/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsPrincipal.h" #include "mozIThirdPartyUtil.h" #include "nscore.h" #include "nsScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "pratom.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsJSPrincipals.h" #include "nsIEffectiveTLDService.h" #include "nsIObjectInputStream.h" #include "nsIObjectOutputStream.h" #include "nsIClassInfoImpl.h" #include "nsIProtocolHandler.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "jswrapper.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h" #include "nsIAppsService.h" #include "mozIApplication.h" using namespace mozilla; static bool gIsWhitelistingTestDomains = false; static bool gCodeBasePrincipalSupport = false; static bool URIIsImmutable(nsIURI* aURI) { nsCOMPtr mutableObj(do_QueryInterface(aURI)); bool isMutable; return mutableObj && NS_SUCCEEDED(mutableObj->GetMutable(&isMutable)) && !isMutable; } // Static member variables const char nsBasePrincipal::sInvalid[] = "Invalid"; NS_IMETHODIMP_(MozExternalRefCountType) nsBasePrincipal::AddRef() { NS_PRECONDITION(int32_t(refcount) >= 0, "illegal refcnt"); // XXXcaa does this need to be threadsafe? See bug 143559. nsrefcnt count = ++refcount; NS_LOG_ADDREF(this, count, "nsBasePrincipal", sizeof(*this)); return count; } NS_IMETHODIMP_(MozExternalRefCountType) nsBasePrincipal::Release() { NS_PRECONDITION(0 != refcount, "dup release"); nsrefcnt count = --refcount; NS_LOG_RELEASE(this, count, "nsBasePrincipal"); if (count == 0) { delete this; } return count; } nsBasePrincipal::nsBasePrincipal() { } nsBasePrincipal::~nsBasePrincipal(void) { } NS_IMETHODIMP nsBasePrincipal::GetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy** aCsp) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*aCsp = mCSP); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsBasePrincipal::SetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCsp) { // If CSP was already set, it should not be destroyed! Instead, it should // get set anew when a new principal is created. if (mCSP) return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; mCSP = aCsp; return NS_OK; } #ifdef DEBUG void nsPrincipal::dumpImpl() { nsAutoCString str; GetScriptLocation(str); fprintf(stderr, "nsPrincipal (%p) = %s\n", static_cast(this), str.get()); } #endif NS_IMPL_CLASSINFO(nsPrincipal, nullptr, nsIClassInfo::MAIN_THREAD_ONLY, NS_PRINCIPAL_CID) NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE_CI(nsPrincipal, nsIPrincipal, nsISerializable) NS_IMPL_CI_INTERFACE_GETTER(nsPrincipal, nsIPrincipal, nsISerializable) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsPrincipal, nsBasePrincipal) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsPrincipal, nsBasePrincipal) // Called at startup: /* static */ void nsPrincipal::InitializeStatics() { Preferences::AddBoolVarCache( &gIsWhitelistingTestDomains, "layout.css.unprefixing-service.include-test-domains"); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&gCodeBasePrincipalSupport, "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", false); } nsPrincipal::nsPrincipal() : mAppId(nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID) , mInMozBrowser(false) , mCodebaseImmutable(false) , mDomainImmutable(false) , mInitialized(false) { } nsPrincipal::~nsPrincipal() { } nsresult nsPrincipal::Init(nsIURI *aCodebase, uint32_t aAppId, bool aInMozBrowser) { NS_ENSURE_STATE(!mInitialized); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aCodebase); mInitialized = true; mCodebase = NS_TryToMakeImmutable(aCodebase); mCodebaseImmutable = URIIsImmutable(mCodebase); mAppId = aAppId; mInMozBrowser = aInMozBrowser; return NS_OK; } void nsPrincipal::GetScriptLocation(nsACString &aStr) { mCodebase->GetSpec(aStr); } /* static */ nsresult nsPrincipal::GetOriginForURI(nsIURI* aURI, char **aOrigin) { if (!aURI) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } *aOrigin = nullptr; nsCOMPtr origin = NS_GetInnermostURI(aURI); if (!origin) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoCString hostPort; // chrome: URLs don't have a meaningful origin, so make // sure we just get the full spec for them. // XXX this should be removed in favor of the solution in // bug 160042. bool isChrome; nsresult rv = origin->SchemeIs("chrome", &isChrome); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isChrome) { rv = origin->GetAsciiHost(hostPort); // Some implementations return an empty string, treat it as no support // for asciiHost by that implementation. if (hostPort.IsEmpty()) { rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } int32_t port; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isChrome) { rv = origin->GetPort(&port); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isChrome) { if (port != -1) { hostPort.Append(':'); hostPort.AppendInt(port, 10); } nsAutoCString scheme; rv = origin->GetScheme(scheme); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *aOrigin = ToNewCString(scheme + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("://") + hostPort); } else { // Some URIs (e.g., nsSimpleURI) don't support asciiHost. Just // get the full spec. nsAutoCString spec; // XXX nsMozIconURI and nsJARURI don't implement this correctly, they // both fall back to GetSpec. That needs to be fixed. rv = origin->GetAsciiSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *aOrigin = ToNewCString(spec); } return *aOrigin ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetOrigin(char **aOrigin) { return GetOriginForURI(mCodebase, aOrigin); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::EqualsConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal *aOther, bool *aResult) { *aResult = false; if (!aOther) { NS_WARNING("Need a principal to compare this to!"); return NS_OK; } if (aOther == this) { *aResult = true; return NS_OK; } if (!nsScriptSecurityManager::AppAttributesEqual(this, aOther)) { return NS_OK; } // If either the subject or the object has changed its principal by // explicitly setting document.domain then the other must also have // done so in order to be considered the same origin. This prevents // DNS spoofing based on document.domain (154930) nsCOMPtr thisURI; this->GetDomain(getter_AddRefs(thisURI)); bool thisSetDomain = !!thisURI; if (!thisURI) { this->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(thisURI)); } nsCOMPtr otherURI; aOther->GetDomain(getter_AddRefs(otherURI)); bool otherSetDomain = !!otherURI; if (!otherURI) { aOther->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(otherURI)); } *aResult = thisSetDomain == otherSetDomain && nsScriptSecurityManager::SecurityCompareURIs(thisURI, otherURI); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::Equals(nsIPrincipal *aOther, bool *aResult) { *aResult = false; if (!aOther) { NS_WARNING("Need a principal to compare this to!"); return NS_OK; } if (aOther == this) { *aResult = true; return NS_OK; } if (!nsScriptSecurityManager::AppAttributesEqual(this, aOther)) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr otherURI; nsresult rv = aOther->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(otherURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } NS_ASSERTION(mCodebase, "shouldn't be calling this on principals from preferences"); // Compare codebases. *aResult = nsScriptSecurityManager::SecurityCompareURIs(mCodebase, otherURI); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::Subsumes(nsIPrincipal *aOther, bool *aResult) { return Equals(aOther, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::SubsumesConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal *aOther, bool *aResult) { return EqualsConsideringDomain(aOther, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetURI(nsIURI** aURI) { if (mCodebaseImmutable) { NS_ADDREF(*aURI = mCodebase); return NS_OK; } if (!mCodebase) { *aURI = nullptr; return NS_OK; } return NS_EnsureSafeToReturn(mCodebase, aURI); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::CheckMayLoad(nsIURI* aURI, bool aReport, bool aAllowIfInheritsPrincipal) { if (aAllowIfInheritsPrincipal) { // If the caller specified to allow loads of URIs that inherit // our principal, allow the load if this URI inherits its principal if (nsPrincipal::IsPrincipalInherited(aURI)) { return NS_OK; } } // See if aURI is something like a Blob URI that is actually associated with // a principal. nsCOMPtr uriWithPrin = do_QueryInterface(aURI); nsCOMPtr uriPrin; if (uriWithPrin) { uriWithPrin->GetPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(uriPrin)); } if (uriPrin && nsIPrincipal::Subsumes(uriPrin)) { return NS_OK; } if (nsScriptSecurityManager::SecurityCompareURIs(mCodebase, aURI)) { return NS_OK; } // If strict file origin policy is in effect, local files will always fail // SecurityCompareURIs unless they are identical. Explicitly check file origin // policy, in that case. if (nsScriptSecurityManager::GetStrictFileOriginPolicy() && NS_URIIsLocalFile(aURI) && NS_RelaxStrictFileOriginPolicy(aURI, mCodebase)) { return NS_OK; } if (aReport) { nsScriptSecurityManager::ReportError(nullptr, NS_LITERAL_STRING("CheckSameOriginError"), mCodebase, aURI); } return NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI; } void nsPrincipal::SetURI(nsIURI* aURI) { mCodebase = NS_TryToMakeImmutable(aURI); mCodebaseImmutable = URIIsImmutable(mCodebase); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetHashValue(uint32_t* aValue) { NS_PRECONDITION(mCodebase, "Need a codebase"); *aValue = nsScriptSecurityManager::HashPrincipalByOrigin(this); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetDomain(nsIURI** aDomain) { if (!mDomain) { *aDomain = nullptr; return NS_OK; } if (mDomainImmutable) { NS_ADDREF(*aDomain = mDomain); return NS_OK; } return NS_EnsureSafeToReturn(mDomain, aDomain); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::SetDomain(nsIURI* aDomain) { mDomain = NS_TryToMakeImmutable(aDomain); mDomainImmutable = URIIsImmutable(mDomain); // Recompute all wrappers between compartments using this principal and other // non-chrome compartments. AutoSafeJSContext cx; JSPrincipals *principals = nsJSPrincipals::get(static_cast(this)); bool success = js::RecomputeWrappers(cx, js::ContentCompartmentsOnly(), js::CompartmentsWithPrincipals(principals)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(success, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); success = js::RecomputeWrappers(cx, js::CompartmentsWithPrincipals(principals), js::ContentCompartmentsOnly()); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(success, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetJarPrefix(nsACString& aJarPrefix) { MOZ_ASSERT(mAppId != nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID); mozilla::GetJarPrefix(mAppId, mInMozBrowser, aJarPrefix); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetAppStatus(uint16_t* aAppStatus) { *aAppStatus = GetAppStatus(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetAppId(uint32_t* aAppId) { if (mAppId == nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID) { MOZ_ASSERT(false); *aAppId = nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID; return NS_OK; } *aAppId = mAppId; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetIsInBrowserElement(bool* aIsInBrowserElement) { *aIsInBrowserElement = mInMozBrowser; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetUnknownAppId(bool* aUnknownAppId) { *aUnknownAppId = mAppId == nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetIsNullPrincipal(bool* aIsNullPrincipal) { *aIsNullPrincipal = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::GetBaseDomain(nsACString& aBaseDomain) { // For a file URI, we return the file path. if (NS_URIIsLocalFile(mCodebase)) { nsCOMPtr url = do_QueryInterface(mCodebase); if (url) { return url->GetFilePath(aBaseDomain); } } bool hasNoRelativeFlag; nsresult rv = NS_URIChainHasFlags(mCodebase, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_NORELATIVE, &hasNoRelativeFlag); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } if (hasNoRelativeFlag) { return mCodebase->GetSpec(aBaseDomain); } // For everything else, we ask the TLD service via // the ThirdPartyUtil. nsCOMPtr thirdPartyUtil = do_GetService(THIRDPARTYUTIL_CONTRACTID); if (thirdPartyUtil) { return thirdPartyUtil->GetBaseDomain(mCodebase, aBaseDomain); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::Read(nsIObjectInputStream* aStream) { nsCOMPtr supports; nsCOMPtr codebase; nsresult rv = NS_ReadOptionalObject(aStream, true, getter_AddRefs(supports)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } codebase = do_QueryInterface(supports); nsCOMPtr domain; rv = NS_ReadOptionalObject(aStream, true, getter_AddRefs(supports)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } domain = do_QueryInterface(supports); uint32_t appId; rv = aStream->Read32(&appId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool inMozBrowser; rv = aStream->ReadBoolean(&inMozBrowser); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_ReadOptionalObject(aStream, true, getter_AddRefs(supports)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // This may be null. nsCOMPtr csp = do_QueryInterface(supports, &rv); rv = Init(codebase, appId, inMozBrowser); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = SetCsp(csp); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // need to link in the CSP context here (link in the URI of the protected // resource). if (csp) { csp->SetRequestContext(codebase, nullptr, nullptr); } SetDomain(domain); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsPrincipal::Write(nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream) { NS_ENSURE_STATE(mCodebase); nsresult rv = NS_WriteOptionalCompoundObject(aStream, mCodebase, NS_GET_IID(nsIURI), true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = NS_WriteOptionalCompoundObject(aStream, mDomain, NS_GET_IID(nsIURI), true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } aStream->Write32(mAppId); aStream->WriteBoolean(mInMozBrowser); rv = NS_WriteOptionalCompoundObject(aStream, mCSP, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentSecurityPolicy), true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // mCodebaseImmutable and mDomainImmutable will be recomputed based // on the deserialized URIs in Read(). return NS_OK; } uint16_t nsPrincipal::GetAppStatus() { if (mAppId == nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID) { NS_WARNING("Asking for app status on a principal with an unknown app id"); return nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED; } return nsScriptSecurityManager::AppStatusForPrincipal(this); } // Helper-function to indicate whether the CSS Unprefixing Service // whitelist should include dummy domains that are only intended for // use in testing. (Controlled by a pref.) static inline bool IsWhitelistingTestDomains() { return gIsWhitelistingTestDomains; } // Checks if the given URI's host is on our "full domain" whitelist // (i.e. if it's an exact match against a domain that needs unprefixing) static bool IsOnFullDomainWhitelist(nsIURI* aURI) { nsAutoCString hostStr; nsresult rv = aURI->GetHost(hostStr); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); // NOTE: This static whitelist is expected to be short. If that changes, // we should consider a different representation; e.g. hash-set, prefix tree. static const nsLiteralCString sFullDomainsOnWhitelist[] = { // 0th entry only active when testing: NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test1.example.org"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("map.baidu.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("3g.163.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("3glogo.gtimg.com"), // for 3g.163.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("info.3g.qq.com"), // for 3g.qq.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("3gimg.qq.com"), // for 3g.qq.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("img.m.baidu.com"), // for [shucheng|ks].baidu.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.mogujie.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("touch.qunar.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("mjs.sinaimg.cn"), // for sina.cn NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("static.qiyi.com"), // for m.iqiyi.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("www.kuaidi100.com"), // for m.kuaidi100.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.pc6.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.haosou.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.mi.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("wappass.baidu.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.video.baidu.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("m.video.baidu.com"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("imgcache.gtimg.cn"), // for m.v.qq.com }; static const size_t sNumFullDomainsOnWhitelist = MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sFullDomainsOnWhitelist); // Skip 0th (dummy) entry in whitelist, unless a pref is enabled. const size_t firstWhitelistIdx = IsWhitelistingTestDomains() ? 0 : 1; for (size_t i = firstWhitelistIdx; i < sNumFullDomainsOnWhitelist; ++i) { if (hostStr == sFullDomainsOnWhitelist[i]) { return true; } } return false; } // Checks if the given URI's host is on our "base domain" whitelist // (i.e. if it's a subdomain of some host that we've whitelisted as needing // unprefixing for all its subdomains) static bool IsOnBaseDomainWhitelist(nsIURI* aURI) { static const nsLiteralCString sBaseDomainsOnWhitelist[] = { // 0th entry only active when testing: NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test2.example.org"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("tbcdn.cn"), // for m.taobao.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("dpfile.com"), // for m.dianping.com NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("hao123img.com"), // for hao123.com }; static const size_t sNumBaseDomainsOnWhitelist = MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sBaseDomainsOnWhitelist); nsCOMPtr tldService = do_GetService(NS_EFFECTIVETLDSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (tldService) { // Skip 0th test-entry in whitelist, unless the testing pref is enabled. const size_t firstWhitelistIdx = IsWhitelistingTestDomains() ? 0 : 1; // Right now, the test base-domain "test2.example.org" is the only entry in // its whitelist with a nonzero "depth". So we'll only bother going beyond // 0 depth (to 1) if that entry is enabled. (No point in slowing down the // normal codepath, for the benefit of a disabled test domain.) If we add a // "real" base-domain with a depth of >= 1 to our whitelist, we can get rid // of this conditional & just make this a static variable. const uint32_t maxSubdomainDepth = IsWhitelistingTestDomains() ? 