/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* This file contains just the needed struct definitions for * interacting with the Oculus VR C API, without needing to #include * OVR_CAPI.h directly. Note that it uses the same type names as the * CAPI, and cannot be #included at the same time as OVR_CAPI.h. It * does not include the entire C API, just want's needed. */ #ifdef OVR_CAPI_h #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma message("ovr_capi_dyanmic.h: OVR_CAPI.h included before ovr_capi_dynamic.h, skipping this") #else #warning OVR_CAPI.h included before ovr_capi_dynamic.h, skipping this #endif #define mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ #else #ifndef mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ #define mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ #define OVR_CAPI_LIMITED_MOZILLA 1 #ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD #define OVR_PTR_SIZE 8 #define OVR_ON64(x) x #else #define OVR_PTR_SIZE 4 #define OVR_ON64(x) /**/ #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #define OVR_PFN __cdecl #else #define OVR_PFN #endif #if !defined(OVR_ALIGNAS) #if defined(__GNUC__) && (((__GNUC__ * 100) + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 408) && (defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || (__cplusplus >= 201103L)) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) alignas(n) #elif defined(__clang__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && (((__clang_major__ * 100) + __clang_minor__) >= 300) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) alignas(n) #elif defined(__clang__) && defined(__APPLE__) && (((__clang_major__ * 100) + __clang_minor__) >= 401) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) alignas(n) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1900) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) alignas(n) #elif defined(__EDG_VERSION__) && (__EDG_VERSION__ >= 408) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) alignas(n) #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __attribute__((aligned(n))) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __declspec(align(n)) #else #error Need to define OVR_ALIGNAS #endif #endif #if !defined(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD) #define OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(padName, size) char padName[size]; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef int32_t ovrResult; typedef enum { ovrSuccess = 0, ovrSuccess_NotVisible = 1000, ovrSuccess_HMDFirmwareMismatch = 4100, ovrSuccess_TrackerFirmwareMismatch = 4101, ovrSuccess_ControllerFirmwareMismatch = 4104, } ovrSuccessType; typedef char ovrBool; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { int x, y; } ovrVector2i; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { int w, h; } ovrSizei; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { ovrVector2i Pos; ovrSizei Size; } ovrRecti; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { float x, y, z, w; } ovrQuatf; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { float x, y; } ovrVector2f; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { float x, y, z; } ovrVector3f; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { float M[4][4]; } ovrMatrix4f; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { ovrQuatf Orientation; ovrVector3f Position; } ovrPosef; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) { ovrPosef ThePose; ovrVector3f AngularVelocity; ovrVector3f LinearVelocity; ovrVector3f AngularAcceleration; ovrVector3f LinearAcceleration; OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4) double TimeInSeconds; } ovrPoseStatef; typedef struct { float UpTan; float DownTan; float LeftTan; float RightTan; } ovrFovPort; typedef enum { ovrHmd_None = 0, ovrHmd_DK1 = 3, ovrHmd_DKHD = 4, ovrHmd_DK2 = 6, ovrHmd_CB = 8, ovrHmd_Other = 9, ovrHmd_E3_2015 = 10, ovrHmd_ES06 = 11, ovrHmd_ES09 = 12, ovrHmd_ES11 = 13, ovrHmd_CV1 = 14, ovrHmd_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrHmdType; typedef enum { ovrHmdCap_DebugDevice = 0x0010, ovrHmdCap_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrHmdCaps; typedef enum { ovrTrackingCap_Orientation = 0x0010, ovrTrackingCap_MagYawCorrection = 0x0020, ovrTrackingCap_Position = 0x0040, ovrTrackingCap_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrTrackingCaps; typedef enum { ovrEye_Left = 0, ovrEye_Right = 1, ovrEye_Count = 2, ovrEye_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrEyeType; typedef enum { ovrTrackingOrigin_EyeLevel = 0, ovrTrackingOrigin_FloorLevel = 