/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Keyboard']; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm'); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy", "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "appsService", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/AppsService;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAppsService); }); let Utils = { getMMFromMessage: function u_getMMFromMessage(msg) { let mm; try { mm = msg.target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner) .frameLoader.messageManager; } catch(e) { mm = msg.target; } return mm; }, checkPermissionForMM: function u_checkPermissionForMM(mm, permName) { return mm.assertPermission(permName); } }; this.Keyboard = { _formMM: null, // The current web page message manager. _keyboardMM: null, // The keyboard app message manager. _keyboardID: -1, // The keyboard app's ID number. -1 = invalid _nextKeyboardID: 0, // The ID number counter. _systemMessageName: [ 'SetValue', 'RemoveFocus', 'SetSelectedOption', 'SetSelectedOptions' ], _messageNames: [ 'RemoveFocus', 'SetSelectionRange', 'ReplaceSurroundingText', 'ShowInputMethodPicker', 'SwitchToNextInputMethod', 'HideInputMethod', 'GetText', 'SendKey', 'GetContext', 'SetComposition', 'EndComposition', 'Register', 'Unregister' ], get formMM() { if (this._formMM && !Cu.isDeadWrapper(this._formMM)) return this._formMM; return null; }, set formMM(mm) { this._formMM = mm; }, sendToForm: function(name, data) { try { this.formMM.sendAsyncMessage(name, data); } catch(e) { } }, sendToKeyboard: function(name, data) { try { this._keyboardMM.sendAsyncMessage(name, data); } catch(e) { } }, init: function keyboardInit() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'inprocess-browser-shown', false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'remote-browser-shown', false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'oop-frameloader-crashed', false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'message-manager-close', false); for (let name of this._messageNames) { ppmm.addMessageListener('Keyboard:' + name, this); } for (let name of this._systemMessageName) { ppmm.addMessageListener('System:' + name, this); } this.inputRegistryGlue = new InputRegistryGlue(); }, observe: function keyboardObserve(subject, topic, data) { let frameLoader = null; let mm = null; if (topic == 'message-manager-close') { mm = subject; } else { frameLoader = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoader); mm = frameLoader.messageManager; } if (topic == 'oop-frameloader-crashed' || topic == 'message-manager-close') { if (this.formMM == mm) { // The application has been closed unexpectingly. Let's tell the // keyboard app that the focus has been lost. this.sendToKeyboard('Keyboard:FocusChange', { 'type': 'blur' }); // Notify system app to hide keyboard. SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: 'inputmethod-contextchange', inputType: 'blur' }); } } else { // Ignore notifications that aren't from a BrowserOrApp if (!frameLoader.ownerIsBrowserOrAppFrame) { return; } this.initFormsFrameScript(mm); } }, initFormsFrameScript: function(mm) { mm.addMessageListener('Forms:Input', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SelectionChange', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:GetText:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:GetText:Result:Error', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SetSelectionRange:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SetSelectionRange:Result:Error', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:ReplaceSurroundingText:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:ReplaceSurroundingText:Result:Error', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SendKey:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SendKey:Result:Error', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SequenceError', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:GetContext:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:SetComposition:Result:OK', this); mm.addMessageListener('Forms:EndComposition:Result:OK', this); }, receiveMessage: function keyboardReceiveMessage(msg) { // If we get a 'Keyboard:XXX'/'System:XXX' message, check that the sender // has the required permission. let mm; let isKeyboardRegistration = msg.name == "Keyboard:Register" || msg.name == "Keyboard:Unregister"; if (msg.name.indexOf("Keyboard:") === 0 || msg.name.indexOf("System:") === 0) { if (!this.formMM && !isKeyboardRegistration) { return; } mm = Utils.getMMFromMessage(msg); // That should never happen. if (!mm) { dump("!! No message manager found for " + msg.name); return; } let perm = (msg.name.indexOf("Keyboard:") === 0) ? "input" : "input-manage"; if (!isKeyboardRegistration && !Utils.checkPermissionForMM(mm, perm)) { dump("Keyboard message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no '" + perm + "' privileges."); return; } } // we don't process kb messages (other than register) // if they come from a kb that we're currently not regsitered for. // this decision is made with the kbID kept by us and kb app let kbID = null; if ('kbID' in msg.data) { kbID = msg.data.kbID; } if (0 === msg.name.indexOf('Keyboard:') && ('Keyboard:Register' !== msg.name && this._keyboardID !== kbID) ) { return; } switch (msg.name) { case 'Forms:Input': this.handleFocusChange(msg); break; case 'Forms:SelectionChange': case 'Forms:GetText:Result:OK': case 'Forms:GetText:Result:Error': case 'Forms:SetSelectionRange:Result:OK': case 'Forms:ReplaceSurroundingText:Result:OK': case 'Forms:SendKey:Result:OK': case 'Forms:SendKey:Result:Error': case 'Forms:SequenceError': case 'Forms:GetContext:Result:OK': case 'Forms:SetComposition:Result:OK': case 'Forms:EndComposition:Result:OK': case 'Forms:SetSelectionRange:Result:Error': case 'Forms:ReplaceSurroundingText:Result:Error': let name = msg.name.replace(/^Forms/, 'Keyboard'); this.forwardEvent(name, msg); break; case 'System:SetValue': this.setValue(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:RemoveFocus': case 'System:RemoveFocus': this.removeFocus(); break; case 'System:SetSelectedOption': this.setSelectedOption(msg); break; case 'System:SetSelectedOptions': this.setSelectedOption(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:SetSelectionRange': this.setSelectionRange(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:ReplaceSurroundingText': this.replaceSurroundingText(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:SwitchToNextInputMethod': this.switchToNextInputMethod(); break; case 