1 : 0; for (uint32_t subdomainDepth = 0; subdomainDepth <= maxSubdomainDepth; ++subdomainDepth) { // Get the base domain (to depth |subdomainDepth|) from passed-in URI: nsAutoCString baseDomainStr; nsresult rv = tldService->GetBaseDomain(aURI, subdomainDepth, baseDomainStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // aURI doesn't have |subdomainDepth| levels of subdomains. If we got // here without a match yet, then aURI is not on our whitelist. return false; } // Compare the base domain against each entry in our whitelist: for (size_t i = firstWhitelistIdx; i < sNumBaseDomainsOnWhitelist; ++i) { if (baseDomainStr == sBaseDomainsOnWhitelist[i]) { return true; } } } } return false; } // The actual (non-cached) implementation of IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist(): static bool IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelistImpl(nsIURI* aURI) { // Check scheme, so we can drop any non-HTTP/HTTPS URIs right away nsAutoCString schemeStr; nsresult rv = aURI->GetScheme(schemeStr); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); // Only proceed if scheme is "http" or "https" if (!(StringBeginsWith(schemeStr, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http")) && (schemeStr.Length() == 4 || (schemeStr.Length() == 5 && schemeStr[4] == 's')))) { return false; } return (IsOnFullDomainWhitelist(aURI) || IsOnBaseDomainWhitelist(aURI)); } bool nsPrincipal::IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist() { if (mIsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist.isNothing()) { // Value not cached -- perform our lazy whitelist-check. // (NOTE: If our URI is mutable, we just assume it's not on the whitelist, // since our caching strategy won't work. This isn't expected to be common.) mIsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist.emplace( mCodebaseImmutable && IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelistImpl(mCodebase)); } return *mIsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist; } /************************************************************************************************************************/ static const char EXPANDED_PRINCIPAL_SPEC[] = "[Expanded Principal]"; NS_IMPL_CLASSINFO(nsExpandedPrincipal, nullptr, nsIClassInfo::MAIN_THREAD_ONLY, NS_EXPANDEDPRINCIPAL_CID) NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE_CI(nsExpandedPrincipal, nsIPrincipal, nsIExpandedPrincipal) NS_IMPL_CI_INTERFACE_GETTER(nsExpandedPrincipal, nsIPrincipal, nsIExpandedPrincipal) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsExpandedPrincipal, nsBasePrincipal) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsExpandedPrincipal, nsBasePrincipal) nsExpandedPrincipal::nsExpandedPrincipal(nsTArray > &aWhiteList) { mPrincipals.AppendElements(aWhiteList); } nsExpandedPrincipal::~nsExpandedPrincipal() { } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetDomain(nsIURI** aDomain) { *aDomain = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::SetDomain(nsIURI* aDomain) { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetOrigin(char** aOrigin) { *aOrigin = ToNewCString(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(EXPANDED_PRINCIPAL_SPEC)); return *aOrigin ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } typedef nsresult (NS_STDCALL nsIPrincipal::*nsIPrincipalMemFn)(nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult); #define CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION(THIS,MEM_FN) ((THIS)->*(MEM_FN)) // nsExpandedPrincipal::Equals and nsExpandedPrincipal::EqualsConsideringDomain // shares the same logic. The difference only that Equals requires 'this' // and 'aOther' to Subsume each other while EqualsConsideringDomain requires // bidirectional SubsumesConsideringDomain. static nsresult Equals(nsExpandedPrincipal* aThis, nsIPrincipalMemFn aFn, nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { // If (and only if) 'aThis' and 'aOther' both Subsume/SubsumesConsideringDomain // each other, then they are Equal. *aResult = false; // Calling the corresponding subsume function on this (aFn). nsresult rv = CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION(aThis, aFn)(aOther, aResult); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!