1, ovrTrackingOrigin_Count = 2, ///< \internal Count of enumerated elements. ovrTrackingOrigin_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t. } ovrTrackingOrigin; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { char Reserved[8]; } ovrGraphicsLuid; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { ovrHmdType Type; OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4)) char ProductName[64]; char Manufacturer[64]; short VendorId; short ProductId; char SerialNumber[24]; short FirmwareMajor; short FirmwareMinor; unsigned int AvailableHmdCaps; unsigned int DefaultHmdCaps; unsigned int AvailableTrackingCaps; unsigned int DefaultTrackingCaps; ovrFovPort DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Count]; ovrFovPort MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Count]; ovrSizei Resolution; float DisplayRefreshRate; OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad1, 4)) } ovrHmdDesc; typedef struct ovrHmdStruct* ovrSession; typedef enum { ovrStatus_OrientationTracked = 0x0001, ovrStatus_PositionTracked = 0x0002, ovrStatus_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrStatusBits; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { float FrustumHFovInRadians; float FrustumVFovInRadians; float FrustumNearZInMeters; float FrustumFarZInMeters; } ovrTrackerDesc; typedef enum { ovrTracker_Connected = 0x0020, ovrTracker_PoseTracked = 0x0004 } ovrTrackerFlags; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) { unsigned int TrackerFlags; ovrPosef Pose; ovrPosef LeveledPose; OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4) } ovrTrackerPose; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) { ovrPoseStatef HeadPose; unsigned int StatusFlags; ovrPoseStatef HandPoses[2]; unsigned int HandStatusFlags[2]; ovrPosef CalibratedOrigin; } ovrTrackingState; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { ovrEyeType Eye; ovrFovPort Fov; ovrRecti DistortedViewport; ovrVector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter; ovrVector3f HmdToEyeOffset; } ovrEyeRenderDesc; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { float Projection22; float Projection23; float Projection32; } ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) { ovrVector3f HmdToEyeViewOffset[ovrEye_Count]; float HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters; } ovrViewScaleDesc; typedef enum { ovrTexture_2D, ovrTexture_2D_External, ovrTexture_Cube, ovrTexture_Count, ovrTexture_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrTextureType; typedef enum { ovrTextureBind_None, ovrTextureBind_DX_RenderTarget = 0x0001, ovrTextureBind_DX_UnorderedAccess = 0x0002, ovrTextureBind_DX_DepthStencil = 0x0004, ovrTextureBind_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrTextureBindFlags; typedef enum { OVR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, OVR_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB, OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB, OVR_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT, OVR_FORMAT_D16_UNORM, OVR_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, OVR_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT, OVR_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT, OVR_FORMAT_ENUMSIZE = 0x7fffffff } ovrTextureFormat; typedef enum { ovrTextureMisc_None, ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless = 0x0001, ovrTextureMisc_AllowGenerateMips = 0x0002, ovrTextureMisc_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrTextureFlags; typedef struct { ovrTextureType Type; ovrTextureFormat Format; int ArraySize; int Width; int Height; int MipLevels; int SampleCount; ovrBool StaticImage; unsigned int MiscFlags; unsigned int BindFlags; } ovrTextureSwapChainDesc; typedef struct { ovrTextureFormat Format; int Width; int Height; unsigned int MiscFlags; } ovrMirrorTextureDesc; typedef void* ovrTextureSwapChain; typedef struct ovrMirrorTextureData* ovrMirrorTexture; typedef enum { ovrButton_A = 0x00000001, ovrButton_B = 0x00000002, ovrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004, ovrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008, ovrButton_RMask = ovrButton_A | ovrButton_B | ovrButton_RThumb | ovrButton_RShoulder, ovrButton_X = 0x00000100, ovrButton_Y = 0x00000200, ovrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400, ovrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800, ovrButton_LMask = ovrButton_X | ovrButton_Y | ovrButton_LThumb | ovrButton_LShoulder, ovrButton_Up = 0x00010000, ovrButton_Down = 0x00020000, ovrButton_Left = 0x00040000, ovrButton_Right = 0x00080000, ovrButton_Enter = 0x00100000, ovrButton_Back = 0x00200000, ovrButton_VolUp = 0x00400000, ovrButton_VolDown = 0x00800000, ovrButton_Home = 0x01000000, ovrButton_Private = ovrButton_VolUp | ovrButton_VolDown | ovrButton_Home, ovrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrButton; typedef enum { ovrTouch_A = ovrButton_A, ovrTouch_B = ovrButton_B, ovrTouch_RThumb = ovrButton_RThumb, ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger = 0x00000010, ovrTouch_RButtonMask = ovrTouch_A | ovrTouch_B | ovrTouch_RThumb | ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger, ovrTouch_X = ovrButton_X, ovrTouch_Y = ovrButton_Y, ovrTouch_LThumb = ovrButton_LThumb, ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger = 0x00001000, ovrTouch_LButtonMask = ovrTouch_X | ovrTouch_Y | ovrTouch_LThumb | ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger, ovrTouch_RIndexPointing = 0x00000020, ovrTouch_RThumbUp = 0x00000040, ovrTouch_RPoseMask = ovrTouch_RIndexPointing | ovrTouch_RThumbUp, ovrTouch_LIndexPointing = 0x00002000, ovrTouch_LThumbUp = 0x00004000, ovrTouch_LPoseMask = ovrTouch_LIndexPointing | ovrTouch_LThumbUp, ovrTouch_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrTouch; typedef enum { ovrControllerType_None = 0x00, ovrControllerType_LTouch = 0x01, ovrControllerType_RTouch = 0x02, ovrControllerType_Touch = 0x03, ovrControllerType_Remote = 0x04, ovrControllerType_XBox = 0x10, ovrControllerType_Active = 0xff, ovrControllerType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrControllerType; typedef enum { ovrHand_Left = 0, ovrHand_Right = 1, ovrHand_Count = 2, ovrHand_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrHandType; typedef struct { double TimeInSeconds; unsigned int Buttons; unsigned int Touches; float IndexTrigger[ovrHand_Count]; float HandTrigger[ovrHand_Count]; ovrVector2f Thumbstick[ovrHand_Count]; ovrControllerType ControllerType; } ovrInputState; typedef enum { ovrInit_Debug = 0x00000001, ovrInit_RequestVersion = 0x00000004, ovrinit_WritableBits = 0x00ffffff, ovrInit_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrInitFlags; typedef enum { ovrLogLevel_Debug = 0, ovrLogLevel_Info = 1, ovrLogLevel_Error = 2, ovrLogLevel_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrLogLevel; typedef void (OVR_PFN* ovrLogCallback)(uintptr_t userData, int level, const char* message); typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) { uint32_t Flags; uint32_t RequestedMinorVersion; ovrLogCallback LogCallback; uintptr_t UserData; uint32_t ConnectionTimeoutMS; OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4)) } ovrInitParams; typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Initialize)(const ovrInitParams* params); typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Shutdown)(); typedef struct { ovrResult Result; char ErrorString[512]; } ovrErrorInfo; typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetLastErrorInfo)(ovrErrorInfo* errorInfo); typedef const char* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetVersionString)(); typedef int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_TraceMessage)(int level, const char* message); typedef ovrHmdDesc (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetHmdDesc)(ovrSession session); typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerCount)(ovrSession session); typedef ovrTrackerDesc* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerDesc)(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerDescIndex); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Create)(ovrSession* pSession, ovrGraphicsLuid* pLuid); typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Destroy)(ovrSession session); typedef struct { ovrBool IsVisible; ovrBool HmdPresent; ovrBool HmdMounted; ovrBool DisplayLost; ovrBool ShouldQuit; ovrBool ShouldRecenter; } ovrSessionStatus; typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetSessionStatus)(ovrSession session, ovrSessionStatus* sessionStatus); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetTrackingOriginType)(ovrSession session, ovrTrackingOrigin origin); typedef ovrTrackingOrigin (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackingOriginType)(ovrSession session); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin)(ovrSession session); typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag)(ovrSession session); typedef ovrTrackingState (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackingState)(ovrSession session, double absTime, ovrBool latencyMarker); typedef ovrTrackerPose (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerPose)(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerPoseIndex); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetInputState)(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType, ovrInputState* inputState); typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes)(ovrSession session); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetControllerVibration)(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType, float frequency, float amplitude); enum { ovrMaxLayerCount = 16 }; typedef enum { ovrLayerType_Disabled = 0, ovrLayerType_EyeFov = 1, ovrLayerType_Quad = 3, ovrLayerType_EyeMatrix = 5, ovrLayerType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrLayerType; typedef enum { ovrLayerFlag_HighQuality = 0x01, ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft = 0x02, ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked = 0x04 } ovrLayerFlags; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { ovrLayerType Type; unsigned Flags; } ovrLayerHeader; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { ovrLayerHeader Header; ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count]; ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count]; ovrFovPort Fov[ovrEye_Count]; ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count]; double SensorSampleTime; } ovrLayerEyeFov; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { ovrLayerHeader Header; ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count]; ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count]; ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count]; ovrMatrix4f Matrix[ovrEye_Count]; double SensorSampleTime; } ovrLayerEyeMatrix; typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) { ovrLayerHeader Header; ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture; ovrRecti Viewport; ovrPosef QuadPoseCenter; ovrVector2f QuadSize; } ovrLayerQuad; typedef union { ovrLayerHeader Header; ovrLayerEyeFov EyeFov; ovrLayerQuad Quad; } ovrLayer_Union; typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Length); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Index); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* out_Desc); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain); typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain); typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture)(ovrSession session, ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture); typedef ovrSizei(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFovTextureSize)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eye, ovrFovPort fov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel); typedef ovrEyeRenderDesc(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetRenderDesc)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov); typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SubmitFrame)(ovrSession session, unsigned int frameIndex, const ovrViewScaleDesc* viewScaleDesc, ovrLayerHeader const * const * layerPtrList, unsigned int layerCount); typedef double (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime)(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex); typedef double (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds)(); typedef enum { ovrPerfHud_Off = 0, ovrPerfHud_PerfSummary = 1, ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming = 2, ovrPerfHud_AppRenderTiming = 3, ovrPerfHud_CompRenderTiming = 4, ovrPerfHud_VersionInfo = 5, ovrPerfHud_Count = 6, ovrPerfHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrPerfHudMode; typedef enum { ovrLayerHud_Off = 0, ovrLayerHud_Info = 1, ovrLayerHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrLayerHudMode; typedef enum { ovrDebugHudStereo_Off = 0, ovrDebugHudStereo_Quad = 1, ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair = 2, ovrDebugHudStereo_CrosshairAtInfinity = 3, ovrDebugHudStereo_Count, ovrDebugHudStereo_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } ovrDebugHudStereoMode; typedef ovrBool(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool defaultVal); typedef ovrBool(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool value); typedef int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int defaultVal); typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int value); typedef float (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float defaultVal); typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float value); typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float values[], unsigned int