# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is mozilla.org code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape # Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): sub recursive_copy { local($fromdir); local($todir); local(@dirlist); $fromdir = shift; $todir = shift; print STDERR "recursive copy called with $fromdir, $todir\n"; #remove any trailing slashes. $fromdir =~ s/\/$//; $todir =~ s/\/$//; opendir(DIR, $fromdir); @dirlist = readdir DIR; close DIR; foreach $file (@dirlist) { if (! (($file eq "." ) || ($file eq "..") )) { if (-d "$fromdir/$file") { print STDERR "handling directory $todir/$file\n"; &rec_mkdir("$todir/$file"); &recursive_copy("$fromdir/$file","$todir/$file"); } else { print STDERR "handling file $fromdir/$file\n"; &my_copy("$fromdir/$file","$todir/$file"); } } } } sub parse_argv { # print STDERR "Parsing Variables\n"; foreach $q ( @ARGV ) { if (! ($q =~ /=/)) { $var{$lastassigned} .= " $q"; } else { $q =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)/; $left = $1; $right = $2; $right =~ s/ *$//; $var{$left} = $right; $lastassigned = $left; } print STDERR "Assigned $lastassigned = $var{$lastassigned}\n"; } } # usage: &my_copy("dir/fromfile","dir2/tofile"); # do a 'copy' - files only, 'to' MUST be a filename, not a directory. # fix this to be able to use copy on win nt. sub my_copy { local($from); local($to); local($cpcmd); $from = shift; $to = shift; if ( ! defined $var{OS_ARCH}) { die "OS_ARCH not defined!"; } else { if ($var{OS_ARCH} eq 'WINNT') { $cpcmd = 'cp'; } else { $cpcmd = 'cp'; } print STDERR "COPYING: $cpcmd $from $to\n"; system("$cpcmd $from $to"); } } sub old_my_copy { local($from); local($to); $from = shift; $to = shift; open(FIN, "<$from") || die("Can't read from file $from\n"); if ( ! open(FOUT,">$to")) { close FIN; die "Can't write to file $to\n"; } while (read(FIN, $buf, 100000)) { print FOUT $buf; } close (FIN); close (FOUT); } sub rec_mkdir { local($arg); local($t); local($q); $arg = shift; $t = ""; foreach $q (split(/\//,$arg)) { $t .= $q; if (! ($t =~ /\.\.$/)) { if ($t =~ /./) { mkdir($t,0775); } } $t.= '/'; } } 1;