# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import ( absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals, ) import argparse import json import sys import os import tempfile import shutil import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict from six import iteritems from mach.decorators import ( Command, CommandArgument, CommandProvider, SubCommand, ) from mozbuild.base import ( MachCommandBase, MozbuildObject, BinaryNotFoundException, ) from mozbuild import nodeutil import mozlog import mozprofile EX_CONFIG = 78 EX_SOFTWARE = 70 EX_USAGE = 64 def setup(): # add node and npm from mozbuild to front of system path npm, _ = nodeutil.find_npm_executable() if not npm: exit(EX_CONFIG, "could not find npm executable") path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(npm, os.pardir)) os.environ["PATH"] = "{}:{}".format(path, os.environ["PATH"]) @CommandProvider class RemoteCommands(MachCommandBase): def __init__(self, context): MachCommandBase.__init__(self, context) self.remotedir = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "remote") @Command("remote", category="misc", description="Remote protocol related operations.") def remote(self): """The remote subcommands all relate to the remote protocol.""" self._sub_mach(['help', 'remote']) return 1 @SubCommand("remote", "vendor-puppeteer", "Pull in latest changes of the Puppeteer client.") @CommandArgument("--repository", metavar="REPO", required=True, help="The (possibly remote) repository to clone from.") @CommandArgument("--commitish", metavar="COMMITISH", required=True, help="The commit or tag object name to check out.") def vendor_puppeteer(self, repository, commitish): puppeteer_dir = os.path.join(self.remotedir, "test", "puppeteer") # Preserve our custom mocha reporter shutil.move(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, "json-mocha-reporter.js"), self.remotedir) shutil.rmtree(puppeteer_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(puppeteer_dir) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: git("clone", "-q", repository, tmpdir) git("checkout", commitish, worktree=tmpdir) git("checkout-index", "-a", "-f", "--prefix", "{}/".format(puppeteer_dir), worktree=tmpdir) # remove files which may interfere with git checkout of central try: os.remove(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, ".gitattributes")) os.remove(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, ".gitignore")) except OSError: pass experimental_dir = os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, "experimental") if os.path.isdir(experimental_dir): shutil.rmtree(experimental_dir) shutil.move(os.path.join(self.remotedir, "json-mocha-reporter.js"), puppeteer_dir) import yaml annotation = { "schema": 1, "bugzilla": { "product": "Remote Protocol", "component": "Agent", }, "origin": { "name": "puppeteer", "description": "Headless Chrome Node API", "url": repository, "license": "Apache-2.0", "release": commitish, }, } with open(os.path.join(puppeteer_dir, "moz.yaml"), "w") as fh: yaml.safe_dump(annotation, fh, default_flow_style=False, encoding="utf-8", allow_unicode=True) def git(*args, **kwargs): cmd = ("git",) if kwargs.get("worktree"): cmd += ("-C", kwargs["worktree"]) cmd += args pipe = kwargs.get("pipe") git_p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env={"GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM": "1"}, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) pipe_p = None if pipe: pipe_p = subprocess.Popen(pipe, stdin=git_p.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if pipe: _, pipe_err = pipe_p.communicate() out, git_err = git_p.communicate() # use error from first program that failed if git_p.returncode > 0: exit(EX_SOFTWARE, git_err) if pipe and pipe_p.returncode > 0: exit(EX_SOFTWARE, pipe_err) return out def npm(*args, **kwargs): from mozprocess import processhandler env = None if kwargs.get("env"): env = os.environ.copy() env.update(kwargs["env"]) proc_kwargs = {} if "processOutputLine" in kwargs: proc_kwargs["processOutputLine"] = kwargs["processOutputLine"] p = processhandler.ProcessHandler(cmd="npm", args=list(args), cwd=kwargs.get("cwd"), env=env, universal_newlines=True, **proc_kwargs) if not kwargs.get("wait", True): return p wait_proc(p, cmd="npm", exit_on_fail=kwargs.get("exit_on_fail", True)) return p.returncode def wait_proc(p, cmd=None, exit_on_fail=True, output_timeout=None): try: p.run(outputTimeout=output_timeout) p.wait() if p.timedOut: # In some cases, we wait longer for a mocha timeout print("Timed out after {} seconds of no output".format(output_timeout)) finally: p.kill() if exit_on_fail and p.returncode > 0: msg = ("%s: exit code %s" % (cmd, p.returncode) if cmd else "exit code %s" % p.returncode) exit(p.returncode, msg) class MochaOutputHandler(object): def __init__(self, logger, expected): self.logger = logger self.proc = None self.test_results = OrderedDict() self.expected = expected self.unexpected_skips = set() self.has_unexpected = False self.logger.suite_start([], name="puppeteer-tests") self.status_map = { "CRASHED": "CRASH", "OK": "PASS", "TERMINATED": "CRASH", "pass": "PASS", "fail": "FAIL", "pending": "SKIP" } @property def pid(self): return self.proc and self.proc.pid def __call__(self, line): event = None try: if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'): event = json.loads(line) self.process_event(event) except ValueError: pass finally: self.logger.process_output(self.pid, line, command="npm") def process_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, list) and len(event) > 1: status = self.status_map.get(event[0]) test_start = event[0] == 'test-start' if not status and not test_start: return test_info = event[1] test_name = test_info.get("fullTitle", "") test_path = test_info.get("file", "") test_err = test_info.get("err") if status == "FAIL" and test_err: if "timeout" in test_err.lower(): status = "TIMEOUT" if test_name and test_path: test_name = "{} ({})".format(test_name, os.path.basename(test_path)) if test_start: self.logger.test_start(test_name) return expected = self.expected.get(test_name, ["PASS"]) # mozlog doesn't really allow unexpected skip, # so if a test is disabled just expect that and note the unexpected skip # Also, mocha doesn't log test-start for skipped tests if status == "SKIP": self.logger.test_start(test_name) if self.expected and status not in expected: self.unexpected_skips.add(test_name) expected = ["SKIP"] known_intermittent = expected[1:] expected_status = expected[0] self.test_results[test_name] = status self.logger.test_end(test_name, status=status, expected=expected_status, known_intermittent=known_intermittent) if status not in expected: self.has_unexpected = True def new_expected(self): new_expected = OrderedDict() for test_name, status in iteritems(self.test_results): if test_name not in self.expected: new_status = [status] else: if status in self.expected[test_name]: new_status = self.expected[test_name] else: new_status = [status] new_expected[test_name] = new_status return new_expected def after_end(self, subset=False): if not subset: missing = set(self.expected) - set(self.test_results) extra = set(self.test_results) - set(self.expected) if missing: self.has_unexpected = True for test_name in missing: self.logger.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-MISSING %s" % (test_name,)) if self.expected and extra: self.has_unexpected = True for test_name in extra: self.logger.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-MISSING Unknown new test %s" % (test_name,)) if self.unexpected_skips: self.has_unexpected = True for test_name in self.unexpected_skips: self.logger.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-MISSING Unexpected skipped %s" % (test_name,)) self.logger.suite_end() # tempfile.TemporaryDirectory missing from Python 2.7 class TemporaryDirectory(object): def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._closed = False def __repr__(self): return "<{} {!r}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.path) def __enter__(self): return self.path def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): self.clean() def __del__(self): self.clean() def clean(self): if self.path and not self._closed: shutil.rmtree(self.path) self._closed = True class PuppeteerRunner(MozbuildObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PuppeteerRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.remotedir = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "remote") self.puppeteer_dir = os.path.join(self.remotedir, "test", "puppeteer") def run_test(self, logger, *tests, **params): """ Runs Puppeteer unit tests with npm. Possible optional test parameters: `binary`: Path for the browser binary to use. Defaults to the local build. `headless`: Boolean to indicate whether to activate Firefox' headless mode. `extra_prefs`: Dictionary of extra preferences to write to the profile, before invoking npm. Overrides default preferences. `write_results`: Path to write the results json file `subset` Indicates only a subset of tests are being run, so we should skip the check for missing results """ setup() binary = params.get("binary") or self.get_binary_path() product = params.get("product", "firefox") env = { # Print browser process ouptut "DUMPIO": "1", # Checked by Puppeteer's custom mocha config "CI": "1", # Causes some tests to be skipped due to assumptions about install "PUPPETEER_ALT_INSTALL": "1" } extra_options = {} for k, v in params.get("extra_launcher_options", {}).items(): extra_options[k] = json.loads(v) # Override upstream defaults: no retries, shorter timeout mocha_options = [ "--reporter", "./json-mocha-reporter.js", "--retries", "0", "--fullTrace", "--timeout", "15000", "--no-parallel", ] if product == "firefox": env["BINARY"] = binary env["PUPPETEER_PRODUCT"] = "firefox" command = ["run", "unit", "--"] + mocha_options env["HEADLESS"] = str(params.get("headless", False)) prefs = {} for k, v in params.get("extra_prefs", {}).items(): prefs[k] = mozprofile.Preferences.cast(v) if prefs: extra_options["extraPrefsFirefox"] = prefs if extra_options: env["EXTRA_LAUNCH_OPTIONS"] = json.dumps(extra_options) expected_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "puppeteer-expected.json") if product == "firefox" and os.path.exists(expected_path): with open(expected_path) as f: expected_data = json.load(f) else: expected_data = {} output_handler = MochaOutputHandler(logger, expected_data) proc = npm(*command, cwd=self.puppeteer_dir, env=env, processOutputLine=output_handler, wait=False) output_handler.proc = proc # Puppeteer unit tests don't always clean-up child processes in case of # failure, so use an output_timeout as a fallback wait_proc(proc, "npm", output_timeout=60, exit_on_fail=False) output_handler.after_end(params.get("subset", False)) # Non-zero return codes are non-fatal for now since we have some # issues with unresolved promises that shouldn't otherwise block # running the tests if proc.returncode != 0: logger.warning("npm exited with code %s" % proc.returncode) if params["write_results"]: with open(params["write_results"], "w") as f: json.dump(output_handler.new_expected(), f, indent=2, separators=(",", ": ")) if output_handler.has_unexpected: exit(1, "Got unexpected results") def create_parser_puppeteer(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--product", type=str, default="firefox", choices=["chrome", "firefox"]) p.add_argument("--binary", type=str, help="Path to browser binary. Defaults to local Firefox build.") p.add_argument("--enable-fission", action="store_true", help="Enable Fission (site isolation) in Gecko.") p.add_argument("-z", "--headless", action="store_true", help="Run browser in headless mode.") p.add_argument("--setpref", action="append", dest="extra_prefs", metavar="=", help="Defines additional user preferences.") p.add_argument("--setopt", action="append", dest="extra_options", metavar="