valuesCapacity); typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, const float values[], unsigned int valuesSize); typedef const char* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, const char* defaultVal); typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, const char* value); typedef enum { ovrError_MemoryAllocationFailure = -1000, ovrError_SocketCreationFailure = -1001, ovrError_InvalidSession = -1002, ovrError_Timeout = -1003, ovrError_NotInitialized = -1004, ovrError_InvalidParameter = -1005, ovrError_ServiceError = -1006, ovrError_NoHmd = -1007, ovrError_Unsupported = -1009, ovrError_DeviceUnavailable = -1010, ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation = -1011, ovrError_ClientSkippedDestroy = -1012, ovrError_ClientSkippedShutdown = -1013, ovrError_AudioReservedBegin = -2000, ovrError_AudioDeviceNotFound = -2001, ovrError_AudioComError = -2002, ovrError_AudioReservedEnd = -2999, ovrError_Initialize = -3000, ovrError_LibLoad = -3001, ovrError_LibVersion = -3002, ovrError_ServiceConnection = -3003, ovrError_ServiceVersion = -3004, ovrError_IncompatibleOS = -3005, ovrError_DisplayInit = -3006, ovrError_ServerStart = -3007, ovrError_Reinitialization = -3008, ovrError_MismatchedAdapters = -3009, ovrError_LeakingResources = -3010, ovrError_ClientVersion = -3011, ovrError_OutOfDateOS = -3012, ovrError_OutOfDateGfxDriver = -3013, ovrError_IncompatibleGPU = -3014, ovrError_NoValidVRDisplaySystem = -3015, ovrError_Obsolete = -3016, ovrError_DisabledOrDefaultAdapter = -3017, ovrError_HybridGraphicsNotSupported = -3018, ovrError_DisplayManagerInit = -3019, ovrError_TrackerDriverInit = -3020, ovrError_InvalidBundleAdjustment = -4000, ovrError_USBBandwidth = -4001, ovrError_USBEnumeratedSpeed = -4002, ovrError_ImageSensorCommError = -4003, ovrError_GeneralTrackerFailure = -4004, ovrError_ExcessiveFrameTruncation = -4005, ovrError_ExcessiveFrameSkipping = -4006, ovrError_SyncDisconnected = -4007, ovrError_TrackerMemoryReadFailure = -4008, ovrError_TrackerMemoryWriteFailure = -4009, ovrError_TrackerFrameTimeout = -4010, ovrError_TrackerTruncatedFrame = -4011, ovrError_TrackerDriverFailure = -4012, ovrError_TrackerNRFFailure = -4013, ovrError_HardwareGone = -4014, ovrError_NordicEnabledNoSync = -4015, ovrError_NordicSyncNoFrames = -4016, ovrError_CatastrophicFailure = -4017, ovrError_HMDFirmwareMismatch = -4100, ovrError_TrackerFirmwareMismatch = -4101, ovrError_BootloaderDeviceDetected = -4102, ovrError_TrackerCalibrationError = -4103, ovrError_ControllerFirmwareMismatch = -4104, ovrError_IMUTooManyLostSamples = -4200, ovrError_IMURateError = -4201, ovrError_FeatureReportFailure = -4202, ovrError_Incomplete = -5000, ovrError_Abandoned = -5001, ovrError_DisplayLost = -6000, ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull = -6001, ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid = -6002, ovrError_RuntimeException = -7000, ovrError_MetricsUnknownApp = -90000, ovrError_MetricsDuplicateApp = -90001, ovrError_MetricsNoEvents = -90002, ovrError_MetricsRuntime = -90003, ovrError_MetricsFile = -90004, ovrError_MetricsNoClientInfo = -90005, ovrError_MetricsNoAppMetaData = -90006, ovrError_MetricsNoApp = -90007, ovrError_MetricsOafFailure = -90008, ovrError_MetricsSessionAlreadyActive = -90009, ovrError_MetricsSessionNotActive = -90010, } ovrErrorType; #ifdef XP_WIN struct IUnknown; typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX)(ovrSession session, IUnknown* d3dPtr, const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc, ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int index, IID iid, void** out_Buffer); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX)(ovrSession session, IUnknown* d3dPtr, const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc, ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX)(ovrSession session, ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture, IID iid, void** out_Buffer); #endif typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL)(ovrSession session, const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc, ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int index, unsigned int* out_TexId); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL)(ovrSession session, const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc, ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture); typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL)(ovrSession session, ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture, unsigned int* out_TexId); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ */ #endif /* OVR_CAPI_h */