*aResult) return NS_OK; // Calling the corresponding subsume function on aOther (aFn). rv = CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION(aOther, aFn)(aThis, aResult); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::Equals(nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { return ::Equals(this, &nsIPrincipal::Subsumes, aOther, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::EqualsConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { return ::Equals(this, &nsIPrincipal::SubsumesConsideringDomain, aOther, aResult); } // nsExpandedPrincipal::Subsumes and nsExpandedPrincipal::SubsumesConsideringDomain // shares the same logic. The difference only that Subsumes calls are replaced //with SubsumesConsideringDomain calls in the second case. static nsresult Subsumes(nsExpandedPrincipal* aThis, nsIPrincipalMemFn aFn, nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr expanded = do_QueryInterface(aOther); if (expanded) { // If aOther is an ExpandedPrincipal too, check if all of its // principals are subsumed. nsTArray< nsCOMPtr >* otherList; expanded->GetWhiteList(&otherList); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherList->Length(); ++i){ rv = CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION(aThis, aFn)((*otherList)[i], aResult); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!*aResult) { // If we don't subsume at least one principal of aOther, return false. return NS_OK; } } } else { // For a regular aOther, one of our principals must subsume it. nsTArray< nsCOMPtr >* list; aThis->GetWhiteList(&list); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list->Length(); ++i){ rv = CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION((*list)[i], aFn)(aOther, aResult); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (*aResult) { // If one of our principal subsumes it, return true. return NS_OK; } } } return NS_OK; } #undef CALL_MEMBER_FUNCTION NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::Subsumes(nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { return ::Subsumes(this, &nsIPrincipal::Subsumes, aOther, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::SubsumesConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal* aOther, bool* aResult) { return ::Subsumes(this, &nsIPrincipal::SubsumesConsideringDomain, aOther, aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::CheckMayLoad(nsIURI* uri, bool aReport, bool aAllowIfInheritsPrincipal) { nsresult rv; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPrincipals.Length(); ++i){ rv = mPrincipals[i]->CheckMayLoad(uri, aReport, aAllowIfInheritsPrincipal); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return rv; } return NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetHashValue(uint32_t* result) { MOZ_CRASH("extended principal should never be used as key in a hash map"); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetURI(nsIURI** aURI) { *aURI = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetWhiteList(nsTArray >** aWhiteList) { *aWhiteList = &mPrincipals; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetJarPrefix(nsACString& aJarPrefix) { aJarPrefix.Truncate(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetAppStatus(uint16_t* aAppStatus) { *aAppStatus = nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetAppId(uint32_t* aAppId) { *aAppId = nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetIsInBrowserElement(bool* aIsInBrowserElement) { *aIsInBrowserElement = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetUnknownAppId(bool* aUnknownAppId) { *aUnknownAppId = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetIsNullPrincipal(bool* aIsNullPrincipal) { *aIsNullPrincipal = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::GetBaseDomain(nsACString& aBaseDomain) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } bool nsExpandedPrincipal::IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist() { // CSS Unprefixing Whitelist is a per-origin thing; doesn't really make sense // for an expanded principal. (And probably shouldn't be needed.) return false; } void nsExpandedPrincipal::GetScriptLocation(nsACString& aStr) { aStr.Assign(EXPANDED_PRINCIPAL_SPEC); aStr.AppendLiteral(" ("); for (size_t i = 0; i < mPrincipals.Length(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { aStr.AppendLiteral(", "); } nsAutoCString spec; nsJSPrincipals::get(mPrincipals.ElementAt(i))->GetScriptLocation(spec); aStr.Append(spec); } aStr.Append(")"); } #ifdef DEBUG void nsExpandedPrincipal::dumpImpl() { fprintf(stderr, "nsExpandedPrincipal (%p)\n", static_cast(this)); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods implementing nsISerializable // ////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::Read(nsIObjectInputStream* aStream) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsExpandedPrincipal::Write(nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }