UITour.resetTheme * * @param {Object} theme - Theme object format expected by `LightweightThemeManager.previewTheme` * @example * var theme = { * … * "iconURL": "https://addons.mozilla.org/_files/…/preview_small.jpg", * "headerURL": "https://addons.mozilla.org/_files/….jpg", * "name": "My cool theme", * "author": "Mozilla", * "footer": "https://addons.mozilla.org/_files/….jpg", * "previewURL": "https://addons.mozilla.org/_files/…/preview.jpg", * "updateURL": "https://versioncheck.addons.mozilla.org/…", * "accentcolor": "#000000", * "header": "https://addons.mozilla.org/_files/….jpg", * "version": "1.0", * "detailURL": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/…", * "textcolor": "#ffffff", * "id": "18066", * "description": "My awesome theme.", * … * }; * * Mozilla.UITour.previewTheme(theme); */ Mozilla.UITour.previewTheme = function(theme) { _stopCyclingThemes(); _sendEvent("previewTheme", { theme: JSON.stringify(theme) }); }; /** * Stop previewing and cycling themes, returning to the user's previous theme. * @see Mozilla.UITour.cycleThemes * @see Mozilla.UITour.previewTheme */ Mozilla.UITour.resetTheme = function() { _stopCyclingThemes(); _sendEvent("resetTheme"); }; /** * Cycle between an array of themes using the given delay. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.previewTheme * @see Mozilla.UITour.resetTheme * * @param {Object[]} themes - Array of themes * @param {Number} [delay=Mozilla.UITour.DEFAULT_THEME_CYCLE_DELAY] * - Time in milliseconds between rotating themes * @param {Function} callback - Function called at each rotation */ Mozilla.UITour.cycleThemes = function(themes, delay, callback) { _stopCyclingThemes(); if (!delay) { delay = Mozilla.UITour.DEFAULT_THEME_CYCLE_DELAY; } function nextTheme() { var theme = themes.shift(); themes.push(theme); _sendEvent("previewTheme", { theme: JSON.stringify(theme), state: true }); callback(theme); } themeIntervalId = setInterval(nextTheme, delay); nextTheme(); }; /** * @typedef {String} Mozilla.UITour.MenuName * Valid values: * * @see Mozilla.UITour.showMenu * @see Mozilla.UITour.hideMenu * @see Mozilla.UITour.openSearchPanel */ /** * Open the named application menu. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.hideMenu * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.MenuName} name - Menu name * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback to be called with no arguments when * the menu opens. * * @example * Mozilla.UITour.showMenu('appMenu', function() { * console.log('menu was opened'); * }); */ Mozilla.UITour.showMenu = function(name, callback) { var showCallbackID; if (callback) showCallbackID = _waitForCallback(callback); _sendEvent("showMenu", { name, showCallbackID, }); }; /** * Close the named application menu. * * @see Mozilla.UITour.showMenu * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.MenuName} name - Menu name */ Mozilla.UITour.hideMenu = function(name) { _sendEvent("hideMenu", { name }); }; /** * Loads about:newtab in the tour tab. * @since 51 */ Mozilla.UITour.showNewTab = function() { _sendEvent("showNewTab"); }; /** * @typedef Mozilla.UITour.ConfigurationName * @description Valid values: */ /** * @namespace Mozilla.UITour.Configuration * @see Mozilla.UITour.getConfiguration * @see Mozilla.UITour.ConfigurationName */ /** * Indicate whether a user can refresh their Firefox profile via {@link Mozilla.UITour.resetFirefox}. * @typedef {Boolean} Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.CanReset * @see Mozilla.UITour.resetFirefox * @since 48 */ /** * @typedef {Object} Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.AppInfo * @property {Boolean} canSetDefaultBrowserInBackground - Whether the application can be set as * the default browser in the background * without user interaction. * @property {Boolean} defaultBrowser - Whether the application is the default browser. Since Fx40. * @property {String} defaultUpdateChannel - Update channel e.g. 'release', 'beta', 'aurora', * 'nightly', 'default' * (self-built or automated testing builds) * @property {String} distribution - Contains the distributionId property. This value will be * "default" in most cases but can differ for repack or * funnelcake builds. Since Fx48 * @property {Number} profileCreatedWeeksAgo - The number of weeks since the profile was created, * starting from 0 for profiles dating less than * seven days old. Since Fx56. * @property {Number} profileResetWeeksAgo - The number of weeks since the profile was last reset, * starting from 0 for profiles reset less than seven * days ago. If the profile has never been reset it * returns null. Since Fx56. * @property {String} version - Version string e.g. "48.0a2" * @since 35 */ /** * @summary Search service configuration. * * @description From version 34 through 42 inclusive, a string was returned for the 'selectedSearchEngine' * configuration instead of the object like 'search'. * * @typedef {String|Object} Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.Search * @property {String} searchEngineIdentifier - The default engine's identifier * @property {String[]} engines - Identifiers of visible engines * @since 43 */ /** * Sync status and device counts. * @typedef {Object} Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.Sync * @property {Boolean} setup - Whether sync is setup * @property {Number} desktopDevices - Number of desktop devices * @property {Number} mobileDevices - Number of mobile devices * @property {Number} totalDevices - Total number of connected devices * @since 50 */ /** * Array of UI {@link Mozilla.UITour.Target|Targets} currently available to be annotated. * @typedef {Mozilla.UITour.Target[]} Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.AvailableTargets */ /** * Retrieve some information about the application/profile. * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.ConfigurationName} configName - Name of configuration to retrieve * @param {Function} callback - Called with one argument containing the value of the configuration. */ Mozilla.UITour.getConfiguration = function(configName, callback) { _sendEvent("getConfiguration", { callbackID: _waitForCallback(callback), configuration: configName, }); }; /** * Set some value or take some action. * *

Valid configuration names:

Try to set the application as the default web browser. Since Fx40

* * @param {String} configName - Configuration name to set (e.g. "defaultBrowser") * @param {String|Number|Boolean} [configValue] - Not currently used * * @since 40 * @example * Mozilla.UITour.setConfiguration('defaultBrowser'); */ Mozilla.UITour.setConfiguration = function(configName, configValue) { _sendEvent("setConfiguration", { configuration: configName, value: configValue, }); }; /** * Request the browser open the Firefox Accounts page. * * @param {Object} extraURLCampaignParams - An object containing additional * parameters for the URL opened by the browser for reasons of promotional * campaign tracking. Each attribute of the object must have a name that * is a string, begins with "utm_" and contains only only alphanumeric * characters, dashes or underscores. The values may be any string and will * automatically be encoded. * @param {String} email - A string containing the default email account * for the URL opened by the browser. * @since 31, 47 for `extraURLCampaignParams` * @example * // Will open https://accounts.firefox.com/signup?entrypoint=uitour * Mozilla.UITour.showFirefoxAccounts(); * @example * // Will open: * // https://accounts.firefox.com/signup?entrypoint=uitour&utm_foo=bar&utm_bar=baz * Mozilla.UITour.showFirefoxAccounts({ * 'utm_foo': 'bar', * 'utm_bar': 'baz' * }); * @example * // Will open: * // https://accounts.firefox.com/?action=email&email=foo%40bar.com&entrypoint=uitour * Mozilla.UITour.showFirefoxAccounts(null, "foo@bar.com"); */ Mozilla.UITour.showFirefoxAccounts = function(extraURLCampaignParams, email) { _sendEvent("showFirefoxAccounts", { extraURLCampaignParams: JSON.stringify(extraURLCampaignParams), email }); }; /** * Show a profile refresh/reset dialog, allowing users to choose to reomve * add-ons and customizations as well as restore browser defaults, if possible. * `getConfiguration('canReset')` should first be used to determine whether * Refresh/Reset is possible for the user's build/profile. * @since 48 * @see Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.CanReset */ Mozilla.UITour.resetFirefox = function() { _sendEvent("resetFirefox"); }; /** * Add the specified customizable widget to the navigation toolbar. * * @param {Mozilla.UITour.Target} name - Identifier of the customizable widget. * @param {Function} callback - Called with no arguments once the icon was successfully added to * the toolbar. Not called if it doesn't succeed. * @since 33.1 * @example * Mozilla.UITour.addNavBarWidget('forget', function () { * console.log('forget button added to toolbar'); * }); */ Mozilla.UITour.addNavBarWidget = function(name, callback) { _sendEvent("addNavBarWidget", { name, callbackID: _waitForCallback(callback), }); }; /** * Set the specified search engine as the user-set default. * * @see {@link https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-release/source/browser/locales/search/list.json} * * @param {String} identifier - Identifier of the engine (e.g. 'yahoo'). * @see Mozilla.UITour.Configuration.Search * @since 34 */ Mozilla.UITour.setDefaultSearchEngine = function(identifier) { _sendEvent("setDefaultSearchEngine", { identifier, }); }; /** * Sets a key+value pair as a treatment tag for recording in FHR. * @param {String} name - tag name for the treatment * @param {String} value - tag value for the treatment * @since 34 * @see Mozilla.UITour.getTreatmentTag * @example * Mozilla.UITour.setTreatmentTag('srch-chg-action', 'Switch'); */ Mozilla.UITour.setTreatmentTag = function(name, value) { _sendEvent("setTreatmentTag", { name, value }); }; /** * Retrieved the value for a set FHR treatment tag. * * @param {String} name - Tag name to be retrieved * @param {Function} callback - Called once the data has been retrieved * @since 34 * @see Mozilla.UITour.setTreatmentTag * @example * Mozilla.UITour.getTreatmentTag('srch-chg-action', function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); */ Mozilla.UITour.getTreatmentTag = function(name, callback) { _sendEvent("getTreatmentTag", { name, callbackID: _waitForCallback(callback) }); }; /** * Set the search term in the search box. * * This should have been implemented via `setConfiguration("searchTerm", …)`. * * @param {String} term - Search string e.g. 'Firefox' * @since 34 */ Mozilla.UITour.setSearchTerm = function(term) { _sendEvent("setSearchTerm", { term }); }; /** * @summary Opens the search box's panel. * * @description This should have been implemented via `showMenu("search", …)`. * * @param {Function} callback - Called once the panel has opened. * @since 34 */ Mozilla.UITour.openSearchPanel = function(callback) { _sendEvent("openSearchPanel", { callbackID: _waitForCallback(callback) }); }; /** * @summary Force the reader mode icon to appear in the address bar regardless of whether * heuristics determine it's appropriate. * * @description This is useful if you want to target an annotation (panel/highlight) on it * but the tour page doesn't have much textual content. */ Mozilla.UITour.forceShowReaderIcon = function() { _sendEvent("forceShowReaderIcon"); }; /** * Toggle into reader mode for the current tab. Once the user enters reader * mode, the UITour document will not be active and therefore cannot call other * UITour APIs. */ Mozilla.UITour.toggleReaderMode = function() { _sendEvent("toggleReaderMode"); }; /** * @param {String} pane - Pane to open/switch the preferences to. * Valid values match fragments on about:preferences and are subject to change e.g.: * * * * To open to the options of sending telemetry, health report, crach reports, * that is, the privcacy pane > reports on the preferences. * Please call `Mozilla.UITour.openPreferences("privacy-reports")`. * UITour would do route mapping automatically. * * @since 42 */ Mozilla.UITour.openPreferences = function(pane) { _sendEvent("openPreferences", { pane }); }; /** * @summary Closes the tab where this code is running. As usual, if the tab is in the * foreground, the tab that was displayed before is selected. * * @description The last tab in the current window will never be closed, in which case * this call will have no effect. The calling code is expected to take an * action after a small timeout in order to handle this case, for example by * displaying a goodbye message or a button to restart the tour. * @since 46 */ Mozilla.UITour.closeTab = function() { _sendEvent("closeTab"); }; })(); // Make this library Require-able. /* eslint-env commonjs */ if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = Mozilla.UITour; }