#! /bin/sh # # Bad hack to hack on tinderbox. Needs to be re-written in perl. # Started by slamm@netscape.com, hacked a little by mcafee@netscape.com. # # usage: ./copydata # tinderbox_link="http://tinderbox.mozilla.org" bonsai_link="http://bonsai.mozilla.org" if [ $# -lt 1 ] then # Set $tree variable here.. set -- SeaMonkey fi tinderbox_dir=`pwd` tree="SeaMonkey" # Create new directories if they don't exist. echo "Tree = " $tree # tinderbox/$tree if [ ! -d "$tree" ] then echo "mkdir" $tree mkdir $tree fi # tinderbox/$tree/data if [ ! -d "$tree/data" ] then echo "mkdir" $tree/data mkdir $tree/data fi # tinderbox/data if [ ! -d "data" ] then echo "mkdir data" mkdir data fi # ../bonsai/data/$tree if [ ! -d "../bonsai" ] then echo "Need to pull ../bonsai from cvs." exit 1 fi # ../bonsai/data if [ ! -d "../bonsai/data" ] then echo "mkdir -p ../bonsai/data" mkdir -p "../bonsai/data" fi # ../bonsai/data/$tree if [ ! -d "../bonsai/data/$tree" ] then echo "mkdir -p ../bonsai/data/"$tree mkdir -p ../bonsai/data/$tree fi # Copy tree data for tree do # Remove trailing slash tree=`expr $tree : "\([^/]*\)"` cd $tinderbox_dir/$tree for file in build.dat status.pl rules.pl sheriff.pl notes.txt treedata.pl who.dat ignorebuilds.pl scrapebuilds.pl scrape.dat do rm -f $file wget $tinderbox_link/$tree/$file done # Copy bonsai checkin batch data cd $tinderbox_dir/../bonsai/data/$tree if [ -f batchid.pl ] then rm -f batchid.pl batch-*.pl fi wget $bonsai_link/data/$tree/batchid.pl id=`cat batchid.pl | perl -pe 's/^.*?(\d+).*/$1/'` # stupid hack wget $bonsai_link/data/$tree/batch-$id.pl done cd $tinderbox_dir/data rm -f imagelog.txt wget $tinderbox_link/data/imagelog.txt cd $tinderbox_dir perl copylogs