'Keyboard:ShowInputMethodPicker': this.showInputMethodPicker(); break; case 'Keyboard:GetText': this.getText(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:SendKey': this.sendKey(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:GetContext': this.getContext(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:SetComposition': this.setComposition(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:EndComposition': this.endComposition(msg); break; case 'Keyboard:Register': this._keyboardMM = mm; if (kbID) { // keyboard identifies itself, use its kbID // this msg would be async, so no need to return this._keyboardID = kbID; }else{ // generate the id for the keyboard this._keyboardID = this._nextKeyboardID; this._nextKeyboardID++; // this msg is sync, // and we want to return the id back to inputmethod return this._keyboardID; } break; case 'Keyboard:Unregister': this._keyboardMM = null; this._keyboardID = -1; break; } }, forwardEvent: function keyboardForwardEvent(newEventName, msg) { let mm = msg.target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner) .frameLoader.messageManager; if (newEventName === 'Keyboard:FocusChange') { if (msg.data.type !== 'blur') { // Focus on a new input field // Set the formMM to the new message manager so that // message gets to the right form now on. this.formMM = mm; } else { // input is blurred // A blur message can't be sent to the keyboard if the focus has // already been taken away at first place. // This check is here to prevent problem caused by out-of-order // ipc messages from two processes. if (mm !== this.formMM) { return false; } this.formMM = null; } } this.sendToKeyboard(newEventName, msg.data); return true; }, handleFocusChange: function keyboardHandleFocusChange(msg) { let isSent = this.forwardEvent('Keyboard:FocusChange', msg); if (!isSent) { return; } // Chrome event, used also to render value selectors; that's why we need // the info about choices / min / max here as well... SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: 'inputmethod-contextchange', inputType: msg.data.type, value: msg.data.value, choices: JSON.stringify(msg.data.choices), min: msg.data.min, max: msg.data.max }); }, setSelectedOption: function keyboardSetSelectedOption(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:Select:Choice', msg.data); }, setSelectedOptions: function keyboardSetSelectedOptions(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:Select:Choice', msg.data); }, setSelectionRange: function keyboardSetSelectionRange(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:SetSelectionRange', msg.data); }, setValue: function keyboardSetValue(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:Input:Value', msg.data); }, removeFocus: function keyboardRemoveFocus() { this.sendToForm('Forms:Select:Blur', {}); }, replaceSurroundingText: function keyboardReplaceSurroundingText(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:ReplaceSurroundingText', msg.data); }, showInputMethodPicker: function keyboardShowInputMethodPicker() { SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: "inputmethod-showall" }); }, switchToNextInputMethod: function keyboardSwitchToNextInputMethod() { SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: "inputmethod-next" }); }, getText: function keyboardGetText(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:GetText', msg.data); }, sendKey: function keyboardSendKey(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:Input:SendKey', msg.data); }, getContext: function keyboardGetContext(msg) { if (this._layouts) { this.sendToKeyboard('Keyboard:LayoutsChange', this._layouts); } this.sendToForm('Forms:GetContext', msg.data); }, setComposition: function keyboardSetComposition(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:SetComposition', msg.data); }, endComposition: function keyboardEndComposition(msg) { this.sendToForm('Forms:EndComposition', msg.data); }, /** * Get the number of keyboard layouts active from keyboard_manager */ _layouts: null, setLayouts: function keyboardSetLayoutCount(layouts) { // The input method plugins may not have loaded yet, // cache the layouts so on init we can respond immediately instead // of going back and forth between keyboard_manager this._layouts = layouts; this.sendToKeyboard('Keyboard:LayoutsChange', layouts); } }; function InputRegistryGlue() { this._messageId = 0; this._msgMap = new Map(); ppmm.addMessageListener('InputRegistry:Add', this); ppmm.addMessageListener('InputRegistry:Remove', this); }; InputRegistryGlue.prototype.receiveMessage = function(msg) { let mm = Utils.getMMFromMessage(msg); if (!Utils.checkPermissionForMM(mm, 'input')) { dump("InputRegistryGlue message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no 'input' privileges."); return; } switch (msg.name) { case 'InputRegistry:Add': this.addInput(msg, mm); break; case 'InputRegistry:Remove': this.removeInput(msg, mm); break; } }; InputRegistryGlue.prototype.addInput = function(msg, mm) { let msgId = this._messageId++; this._msgMap.set(msgId, { mm: mm, requestId: msg.data.requestId }); let manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(msg.data.appId); SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: 'inputregistry-add', id: msgId, manifestURL: manifestURL, inputId: msg.data.inputId, inputManifest: msg.data.inputManifest }); }; InputRegistryGlue.prototype.removeInput = function(msg, mm) { let msgId = this._messageId++; this._msgMap.set(msgId, { mm: mm, requestId: msg.data.requestId }); let manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(msg.data.appId); SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ type: 'inputregistry-remove', id: msgId, manifestURL: manifestURL, inputId: msg.data.inputId }); }; InputRegistryGlue.prototype.returnMessage = function(detail) { if (!this._msgMap.has(detail.id)) { return; } let { mm, requestId } = this._msgMap.get(detail.id); this._msgMap.delete(detail.id); if (Cu.isDeadWrapper(mm)) { return; } if (!('error' in detail)) { mm.sendAsyncMessage('InputRegistry:Result:OK', { requestId: requestId }); } else { mm.sendAsyncMessage('InputRegistry:Result:Error', { error: detail.error, requestId: requestId }); } }; this.Keyboard.init();