#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): require 'globals.pl'; use vars qw($BatchID @TreeList @LegalDirs); use File::Path; if (@::CheckInList) { die '@::CheckInList is valid ?!?'; } my $inheader = 1; my $foundlogline = 0; my @filelist = (); my $log = ''; my $appendjunk = ''; my $repository = pickDefaultRepository(); my %group = (); my $forcetreeid = ''; my ($chtype, $date, $name, $dir, $file); my ($version, $sticky, $branch, $addlines, $removelines); my ($key, $junk, $tagtime, $tagname, @data); my ($mungedname, $filename, @treestocheck); my (@files, @fullinfo, $i, $okdir, $f, $full, $d, $info, $id); my ($mail, %substs, %headers, $body); if (($#ARGV >= 1) && ($ARGV[0] eq '-treeid')) { $forcetreeid = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } # Read in from remaining file arguments DATAFILE: for ( ; $#ARGV >= 0; shift) { next DATAFILE unless (open(FILE, $ARGV[0])); LINE: while () { my $line = $_; chop($line); $line = trim($line); if ($inheader) { $inheader = 0 if ($line =~ /^$/); next LINE; } unless ($foundlogline) { if ($line =~ /^.\|/) { $appendjunk .= "$line\n"; ($chtype, $date, $name, $repository, $dir, $file, $version, $sticky, $branch, $addlines, $removelines) = split(/\|/, $line); $addlines = 0 if (!defined($addlines) || $addlines =~ /^\s*$/); $removelines = 0 if (!defined($removelines) || $removelines =~ /^\s*$/); $key = "$date|$branch|$repository|$dir|$name"; $group{$key} .= "$file|$version|$addlines|$removelines|$sticky\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /^Tag\|/) { ($junk, $repository, $tagtime, $tagname, @data) = split(/\|/, $line); ($mungedname = $repository) =~ s!/!_!g; $filename = "data/taginfo/$mungedname/" . MungeTagName($tagname); Lock(); unless (-d "data/taginfo/$mungedname") { mkpath(["data/taginfo/$mungedname"], 1, 0777); } if (open(TAGFILE, ">> $filename")) { print TAGFILE "$tagtime|" . join('|', @data) . "\n"; close(TAGFILE); chmod(0666, $filename); } Unlock(); } elsif ($line =~ /^LOGCOMMENT/) { $foundlogline = 1; } next LINE; } last LINE if ($line eq ":ENDLOGCOMMENT"); $log .= "$line\n"; } close(FILE); # unlink($ARGV[0]); my $plainlog = $log; $log = MarkUpText(html_quote(trim($log))); next DATAFILE unless ($plainlog && $appendjunk); Lock(); LoadTreeConfig(); unless ($forcetreeid) { ($mungedname = $repository) =~ s!/!_!g; $mungedname =~ s!^_!!; $filename = "data/checkinlog/$mungedname"; unless (-d "data/checkinlog") { mkpath(["data/checkinlog"], 1, 0777); } if (open(TID, ">> $filename")) { print TID "${appendjunk}LOGCOMMENT\n$plainlog:ENDLOGCOMMENT\n"; close(TID); chmod(0666, $filename); } ConnectToDatabase(); AddToDatabase($appendjunk, $plainlog); DisconnectFromDatabase(); # Minimize time connected to the DB, and # only do it while Lock()'d. That way, # zillions of addcheckin processes can't # lock up mysqld. @treestocheck = @::TreeList; } Unlock(); @treestocheck = ($forcetreeid) if $forcetreeid; foreach $key (keys(%group)) { ($date, $branch, $repository, $dir, $name) = split(/\|/, $key); @files = (); @fullinfo = (); foreach $i (split(/\n/, $group{$key})) { ($file, $version, $addlines, $removelines) = split(/\|/, $i); push @files, $file; push @fullinfo, $i; } TREE: foreach $::TreeID (@treestocheck) { next TREE if exists($::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{nobonsai}); next TREE unless ($branch =~ /^.?$::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{branch}$/); next TREE unless ($repository eq $::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{repository}); LoadDirList(); $okdir = 0; FILE: foreach $f (@files) { $full = "$dir/$f"; LEGALDIR: foreach $d (sort( grep(!/\*$/, @::LegalDirs))) { $d =~ s@^[\.]/@@; if ($d eq "\." || $d eq "/" || $full =~ m!^$d\b/!) { $okdir = 1; last LEGALDIR; } } last FILE if $okdir; } next TREE unless $okdir; Lock(); undef $::BatchID; undef @::CheckInList; LoadCheckins(); $id = "::checkin_${date}_$$"; push @::CheckInList, $id; $info = eval("\\\%$id"); %$info = ( person => $name, date => $date, dir => $dir, files => join('!NeXt!', @files), 'log' => $log, treeopen => $::TreeOpen, fullinfo => join('!NeXt!', @fullinfo) ); WriteCheckins(); Log("Added checkin $name $dir " . join(' + ', @files)); Unlock(); if ($::TreeOpen) { $filename = DataDir() . "/openmessage"; foreach $i (@::CheckInList) { $filename = "this file doesn't exist" # XXX verify... if ((eval("\$$i" . "{person}") eq $name) && ($i ne $id)); } } else { $filename = DataDir() . "/closemessage"; } if (!$forcetreeid && -f $filename && open(MAIL, "$filename")) { $mail = join("", ); close(MAIL); %substs = ( profile => GenerateProfileHTML($name), nextclose => "We don't remember close " . "times any more...", name => EmailFromUsername($name), dir => $dir, files => join(',', @files), 'log' => $log, ); $mail = PerformSubsts($mail, \%substs); %headers = ParseMailHeaders($mail); %headers = CleanMailHeaders(%headers); $body = FindMailBody($mail); my $mail_relay = Param("mailrelay"); my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("smtp", Server => $mail_relay); $mailer->open(\%headers) or warn "Can't send hook mail: $!\n"; print $mailer "$body\n"; $mailer->close(); } } } }