'use strict'; SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); browserElementTestHelpers.setEnabledPref(true); browserElementTestHelpers.addPermission(); function runTests() { createIframe(function onIframeLoaded() { checkEmptyContextMenu(); }); } function checkEmptyContextMenu() { sendContextMenuTo('body', function onContextMenu(detail) { is(detail.contextmenu, null, 'Body context clicks have no context menu'); checkInnerContextMenu(); }); } function checkInnerContextMenu() { sendContextMenuTo('#inner-link', function onContextMenu(detail) { is(detail.systemTargets.length, 1, 'Includes anchor data'); is(detail.contextmenu.items.length, 2, 'Inner clicks trigger correct menu'); checkCustomContextMenu(); }); } function checkCustomContextMenu() { sendContextMenuTo('#menu1-trigger', function onContextMenu(detail) { is(detail.contextmenu.items.length, 2, 'trigger custom contextmenu'); checkNestedContextMenu(); }); } function checkNestedContextMenu() { sendContextMenuTo('#menu2-trigger', function onContextMenu(detail) { var innerMenu = detail.contextmenu.items.filter(function(x) { return x.type === 'menu'; }); is(detail.systemTargets.length, 2, 'Includes anchor and img data'); ok(innerMenu.length > 0, 'Menu contains a nested menu'); checkPreviousContextMenuHandler(); }); } // Finished testing the data passed to the contextmenu handler, // now we start selecting contextmenu items function checkPreviousContextMenuHandler() { // This is previously triggered contextmenu data, since we have // fired subsequent contextmenus this should not be mistaken // for a current menuitem var detail = previousContextMenuDetail; var previousId = detail.contextmenu.items[0].id; checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, previousId, function onCallbackFired(label) { is(label, null, 'Callback label should be empty since this handler is old'); checkCurrentContextMenuHandler(); }); } function checkCurrentContextMenuHandler() { // This triggers a current menuitem var detail = currentContextMenuDetail; var innerMenu = detail.contextmenu.items.filter(function(x) { return x.type === 'menu'; }); var currentId = innerMenu[0].items[1].id; checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, currentId, function onCallbackFired(label) { is(label, 'inner 2', 'Callback label should be set correctly'); checkAgainCurrentContextMenuHandler(); }); } function checkAgainCurrentContextMenuHandler() { // Once an item it selected, subsequent selections are ignored var detail = currentContextMenuDetail; var innerMenu = detail.contextmenu.items.filter(function(x) { return x.type === 'menu'; }); var currentId = innerMenu[0].items[1].id; checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, currentId, function onCallbackFired(label) { is(label, null, 'Callback label should be empty since this handler has already been used'); checkCallbackWithPreventDefault(); }); }; // Finished testing callbacks if the embedder calls preventDefault() on the // mozbrowsercontextmenu event, now we start checking for some cases where the embedder // does not want to call preventDefault() for some reasons. function checkCallbackWithPreventDefault() { sendContextMenuTo('#menu1-trigger', function onContextMenu(detail) { var id = detail.contextmenu.items[0].id; checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, id, function onCallbackFired(label) { is(label, 'foo', 'Callback label should be set correctly'); checkCallbackWithoutPreventDefault(); }); }); } function checkCallbackWithoutPreventDefault() { sendContextMenuTo('#menu1-trigger', function onContextMenu(detail) { var id = detail.contextmenu.items[0].id; checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, id, function onCallbackFired(label) { is(label, null, 'Callback label should be null'); SimpleTest.finish(); }); }, /* ignorePreventDefault */ true); } /* Helpers */ var mm = null; var previousContextMenuDetail = null; var currentContextMenuDetail = null; function sendContextMenuTo(selector, callback, ignorePreventDefault) { iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowsercontextmenu', function oncontextmenu(e) { iframe.removeEventListener(e.type, oncontextmenu); // The embedder should call preventDefault() on the event if it will handle // it. Not calling preventDefault() means it won't handle the event and // should not be able to deal with context menu callbacks. if (ignorePreventDefault !== true) { e.preventDefault(); } // Keep a reference to previous/current contextmenu event details. previousContextMenuDetail = currentContextMenuDetail; currentContextMenuDetail = e.detail; setTimeout(function() { callback(e.detail); }); }); mm.sendAsyncMessage('contextmenu', { 'selector': selector }); } function checkContextMenuCallbackForId(detail, id, callback) { mm.addMessageListener('test:callbackfired', function onCallbackFired(msg) { mm.removeMessageListener('test:callbackfired', onCallbackFired); msg = SpecialPowers.wrap(msg); setTimeout(function() { callback(msg.data.label); }); }); detail.contextMenuItemSelected(id); } var iframe = null; function createIframe(callback) { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); SpecialPowers.wrap(iframe).mozbrowser = true; iframe.src = 'data:text/html,' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; document.body.appendChild(iframe); // The following code will be included in the child // ========================================================================= function iframeScript() { addMessageListener('contextmenu', function onContextMenu(msg) { var document = content.document; var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evt.initEvent('contextmenu', true, true); document.querySelector(msg.data.selector).dispatchEvent(evt); }); addMessageListener('browser-element-api:call', function onCallback(msg) { if (msg.data.msg_name != 'fire-ctx-callback') return; /* Use setTimeout in order to react *after* the platform */ content.setTimeout(function() { sendAsyncMessage('test:callbackfired', { label: label }); label = null; }); }); var label = null; XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(content).onContextMenuCallbackFired = function(e) { label = e.target.getAttribute('label'); }; } // ========================================================================= iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowserloadend', function onload(e) { iframe.removeEventListener(e.type, onload); mm = SpecialPowers.getBrowserFrameMessageManager(iframe); mm.loadFrameScript('data:,(' + iframeScript.toString() + ')();', false); // Now we're ready, let's start testing. callback(); }); } addEventListener('testready', runTests);